Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

Look this move by democrats is nothing more than to distract the news coverage from Obamacare.

It will last about a day and a half--and then we're back to Obamacare again.

Really? So just how many of Obama's nominees for judicial vacancies been approved since 2008 in comparison to previous presidents? And why doesn't it matter?

Other presidents were smart to nominate people who could pass the litmus test for the most part....not so with obummer, he has his far leftwing ideology and won't compromise.
One good thing -- if the Republicans do take the Senate, Dems are going to be terrified to filibuster their legislation.

If they annoy the new speaker too much, bam, no more filibuster at all.

Republicans are going to keep Obama busy explaining why he's vetoing the will of the people.
Look this move by democrats is nothing more than to distract the news coverage from Obamacare.

It will last about a day and a half--and then we're back to Obamacare again.

Really? So just how many of Obama's nominees for judicial vacancies been approved since 2008 in comparison to previous presidents? And why doesn't it matter?

Other presidents were smart to nominate people who could pass the litmus test for the most part....not so with obummer, he has his far leftwing ideology and won't compromise.

^ This. Especially the last bit.
Look this move by democrats is nothing more than to distract the news coverage from Obamacare.

It will last about a day and a half--and then we're back to Obamacare again.

Really? So just how many of Obama's nominees for judicial vacancies been approved since 2008 in comparison to previous presidents? And why doesn't it matter?

Other presidents were smart to nominate people who could pass the litmus test for the most part....not so with obummer, he has his far leftwing ideology and won't compromise.

A litmus test is not something anyone wants to admit to when nominating their judges. That's what stacking the courts is all about.
Really? So just how many of Obama's nominees for judicial vacancies been approved since 2008 in comparison to previous presidents? And why doesn't it matter?

Other presidents were smart to nominate people who could pass the litmus test for the most part....not so with obummer, he has his far leftwing ideology and won't compromise.

A litmus test is not something anyone wants to admit to when nominating their judges. That's what stacking the courts is all about.

Yes, and thats exactly why Reid and the dems have chosen this time to violate a rule that has been in place for many years under many presidents and with both parties in control at various times.

their goal of legislating from the bench can only come true if they put a bunch of liberal judges in place.

anyone with a lick of common sense knows exactly what this is about.
Other presidents were smart to nominate people who could pass the litmus test for the most part....not so with obummer, he has his far leftwing ideology and won't compromise.

A litmus test is not something anyone wants to admit to when nominating their judges. That's what stacking the courts is all about.

Yes, and thats exactly why Reid and the dems have chosen this time to violate a rule that has been in place for many years under many presidents and with both parties in control at various times.

their goal of legislating from the bench can only come true if they put a bunch of liberal judges in place.

anyone with a lick of common sense knows exactly what this is about.
The Democrats gave Obama FDR and Wilson's dream...stacked courts.
A litmus test is not something anyone wants to admit to when nominating their judges. That's what stacking the courts is all about.

Yes, and thats exactly why Reid and the dems have chosen this time to violate a rule that has been in place for many years under many presidents and with both parties in control at various times.

their goal of legislating from the bench can only come true if they put a bunch of liberal judges in place.

anyone with a lick of common sense knows exactly what this is about.
The Democrats gave Obama FDR and Wilson's dream...stacked courts.

grab the pitchforks, light the torches-------------STORM THE BASTILLE !

it may be the only answer.
One good thing -- if the Republicans do take the Senate, Dems are going to be terrified to filibuster their legislation.

If they annoy the new speaker too much, bam, no more filibuster at all.

Republicans are going to keep Obama busy explaining why he's vetoing the will of the people.
You very well could be right...but we know where he'll place the blame as usual, ad nauseam, ad infinitum...
Yes, and thats exactly why Reid and the dems have chosen this time to violate a rule that has been in place for many years under many presidents and with both parties in control at various times.

their goal of legislating from the bench can only come true if they put a bunch of liberal judges in place.

anyone with a lick of common sense knows exactly what this is about.
The Democrats gave Obama FDR and Wilson's dream...stacked courts.

grab the pitchforks, light the torches-------------STORM THE BASTILLE !

it may be the only answer.
This crap keeps up? It very well may happen...
Other presidents were smart to nominate people who could pass the litmus test for the most part....not so with obummer, he has his far leftwing ideology and won't compromise.

A litmus test is not something anyone wants to admit to when nominating their judges. That's what stacking the courts is all about.

Yes, and thats exactly why Reid and the dems have chosen this time to violate a rule that has been in place for many years under many presidents and with both parties in control at various times.

their goal of legislating from the bench can only come true if they put a bunch of liberal judges in place.

anyone with a lick of common sense knows exactly what this is about.

Well litmus testing is something Republicans like and Democrats put up with it throughout the Bush years. Republicans couldn't stand the fact that now it's Obama's turn to nominate judges and so they were pulling all kinds of shady gymnastics in an attempt to never allow Obama's nominees to ever see the light of day.

This was brought on by the Republicans/Teaparty and you all might as well just suck it up.
Yes, and thats exactly why Reid and the dems have chosen this time to violate a rule that has been in place for many years under many presidents and with both parties in control at various times.

their goal of legislating from the bench can only come true if they put a bunch of liberal judges in place.

anyone with a lick of common sense knows exactly what this is about.
The Democrats gave Obama FDR and Wilson's dream...stacked courts.

grab the pitchforks, light the torches-------------STORM THE BASTILLE !

it may be the only answer.

Yeah, mobilize the militias. We know where you guys will be, holed up in your houses watching Fox and listening to Rush.
Amelia and dblack skirted the matter that we don't have moderates willing in the GOP to work with the Dems.

This is a good move by the Dems.

We Pubs will certainly do it when we get the Senate back. Hopefully, the Dems will have moderates that are willing to work with the Pubs so we don't have this nonsense going on.

If we had been willing to work with the Dems, it would have been 3 judgeships not the 93 that will shape the judicial bench for a lifetime thanks to our intransigence.

so the phony moderate speaks up again,:rolleyes:

I should have known, I actually thought you'd be sensible and see now extreme a move on so many levels this was aside from utterly tactless and harmful to an already fragile balance there has been....but, nope, its congenital....right," this is a good move"...:lol:

Such class :cuckoo:

Blaming the dems in a vacuum is certainly akin to the government shutdown argument. "YOU shut down the government yourself, when you wouldn't pull down your pants so you could take it up the ass without benefit of Vaseline!"

No. YOU shut down the government all by your lonesome by making a stupid, impossible demand that you KNEW would never be met.

Learn2negotiate, assholes.
Really? So just how many of Obama's nominees for judicial vacancies been approved since 2008 in comparison to previous presidents? And why doesn't it matter?

Other presidents were smart to nominate people who could pass the litmus test for the most part....not so with obummer, he has his far leftwing ideology and won't compromise.

A litmus test is not something anyone wants to admit to when nominating their judges. That's what stacking the courts is all about.

A person is nominated that can get enough votes from the other side, now that doesn't have to be the case. Now you can get an ideological nut in place....this can come from either side.
If you like that, then it really is party over country, along with that comes the erosion of our country.
so the phony moderate speaks up again,:rolleyes:

I should have known, I actually thought you'd be sensible and see now extreme a move on so many levels this was aside from utterly tactless and harmful to an already fragile balance there has been....but, nope, its congenital....right," this is a good move"...:lol:

In other words, at this time, and on this issue, it is your ox that has been gored.

In politics, as in other arenas in life, one should pick their fights carefully, not waste time flaring at every imagined pinprick. The GOP choose to filibuster every appointee. They choose to fight every single appointment as a political issue, no matter how apolitical the post. So now the inevitable has happened. A rule change that gives the President the ability to make all of the appointments that he desires. Did you people not see this coming? Are you truly that blind and stupid?

uh huh....... my ox isn't being gored becasue I never wanted Frist et al to use the nuclear option either, the senate is designed the way it was with the filibuster ala 1792/1806 for a reason, and the differences in chambers is on purpose.

theres a reason why a state like Wyoming with 1 million people have just as many senators as say California with over 30 million? 6 year term...See how that works? It was never intended to be a majority house, it is not a populist chamber.

the house is, a MAJORITY chamber, a populist chamber by design ......

considering being blind and stupid is a majority that is such a mess they cannot find their way out except by turning the very screws , solitude and going their own one party way, even harder. The dems went your own way on obamacare and?

If they had had 10 gop senators and 50 or so house gopers in on obamacare, Obamas hand would be infinitely stronger...but in his won words;" I won"...well, there ya go.

You know what Joe Lewis can run but you can't hide.....

If this was intended as a distraction it was stupid, and you've blown the comity/community card, no one, even the average half wit half way intelligent voter thinks that there will be or even should be anything left now of cooperation etc, in either endeavors, bills etc. cannot stomp someones guts like you did with that big Fuck you with obamacare and then expect them to cooperate.....:eusa_think:well, I take that back, it appears you are one of those deluded ones that thinks like Jake= faux moderators that the gop should help mend obamacare.....:cuckoo:

Oh and you're "they fought every nominee" is bullshit, the least you could do is go and rad some thing other than think progress:rolleyes:

oh and just as an exit remark;

obama said alito has " training and qualifications necessary to serve" and an "an intelligent man, accomplishment jurist", of great character...yet he voted to filibuster him...:rolleyes:

It would behoove you to calm down and do a read-through before hitting the post button.

Also, providing proof that they did NOT fight every nominee is your job. Disprove his allegation.

If you can.
Other presidents were smart to nominate people who could pass the litmus test for the most part....not so with obummer, he has his far leftwing ideology and won't compromise.

A litmus test is not something anyone wants to admit to when nominating their judges. That's what stacking the courts is all about.

A person is nominated that can get enough votes from the other side, now that doesn't have to be the case. Now you can get an ideological nut in place....this can come from either side.
If you like that, then it really is party over country, along with that comes the erosion of our country.

Sure fire way to allow Obummer to rule, not govern.

Power grab to the max

And "packing the court" nonsense by Trajan? I wish he would read more carefully and use words correctly.

While the court has three vacancies, they are not among the 32 “judicial emergencies” identified by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts—and the president hasn’t even made nominations to most of those seats. Moreover, the court’s caseload is among the lowest of the courts of appeals, at 88 cases per judge, and declining. According to one current judge, “If any more judges were added now, there wouldn’t be enough work to go around.” Is Obama trying to pack the DC appeals court? | TheHill

There are three legitimate openings, gang. The AOOTUSC states that filling them are not "judicial emergencies" and that "there wouldn't be enough work to go around."

The above put's the statement "packing the courts" into nuance and context. It is not an FDR attempt to increase the normal size of the court. However, yes, it is apparently an attempt by the administration to protect is core legislation.

Now can we debate this logically and not so emotionally.

Well, thank you kind sir. It's like a breath of fresh air; to get a logical, well-reasoned response from the right. :eusa_angel:
Other presidents were smart to nominate people who could pass the litmus test for the most part....not so with obummer, he has his far leftwing ideology and won't compromise.

A litmus test is not something anyone wants to admit to when nominating their judges. That's what stacking the courts is all about.

A person is nominated that can get enough votes from the other side, now that doesn't have to be the case. Now you can get an ideological nut in place....this can come from either side.
If you like that, then it really is party over country, along with that comes the erosion of our country.

Stop w/ the hyperbole. It merely allows them to get an up or down vote LATER ON in the process instead of being mired down in rw filibusters for months/years

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Other presidents were smart to nominate people who could pass the litmus test for the most part....not so with obummer, he has his far leftwing ideology and won't compromise.

A litmus test is not something anyone wants to admit to when nominating their judges. That's what stacking the courts is all about.

A person is nominated that can get enough votes from the other side, now that doesn't have to be the case. Now you can get an ideological nut in place....this can come from either side.
If you like that, then it really is party over country, along with that comes the erosion of our country.

That is what I see being the result of using litmus tests, ideological nutcases. Judges were never to be put in a position of attempting legislation from the bench. I've noticed over the years things changing on that front. In fact it's blatant.

We don't know what Obama's strategy is because he has been denied the opportunity to get his judges confirmed. That is the main reason for the nuclear option, the Rs brought it on themselves.

Both sides do it but it is the blatant and extreme number of opportunities this president has been denied.

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