Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

Well, it's official, the Democrats are the party of liars and hypocrites..

No big surprise but it's sweet that it's official..
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Democrats violated their promises in order to break their rules so they could blow up tradition

That's a flat out reversal of reality. Over and over, the Republicans promised to ease off on the filibusters, then broke their word, over and over. Lucy kept pulling away the football, over and over, and now Lucy is angry that Charlie Brown won't play any more.

That's what shattered the comity of the senate, the fact that the Republicans always lied to people's faces and broke all their promises. There's no point in politely negotiating with people who always break their word.

ostensibly to achieve confirmation of three judges who weren't needed.

You're still cheering the Republican court-packing tactic, where they attempted (Sen. Grassley even introduced a bill) to cut judges out of a court in order to leave only conservatives on it. Republicans (and everyone) condemned FDR for such tactics (rightfully), but Republicans now cheer their own side's attempts at court packing. Once more, consistency points to the liberals, hypocrisy points to the conservatives.

Republicans have never promised to ease off of filibusters. That's what the minority party does. The filibusters when Bush was in office were enormous on his court nominations. This is how the Senate works.

The only people who are going to benefit from this will be REPUBLICANS--because it is they who will be in control in 2014, then again in 2016, and since Reid re-wrote the rules for the senate--they will follow them--to their benefit.

Democrats opened Pandora's box--and it's coming right back at them.

Remember this:

[ame=]Obama and Democrats on Reconciliation/Nuclear Option 2005 - YouTube[/ame]
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Democrats violated their promises in order to break their rules so they could blow up tradition ostensibly to achieve confirmation of three judges who weren't needed.

I don't think there are enough kittens in the world to help with this.
It's who they are, and they have too many stupid followers that don't care that tyranny is on the horizon.

They don't care as long as they get free stuff. Now if you can't qualify for extended medicade benefits under Obamacare--you're going to pay for it, and if you don't pay for it, you will be fined.

The party is over for Obama lovers. It's clear in the poll numbers--and that is why democrats are in panic mode and actually used the Nuclear Option--that will only benefit Republicans in the future.

Because it's so inane, this whole 'free stuff' mantra reminds me of the class warfare argument postulated by conservatives. I mean, if there's any class warfare, it's being waged and won by the wealthy in this country who've captured most of the democratic process in the form of campaign contributions in the new 'pay to play' political game. This is where lobbyists show up with a briefcase which contains a check for the reelection campaign of whichever D or R he's talking to at that moment, along with a wish list of his clients' preferred legislative 'priorities,' which are probably already written by ALEC.

But I guess you can't call this free stuff since they pay to get what they want. But it's understood that it's money well spent since tax breaks, gov't contracts, legislative exemptions from lawsuits, and other congressional favors can easily return 100s of millions of dollars for an investment of perhaps $100k.

And if John Q. Public takes it in the shorts as a result of all this favoritism and greasing of the skids, we can just chalk it up to capitalism, the unregulated kind, of course. That unregulated capitalism is the kind of capitalism that conservatives are always championing, by the way.
In other words:

Legislative terrorism.

Um, that would be called the Shutdown in October by the Republicans.

OH and while we're at it, there will be Legislative Terrorism Part 2 in February when they try to pull that shit again.

Um no.

This is you moving the goalposts. When you strip the minority party of the right to mount any opposition to the president's judicial nominations, you're setting a terrible precedent for American legislative procedure. Also, when your party finds itself the minority, it will wind up the victim of its own underhanded tactics.
In other words:

Legislative terrorism.

Um, that would be called the Shutdown in October by the Republicans.

OH and while we're at it, there will be Legislative Terrorism Part 2 in February when they try to pull that shit again.

Um no.

This is you moving the goalposts. When you strip the minority party of the right to mount any opposition to the president's judicial nominations, you're setting a terrible precedent for American legislative procedure. Also, when your party finds itself the minority, it will wind up the victim of its own underhanded tactics.
And stand back for the ensuing whining.
Look this move by democrats is nothing more than to distract the news coverage from Obamacare.

It will last about a day and a half--and then we're back to Obamacare again.

Really? So just how many of Obama's nominees for judicial vacancies been approved since 2008 in comparison to previous presidents? And why doesn't it matter?
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Um, that would be called the Shutdown in October by the Republicans.

OH and while we're at it, there will be Legislative Terrorism Part 2 in February when they try to pull that shit again.

Um no.

This is you moving the goalposts. When you strip the minority party of the right to mount any opposition to the president's judicial nominations, you're setting a terrible precedent for American legislative procedure. Also, when your party finds itself the minority, it will wind up the victim of its own underhanded tactics.
And stand back for the ensuing whining.

See my question above.
Look this move by democrats is nothing more than to distract the news coverage from Obamacare.

It will last about a day and a half--and then we're back to Obamacare again.

Really? So just how many of Obama's nominees for judicial vacancies been approved since 2008? And why doesn't it matter?
Quite a few...stuff that isn't reported. The contention point here is the DC Circuit and how they weren't needed with a light workload. The Republicans were correct. The Democrats had no need to do what they did all but for their own power, and to give Obama what he wants no matter the contention.
Um no.

This is you moving the goalposts. When you strip the minority party of the right to mount any opposition to the president's judicial nominations, you're setting a terrible precedent for American legislative procedure. Also, when your party finds itself the minority, it will wind up the victim of its own underhanded tactics.
And stand back for the ensuing whining.

See my question above.
The shut down was pulled off by the Democrats AND Obama. Next lie please?
In other words:

Legislative terrorism.

Um, that would be called the Shutdown in October by the Republicans.

OH and while we're at it, there will be Legislative Terrorism Part 2 in February when they try to pull that shit again.

Um, you mean when Hussein shut down 17% of the government focusing on only veterans memorials, government employees, and payout to families of fallen heroes?
In other words:

Legislative terrorism.

Um, that would be called the Shutdown in October by the Republicans.

OH and while we're at it, there will be Legislative Terrorism Part 2 in February when they try to pull that shit again.

The GOP did not shut down the govt (er 15% of it). Obama did it. 1/2 of the house does not have the authority or the power to shut down any part of the govt.

Not wanting to raise the debt ceiling is a good thing, Obama himself called raising the debt ceiling unpatriotic and a sign of failed leadership. The GOP is doing the right thing in opposing any more debt.
I have no plans to read a thousand posts, but surely someone has pointed out that both Reid and Obama have preached vociferously against the nuke option in the past when they were minority Senators.

Couple of dishonest scumbags if you ask me.
I have no plans to read a thousand posts, but surely someone has pointed out that both Reid and Obama have preached vociferously against the nuke option in the past when they were minority Senators.

Couple of dishonest scumbags if you ask me.

My Dad used to tell me "Son, what goes around, comes around"…..

Now that the hypocrites in DC have backtracked and went against their collective word - so be it.

Wonder how much they will scream when the republicans take the majority in 2014 and refuse to nullify the rule??

High hilarity will ensue!!
I have no plans to read a thousand posts, but surely someone has pointed out that both Reid and Obama have preached vociferously against the nuke option in the past when they were minority Senators.

Couple of dishonest scumbags if you ask me.

My Dad used to tell me "Son, what goes around, comes around"…..

Now that the hypocrites in DC have backtracked and went against their collective word - so be it.

Wonder how much they will scream when the republicans take the majority in 2014 and refuse to nullify the rule??

High hilarity will ensue!!

With Ted Cruz as the head of the Senate....chuckle
I have no plans to read a thousand posts, but surely someone has pointed out that both Reid and Obama have preached vociferously against the nuke option in the past when they were minority Senators.

Couple of dishonest scumbags if you ask me.

My Dad used to tell me "Son, what goes around, comes around"…..

Now that the hypocrites in DC have backtracked and went against their collective word - so be it.

Wonder how much they will scream when the republicans take the majority in 2014 and refuse to nullify the rule??

High hilarity will ensue!!

With Ted Cruz as the head of the Senate....chuckle

Can you imagine a Ted Cruz, elected, and starts slashing the living daylights out of the monster that is "government"….my God! The liberals collective heads will explode!!! :lol:

What a great day for America!!
Uh huh and when the Democrats are the minority will they want to change the rules back? Reid and the Democrats would be wise to remember you don't remain the majority forever.

When they lose power, they will just go back to what they were saying in 2005 and pretend this recent unconstitutional, unfair, arrogant abuse of power never happened. And they'll insult all of us when they expect us to take them seriously. Let's take a walk down memory lane, shall we?

You can almost smell the stink of hypocrisy.

Of course, back in 2005, some Republicans talked about using the Nuclear Option to end filibusters. Many Republicans were against it, as were nearly all of the Democrats. The Republicans wisely backed off. They knew it was wrong.

Even though Dems knew it was wrong then, as it is now, they have taken a new attitude considering they are in power.

Let's look back on their correct stance in 2005. Astounding considering they did more than just talk about the Nuclear Option. They did it.

Reid in 2005:
Stated the nuclear option was un-American, illegal, a complete abuse of power that would violate over 200 years of Senate tradition and impair the ability of Democrats and Republicans to work together on issues of real concern to the American people.

Reid now:
Wants power, so to hell with 200 years of tradition because abuse of power is cool as long as it's his party.

Obama in 2005:
"... everyone in this chamber knows that, if the majority chooses to end the filibuster, if they choose to change the rules and put an end to democratic debate, then the fighting, the bitterness, and the gridlock will only get worse."

Obama now:
Wants power, so to hell with 200 years of tradition because abuse of power is cool as long as it's his party.

Biden in 2005:
"This nuclear option is ultimately an example of the arrogance of power. It is a fundamental power grab by the majority party."

Biden now:
Wants power, so to hell with 200 years of tradition because abuse of power is cool as long as it's his party.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. in 2005:
"I know if the shoe were on the other foot, I would not advocate breaking Senate rules and precedent."

Feinstein now:
"If we can't [find a bipartisan solution to filibuster reform], then the so-called nuclear option comes into play. I'm hopeful that that is not the case, because what comes around goes around."

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. in 2005:
"Break the rules, change the whole balance of power and checks and balances in this great Senate and great country."

Schumer now:
"It would be better to fix it in a bipartisan way, and that's what we're working toward, but if not, we still gotta fix it."

Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla. in 2005:
"To change the rules in the middle of the game is bordering on an abuse of power."

Nelson now:
He told the Tampa Bay Times that he would support employing the nuclear option but hoped it wouldn't come to that.

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill. in 2005:
"... they are prepared to push through this unconstitutional and unreasonable change in the Senate rules."

Durbin now:
He proposed using the nuclear option to get Obamacare passed in 2010 after Scott Brown had been elected to the Senate. No comment on the latest abuse and unconstitutional end of the filibuster.

Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa in 2005:
"But the long-term destructive consequences triggering the nuclear option would be profound for our system of Government. For more than two centuries, Senate rules and traditions have respected the rights of the minority. That would be destroyed."

Harkin now:
Introduced a bill that would remove the minority's power to filibuster. Harkin will not run for re-election in 2014.

If something is unconstitutional, an abuse of power and downright unfair, that doesn't change when another party is in the majority. I blasted the Republicans for considering in 2005 and was relieved when it was just cheap talk. Now, without talking or debating the issue, they just declared that there will be no more filibusters or respect given to the minority. It's their way or the highway. They did this with Obamacare and will continue to push their agenda no matter how lousy their ideas are or how badly the people will be harmed.

Twilight Zone: When Dems were against the 'nuclear option' --- and Republicans were for it |

As if the above hypocrisy isn't enough to make you lose your lunch, here's another example of how the Democrats like to pretend that what they said yesterday didn't happen and they want you to believe that what they said today is all that ever mattered. This montage of video clips shows a bunch of fools who are arrogant enough to think that people are too stupid not to notice that they are flip flopping.

Dems suddenly stop calling it Obamacare and switch to calling it the ACA as the mess continues. And Obama said he liked the name, "Obamacare." Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Freedom's Lighthouse » Democrats Running Away from the Term ?ObamaCare? ? Video Montage 11/21/13

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