Religion To Disappear By 2041

How do you read a Book that doesn't exist? Does contradicting yourself within two sentences bother you at all or are you just not going to care? BTW I have this non existent Book right next to me.

And if you had read it, you would have noticed the testimony of the witnesses at the beginning. The fact that you didn't makes your claim to have read it very dubious at best.

And please tell us more about how Brigham Young conspired with Joseph to create a church to marry lots of women when he was a convert years after all this happened and didn't meet Joseph until he moved to Kirkland. And why on earth anyone would marry a lot of women and put up with the drama of conflicting wives and countless children when society already gives it's approval to sleeping with whomever you want and running away from doing the right thing? Seems much less CO plicated that way.

Read about the angel appearing to Joseph Smith and showing him golden plates which contained the book of Mormon. The biggest goddam lie in modern times but there's always a bunch of day dreamers who will believe any cock and bull story somebody makes up. Nobody ever saw the plates. That's why I said there's no book of Mormon. There is a book of Joseph Smith.

Again, countless people saw their place. Their testimony is written in the beginning of the book, which you said you read. So either you are lying and didn't read it or your lying about not knowing about the witnesses.

Heck some of them went to the effort to have their testimony of seeing the plates put on their tombstone. Oliver lost a career in politics over it. David called the media before his death to clearly reaffirm that he saw them. And this was years after he left the church.

Read the Book and you will see for yourself that God is real and Jesus is the Christ.

You're so full of shit that you stink. Everybody except the Mormons themselves know what a lie that is. That's one thing all forms of religion has in's a bold faced lie. Young folks have caught on....they're getting out of religion in droves. They're sleeping in on Sunday mornings instead of:


I can literally read the testimonies and you're saying they don't exist?

I guess that the only conclusion I can reach is that God has provided a miracle since I can read a non existent Book with non existent witnesses

I said there's no book of Mormon.......there's a book of Joseph Smith. He made up the angel Mormon.

Okay definitely haven't read it. Please stop embarrassing yourself.
Read about the angel appearing to Joseph Smith and showing him golden plates which contained the book of Mormon. The biggest goddam lie in modern times but there's always a bunch of day dreamers who will believe any cock and bull story somebody makes up. Nobody ever saw the plates. That's why I said there's no book of Mormon. There is a book of Joseph Smith.

Again, countless people saw their place. Their testimony is written in the beginning of the book, which you said you read. So either you are lying and didn't read it or your lying about not knowing about the witnesses.

Heck some of them went to the effort to have their testimony of seeing the plates put on their tombstone. Oliver lost a career in politics over it. David called the media before his death to clearly reaffirm that he saw them. And this was years after he left the church.

Read the Book and you will see for yourself that God is real and Jesus is the Christ.

You're so full of shit that you stink. Everybody except the Mormons themselves know what a lie that is. That's one thing all forms of religion has in's a bold faced lie. Young folks have caught on....they're getting out of religion in droves. They're sleeping in on Sunday mornings instead of:


I can literally read the testimonies and you're saying they don't exist?

I guess that the only conclusion I can reach is that God has provided a miracle since I can read a non existent Book with non existent witnesses

I said there's no book of Mormon.......there's a book of Joseph Smith. He made up the angel Mormon.

Okay definitely haven't read it. Please stop embarrassing yourself.

You have no clue about what I have and have not read. In 82 years I have read a lot....take my word for it!!
Read about the angel appearing to Joseph Smith and showing him golden plates which contained the book of Mormon. The biggest goddam lie in modern times but there's always a bunch of day dreamers who will believe any cock and bull story somebody makes up. Nobody ever saw the plates. That's why I said there's no book of Mormon. There is a book of Joseph Smith.

Again, countless people saw their place. Their testimony is written in the beginning of the book, which you said you read. So either you are lying and didn't read it or your lying about not knowing about the witnesses.

Heck some of them went to the effort to have their testimony of seeing the plates put on their tombstone. Oliver lost a career in politics over it. David called the media before his death to clearly reaffirm that he saw them. And this was years after he left the church.

Read the Book and you will see for yourself that God is real and Jesus is the Christ.

You're so full of shit that you stink. Everybody except the Mormons themselves know what a lie that is. That's one thing all forms of religion has in's a bold faced lie. Young folks have caught on....they're getting out of religion in droves. They're sleeping in on Sunday mornings instead of:


I can literally read the testimonies and you're saying they don't exist?

I guess that the only conclusion I can reach is that God has provided a miracle since I can read a non existent Book with non existent witnesses

I said there's no book of Mormon.......there's a book of Joseph Smith. He made up the angel Mormon.

Okay definitely haven't read it. Please stop embarrassing yourself.

And you obviously haven't read the Tanakh, nor archeologist journals, nor history of the time period of your myth. You just traped yourself traping him.
Read about the angel appearing to Joseph Smith and showing him golden plates which contained the book of Mormon. The biggest goddam lie in modern times but there's always a bunch of day dreamers who will believe any cock and bull story somebody makes up. Nobody ever saw the plates. That's why I said there's no book of Mormon. There is a book of Joseph Smith.

Again, countless people saw their place. Their testimony is written in the beginning of the book, which you said you read. So either you are lying and didn't read it or your lying about not knowing about the witnesses.

Heck some of them went to the effort to have their testimony of seeing the plates put on their tombstone. Oliver lost a career in politics over it. David called the media before his death to clearly reaffirm that he saw them. And this was years after he left the church.

Read the Book and you will see for yourself that God is real and Jesus is the Christ.

You're so full of shit that you stink. Everybody except the Mormons themselves know what a lie that is. That's one thing all forms of religion has in's a bold faced lie. Young folks have caught on....they're getting out of religion in droves. They're sleeping in on Sunday mornings instead of:


I can literally read the testimonies and you're saying they don't exist?

I guess that the only conclusion I can reach is that God has provided a miracle since I can read a non existent Book with non existent witnesses

I said there's no book of Mormon.......there's a book of Joseph Smith. He made up the angel Mormon.

Okay definitely haven't read it. Please stop embarrassing yourself.

And you obviously haven't read the Tanakh, nor archeologist journals, nor history of the time period of your myth. You just traped yourself traping him.
Again, countless people saw their place. Their testimony is written in the beginning of the book, which you said you read. So either you are lying and didn't read it or your lying about not knowing about the witnesses.

Heck some of them went to the effort to have their testimony of seeing the plates put on their tombstone. Oliver lost a career in politics over it. David called the media before his death to clearly reaffirm that he saw them. And this was years after he left the church.

Read the Book and you will see for yourself that God is real and Jesus is the Christ.

You're so full of shit that you stink. Everybody except the Mormons themselves know what a lie that is. That's one thing all forms of religion has in's a bold faced lie. Young folks have caught on....they're getting out of religion in droves. They're sleeping in on Sunday mornings instead of:


I can literally read the testimonies and you're saying they don't exist?

I guess that the only conclusion I can reach is that God has provided a miracle since I can read a non existent Book with non existent witnesses

I said there's no book of Mormon.......there's a book of Joseph Smith. He made up the angel Mormon.

Okay definitely haven't read it. Please stop embarrassing yourself.

You have no clue about what I have and have not read. In 82 years I have read a lot....take my word for it!!

I know you haven't read the Book of Mormon. If you had you wouldn't be making so many ignorant statements about it.

If I said that I read the Qur'an and it was wrong because there is no way like Skywalker blew up the death star, you would never believe I actually read it. And with good reason.

You are under no obligation to believe. But have the intellectual honesty to make a decision to reject it on factual information
Oh by the way: What do you think is the main reason, why so many people in the USA (and China) are intentionally ignoring the fact, that human beings are producing a global warming and destabalize the climate of the panet Earth - what will produce uncalculable dangers for all and every life on planet Earth?

Because they got over the volcano god con 10,000 years ago.

Yes, Gaea is angry with your carbon sins. Yes, only through sacrifice to the priests can not only you, but the entire village be saved. (OR THE WHOLE WORLD! WAHHHHHH)

Yes, you're a fucking moron that never learns from past mistakes.

They pull the same fraud on you over and over...
What say Christ in this ones ?!

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

I get it, you're reciting Vogon Poetry!


Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
Thy micturations are to me,
As plurdled gabbleblotchits,
On a lurgid bee,
That mordiously hath blurted out,
Its earted jurtles,
Into a rancid festering confectious organ squealer. [drowned out by moaning and screaming]
Now the jurpling slayjid agrocrustles,
Are slurping hagrilly up the axlegrurts,
And living glupules frart and slipulate,
Like jowling meated liverslime,
What say Christ in this ones ?!

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

I get it, you're reciting Vogon Poetry!


Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
Thy micturations are to me,
As plurdled gabbleblotchits,
On a lurgid bee,
That mordiously hath blurted out,
Its earted jurtles,
Into a rancid festering confectious organ squealer. [drowned out by moaning and screaming]
Now the jurpling slayjid agrocrustles,
Are slurping hagrilly up the axlegrurts,
And living glupules frart and slipulate,
Like jowling meated liverslime,

Mean anything ?
I said there's no book of Mormon.......there's a book of Joseph Smith. He made up the angel Mormon.

That doesn't change the name of the book, sparky.

Tolkien made up Sauron, but it is still "The Lord of the Rings."

I'm holding your "Lord of the Rings" down next to my pecker. It's not too long...about the length of a shoreman's shoe but it's as big around as a beer can.
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Oh by the way: What do you think is the main reason, why so many people in the USA (and China) are intentionally ignoring the fact, that human beings are producing a global warming and destabalize the climate of the panet Earth - what will produce uncalculable dangers for all and every life on planet Earth?

Because they got over the volcano god con 10,000 years ago.

Yes, Gaea is angry with your carbon sins. Yes, only through sacrifice to the priests can not only you, but the entire village be saved. (OR THE WHOLE WORLD! WAHHHHHH)

Yes, you're a fucking moron that never learns from past mistakes.

They pull the same fraud on you over and over...

When I read what you said I had the impression the freedom to use drugs and to destroy the abilities of the own person is for you the same as to kill the life on planet Earth. Your hyperegocentralized thought seems to be "If I am so free not to be able to live in a beautiful way then no one else should be able to live at all".

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What say Christ in this ones ?!

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

I guess he could say to you: "Your schizophrenia is no excuse for violent thoughts." You can find a way - but that's maybe not so easy because you brain is out of balance. God is not like one of the voices that drive you crazy. He's you. He's the home of your heart. I hope you'll find his light and orientation. Try to avoid agressions except the aggressions that help you to live. "Live and let live!". And please: Do not confuse Nazis and Germans. This are completly different things. Nazis were using continously the expression "german" but they did so on reasons of brainwashing political propaganda not on reasons they knew something about the reality and the history of Germans and Europe. We know that Skandinavia, the Balticum, the Ukraine and other places in the East of Europe are not in an easy situation. Trust in the NATO and their political partners. The way is not easy - specially also because the way of peace is peace - but the way was never easy in history. Try to find the peace of your soul. This helps you and everyone else much more than anything else.

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I said there's no book of Mormon.......there's a book of Joseph Smith. He made up the angel Mormon.

That doesn't change the name of the book, sparky.

Tolkien made up Sauron, but it is still "The Lord of the Rings."

I'm holding your "Lord of the Rings" down next to my pecker. It's not too long...about the length of a shoreman's shoe but it's as big around as a beer can.

This is why evil will never defeat the light of the gospel. Because when you fight against the light of truth, your arguments end up becoming mean, bitter and really stupid and yet you think your the greatest mind that ever. It blinds you to reality
Avatar Dan 10:21 and Judaic tradition says it's Michael who is the messenger of truth, that would make Jesus and his followers the great deception. Check Mate!
Author and noted biopsychologist Nigel Barber has completed a new study that shows Atheism is most prevalent in developed countries, and, according to his projections, religion will completely disappear by 2041. His findings are discussed in his new book “Why Atheism Will Replace Religion.” A new study that clarifies his earlier research will be published in August. His findings focus on studying trends within countries around the world and the fact that “Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries”-

In my new study of 137 countries (1), I also found that atheism increases for countries with a well-developed welfare state (as indexed by high taxation rates). Moreover, countries with a more equal distribution of income had more atheists. My study improved on earlier research by taking account of whether a country is mostly Moslem (where atheism is criminalized) or formerly Communist (where religion was suppressed) and accounted for three-quarters of country differences in atheism.

His main thesis stems from the phenomenon of religion declining as personal wealth increases. He cites the reason as people having less of a need for supernatural beliefs when the tangible, natural world is providing for their needs. He says the majority of the world will come to view religion as completely irrelevant by 2041.
Today we see in metro Detroit where there was once 20 Catholic churches today there is 5. So I can see how if this pace keeps up we could reduce these groups to the cults they are.

Think about all those people who will keep ten % of their incomes. They will have more disposable income.

The only problem is religion is a business and employs a lot of people. It also provides something people want and or need. I don't want to outlaw it but I'm glad people aren't buying it.

A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel. It's holding us back as a species
Author and noted biopsychologist Nigel Barber has completed a new study that shows Atheism is most prevalent in developed countries, and, according to his projections, religion will completely disappear by 2041. His findings are discussed in his new book “Why Atheism Will Replace Religion.” A new study that clarifies his earlier research will be published in August. His findings focus on studying trends within countries around the world and the fact that “Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries”-

In my new study of 137 countries (1), I also found that atheism increases for countries with a well-developed welfare state (as indexed by high taxation rates). Moreover, countries with a more equal distribution of income had more atheists. My study improved on earlier research by taking account of whether a country is mostly Moslem (where atheism is criminalized) or formerly Communist (where religion was suppressed) and accounted for three-quarters of country differences in atheism.

His main thesis stems from the phenomenon of religion declining as personal wealth increases. He cites the reason as people having less of a need for supernatural beliefs when the tangible, natural world is providing for their needs. He says the majority of the world will come to view religion as completely irrelevant by 2041.
Today we see in metro Detroit where there was once 20 Catholic churches today there is 5. So I can see how if this pace keeps up we could reduce these groups to the cults they are.

Your Car:

Car with catholic parts:

Think about all those people who will keep ten % of their incomes. They will have more disposable income.

The only problem is religion is a business and employs a lot of people. It also provides something people want and or need. I don't want to outlaw it but I'm glad people aren't buying it.

A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel. It's holding us back as a species

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Author and noted biopsychologist Nigel Barber has completed a new study that shows Atheism is most prevalent in developed countries, and, according to his projections, religion will completely disappear by 2041. His findings are discussed in his new book “Why Atheism Will Replace Religion.” A new study that clarifies his earlier research will be published in August. His findings focus on studying trends within countries around the world and the fact that “Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries”-

In my new study of 137 countries (1), I also found that atheism increases for countries with a well-developed welfare state (as indexed by high taxation rates). Moreover, countries with a more equal distribution of income had more atheists. My study improved on earlier research by taking account of whether a country is mostly Moslem (where atheism is criminalized) or formerly Communist (where religion was suppressed) and accounted for three-quarters of country differences in atheism.

His main thesis stems from the phenomenon of religion declining as personal wealth increases. He cites the reason as people having less of a need for supernatural beliefs when the tangible, natural world is providing for their needs. He says the majority of the world will come to view religion as completely irrelevant by 2041.

Wow. You people will believe anything won't you. The only way for this silly persons thesis to come to fruition would be for every religious person on the planet to die off. Now, I know that that is the wet dream of militant atheists everywhere, but i don't see that happening anytime soon.
Author and noted biopsychologist Nigel Barber has completed a new study that shows Atheism is most prevalent in developed countries, and, according to his projections, religion will completely disappear by 2041. His findings are discussed in his new book “Why Atheism Will Replace Religion.” A new study that clarifies his earlier research will be published in August. His findings focus on studying trends within countries around the world and the fact that “Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries”-

In my new study of 137 countries (1), I also found that atheism increases for countries with a well-developed welfare state (as indexed by high taxation rates). Moreover, countries with a more equal distribution of income had more atheists. My study improved on earlier research by taking account of whether a country is mostly Moslem (where atheism is criminalized) or formerly Communist (where religion was suppressed) and accounted for three-quarters of country differences in atheism.

His main thesis stems from the phenomenon of religion declining as personal wealth increases. He cites the reason as people having less of a need for supernatural beliefs when the tangible, natural world is providing for their needs. He says the majority of the world will come to view religion as completely irrelevant by 2041.
Today we see in metro Detroit where there was once 20 Catholic churches today there is 5. So I can see how if this pace keeps up we could reduce these groups to the cults they are.

Think about all those people who will keep ten % of their incomes. They will have more disposable income.

The only problem is religion is a business and employs a lot of people. It also provides something people want and or need. I don't want to outlaw it but I'm glad people aren't buying it.

A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel. It's holding us back as a species

Umm, that's because Detroit has lost more than half of its population since those churches were built. It's amazing that a supposedly thinking person can't make even that simple an observation.
I can literally read the testimonies and you're saying they don't exist?

I guess that the only conclusion I can reach is that God has provided a miracle since I can read a non existent Book with non existent witnesses

I said there's no book of Mormon.......there's a book of Joseph Smith. He made up the angel Mormon.

Okay definitely haven't read it. Please stop embarrassing yourself.

You have no clue about what I have and have not read. In 82 years I have read a lot....take my word for it!!

I know you haven't read the Book of Mormon. If you had you wouldn't be making so many ignorant statements about it.

If I said that I read the Qur'an and it was wrong because there is no way like Skywalker blew up the death star, you would never believe I actually read it. And with good reason.

You are under no obligation to believe. But have the intellectual honesty to make a decision to reject it on factual information

I've worked in a central data processing facility at Oak Ridge for 41 years. I was in the military and national guards from 1957-1964. I started as a process operator at of the most complicated processes in the world. We attended classes for 27 months. Later I was in charge of operations in one of the biggest main frame computing centers in the SE US and had up to 41 technical employees reporting to me. I played week end dance band piano from about 1950-1980. For years I was drawing a paycheck from three places and working all the overtime I could work in on my main job. I've learned more accidently than you'll ever know.

And yet, your ignorance is on display for everyone. And that just makes your situation worse, you should know better.

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