Rejected Neocons Jump Out Of The Closet!

That doesn't make sense. How do you "use the government" to make less government?

SOMEBODY has to be in charge of local, state and federal government. SOMEBODY. So we ELECT those who respect our Constitution and want lower taxes and less socialism, like President Trump. That isn't hard. You just tried to make it so.
SOMEBODY has to loot me to make sure that rioters have free reign, while also preventing me from operating my busiess....SOMEBODY.
That doesn't make sense. How do you "use the government" to make less government?

SOMEBODY has to be in charge of local, state and federal government. SOMEBODY. So we ELECT those who respect our Constitution and want lower taxes and less socialism, like President Trump. That isn't hard. You just tried to make it so.
Less socialism? Trump is the king of bailouts. Trump policy fails and he runs to socialism every time. He even gives handouts via executive order now.
We could allow people to stave and be homeless.
What's your solution?
That doesn't make sense. How do you "use the government" to make less government?

SOMEBODY has to be in charge of local, state and federal government. SOMEBODY. So we ELECT those who respect our Constitution and want lower taxes and less socialism, like President Trump. That isn't hard. You just tried to make it so.
Less socialism? Trump is the king of bailouts. Trump policy fails and he runs to socialism every time. He even gives handouts via executive order now.

Don't give inane generalizations. Be specific when you make your angry accusations.
1. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is THE premier leading economic indicator, with approximately a six months lead time. It is near its all time high.
2. Doofus Obama (but I repeat myself) said, "What is Trump gonna do, wave a magic wand?" Oops. No, he cut corporate income taxes. He cut red tape and controls by the hundreds. His policies have put thousands of blacks back to work. Obama failed miserably and you continue to carry his water. Forty years of Biden's incompetence are contrasted to four years of Trump's successes here:

"Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck everything up." - Barack Obama, as quoted in New York Post, August 15, 2020 And you want to vote for this clown JB and BJ (BlowJob) his Jamaican Indian, pretending to be black?
That doesn't make sense. How do you "use the government" to make less government?

SOMEBODY has to be in charge of local, state and federal government. SOMEBODY. So we ELECT those who respect our Constitution and want lower taxes and less socialism, like President Trump. That isn't hard. You just tried to make it so.
Less socialism? Trump is the king of bailouts. Trump policy fails and he runs to socialism every time. He even gives handouts via executive order now.

Don't give inane generalizations. Be specific when you make your angry accusations.
1. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is THE premier leading economic indicator, with approximately a six months lead time. It is near its all time high.
2. Doofus Obama (but I repeat myself) said, "What is Trump gonna do, wave a magic wand?" Oops. No, he cut corporate income taxes. He cut red tape and controls by the hundreds. His policies have put thousands of blacks back to work. Obama failed miserably and you continue to carry his water. Forty years of Biden's incompetence are contrasted to four years of Trump's successes here:

"Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck everything up." - Barack Obama, as quoted in New York Post, August 15, 2020 And you want to vote for this clown JB and BJ (BlowJob) his Jamaican Indian, pretending to be black?
The Dow is a very poor economic indicator . We heard that for 8 years under Obama . You are a joke.

Trump couldn’t break 3% growth running a trillion dollar deficit with a historically low interest rate. Weak.
That doesn't make sense. How do you "use the government" to make less government?

SOMEBODY has to be in charge of local, state and federal government. SOMEBODY. So we ELECT those who respect our Constitution and want lower taxes and less socialism, like President Trump. That isn't hard. You just tried to make it so.
Less socialism? Trump is the king of bailouts. Trump policy fails and he runs to socialism every time. He even gives handouts via executive order now.

Don't give inane generalizations. Be specific when you make your angry accusations.
1. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is THE premier leading economic indicator, with approximately a six months lead time. It is near its all time high.
2. Doofus Obama (but I repeat myself) said, "What is Trump gonna do, wave a magic wand?" Oops. No, he cut corporate income taxes. He cut red tape and controls by the hundreds. His policies have put thousands of blacks back to work. Obama failed miserably and you continue to carry his water. Forty years of Biden's incompetence are contrasted to four years of Trump's successes here:

"Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck everything up." - Barack Obama, as quoted in New York Post, August 15, 2020 And you want to vote for this clown JB and BJ (BlowJob) his Jamaican Indian, pretending to be black?
The Dow is a very poor economic indicator . We heard that for 8 years under Obama . You are a joke.

Trump couldn’t break 3% growth running a trillion dollar deficit with a historically low interest rate. Weak.
Trump didn't have $4 trillion printed up and pumped into Wall Stret to prop his numbers up.....Oboingo had that and still could barely crack 2% growth.
The Dow is a very poor economic indicator . We heard that for 8 years under Obama . You are a joke.

Your ignorance is exceeded only by your condescension and hatefulness.
See if you can learn. Is that possible? Or are you so smitten with repeating what you have been fed by Fake News and Democrat Handlers?

Leading Indicators
Because leading indicators have the potential to forecast where an economy is headed, fiscal policymakers and governments make use of them to implement or alter programs in order to ward off a recession or other negative economic events. Zachary Karabell’s book The Leading Indicators is a great introduction if you want to dig a little deeper. The top leading indicators follow below:

1. Stock Market

And as to racism:

Racial jungle.jpg
OOOOGAH BOOOGAH! They're leeching onto Vacuous Joe. Note how conveniently they echo Obama's rant of the other night.

More than 70 Republican former national security officials come out in support of Biden
Bottom line is Trump failed to be sufficiently blood thirsty to satisfy them.
You’re basing that on nothing.
What part of ‪Bunch of bloodthirsty warmongering neocon shits who happily sacrifice the lives of others and the prosperity of millions to feed their lust for conflict and domination went over your head? The lot of them can rot in hell
Trumpism isn't conservatism, it's a weird cult built on a gaudy, flamboyant, emotional, profoundly damaged white nationalist strongman.

Conservatism is in the shadows now. The RINOs. The only question is what the party looks like post-Trump.

Go RINOs! :113: Down with Cult45!
Trumpism isn't conservatism, it's a weird cult built on a profoundly damaged white nationalist strongman.

Conservatism is in the shadows now. The RINOs. The only question is what the party looks like post-Trump.
That's a very stupid analysis from a TDS afflicted moron.

Who told you that that Trump is a "white nationalist strongman", and why did you believe them?
There's one now.
You are dodging the question, coward.
I stopped reading after the standard third grade-level Trumpian insults

See the red, hypocrite. Who started the insults?
Had I mentioned a person? Nope. On purpose.

My posts are far too important to you. Get a grip.
God damn what an arrogant total fuck nugget you've become.

And what a toxic partisan extremist douche canoe you've become.
Trumpism isn't conservatism, it's a weird cult built on a profoundly damaged white nationalist strongman.

Conservatism is in the shadows now. The RINOs. The only question is what the party looks like post-Trump.
That's a very stupid analysis from a TDS afflicted moron.

Who told you that that Trump is a "white nationalist strongman", and why did you believe them?

He's a white nationalist piece of shit. It's the opinion of all rational Americans with eyes to see and ears to hear. Sorry about your affliction, but a total lack of critical thinking skills ain't helping your tribe.
Trumpism isn't conservatism, it's a weird cult built on a profoundly damaged white nationalist strongman.

Conservatism is in the shadows now. The RINOs. The only question is what the party looks like post-Trump.
That's a very stupid analysis from a TDS afflicted moron.

Who told you that that Trump is a "white nationalist strongman", and why did you believe them?

He's a white nationalist piece of shit. It's the opinion of all rational Americans with eyes to see and ears to hear. Sorry about your affliction, but a total lack of critical thinking skills ain't helping your tribe.
Nice unsupported assertion/ad hominem attack.

Would I be correct to assume that we are both cognizant of the fact that DJT has repeatedly and publicly condemned white nationalists? Or are you ignorant of that fact?

That said, I challenge you to, in your own words, explain the reasoning and train of logic that you used to come to the conclusion that DJT is a white nationalist. Let the USMB forum scrutinize your logic and critical thinking skills.

I predict that you will refuse to explain your reasoning and run away from that challenge with your tail between your legs.

If you cannot explain your reasoning, then you might be a TDS afflicted moron.
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Trumpism isn't conservatism, it's a weird cult built on a profoundly damaged white nationalist strongman.

Conservatism is in the shadows now. The RINOs. The only question is what the party looks like post-Trump.
That's a very stupid analysis from a TDS afflicted moron.

Who told you that that Trump is a "white nationalist strongman", and why did you believe them?

He's a white nationalist piece of shit. It's the opinion of all rational Americans with eyes to see and ears to hear. Sorry about your affliction, but a total lack of critical thinking skills ain't helping your tribe.
Nice unsupported assertion/ad hominem attack.

Would I be correct to assume that we are both cognizant of the fact that DJT has repeatedly and publicly condemned white nationalists? Or are you ignorant of that fact?

That said, I challenge you to, in your own words, explain the reasoning and train of logic that you used to come to the conclusion that DJT is a white nationalist. Let the USMB forum scrutinize your logic and critical thinking skills.

I predict that you will refuse to explain your reasoning and run away from that challenge with your tail between your legs.

If you cannot explain your reasoning, then you might be a TDS afflicted moron.
Communist Democrats think Nationalists are Evil when the evil people are Pro NWO Globalists who want a one world government. :mad-61: :icon_rolleyes:
Trumpism isn't conservatism, it's a weird cult built on a gaudy, flamboyant, emotional, profoundly damaged white nationalist strongman. Conservatism is in the shadows now. The RINOs. The only question is what the party looks like post-Trump.
Go RINOs! :113: Down with Cult45!
I've seen a lot of actual conservatives who are scared shitless right now. They're thinking it could take 10-12 years to recover from Trump. If he wins in November, it could take longer than that.
Trumpism isn't conservatism, it's a weird cult built on a profoundly damaged white nationalist strongman.

Conservatism is in the shadows now. The RINOs. The only question is what the party looks like post-Trump.
That's a very stupid analysis from a TDS afflicted moron.

Who told you that that Trump is a "white nationalist strongman", and why did you believe them?
There's one now.
You are dodging the question, coward.
I stopped reading after the standard third grade-level Trumpian insults

See the red, hypocrite. Who started the insults?
Had I mentioned a person? Nope. On purpose.

My posts are far too important to you. Get a grip.
God damn what an arrogant total fuck nugget you've become.

And what a toxic partisan extremist douche canoe you've become.
Trump really has shined the light in some unexpected places.
Trumpism isn't conservatism, it's a weird cult built on a profoundly damaged white nationalist strongman.

Conservatism is in the shadows now. The RINOs. The only question is what the party looks like post-Trump.
That's a very stupid analysis from a TDS afflicted moron.

Who told you that that Trump is a "white nationalist strongman", and why did you believe them?

He's a white nationalist piece of shit. It's the opinion of all rational Americans with eyes to see and ears to hear. Sorry about your affliction, but a total lack of critical thinking skills ain't helping your tribe.
Nice unsupported assertion/ad hominem attack.

Would I be correct to assume that we are both cognizant of the fact that DJT has repeatedly and publicly condemned white nationalists? Or are you ignorant of that fact?

That said, I challenge you to, in your own words, explain the reasoning and train of logic that you used to come to the conclusion that DJT is a white nationalist. Let the USMB forum scrutinize your logic and critical thinking skills.

I predict that you will refuse to explain your reasoning and run away from that challenge with your tail between your legs.

If you cannot explain your reasoning, then you might be a TDS afflicted moron.
Hey, you're one of the more feral Trumpsters here. Answer a clear, direct question for me, please.

Which candidate is likely to get more votes from White Supremacists / Nationalists / Separatists?

I'm not expecting an honest answer, I just want to see your tactic. The answer is pretty freaking obvious already.

Thanks in advance.
Trumpism isn't conservatism, it's a weird cult built on a profoundly damaged white nationalist strongman.

Conservatism is in the shadows now. The RINOs. The only question is what the party looks like post-Trump.
That's a very stupid analysis from a TDS afflicted moron.

Who told you that that Trump is a "white nationalist strongman", and why did you believe them?

He's a white nationalist piece of shit. It's the opinion of all rational Americans with eyes to see and ears to hear. Sorry about your affliction, but a total lack of critical thinking skills ain't helping your tribe.
Nice unsupported assertion/ad hominem attack.

Would I be correct to assume that we are both cognizant of the fact that DJT has repeatedly and publicly condemned white nationalists? Or are you ignorant of that fact?

That said, I challenge you to, in your own words, explain the reasoning and train of logic that you used to come to the conclusion that DJT is a white nationalist. Let the USMB forum scrutinize your logic and critical thinking skills.

I predict that you will refuse to explain your reasoning and run away from that challenge with your tail between your legs.

If you cannot explain your reasoning, then you might be a TDS afflicted moron.
Hey, you're one of the more feral Trumpsters here. Answer a clear, direct question for me, please.

Which candidate is likely to get more votes from White Supremacists / Nationalists / Separatists?

I'm not expecting an honest answer, I just want to see your tactic. The answer is pretty freaking obvious already.

Thanks in advance.
It doesn't really matter what candidate they support because they are such a minuscule fringe group that they are inconsequential to any election.

That said, obviously they'll vote for Trump, for two primary reasons.

First of all, generally, those guys are a pretty fucking stupid bunch. Like yourself and your ilk, their IQ's are so low that they do not possess the adequate critical thinking skills necessary to form independent objective opinions regarding political issues. Therefore, like yourself, their feeble minds have been easily brainwashed, by the ubiquitous Democrat-controlled fake news media, into thinking DJT is the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler.

The second primary reason is that the Democratic party has been working overtime to demonize white people for several years now. And has even threatened to take their money and give it to black people as reparations for slavery. Of course that will never happen because it is obviously unconstitutional on it's face. But the Democrats know that that kind of divisive rhetoric will trick blacks into voting against their best interests again.

And since self-described white nationalists are likely one issue voters, the party that demonizes white people less will obviously get their votes.

And of course anyone who thinks that just because white nationalists will vote for Trump, that somehow means that Trump shares their racist sentiments, is just a TDS afflicted moron.
Last edited:
Trumpism isn't conservatism, it's a weird cult built on a profoundly damaged white nationalist strongman.

Conservatism is in the shadows now. The RINOs. The only question is what the party looks like post-Trump.
That's a very stupid analysis from a TDS afflicted moron.

Who told you that that Trump is a "white nationalist strongman", and why did you believe them?

He's a white nationalist piece of shit. It's the opinion of all rational Americans with eyes to see and ears to hear. Sorry about your affliction, but a total lack of critical thinking skills ain't helping your tribe.
Nice unsupported assertion/ad hominem attack.

Would I be correct to assume that we are both cognizant of the fact that DJT has repeatedly and publicly condemned white nationalists? Or are you ignorant of that fact?

That said, I challenge you to, in your own words, explain the reasoning and train of logic that you used to come to the conclusion that DJT is a white nationalist. Let the USMB forum scrutinize your logic and critical thinking skills.

I predict that you will refuse to explain your reasoning and run away from that challenge with your tail between your legs.

If you cannot explain your reasoning, then you might be a TDS afflicted moron.
Hey, you're one of the more feral Trumpsters here. Answer a clear, direct question for me, please.

Which candidate is likely to get more votes from White Supremacists / Nationalists / Separatists?

I'm not expecting an honest answer, I just want to see your tactic. The answer is pretty freaking obvious already.

Thanks in advance.
It doesn't really matter what candidate they support because they are such a minuscule fringe group that they are inconsequential to any election.

That said, obviously they'll vote for Trump, for two primary reasons.

First of all, generally, those guys are a pretty fucking stupid bunch. Like yourself and your ilk, their IQ's are so low that they do not possess the adequate critical thinking skills necessary to form independent objective opinions regarding political issues. Therefore, like yourself, their feeble minds have been easily brainwashed, by the ubiquitous Democrat-controlled fake news media, into thinking DJT is the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler.

The second primary reason is that the Democratic party has been working overtime to demonize white people for several years now. And has even threatened to take thier money and give it to black people as reparations for slavery. Of course that will never happen because it is obviously unconstitutional on it's face. But the Democrats know that that kind of divisive rhetoric will trick blacks into voting against their best interests again.

And since self-described white nationalists are likely one issue voters, the party that demonizes white people less will obviously get their votes.

And of course anyone who thinks that just because white nationalists will vote for Trump, that somehow means that Trump shares their racist sentiments, is just a TDS afflicted moron.
Hey, that's pretty good! These neanderthals will, indeed, vote for Trump, but it's all someone else's fault!

Those darn commies!

I wondered if you'd actually try to deny the obvious, but clearly even you know that would have been a bridge too far!

I also like the way you referred to "those guys" and "their". Nice touch, good stuff.
The second primary reason is that the Democratic party has been working overtime to demonize white people for several years now. And has even threatened to take their money and give it to black people as reparations for slavery. Of course that will never happen because it is obviously unconstitutional on it's face. But the Democrats know that that kind of divisive rhetoric will trick blacks into voting against their best interests again.

actually, there's already a precedent for it, and that was reparations paid to Japanese Americans who were interned during WWII.

I'm not sure it's a "good" idea, but it's not unconstitutional.

And of course anyone who thinks that just because white nationalists will vote for Trump, that somehow means that Trump shares their racist sentiments, is just a TDS afflicted moron.

Yet Trump never denounces them, even calls them"Very Fine People"
And of course anyone who thinks that just because white nationalists will vote for Trump, that somehow means that Trump shares their racist sentiments, is just a TDS afflicted moron.

Yet Trump never denounces them, even calls them"Very Fine People"
You are lying again, as usual.

Contrary to your fantastically foolish feeble-minded contention, the undeniable proven FACT of the matter is that DJT has publicly and repeatedly denounced white nationalists, live on national TV, and has never referred to white nationalists as "very fine people". The rumor that DJT called white nationalists "very fine people" was thoroughly debunked as fake news a long time ago.

I challenge you to explain to the USMB forumers, the convoluted reasoning that you used to come the ridiculous conclusion that DJT has never denounced white nationalists. And I predict that you will run away from that challenge with your tail between your legs, due to your intellectual cowardice.

If you cannot explain your reasoning, you might be a TDS afflicted moron.
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