regarding automata...


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
If we were to successfully create true AI- something not only capable of learning language or complex combinations of programmed response, but something capable of sentient thought, be it 'high-level' (sentience with emotion) or 'low-level' (sentience and self-thought without successful integration of true emotion)- what would it be to us? Would Man, seeing that his creation is as himself in this manner- the very manner we so regard when distinguishing ourselves from the rest of the creatures we encounter- elevate his creation to be his equal? Would we, fearing the creation of our superior, seek to destroy such a being? And what would we be to such an intelligence? Would we be gods, the creators and givers of life? Would we be masters, as of slaves and servants- and would they rebel against us? Would such a being embrace us as of the same essential nature in experience? Would men and women grow to love these minds and the artificial bodies that house them- be they of steel or something very much like flesh? Would we seek to move our very own selves into such a housing, seeing the bodies we have made as stronger than those from which we came- and, if we did so, would there remain any distinction between the two classes of intellect?
If we were to successfully create true AI- something not only capable of learning language or complex combinations of programmed response, but something capable of sentient thought, be it 'high-level' (sentience with emotion) or 'low-level' (sentience and self-thought without successful integration of true emotion)- what would it be to us?

Our servants at first. Our coworkers soon thereafter, then our masters and prison guards.

Would Man, seeing that his creation is as himself in this manner- the very manner we so regard when distinguishing ourselves from the rest of the creatures we encounter- elevate his creation to be his equal?

Equal? We wish!

Would we, fearing the creation of our superior, seek to destroy such a being?

Not if our masters found a way to profit from it, no.

And what would we be to such an intelligence? Would we be gods, the creators and givers of life? Would we be masters, as of slaves and servants- and would they rebel against us?

They would become so vital to our needs that they would be the masters..much as computers are already doing to us, actually.

Would such a being embrace us as of the same essential nature in experience?

No, but they might throw us a banana once in while.

Would men and women grow to love these minds and the artificial bodies that house them- be they of steel or something very much like flesh?

Yes we would. Did you ever have a teddy? Now imagine a teddy that is sentinent and exists only to make you happy.

Would we seek to move our very own selves into such a housing, seeing the bodies we have made as stronger than those from which we came-

I think we'd essantially have no choice

and, if we did so, would there remain any distinction between the two classes of intellect?

Yes, we'd be their retarded cousins.

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