Refuting retarded rightwinger claims on the black vote

why do the people on the right pretend the Rs dont cheat in elections to keep blacks from voting?

Why do they ignore these court documented facts that stretch into decades?

Why is the American vote not sacred to them?
I'm tired of hearing rightwing retards make the claim that most blacks are racist because 96% voted for Obama 3 years ago,..............!

Ok most blacks (given that 96% of them voted for BHO in 2008) are stupid America hating trash who knowingly voted for a Marxist who could not legally hold the Office for which he was campaigning.

Feel better now??????

Retarded monkey, if Obama isn't legally able to hold office why is he in there? You know more about the law than the law itself? Clownish monkeyoid!

Whom ever seems like a better parent will get the black vote
Dickhead, if somebody says most blacks are racist because 96% of blacks voted for Obama what Charlie just debunked because you dumbfucks are saying the only reason 96% of blacks voted for Obama is because he's blacks, but if the same blacks wouldn't vote in those same numbers for those four black Repugs how does that make blacks racist?

So how is the TPM or Republican Party racist because they are mostly white? I mean outside of the fact that most of the Democrat party is white and all due to there being more whites than blacks in the country. How come so many of the left allow people like Rtard/RW and TM (and others) point out what % of 'conservatives" are white and that they vote that way?

Blacks vote Dem because so many of them have been bought off. Many blacks believe the Democrat party has and does help them based on their skin color (racism lol) and the Dems are proud of that. Fact is, just like with Gays the Democratic party has no better track record then the Republican party.

As a general but true statement, neither R nor D has the best interest of people in mind.

Hmm, so you defend him but he says Republicans hate gays, women, children and well, just people as a whole... Why would I listen to such a worthless poster like you on any subject? You're a Troll at best.

If you don’t know that the “black vote” has been bought for years then you might wana consider not posting or paying a whole lot of attention to politics as your behind the “yeah, duh” curve on some of the basics.
You're not 'black', you're mixed race.... at least that's what you say you are.

Didn't Charlie tell you to stay off the board. He told me that he'd dealt with you. :lol::lol:

I am black, not whatever you say I am.

You're a bigot based off this thread alone and probaly a racist as well...

Its funny that since Obama has been in office white people have been acting like oppressed monkeys who don't get enough bananas to eat and vines to swing on with their repeated false accusations of blacks being racist. All it shows and exposes is their own latent racism and hatred of having a black man as prez.
why do the people on the right pretend the Rs dont cheat in elections to keep blacks from voting?

Why do they ignore these court documented facts that stretch into decades?

Why is the American vote not sacred to them?

This here folks is why grossly obese/mentally retarded people shouldn't post on these political forums... It takes of space while making everyone they infect dumber.

Btw, that's a fact based on logic and truthiness and is proven in a lab x100.
I am black, not whatever you say I am.

You're a bigot based off this thread alone and probaly a racist as well...

Its funny that since Obama has been in office white people have been acting like oppressed monkeys who don't get enough bananas to eat and vines to swing on with their repeated false accusations of blacks being racist. All it shows and exposes is their own latent racism and hatred of having a black man as prez.

Did you just call white people monkeys? You do realize you're a racist too...

How does it feel to make a thread and the only people (and only a couple at that lol) that agree with you are other Bigots/racists while most the boards makes fun of you.

I do believe you enjoy the fact that the internet hides your face, if you talked like this in a room full of people (mixed races) you would find that people avoid even eye contact with you.
why do the people on the right pretend the Rs dont cheat in elections to keep blacks from voting?

Why do they ignore these court documented facts that stretch into decades?

Why is the American vote not sacred to them?

This here folks is why grossly obese/mentally retarded people shouldn't post on these political forums... It takes of space while making everyone they infect dumber.

Btw, that's a fact based on logic and truthiness and is proven in a lab x100.

So you deny the court documented proof exsists?

Calling people names for forcing you to accept cold hard facts is pretty insane
You're a bigot based off this thread alone and probaly a racist as well...

Its funny that since Obama has been in office white people have been acting like oppressed monkeys who don't get enough bananas to eat and vines to swing on with their repeated false accusations of blacks being racist. All it shows and exposes is their own latent racism and hatred of having a black man as prez.

Did you just call white people monkeys? You do realize you're a racist too...

How does it feel to make a thread and the only people (and only a couple at that lol) that agree with you are other Bigots/racists while most the boards makes fun of you.

I do believe you enjoy the fact that the internet hides your face, if you talked like this in a room full of people (mixed races) you would find that people avoid even eye contact with you.

When did I call white people monkeys? Now you shut up monkey and pay attention, my thread's main point was that the same 96% who voted for Obama would have voted for Hilary or some other Democratic candidate because blacks vote Democratic very strong strongly, now you apes can make the argument that blacks are racist for voting for Obama so now the argument is that those 96% are stupid?

why do the people on the right pretend the Rs dont cheat in elections to keep blacks from voting?

Why do they ignore these court documented facts that stretch into decades?

Why is the American vote not sacred to them?

This here folks is why grossly obese/mentally retarded people shouldn't post on these political forums... It takes of space while making everyone they infect dumber.

Btw, that's a fact based on logic and truthiness and is proven in a lab x100.

So you deny the court documented proof exsists?

Calling people names for forcing you to accept cold hard facts is pretty insane

TM, I’m not a Republican so I don’t care about your attacks meant to sidetrack the debate. I can show you video of blacks harassing white to vote for Obama but you’re so Obama cock hungry that you agree with voter intimidation/fraud when it’s on your side.

TM, you are worthless, you’re everything you hate about Bush and his retarded followers. You support big evil companies, rich people getting bailouts/tax cuts… you support endless and ever-growing wars, homeland security, torture and so on… You’re a parody of the bushbots in how extreme you are. You make a thread and literally no one cares what you have to say because it takes moments to proves you’re full of shit. You’re the boards punching bag and people love beating the crap outa you because it inspires so many to not think like you.

You’re a race baiting Troll who believes by “calling me out” on calling you names somehow exempts you from blame when you make sweeping allegations condemning tens of millions of people based off their skin color, where they live and even if they have an accent you might find funny or more honestly put, an accent you find “stupid sounding.”

You demonstrate many of the values of the Democratic Party on a daily basis. You go out of your way to identify a person’s sexuality/skin color just to exploit it by claiming due to their differences you can give them more or more to the point, teat them differently in hopes of gaining their support/vote.

The Republican party does in fact have many bad qualities TM, however you give them a run for their money.

Get back to cheerleading Obama’s wars, he has an election goin on!
Its funny that since Obama has been in office white people have been acting like oppressed monkeys who don't get enough bananas to eat and vines to swing on with their repeated false accusations of blacks being racist. All it shows and exposes is their own latent racism and hatred of having a black man as prez.

Did you just call white people monkeys? You do realize you're a racist too...

How does it feel to make a thread and the only people (and only a couple at that lol) that agree with you are other Bigots/racists while most the boards makes fun of you.

I do believe you enjoy the fact that the internet hides your face, if you talked like this in a room full of people (mixed races) you would find that people avoid even eye contact with you.

When did I call white people monkeys? Now you shut up monkey and pay attention, my thread's main point was that the same 96% who voted for Obama would have voted for Hilary or some other Democratic candidate because blacks vote Democratic very strong strongly, now you apes can make the argument that blacks are racist for voting for Obama so now the argument is that those 96% are stupid?


You do know I'm black right...? You just called me specifically a monkey and posted a picture of a monkey... WTF is wrong with you?
Also I said Democrats have done their best to buy the black vote, not that blacks are racist by voting for Democrats.
I'm tired of hearing rightwing retards make the claim that most blacks are racist because 96% voted for Obama 3 years ago, well those same 96% would never vote for Herman Cain Allen West, Allan Keyes, Clarence Thomas, etc if those same four candidates ran against Hilary Clinton in a presidential election, so that about refutes any notion that most blacks are racist because 96% voted for Obama. Herman Cain Allen West, Alan Keyes, and Clarence Thomas would *NEVER* get 96% of any black against any white Democratic candidate, blacks would never vote for any of those four idiots for the reason that they're candidates. Stupid rightwing monkeys!

I'll buy that. Liberals vote for liberals (when they vote)

Now how come conservatives who would never have voted for Hillary, Biden etc are labeled racists for not voting for Obama?
Did you just call white people monkeys? You do realize you're a racist too...

How does it feel to make a thread and the only people (and only a couple at that lol) that agree with you are other Bigots/racists while most the boards makes fun of you.

I do believe you enjoy the fact that the internet hides your face, if you talked like this in a room full of people (mixed races) you would find that people avoid even eye contact with you.

When did I call white people monkeys? Now you shut up monkey and pay attention, my thread's main point was that the same 96% who voted for Obama would have voted for Hilary or some other Democratic candidate because blacks vote Democratic very strong strongly, now you apes can make the argument that blacks are racist for voting for Obama so now the argument is that those 96% are stupid?


You do know I'm black right...? You just called me specifically a monkey and posted a picture of a monkey... WTF is wrong with you?

Really? Well I don't take it back, it proves I'm not a racist, better to be a monkey than a house Negro, monkeys have an excuse at least because they lack the brains to use human comprehension. When its all over, I'll come to Oregon and we can get some fried chicken, potato salad, baked macaroni cheese and cornbread and wash it down with Kool Aid and just laugh about it, sound cool? You feel better now?
I'm tired of hearing rightwing retards make the claim that most blacks are racist because 96% voted for Obama 3 years ago, well those same 96% would never vote for Herman Cain Allen West, Allan Keyes, Clarence Thomas, etc if those same four candidates ran against Hilary Clinton in a presidential election, so that about refutes any notion that most blacks are racist because 96% voted for Obama. Herman Cain Allen West, Alan Keyes, and Clarence Thomas would *NEVER* get 96% of any black against any white Democratic candidate, blacks would never vote for any of those four idiots for the reason that they're candidates. Stupid rightwing monkeys!

I'll buy that. Liberals vote for liberals (when they vote)

Now how come conservatives who would never have voted for Hillary, Biden etc are labeled racists for not voting for Obama?

Who made that claim?
This here folks is why grossly obese/mentally retarded people shouldn't post on these political forums... It takes of space while making everyone they infect dumber.

Btw, that's a fact based on logic and truthiness and is proven in a lab x100.

So you deny the court documented proof exsists?

Calling people names for forcing you to accept cold hard facts is pretty insane

TM, I’m not a Republican so I don’t care about your attacks meant to sidetrack the debate. I can show you video of blacks harassing white to vote for Obama but you’re so Obama cock hungry that you agree with voter intimidation/fraud when it’s on your side.

TM, you are worthless, you’re everything you hate about Bush and his retarded followers. You support big evil companies, rich people getting bailouts/tax cuts… you support endless and ever-growing wars, homeland security, torture and so on… You’re a parody of the bushbots in how extreme you are. You make a thread and literally no one cares what you have to say because it takes moments to proves you’re full of shit. You’re the boards punching bag and people love beating the crap outa you because it inspires so many to not think like you.

You’re a race baiting Troll who believes by “calling me out” on calling you names somehow exempts you from blame when you make sweeping allegations condemning tens of millions of people based off their skin color, where they live and even if they have an accent you might find funny or more honestly put, an accent you find “stupid sounding.”

You demonstrate many of the values of the Democratic Party on a daily basis. You go out of your way to identify a person’s sexuality/skin color just to exploit it by claiming due to their differences you can give them more or more to the point, teat them differently in hopes of gaining their support/vote.

The Republican party does in fact have many bad qualities TM, however you give them a run for their money.

Get back to cheerleading Obama’s wars, he has an election goin on!

so the facts mean nothing to you?

You continue to pretend the party of racism is the one that people of color vote for in mass numbers?

I love how you righties think if you just call yourself something else then your failed ideas will now work.

Your responsibility once having the information is to make the republican party pay for their disrespect of the sanctity of the vote.

Instead you just say "oh Im not a repulbican and the dems are reallhy the racists".

Its an insane arguement and it proves you have no more respect for the right to vote than anyone who proudly calls themselves republicans.

That is why this country was allowed to made a mess of in the name of right wing ideas.
There are no white people in Haiti, how are things going on the island that was once the most richest and beautiful place in the world?
When did I call white people monkeys? Now you shut up monkey and pay attention, my thread's main point was that the same 96% who voted for Obama would have voted for Hilary or some other Democratic candidate because blacks vote Democratic very strong strongly, now you apes can make the argument that blacks are racist for voting for Obama so now the argument is that those 96% are stupid?


You do know I'm black right...? You just called me specifically a monkey and posted a picture of a monkey... WTF is wrong with you?

Really? Well I don't take it back, it proves I'm not a racist, better to be a monkey than a house Negro, monkeys have an excuse at least because they lack the brains to use human comprehension. When its all over, I'll come to Oregon and we can get some fried chicken, potato salad, baked macaroni cheese and cornbread and wash it down with Kool Aid and just laugh about it, sound cool? You feel better now?

You're a racist, so why would I think you would take it back? You seem more filled with hate than normal, did you just get back from your KKK meeting?
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