Refusing to date trans people - now transphobia


I dont know what a “trans woman” is supposed to be

I had to painfully work it out because of all the confusing news articles saying some transwoman shot several people somewhere ---

Okay, if they say transwoman, that means it's a man. Usually into male prostitution.

If they say transmale, that means it's a girl who wants to be a boy.

That's right. Sonny and Cher's daughter is a "Transmale"

I dont know what a “trans woman” is supposed to be

I had to painfully work it out because of all the confusing news articles saying some transwoman shot several people somewhere ---

Okay, if they say transwoman, that means it's a man. Usually into male prostitution.

If they say transmale, that means it's a girl who wants to be a boy.

That's right. Sonny and Cher's daughter is a "Transmale"
Seems like it would be a trans female because it is in transition to "becoming" "female"

I dont know what a “trans woman” is supposed to be

I had to painfully work it out because of all the confusing news articles saying some transwoman shot several people somewhere ---

Okay, if they say transwoman, that means it's a man. Usually into male prostitution.

If they say transmale, that means it's a girl who wants to be a boy.

That's right. Sonny and Cher's daughter is a "Transmale"
To me thats just a female pretending to be a man
I absolutely would not be interested in any kind of sexual relationship with someone who was born a male.

If that makes me transphobia, then no problem.

And no Joe, I do not harbor any secret desires to poke a dude. I simply want my women to be REAL females.
Here's a great tweet in reply to the OP tweet:

Mikey Gunz


Jan 18

Replying to
I'm sorry you have been born into this confusing world that is so wicked and cannot tell you the truth. Trans ppl have mental issues and as hard as it is, realize it, find ways to accept the way you were born, stop insisting that the 98% have to conform to your insanity.
I absolutely would not be interested in any kind of sexual relationship with someone who was born a male.

If that makes me transphobia, then no problem.

And no Joe, I do not harbor any secret desires to poke a dude. I simply want my women to be REAL females.


So you would have no attraction at all to a "woman" like Heather Swanson?

It's ok Joe B, no one is saying you can't date trans-men or women for that matter. Just don't force their penises near our children.

Who said anything about kids? Why do you guys always drag kids into this?

It seems to me that whenever you guys start talking about "the children", it usually means you know that you don't have an argument beyond your own insecurities. are even weirder than the tranny people. I mean c'mon many posts do you have now? 5 million?:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::flirtysmile4:

Nobody thinks like you. 90% of the country thinks tranny folks are mental cases.:hello77:
P.S. My last date was on May 3rd of last year and it was actually my first one that wasn't a group gathering.
I'm going to guess it didn't go too well.
Actually I have no complaints and the guy that I went out with and I are still on good terms even after I let him know just how old school I really am. Neither one of us are anything like the drama filled people that you see on TV all the time.

God bless you and him always!!!

Date??? They're lucky we don't hunt them for sport like in "The Most Dangerous Game."
It's actually a bit more than that. Many trans women have elected to retain their penis and consider themselves lesbians. Lesbians who prefer biological women and reject intercourse are one of the main targets.

An odd term that I somewhere came across in reference to this complaint: “cotton ceiling”

It refers to the barrier that mentally-defective men who claim to be “transwomen” and lesbians encounter, when actual lesbians refuse to have sexual relationships with them.
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You can... But all your arguments boil down to "I think it's icky" and "My Imaginary Fairy In the Sky says it's Bad".

Neither is a compelling argument to thinking people.
No my arguments are no one should be compelled to have sex against their will. No matter what the reason is.

I think a big part of JoeB131's problem is that “against their will” is the only way that anyone would ever engage in any sexual activity with him.
It puts a whole new slant on Norman Bates in his mother's dress.

A "transwoman" that has intact and working male genitalia but who enjoys penetrative intercourse exclusively with biological woman is a man. Not a woman. Not a transwoman. A normal heterosexual male that likes to wear a dress.

Not normal, but otherwise, you're exactly right.

It's not normal for a man to dress as a woman, and it's not normal for a man to claim to be a “transwoman”, nor in any other way to be in any way female. That is severely abnormal, and disordered.
I absolutely would not be interested in any kind of sexual relationship with someone who was born a male.

If that makes me transphobia, then no problem.

And no Joe, I do not harbor any secret desires to poke a dude. I simply want my women to be REAL females.

Perhaps someone with a JoeB131 level of desperation might take what he can get.

Normal people rarely experience that level of sexual desperation.
Transgingers have to say it....they have to be clear they are men and not not women

They have to be truthful otherwise the date won't have a happy ending.

that's all ...and with reason ,people don''t like to be lied to or have the truth omitted

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