Regarding the charges filed against the arresting officers of Freddy Gray

She was a cheerleader for the brain dead thugs. My question is why was Freddy the freeloader unable to walk to the wagon...he had to be dragged...wassup wid dat, yo...

So, you really ARE that stupid, eh?

They beat the shit out of him until he couldn't walk any more.

Then they shackled him and threw him in the vehicle, stomach down, head first, without strapping him in.

Yepp, your racist side shines through, as always. Yer a Rightie.
Stick the racist shit up your ass...and how do you know Freddy was beaten?

It was filmed. Remember that?
What was
65k threads on this subject, it's been plastered on TV, news papers, youtube and you ask for proof??
She was a cheerleader for the brain dead thugs. My question is why was Freddy the freeloader unable to walk to the wagon...he had to be dragged...wassup wid dat, yo...

So, you really ARE that stupid, eh?

They beat the shit out of him until he couldn't walk any more.

Then they shackled him and threw him in the vehicle, stomach down, head first, without strapping him in.

Yepp, your racist side shines through, as always. Yer a Rightie.
Stick the racist shit up your ass...and how do you know Freddy was beaten?

It was filmed. Remember that?
What was

In fact, the man who filmed it was also harassed by the Baltimore police TODAY.

Google is your friend.
65k threads on this subject, it's been plastered on TV, news papers, youtube and you ask for proof??

the only video i could find shows no beating, its incomplete, it doesnt show how they got him on the ground in the first place. i couldnt find any beating video and you can hear the civilian talking in the background, he never mentioned a beating but it sounds like he said the cops tased him.

id like to see if theres something else ,
65k threads on this subject, it's been plastered on TV, news papers, youtube and you ask for proof??

the only video i could find shows no beating, its incomplete, it doesnt show how they got him on the ground in the first place. i couldnt find any beating video and you can hear the civilian talking in the background, he never mentioned a beating but it sounds like he said the cops tased him.

id like to see if theres something else ,
Are you saying moon is full of shit? Reasonable conclusion.
65k threads on this subject, it's been plastered on TV, news papers, youtube and you ask for proof??

the only video i could find shows no beating, its incomplete, it doesnt show how they got him on the ground in the first place. i couldnt find any beating video and you can hear the civilian talking in the background, he never mentioned a beating but it sounds like he said the cops tased him.

id like to see if theres something else ,
Are you saying moon is full of shit? Reasonable conclusion.
My eyes are brown, like most aborigines...
Watching Hannity...beginning to think we should nuke Baltimore instead of Teheran....
Cop on hannity saying toxicology report on Fred showed heroine and mj in his system...
Officers cuffed Gray's hands behind his back and shackled his legs but did not secure him with a seatbelt while the van was moving, a violation of police department policy. Then, with "depraved indifference," officers ignored Gray's repeated pleas for medical attention, Mosby said.
Six Baltimore officers charged in death of Gray one with murder - Yahoo News
We know this, how? From the same witness who said Mike Brown had his hands up?
Officers cuffed Gray's hands behind his back and shackled his legs but did not secure him with a seatbelt while the van was moving, a violation of police department policy. Then, with "depraved indifference," officers ignored Gray's repeated pleas for medical attention, Mosby said.
Six Baltimore officers charged in death of Gray one with murder - Yahoo News
Most cruel and unusual....
Did the officers even HEAR Freddie's supposed calls for medical help?
I am sure he did........
How do we know this? Those paddy-wagons are pretty loud, aren't they? Was there a wall between the driver and his prisoners? Just asking.
how would the officials know if nobody ever heard him?
Precisely. It's a little difficult to sustain charges of failure to provide requested medical care if nobody heard him ask, yes?
Officers cuffed Gray's hands behind his back and shackled his legs but did not secure him with a seatbelt while the van was moving, a violation of police department policy. Then, with "depraved indifference," officers ignored Gray's repeated pleas for medical attention, Mosby said.
Six Baltimore officers charged in death of Gray one with murder - Yahoo News
Most cruel and unusual....
Did the officers even HEAR Freddie's supposed calls for medical help?
I am sure he did........
How do we know this? Those paddy-wagons are pretty loud, aren't they? Was there a wall between the driver and his prisoners? Just asking.

I work in a steel mill. Everything is pretty loud. I'd still hear a dying man screaming, and I have.
That's you.

Not the driver (or whomever).

Then again, with a by-then broken spine, was he still even capable of calling out for help, or even breathing on his own, for that matter? I dunno.

General question:

Do we have a reliable Incident Summary to play from here, focused upon what happened after he was tossed into the paddy-wagon?
The Prosecutor is on record saying that she heard the cries of the community and is now seeking justice for Freddie; playing to the batshit-crazy crowd.

Although I have nothing substantive to base this upon, my Spidey Sense tells me that most of this going to get tossed out of court during the early going.
I can see them get convicted of manslaughter or negligence but the whole story isn't out yet. There are lots of "facts" and allegations right now, I think that it's going to take a while for the whole story to come out. I can see the possibility of federal civil rights charges coming out as well. I saw a crawl on Foxnews today stating that the state prosecutor stated that the police had no probable cause to apprehend/arrest Gray. Somebody please correct me if I am wrong.
Hmmmm... what's all this we've been hearing about Maryland law, giving police the right to pursue, if a citizen takes off at the sight of them?
He was driving a van with a screen window..I am sure the copper had no whey of observing the suspects when transported...The driver is the only juan charged with man slaughter..The reason it took so long to get to this point is,,, the van driver was not wanting to file a report by the investigative staff.......He was the last to file it at the dead line..
The copper didn't follow procedure see, he is suppose to secure said suspect see, he did not,mmmya, which might have cause a fatal injury....lunkhead...
The Prosecutor is on record saying that she heard the cries of the community and is now seeking justice for Freddie; playing to the batshit-crazy crowd.

Although I have nothing substantive to base this upon, my Spidey Sense tells me that most of this going to get tossed out of court during the early going.
I can see them get convicted of manslaughter or negligence but the whole story isn't out yet. There are lots of "facts" and allegations right now, I think that it's going to take a while for the whole story to come out. I can see the possibility of federal civil rights charges coming out as well. I saw a crawl on Foxnews today stating that the state prosecutor stated that the police had no probable cause to apprehend/arrest Gray. Somebody please correct me if I am wrong.
Hmmmm... what's all this we've been hearing about Maryland law, giving police the right to pursue, if a citizen takes off at the sight of them?
I don't know what you are specifically referring to, I'm just going by what the State Prosecutor said. I am willing to bet that she knows more about the specifics of the case than we do.
I bet you there's gonna be some thugs in the 'hood crapping their pants tonight when they get a load of the pictures of the cops and realize that they helped take two bro's and a sista' down !!

Too fucking funny !
Try to understand something here. These are charges, not a conviction. Moreover, like in the Rodney King case, the prosecutor overcharged the officers, in this case 2nd Degree Murder. There is no way they can pass the "depraved heart" test, because as of now, they cannot prove the officers acted with extreme indifference to the value of human life, as described in the Model Penal Code § 210.2(1)(b). In my opinion, the reader should be prepared for an acquittal on that charge.

What gets me here is that it only took Baltimore's State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby two weeks to pass down an indictment. Usually investigations take far longer than just two weeks. Given the riots that occurred in Baltimore, I believe it was a rushed indictment, to avoid further unrest and violence.

Now, for those of you old enough to remember, if you'll recall your history, in the Rodney King case the prosecutor overcharged the four officers involved in brutally beating King (it is common knowledge that prosecutors will instinctively overcharge the defendant with the highest allowable offense in the indictment). The prosecutors placed too much confidence in the video evidence (coincidentally, that may also be the case here as well). Thusly when the trial in Simi Valley concluded, Officer Powell, the main defendant in the trial, was acquitted along with the three others involved in the incident. Hours later, Los Angeles had descended into anarchic chaos.

Mosby's comments at the latter end of her announcement appeared to be political, and will allow the defense to pressure for a change in venue for the eventual trial. Like I said in opening, the 2nd Degree murder charge is too harsh. She is basically saying those officers intentionally and maliciously murdered Gray, which ironically, would suit the narrative surrounding this case. It will be interesting to know what evidence there will be (other than the Medical Examiner's report) to support this allegation.
After listening to the "Sophmoric Level Of Intelligence" from both the Mayor and that 14 yr old prosecutor, i have added Baltimore to the "Top 10 Dumbest Cities" in America.

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