Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

Remember when the Republicans recently changed the House rules so that the shutdown could happen? And not the slightest peep of protest from a single Republican over that. Yes, Republicans cheered changing the rules when their side did it, but are now squealing hysterically because the Democrats did the same.

So, does the Republican exist anywhere on this board who isn't a crazed partisan hypocrite, one who won't rage idiot mantras about how the Democrats are so evil for doing what the Republicans just did themselves?

Bueller? Bueller?

Come on, there has to be even a single Republican here who isn't such a lowlife. If such a Republican exists, they need to speak up, to show the world that how there still are actually a few Republicans who aren't deranged partisan scumbags.
Remember when the Republicans recently changed the House rules so that the shutdown could happen? And not the slightest peep of protest from a single Republican over that. Yes, Republicans cheered changing the rules when their side did it, but are now squealing hysterically because the Democrats did the same.

So, does the Republican exist anywhere on this board who isn't a crazed partisan hypocrite, one who won't rage idiot mantras about how the Democrats are so evil for doing what the Republicans just did themselves?

Bueller? Bueller?

Come on, there has to be even a single Republican here who isn't such a lowlife. If such a Republican exists, they need to speak up, to show the world that how there still are actually a few Republicans who aren't deranged partisan scumbags.

What happened in the house is bull shit and killed debate. What happened in the senate is fair game. ;)
Remember when the Republicans recently changed the House rules so that the shutdown could happen? And not the slightest peep of protest from a single Republican over that. Yes, Republicans cheered changing the rules when their side did it, but are now squealing hysterically because the Democrats did the same.

So, does the Republican exist anywhere on this board who isn't a crazed partisan hypocrite, one who won't rage idiot mantras about how the Democrats are so evil for doing what the Republicans just did themselves?

Bueller? Bueller?

Come on, there has to be even a single Republican here who isn't such a lowlife. If such a Republican exists, they need to speak up, to show the world that how there still are actually a few Republicans who aren't deranged partisan scumbags.
But WE aren't talking about the HOUSE, now are we? DIFFERENT ANIMALS...Different RULES.

You may shut up now partisan.

Thank me.

Wasn't Harry against the nuclear option before he was for it?

He went along with McCain thinking that the obstruction could be defused with the "moderates" in the GOP like McCain, Collins, and Kirk. McCain was wrong, or duped him, one of the two, and so Reid basically said "to hell with it" and Nuked the filibuster.
Mr. Reid should realize that his war on tradition will be met with another kind of war. We can play the take no survivors game just as well as he, and we will, too.
Wasn't Harry against the nuclear option before he was for it?

He went along with McCain thinking that the obstruction could be defused with the "moderates" in the GOP like McCain, Collins, and Kirk. McCain was wrong, or duped him, one of the two, and so Reid basically said "to hell with it" and Nuked the filibuster.
Mr. Reid should realize that his war on tradition will be met with another kind of war. We can play the take no survivors game just as well as he, and we will, too.
They have no idea.
Yeah, pissing off the opposition will get some stuff done.......not that Reid hasn't been pissing everyone off already. news for ya

They ain't getting shit done anyway. Maybe if Reid changed filibuster across the board they actually could. Like Democrats have 55 seats and allow the minority to rule

Why don't they change the rules so that Democrats can win every vote even if they're the minority.

I wish they would settle things like they do in Korea.......

[ame=]South Korean Politicians Fight Over Lunches - YouTube[/ame]

You seem confused

It is the Teapublicans trying to rule from a minority news for ya

They ain't getting shit done anyway. Maybe if Reid changed filibuster across the board they actually could. Like Democrats have 55 seats and allow the minority to rule

Why don't they change the rules so that Democrats can win every vote even if they're the minority.

I wish they would settle things like they do in Korea.......

[ame=""]South Korean Politicians Fight Over Lunches - YouTube[/ame]

You seem confused

It is the Teapublicans trying to rule from a minority
The what? Is that a slam or a badge of honor?

Wasn't Harry against the nuclear option before he was for it?

He went along with McCain thinking that the obstruction could be defused with the "moderates" in the GOP like McCain, Collins, and Kirk. McCain was wrong, or duped him, one of the two, and so Reid basically said "to hell with it" and Nuked the filibuster.
Mr. Reid should realize that his war on tradition will be met with another kind of war. We can play the take no survivors game just as well as he, and we will, too.

Tradition was that filibusters were only used on rare occasions. How has that worked out?
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Can't wait to see how the left reacts if they lose the Senate in 2014 which is very possible the way Obamacare is going right now and they want to try and filibuster or block something from the Republicans and then remember whoops they can't and there will be no one to blame but the man in the mirror.
Remember when the Republicans recently changed the House rules so that the shutdown could happen? And not the slightest peep of protest from a single Republican over that. Yes, Republicans cheered changing the rules when their side did it, but are now squealing hysterically because the Democrats did the same.

So, does the Republican exist anywhere on this board who isn't a crazed partisan hypocrite, one who won't rage idiot mantras about how the Democrats are so evil for doing what the Republicans just did themselves?

Bueller? Bueller?

Come on, there has to be even a single Republican here who isn't such a lowlife. If such a Republican exists, they need to speak up, to show the world that how there still are actually a few Republicans who aren't deranged partisan scumbags.

What happened in the house is bull shit and killed debate. What happened in the senate is fair game. ;)

I'll take that a step further. What happened in the Senate will encourage debate and bring back the art of persuasion we've been missing in congressional interaction.
Remember when the Republicans recently changed the House rules so that the shutdown could happen? And not the slightest peep of protest from a single Republican over that. Yes, Republicans cheered changing the rules when their side did it, but are now squealing hysterically because the Democrats did the same.

So, does the Republican exist anywhere on this board who isn't a crazed partisan hypocrite, one who won't rage idiot mantras about how the Democrats are so evil for doing what the Republicans just did themselves?

Bueller? Bueller?

Come on, there has to be even a single Republican here who isn't such a lowlife. If such a Republican exists, they need to speak up, to show the world that how there still are actually a few Republicans who aren't deranged partisan scumbags.

What happened in the house is bull shit and killed debate. What happened in the senate is fair game. ;)

I'll take that a step further. What happened in the Senate will encourage debate and bring back the art of persuasion we've been missing in congressional interaction.
Really? Seriously? Stay blonde. You deserve it.

Democrat Statists aren't interested in anything but total control.
We have checks and balances. At least, thats the way its suppose to work. But not under a dictator. -Geaux

Son, the Senate makes its own rules. The minority does not rule.

the senate makes its own rules according to ITS rules..which requires 67 to change a senate rule.......

I am willing to be corrected if you have corroborative evidence for your explicit statement.

I suspect that since the GOP is very upset about today's vote they would claim it violated the Standing Rules. I have not seen that yet.
He went along with McCain thinking that the obstruction could be defused with the "moderates" in the GOP like McCain, Collins, and Kirk. McCain was wrong, or duped him, one of the two, and so Reid basically said "to hell with it" and Nuked the filibuster.
Mr. Reid should realize that his war on tradition will be met with another kind of war. We can play the take no survivors game just as well as he, and we will, too.
They have no idea.
Meister pointed out that Obamacare signup sheets ask for detailed information on gun ownership. All Democrats like Feinstein have to do is to find a doctor with a secret, threaten to expose him if he says anything, and make him declare patients of their choosing as mentally defective, and take away their registered guns. I don't have a gun, but I am loaded for bear. :evil:
The bigger issue is what will be left of America once Obamas work here is done?

Not going to end well


^ this

Democrats are doing all they can to start a Civil War

Obama and the Dems, acting on orders from their paymaster and Nazi Supporter George Soros, still have to play the "Tank the US Dollar" card. That will cause havoc and unrest like we haven't seen in 150 years
Hypocrites of the highest order.

in 2005, then-Senator Obama had quite a different take, declaring in a 2005 speech posted at,

“"I rise today to urge my colleagues to think about the implications the nuclear option would have on this chamber and this country. I urge you to think not just about winning every debate, but about protecting free and democratic debate."”

Obama further lamented,

“"What they [the American people] don't expect is for one party - be it Republican or Democrat - to change the rules in the middle of the game so that they can make all the decisions while the other party is told to sit down and keep quiet."”
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The bigger issue is what will be left of America once Obamas work here is done?

Not going to end well


^ this

Democrats are doing all they can to start a Civil War

Obama and the Dems, acting on orders from their paymaster and Nazi Supporter George Soros, still have to play the "Tank the US Dollar" card. That will cause havoc and unrest like we haven't seen in 150 years
And Obama would salivate at Marshal Law.

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