Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

The bigger issue is what will be left of America once Obamas work here is done?

Not going to end well


^ this

Democrats are doing all they can to start a Civil War

Obama and the Dems, acting on orders from their paymaster and Nazi Supporter George Soros, still have to play the "Tank the US Dollar" card. That will cause havoc and unrest like we haven't seen in 150 years
And Obama would salivate at Marshal Law.

Let them start on my street.

That's how bad it has become

Mr. Reid should realize that his war on tradition will be met with another kind of war. We can play the take no survivors game just as well as he, and we will, too.
They have no idea.
Meister pointed out that Obamacare signup sheets ask for detailed information on gun ownership. All Democrats like Feinstein have to do is to find a doctor with a secret, threaten to expose him if he says anything, and make him declare patients of their choosing as mentally defective, and take away their registered guns. I don't have a gun, but I am loaded for bear. :evil:

Indeed. The Statists are out in the control is their mantra. Subvert, at all control. I was in that thread, and I read it. You are correct. I am very angry at what these people are doing. Our leftist bretheren see nothing wrong...They're going to find out soon enough...
The bigger issue is what will be left of America once Obamas work here is done?

Not going to end well


^ this

Democrats are doing all they can to start a Civil War

Obama and the Dems, acting on orders from their paymaster and Nazi Supporter George Soros, still have to play the "Tank the US Dollar" card. That will cause havoc and unrest like we haven't seen in 150 years
And Obama would salivate at Marshal Law.

Now what law did George have to do with that you consider applicable to this fruitcake prediction?
Republicans have approved of 99% of Obama's nominations.

So you're just making up numbers now?

No packing has taken place yet.

On the contrary, it has. Words mean things, and you don't get to change them to match your politically correct mantras.

"Court packing" has never referred to the standard filling of judicial vacancies. It refers to changing the number of judges on the court. As Roosevelt did with the Supreme Court, or as the Republicans were trying by decreasing judge numbers, by refusing almost all confirmations that weren't extreme conservatives.

But now Democrats have opened the door to it. Partisan packing on the left now. Partisan packing on the right in the future.

No. Heck no. Again, simply filling vacancies has never been considered court packing. You're rewriting history to make that claim.

If you had been willing to compromise in any way and just let some of the confirmations through, this wouldn't have happened. But you wouldn't let any through, refusing all compromise. You were warned what would happen if you refused compromise, you wouldn't listen, and now you're paying the price.

Remember, this isn't over. If you fail to learn your lesson and continue to act badly, the filibuster can be ended for more things. Don't be like a middle school kid raging to the teacher that the detention he got for acting badly was so unfair, because that will just get you more detention.
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They have no idea.
Meister pointed out that Obamacare signup sheets ask for detailed information on gun ownership. All Democrats like Feinstein have to do is to find a doctor with a secret, threaten to expose him if he says anything, and make him declare patients of their choosing as mentally defective, and take away their registered guns. I don't have a gun, but I am loaded for bear. :evil:

Indeed. The Statists are out in the control is their mantra. Subvert, at all control. I was in that thread, and I read it. You are correct. I am very angry at what these people are doing. Our leftist bretheren see nothing wrong...They're going to find out soon enough...

Someone is deliberately misdefining terms for partisan, political gain.

The pubs have not approved 99% of Obama's nominations.

Court packing has to do with increasing the number of SCOTUS seats so that one party can protect its legislation.
^ this

Democrats are doing all they can to start a Civil War

Obama and the Dems, acting on orders from their paymaster and Nazi Supporter George Soros, still have to play the "Tank the US Dollar" card. That will cause havoc and unrest like we haven't seen in 150 years
And Obama would salivate at Marshal Law.

Let them start on my street.

That's how bad it has become


Oh yah, fly that flag. And get your butt kicked once again.
But WE aren't talking about the HOUSE, now are we? DIFFERENT ANIMALS...Different RULES.

Try to conceal your rank partisan hackery better than that, will you? I feel insulted by the low quality of your effort. You're tossing out a lame excuse as to why it's okay for Republicans to do the same thing you rage at Democrats for doing.

Explain it for us precisely. Why is it a horrible crime to change Senate rules mid-session, but totally fine and dandy to change House rules mid-session?

Oh, the Democrats didn't have a meltdown when the Republicans changed House rules. Consistency points to the Democrats, hypocrisy points to the Republicans.
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Someone is deliberately misdefining terms for partisan, political gain.

The pubs have not approved 99% of Obama's nominations.

Court packing has to do with increasing the number of SCOTUS seats so that one party can protect its legislation.
Obama kicks America to the curb everytime he goes overseas.

He's getting the tables turned on him with or without a filibuster.
They have no idea.
Meister pointed out that Obamacare signup sheets ask for detailed information on gun ownership. All Democrats like Feinstein have to do is to find a doctor with a secret, threaten to expose him if he says anything, and make him declare patients of their choosing as mentally defective, and take away their registered guns. I don't have a gun, but I am loaded for bear. :evil:

Indeed. The Statists are out in the control is their mantra. Subvert, at all control. I was in that thread, and I read it. You are correct. I am very angry at what these people are doing. Our leftist bretheren see nothing wrong...They're going to find out soon enough...

They'll find out when the Republicans regain power. It's going to be ugly.

Fucking idiots.
Get rid of the filibuster entirely.

It is undemocratic and stupid.

Elections have consequences.

Republicans are worried because the states are the only districts they can't gerrymander.

Democrats just assured that courts will be functionally gerrymandered. They will be stacked with partisan jurists with lifelong appointments because there will be no opportunity for the minority party to object to extreme appointments. Strife will rein because voices of moderation have just been squeezed out of the decision making process.
Remember when the Republicans recently changed the House rules so that the shutdown could happen? And not the slightest peep of protest from a single Republican over that. Yes, Republicans cheered changing the rules when their side did it, but are now squealing hysterically because the Democrats did the same.

So, does the Republican exist anywhere on this board who isn't a crazed partisan hypocrite, one who won't rage idiot mantras about how the Democrats are so evil for doing what the Republicans just did themselves?

Bueller? Bueller?

Come on, there has to be even a single Republican here who isn't such a lowlife. If such a Republican exists, they need to speak up, to show the world that how there still are actually a few Republicans who aren't deranged partisan scumbags.

Not a Republican, but I'll point out that the Senate does not let any member raise an issue for a vote. The Republicans were essentially granting themselves the same power Reid has to control what's being voted on.

As for the rest of your post it's really just a bunch of inane whining and ridiculous name calling with no basis on facts or reality. Plus, why would you type Bueller without waiting for a response? Is that some way for you to make yourself feel better about your own argument?
The bigger issue is what will be left of America once Obamas work here is done?

Not going to end well


^ this

Democrats are doing all they can to start a Civil War

Obama and the Dems, acting on orders from their paymaster and Nazi Supporter George Soros, still have to play the "Tank the US Dollar" card. That will cause havoc and unrest like we haven't seen in 150 years
And Obama would salivate at Marshal Law.

Who is this Marshal Law fellow that you speak of?
The timing of this is also interesting.

Is there any doubt that since going for the nuke option has been considered for quite some time, that they picked now in order to get the Obamacare disaster off the headlines ?

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