Rejected By 96% of Democrats, Kommie Now 3rd Most Powerful

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Build the cage and let her and Hillary have a skank off for the title. Just imagine being married to either of those things. I'm starting to feel sorry for Billy just thinking about it and Kamala's man has it just as bad.
Yes, Vice President Harris is proof positive of how far this country has advanced since the 1960s.

It is time that people acknowledge that certain folks now have equality and to stop the whining about "racism."

In the coming decades, this country will be governed by people of Ms. Harris's ethnicity and by people of another current minority.

Both ethnicities are becoming more powerful by the day.

Congratulations to Ms. Harris. Most people agree that she will be exercising great influence over President Biden.
Yes, Vice President Harris is proof positive of how far this country has advanced since the 1960s.

It is time that people acknowledge that certain folks now have equality and to stop the whining about "racism."

In the coming decades, this country will be governed by people of Ms. Harris's ethnicity and by people of another current minority.

Both ethnicities are becoming more powerful by the day.

Congratulations to Ms. Harris. Most people agree that she will be exercising great influence over President Biden.
Her ethnicity has never been an obstacle in her entire life.
Her ethnicity is completely irrelevant to the prostitution she used to leverage promotion.
Equality of opportunity has been a non-issue for fifty years. People who still think it is relevant are nothing more than neo-segregationists.
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