Religion could be eradicated — or at least largely removed from society — in just one generation.


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
"Theoretical physicist Lawrence M. Krauss believes that religion could be eradicated — or at least largely removed from society — in just one generation.
Cosmologist and theoretical physicist Lawrence M. Krauss (Image via Twitter @LKrauss1)

Krauss, who made this claim while delivering a speech to the Victorian Skeptics Cafe in Australia in late August, spoke, among other subjects, about how children should be taught about faith in schools, claiming that religious systems shouldn’t be treated “as if they’re all sacred.”

Instead, he argued for changes in how children learn about religion and critical thinking — proposals that are just beginning to gain traction this week.

“What we need to do is present comparative religion as a bunch of interesting historical anecdotes and show the silly reasons why they each did what they did,” he said. “Instead of shying away from it, we have to explicitly educate people to confront their own misconceptions.”

Prominent Scientist Says 8216 Religion Will Go Away in a Generation 8217 If Atheists Use This Tactic to Teach Children Video

Addressing the future of religion, Krauss cited gay marriage and slavery in offering up a dire prediction: that religion could be largely eradicated within just one generation’s time.

“People say, ‘Well, religion has been around since the dawn of man. You’ll never change that’ … This issue of gay marriage, it is going to go away, because if you’re a a child, a 13-year-old, they can’t understand what the issue is. It’s gone,” he said. “One generation is all it takes.”
"Theoretical physicist Lawrence M. Krauss believes that religion could be eradicated — or at least largely removed from society — in just one generation.
Cosmologist and theoretical physicist Lawrence M. Krauss (Image via Twitter @LKrauss1)

Krauss, who made this claim while delivering a speech to the Victorian Skeptics Cafe in Australia in late August, spoke, among other subjects, about how children should be taught about faith in schools, claiming that religious systems shouldn’t be treated “as if they’re all sacred.”

Instead, he argued for changes in how children learn about religion and critical thinking — proposals that are just beginning to gain traction this week.

“What we need to do is present comparative religion as a bunch of interesting historical anecdotes and show the silly reasons why they each did what they did,” he said. “Instead of shying away from it, we have to explicitly educate people to confront their own misconceptions.”

Prominent Scientist Says 8216 Religion Will Go Away in a Generation 8217 If Atheists Use This Tactic to Teach Children Video

Addressing the future of religion, Krauss cited gay marriage and slavery in offering up a dire prediction: that religion could be largely eradicated within just one generation’s time.

“People say, ‘Well, religion has been around since the dawn of man. You’ll never change that’ … This issue of gay marriage, it is going to go away, because if you’re a a child, a 13-year-old, they can’t understand what the issue is. It’s gone,” he said. “One generation is all it takes.”

Lenin and Stalin thought that too.
"Theoretical physicist Lawrence M. Krauss believes that religion could be eradicated — or at least largely removed from society — in just one generation.
Cosmologist and theoretical physicist Lawrence M. Krauss (Image via Twitter @LKrauss1)

Krauss, who made this claim while delivering a speech to the Victorian Skeptics Cafe in Australia in late August, spoke, among other subjects, about how children should be taught about faith in schools, claiming that religious systems shouldn’t be treated “as if they’re all sacred.”

Instead, he argued for changes in how children learn about religion and critical thinking — proposals that are just beginning to gain traction this week.

“What we need to do is present comparative religion as a bunch of interesting historical anecdotes and show the silly reasons why they each did what they did,” he said. “Instead of shying away from it, we have to explicitly educate people to confront their own misconceptions.”

Prominent Scientist Says 8216 Religion Will Go Away in a Generation 8217 If Atheists Use This Tactic to Teach Children Video

Addressing the future of religion, Krauss cited gay marriage and slavery in offering up a dire prediction: that religion could be largely eradicated within just one generation’s time.

“People say, ‘Well, religion has been around since the dawn of man. You’ll never change that’ … This issue of gay marriage, it is going to go away, because if you’re a a child, a 13-year-old, they can’t understand what the issue is. It’s gone,” he said. “One generation is all it takes.”

Like I've said a buncha time hers, the best way to raise an atheist is to raise a Christian. :) It's why I fully support teaching the Bible in school, at home, encouraging church-going. I had all that myself and after not very long I began to ask all those unconfortable questions. Think the biggest was at my Uncle's funeral, noticing everyone's sadness despite how he was now in Heaven which was so much better than being alive. :)
it needs to at least be explicitly defined as fairy tale to the young & impressionable youth.

"Theoretical physicist Lawrence M. Krauss believes that religion could be eradicated — or at least largely removed from society — in just one generation.
Cosmologist and theoretical physicist Lawrence M. Krauss (Image via Twitter @LKrauss1)

Krauss, who made this claim while delivering a speech to the Victorian Skeptics Cafe in Australia in late August, spoke, among other subjects, about how children should be taught about faith in schools, claiming that religious systems shouldn’t be treated “as if they’re all sacred.”

Instead, he argued for changes in how children learn about religion and critical thinking — proposals that are just beginning to gain traction this week.

“What we need to do is present comparative religion as a bunch of interesting historical anecdotes and show the silly reasons why they each did what they did,” he said. “Instead of shying away from it, we have to explicitly educate people to confront their own misconceptions.”

Prominent Scientist Says 8216 Religion Will Go Away in a Generation 8217 If Atheists Use This Tactic to Teach Children Video

Addressing the future of religion, Krauss cited gay marriage and slavery in offering up a dire prediction: that religion could be largely eradicated within just one generation’s time.

“People say, ‘Well, religion has been around since the dawn of man. You’ll never change that’ … This issue of gay marriage, it is going to go away, because if you’re a a child, a 13-year-old, they can’t understand what the issue is. It’s gone,” he said. “One generation is all it takes.”

"Theoretical physicist Lawrence M. Krauss believes that religion could be eradicated — or at least largely removed from society — in just one generation.

Excellent! Start with Islam, we can talk again in a generation.
"Theoretical physicist Lawrence M. Krauss believes that religion could be eradicated — or at least largely removed from society — in just one generation.
Cosmologist and theoretical physicist Lawrence M. Krauss (Image via Twitter @LKrauss1)

Krauss, who made this claim while delivering a speech to the Victorian Skeptics Cafe in Australia in late August, spoke, among other subjects, about how children should be taught about faith in schools, claiming that religious systems shouldn’t be treated “as if they’re all sacred.”

Instead, he argued for changes in how children learn about religion and critical thinking — proposals that are just beginning to gain traction this week.

“What we need to do is present comparative religion as a bunch of interesting historical anecdotes and show the silly reasons why they each did what they did,” he said. “Instead of shying away from it, we have to explicitly educate people to confront their own misconceptions.”

Prominent Scientist Says 8216 Religion Will Go Away in a Generation 8217 If Atheists Use This Tactic to Teach Children Video

Addressing the future of religion, Krauss cited gay marriage and slavery in offering up a dire prediction: that religion could be largely eradicated within just one generation’s time.

“People say, ‘Well, religion has been around since the dawn of man. You’ll never change that’ … This issue of gay marriage, it is going to go away, because if you’re a a child, a 13-year-old, they can’t understand what the issue is. It’s gone,” he said. “One generation is all it takes.”

"Theoretical physicist Lawrence M. Krauss believes that religion could be eradicated — or at least largely removed from society — in just one generation.

Excellent! Start with Islam, we can talk again in a generation.

Start with eliminating worship of the CO2 molecule and then eliminate worship of the federal government
it needs to at least be explicitly defined as fairy tale to the young & impressionable youth.

No. People LIKE fairy tales and make movies about them :)

What could possibly be more damaging to a child than telling him over and over from the time he's an infant that there exists an invisible person who is unwilling to prove he exists watching him every second of every day and reading his thoughts and if he doesn't believe in the invisible person he will be tortured for eternity? Yet we tell that same child that monsters don't exist so it's silly to be scared of monsters.

Religion is one of the most serious mental illnesses of today. It is the inablity to face the reality of life and the finality of death.

Many Christians have made statements like, "Doctor Smith is a good man, he is a Christian". If a doctor believed in the Easter Bunny, would you allow this doctor to operate on you? The belief in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost is no more than the adult version of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. The next time you go to a doctor, you may want to consider if you want to put you or your children health health in the hands of a delusional person.

Religious fanatics can somehow throw out all scientific evidence and replace it with the word of one book that has no credibility. Religious fanatics want to convert your children and will stop at nothing. They want the right to force you to follow their ideas and beliefs and restrain any conflicting beliefs or activities.

Recognizing religion as a class of mental illness would be a start in curing this disease. We should develop support groups, maybe along the lines of Alcoholics Anonymous -
it needs to at least be explicitly defined as fairy tale to the young & impressionable youth.

No. People LIKE fairy tales and make movies about them :)

I finally watched God is not Dead. I knew it was going to be one sided. The main character made some interesting points but why did they have to make the atheist professor out to be someone who actually believes in god but is angry with him?

I've noticed this on TCT religious tv shows. They have a mock debate/argument with an atheist and they always portray the atheist in an unfair way.

I wonder why they don't show the real debates on those shows? What are they afraid of?
Too much religon and not enough spirituality. I don't do organized religion but have personal relationship with my god and one with my god and nature. A balance belief.
its usually older rw bitter women who are "past their prime" ;) who are pushing the stuff around here. Ever notice that :eusa_whistle:

IOW's they have A LOT of time on their hands since the young strapping bucks (like me for instance :cool-45: ) aren't asking them to the barn dances :suck: anymore :(
Batshit Boy the ignorant animal wants to pretend he's proud of his limitations as he continues to do nothing but troll this site.
Nobody is being healed by Obamacare.

No hospitals or clinics have been built.

No scholarships to medical schools or nursing schools were created by Obamacare.

Stock market and big Pharma made out well though.

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