Religion To Disappear By 2041

He translated them into a book you are more than welcome to read and inquire of God. Come read it and ask the Lord and He will reveal to you that it's true.

Fuck a 2000 year old ghost story. I'm not buying that ridiculous bull shit!

2,000 years and you think it will disappear in the next 25....snicker
your goyim god on two sticks isn't coming back, because he is dead

Just think about it.....all the ancient gods are dead. At least they haven't been heard from.

And the Book of Mormon proves you wrong

There is not and never was a book of Mormon. Nobody saw it so all there is is Joseph Smith's word. Who I might mention was a convict.

I've read the book of Mormon and it's a poor copy of the old testament. I can see Smith seated under a tree laughing to himself as he picked pieces out of the old testament to transcribe into his fake book.

Oh got Joseph smith and Brigham Young a whole lot of pussy and that was their original goal. Between them they had almost 100 wives.
Fuck a 2000 year old ghost story. I'm not buying that ridiculous bull shit!

2,000 years and you think it will disappear in the next 25....snicker
your goyim god on two sticks isn't coming back, because he is dead

Just think about it.....all the ancient gods are dead. At least they haven't been heard from.

And the Book of Mormon proves you wrong

There is not and never was a book of Mormon. Nobody saw it so all there is is Joseph Smith's word. Who I might mention was a convict.

I've read the book of Mormon and it's a poor copy of the old testament. I can see Smith seated under a tree laughing to himself as he picked pieces out of the old testament to transcribe into his fake book.

Oh got Joseph smith and Brigham Young a whole lot of pussy and that was their original goal. Between them they had almost 100 wives.

How do you read a Book that doesn't exist? Does contradicting yourself within two sentences bother you at all or are you just not going to care? BTW I have this non existent Book right next to me.

And if you had read it, you would have noticed the testimony of the witnesses at the beginning. The fact that you didn't makes your claim to have read it very dubious at best.

And please tell us more about how Brigham Young conspired with Joseph to create a church to marry lots of women when he was a convert years after all this happened and didn't meet Joseph until he moved to Kirkland. And why on earth anyone would marry a lot of women and put up with the drama of conflicting wives and countless children when society already gives it's approval to sleeping with whomever you want and running away from doing the right thing? Seems much less CO plicated that way.
Author and noted biopsychologist Nigel Barber has completed a new study that shows Atheism is most prevalent in developed countries, and, according to his projections, religion will completely disappear by 2041. ...

The belief "atheism" is for sure the most agressive belief of all beliefs and has the greatest influence on all forms of lifestyle worldwide. But this has nothing to do with natural science, biology and/or psychology. Even if this strange psychologist will be right - Karl Marx said: "Alle Revolutionen haben bisher nur eines bewiesen, nämlich, daß sich vieles ändern lässt, bloß nicht die Menschen" (~= All revolutions showed only: lots of things can be changed - but not so the human beings [themselve] ). A psychologist should know: spirituality is an essential human characteristics. It would be as stupid to say: "In 2041 we will live in a world without agressions" , because without agressions the mankind is not able to survive. We are able to live with atheistic religions - but to think atheism is not a belief is only a delusion. The real question is maybe: "If all serios religions are equal and free - why is atheism more equal and more free?" I don't see reasons (except dictatorship) why atheism should be the only state religion of the future.

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It takes all kinds:

Mark 16:

17"These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."


What this people are doing has absolutelly nothing to do with the christian religion. They don't respect gods creation. They don't respect the life of the serpents nor their own life. You would know this if you would be a Christian. Only to find a sentence in the bible is not enough reason for a completly stupid behavior what looks like the behavior of drug addicts. To misuse animals is absurde - but to misuse snakes is completly absurde. They show with this behavior that they are not "wise as serpents and innocent as doves".

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Author and noted biopsychologist Nigel Barber has completed a new study that shows Atheism is most prevalent in developed countries, and, according to his projections, religion will completely disappear by 2041. His findings are discussed in his new book “Why Atheism Will Replace Religion.” A new study that clarifies his earlier research will be published in August. His findings focus on studying trends within countries around the world and the fact that “Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries”-

In my new study of 137 countries (1), I also found that atheism increases for countries with a well-developed welfare state (as indexed by high taxation rates). Moreover, countries with a more equal distribution of income had more atheists. My study improved on earlier research by taking account of whether a country is mostly Moslem (where atheism is criminalized) or formerly Communist (where religion was suppressed) and accounted for three-quarters of country differences in atheism.

His main thesis stems from the phenomenon of religion declining as personal wealth increases. He cites the reason as people having less of a need for supernatural beliefs when the tangible, natural world is providing for their needs. He says the majority of the world will come to view religion as completely irrelevant by 2041.

The findings of this "study" are hardly believable and his supporting arguments are unconvincing. Religions have been with us for 50,000 years and have been a vital and critical part of human evolution and survival. For religious belief to disappear completely in 25 years, even in the most developed and secular societies, is a ridiculous claim made out of wishful thinking and a blindness to the human psyche.

I'm an atheist.

It's no secret. Sunday mornings when I was a kid nearly everybody in our neighborhoods put on their best, loaded up in the family sedan and went to church on Sunday mornings. can hardly miss a car on the streets at 10:00AM. A better test is the church parking lots.....they're nearly empty. People have better things to do with their time. I take my boat out on Sunday mornings.
And simply read the news to see how the world is circling the drain as a result.
Author and noted biopsychologist Nigel Barber has completed a new study that shows Atheism is most prevalent in developed countries, and, according to his projections, religion will completely disappear by 2041. His findings are discussed in his new book “Why Atheism Will Replace Religion.” A new study that clarifies his earlier research will be published in August. His findings focus on studying trends within countries around the world and the fact that “Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries”-

In my new study of 137 countries (1), I also found that atheism increases for countries with a well-developed welfare state (as indexed by high taxation rates). Moreover, countries with a more equal distribution of income had more atheists. My study improved on earlier research by taking account of whether a country is mostly Moslem (where atheism is criminalized) or formerly Communist (where religion was suppressed) and accounted for three-quarters of country differences in atheism.

His main thesis stems from the phenomenon of religion declining as personal wealth increases. He cites the reason as people having less of a need for supernatural beliefs when the tangible, natural world is providing for their needs. He says the majority of the world will come to view religion as completely irrelevant by 2041.
There is hope for society

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), a strong and passionate belief in a deity or higher power, to the point where it impairs one’s ability to make conscientious decisions about common sense matters, will now be classified as a mental illness.

American Psychological Association To Classify Belief in God As a Mental Illness

So says the imbecile that bows to statues and gobbles crackers you think turn into a god man

Oh by the way: Why do you think your Anticatholicism is worthful?

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2,000 years and you think it will disappear in the next 25....snicker
your goyim god on two sticks isn't coming back, because he is dead

Just think about it.....all the ancient gods are dead. At least they haven't been heard from.

And the Book of Mormon proves you wrong

There is not and never was a book of Mormon. Nobody saw it so all there is is Joseph Smith's word. Who I might mention was a convict.

I've read the book of Mormon and it's a poor copy of the old testament. I can see Smith seated under a tree laughing to himself as he picked pieces out of the old testament to transcribe into his fake book.

Oh got Joseph smith and Brigham Young a whole lot of pussy and that was their original goal. Between them they had almost 100 wives.

How do you read a Book that doesn't exist? Does contradicting yourself within two sentences bother you at all or are you just not going to care? BTW I have this non existent Book right next to me.

And if you had read it, you would have noticed the testimony of the witnesses at the beginning. The fact that you didn't makes your claim to have read it very dubious at best.

And please tell us more about how Brigham Young conspired with Joseph to create a church to marry lots of women when he was a convert years after all this happened and didn't meet Joseph until he moved to Kirkland. And why on earth anyone would marry a lot of women and put up with the drama of conflicting wives and countless children when society already gives it's approval to sleeping with whomever you want and running away from doing the right thing? Seems much less CO plicated that way.

Read about the angel appearing to Joseph Smith and showing him golden plates which contained the book of Mormon. The biggest goddam lie in modern times but there's always a bunch of day dreamers who will believe any cock and bull story somebody makes up. Nobody ever saw the plates. That's why I said there's no book of Mormon. There is a book of Joseph Smith.
your goyim god on two sticks isn't coming back, because he is dead

Just think about it.....all the ancient gods are dead. At least they haven't been heard from.

And the Book of Mormon proves you wrong

There is not and never was a book of Mormon. Nobody saw it so all there is is Joseph Smith's word. Who I might mention was a convict.

I've read the book of Mormon and it's a poor copy of the old testament. I can see Smith seated under a tree laughing to himself as he picked pieces out of the old testament to transcribe into his fake book.

Oh got Joseph smith and Brigham Young a whole lot of pussy and that was their original goal. Between them they had almost 100 wives.

How do you read a Book that doesn't exist? Does contradicting yourself within two sentences bother you at all or are you just not going to care? BTW I have this non existent Book right next to me.

And if you had read it, you would have noticed the testimony of the witnesses at the beginning. The fact that you didn't makes your claim to have read it very dubious at best.

And please tell us more about how Brigham Young conspired with Joseph to create a church to marry lots of women when he was a convert years after all this happened and didn't meet Joseph until he moved to Kirkland. And why on earth anyone would marry a lot of women and put up with the drama of conflicting wives and countless children when society already gives it's approval to sleeping with whomever you want and running away from doing the right thing? Seems much less CO plicated that way.

Read about the angel appearing to Joseph Smith and showing him golden plates which contained the book of Mormon. The biggest goddam lie in modern times but there's always a bunch of day dreamers who will believe any cock and bull story somebody makes up. Nobody ever saw the plates. That's why I said there's no book of Mormon. There is a book of Joseph Smith.

Again, countless people saw their place. Their testimony is written in the beginning of the book, which you said you read. So either you are lying and didn't read it or your lying about not knowing about the witnesses.

Heck some of them went to the effort to have their testimony of seeing the plates put on their tombstone. Oliver lost a career in politics over it. David called the media before his death to clearly reaffirm that he saw them. And this was years after he left the church.

Read the Book and you will see for yourself that God is real and Jesus is the Christ.
Just think about it.....all the ancient gods are dead. At least they haven't been heard from.

And the Book of Mormon proves you wrong

There is not and never was a book of Mormon. Nobody saw it so all there is is Joseph Smith's word. Who I might mention was a convict.

I've read the book of Mormon and it's a poor copy of the old testament. I can see Smith seated under a tree laughing to himself as he picked pieces out of the old testament to transcribe into his fake book.

Oh got Joseph smith and Brigham Young a whole lot of pussy and that was their original goal. Between them they had almost 100 wives.

How do you read a Book that doesn't exist? Does contradicting yourself within two sentences bother you at all or are you just not going to care? BTW I have this non existent Book right next to me.

And if you had read it, you would have noticed the testimony of the witnesses at the beginning. The fact that you didn't makes your claim to have read it very dubious at best.

And please tell us more about how Brigham Young conspired with Joseph to create a church to marry lots of women when he was a convert years after all this happened and didn't meet Joseph until he moved to Kirkland. And why on earth anyone would marry a lot of women and put up with the drama of conflicting wives and countless children when society already gives it's approval to sleeping with whomever you want and running away from doing the right thing? Seems much less CO plicated that way.

Read about the angel appearing to Joseph Smith and showing him golden plates which contained the book of Mormon. The biggest goddam lie in modern times but there's always a bunch of day dreamers who will believe any cock and bull story somebody makes up. Nobody ever saw the plates. That's why I said there's no book of Mormon. There is a book of Joseph Smith.

Again, countless people saw their place. Their testimony is written in the beginning of the book, which you said you read. So either you are lying and didn't read it or your lying about not knowing about the witnesses.

Heck some of them went to the effort to have their testimony of seeing the plates put on their tombstone. Oliver lost a career in politics over it. David called the media before his death to clearly reaffirm that he saw them. And this was years after he left the church.

Read the Book and you will see for yourself that God is real and Jesus is the Christ.

You're so full of shit that you stink. Everybody except the Mormons themselves know what a lie that is. That's one thing all forms of religion has in's a bold faced lie. Young folks have caught on....they're getting out of religion in droves. They're sleeping in on Sunday mornings instead of:

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I do not claim to be an authority on religion. It does appear to me that Islam is growing most especially in America based upon the number of new mosques being built. That is simply my own observation however. I will offer these tidbits of information concerning Christianity in America.

It is estimated that 3,000 new churches are opened in America each year on average. It is also estimated that 4,000 churches close their doors each year resulting in a net loss of 1,000 churches.

These are the folks who claim to know Christ in America:

65% of folks born before 1946. These are the primary ones funding the churches and their outreach programs today.

35% of folks born between 1946 and 1964

15% of folks born between 1965 and 1979

4% of folks born between 1980 and 2000

??? of folks born between 2001 and today.

It does appear that Christianity is dying out in America. In my own church, most of the members are those born prior to 1946.
There is only the illusion of a separation between church and state.

By giving churches of any sort tax free status and by not prosecuting what amounts to physical emotional and psychological abuse of children, crimes legally protected under the guise of freedom of religious expression, the state is intimately involved in supporting 'the Church' probably because religion in general churns out confused and traumatized automatons by the millions that are easily subjugated and further victimized by the state.

Gallup February 16, 2012

PRINCETON, NJ -- An analysis of more than 676,000 Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index interviews conducted in 2011 and 2010 finds that Americans who are the most religious have the highest levels of wellbeing. The statistically significant relationship between religiousness and wellbeing holds up after controlling for numerous demographic variables.
Religious Americans Enjoy Higher Wellbeing
I personally believe the Bible is correct in that there will be a one-world political leader, a one-world religious leader with a one-world religion. We will see a one-world economy with a cashless society.
And the Book of Mormon proves you wrong

There is not and never was a book of Mormon. Nobody saw it so all there is is Joseph Smith's word. Who I might mention was a convict.

I've read the book of Mormon and it's a poor copy of the old testament. I can see Smith seated under a tree laughing to himself as he picked pieces out of the old testament to transcribe into his fake book.

Oh got Joseph smith and Brigham Young a whole lot of pussy and that was their original goal. Between them they had almost 100 wives.

How do you read a Book that doesn't exist? Does contradicting yourself within two sentences bother you at all or are you just not going to care? BTW I have this non existent Book right next to me.

And if you had read it, you would have noticed the testimony of the witnesses at the beginning. The fact that you didn't makes your claim to have read it very dubious at best.

And please tell us more about how Brigham Young conspired with Joseph to create a church to marry lots of women when he was a convert years after all this happened and didn't meet Joseph until he moved to Kirkland. And why on earth anyone would marry a lot of women and put up with the drama of conflicting wives and countless children when society already gives it's approval to sleeping with whomever you want and running away from doing the right thing? Seems much less CO plicated that way.

Read about the angel appearing to Joseph Smith and showing him golden plates which contained the book of Mormon. The biggest goddam lie in modern times but there's always a bunch of day dreamers who will believe any cock and bull story somebody makes up. Nobody ever saw the plates. That's why I said there's no book of Mormon. There is a book of Joseph Smith.

Again, countless people saw their place. Their testimony is written in the beginning of the book, which you said you read. So either you are lying and didn't read it or your lying about not knowing about the witnesses.

Heck some of them went to the effort to have their testimony of seeing the plates put on their tombstone. Oliver lost a career in politics over it. David called the media before his death to clearly reaffirm that he saw them. And this was years after he left the church.

Read the Book and you will see for yourself that God is real and Jesus is the Christ.

You're so full of shit that you stink. Everybody except the Mormons themselves know what a lie that is. That's one thing all forms of religion has in's a bold faced lie. Young folks have caught on....they're getting out of religion in droves. They're sleeping in on Sunday mornings instead of:


I can literally read the testimonies and you're saying they don't exist?

I guess that the only conclusion I can reach is that God has provided a miracle since I can read a non existent Book with non existent witnesses
There is not and never was a book of Mormon. Nobody saw it so all there is is Joseph Smith's word. Who I might mention was a convict.

I've read the book of Mormon and it's a poor copy of the old testament. I can see Smith seated under a tree laughing to himself as he picked pieces out of the old testament to transcribe into his fake book.

Oh got Joseph smith and Brigham Young a whole lot of pussy and that was their original goal. Between them they had almost 100 wives.

How do you read a Book that doesn't exist? Does contradicting yourself within two sentences bother you at all or are you just not going to care? BTW I have this non existent Book right next to me.

And if you had read it, you would have noticed the testimony of the witnesses at the beginning. The fact that you didn't makes your claim to have read it very dubious at best.

And please tell us more about how Brigham Young conspired with Joseph to create a church to marry lots of women when he was a convert years after all this happened and didn't meet Joseph until he moved to Kirkland. And why on earth anyone would marry a lot of women and put up with the drama of conflicting wives and countless children when society already gives it's approval to sleeping with whomever you want and running away from doing the right thing? Seems much less CO plicated that way.

Read about the angel appearing to Joseph Smith and showing him golden plates which contained the book of Mormon. The biggest goddam lie in modern times but there's always a bunch of day dreamers who will believe any cock and bull story somebody makes up. Nobody ever saw the plates. That's why I said there's no book of Mormon. There is a book of Joseph Smith.

Again, countless people saw their place. Their testimony is written in the beginning of the book, which you said you read. So either you are lying and didn't read it or your lying about not knowing about the witnesses.

Heck some of them went to the effort to have their testimony of seeing the plates put on their tombstone. Oliver lost a career in politics over it. David called the media before his death to clearly reaffirm that he saw them. And this was years after he left the church.

Read the Book and you will see for yourself that God is real and Jesus is the Christ.

You're so full of shit that you stink. Everybody except the Mormons themselves know what a lie that is. That's one thing all forms of religion has in's a bold faced lie. Young folks have caught on....they're getting out of religion in droves. They're sleeping in on Sunday mornings instead of:


I can literally read the testimonies and you're saying they don't exist?

I guess that the only conclusion I can reach is that God has provided a miracle since I can read a non existent Book with non existent witnesses

I said there's no book of Mormon.......there's a book of Joseph Smith. He made up the angel Mormon.
... In 1936 my family moved onto my maternal grandparent's farm. We didn't have enough to eat and men were standing in line to be considered for a 12 hour a day job for $0.75. The first full time job my Daddy landed was on Roosevelt's WPA....$3.80 a week for 48 hours. You uninformed punks make my asshole crave lime juice.

A Ford "Tin Lizzy" costed in those days $750. So they had to work in 1936 about 1000 days = 12000 hours to earn the money for a good new car. That's the time someone has to work to buy 240000 bottles of beer (in Germany). Cars are cheaper today - and better. The problem: If someone buys a car for about a hundredthousand bottles of beer and he drinks the rest - when will he get back his drivers license?

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... Or how about the cult of Global Warming?

Oh by the way: What do you think is the main reason, why so many people in the USA (and China) are intentionally ignoring the fact, that human beings are producing a global warming and destabalize the climate of the panet Earth - what will produce uncalculable dangers for all and every life on planet Earth?

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Seems to be a lot of religion Christian and religion haters on this thread....I wonder if they realize that makes them bigots?

No - I fear they believe not to believe in god produces automatically the knowledge about science they don't have. Our methods are a little more effective, how even Jews know:
A Jewish couple has a son who is a holy terror. When he gets to be of age, he's kicked out of every school they put him in. Finally desperate, the father goes to the Rabbi for advice and the Rabbi says put him in the Catholic school. Shocked, the father asks if the Rabbi sure. "Yes" is the reply, so the father takes him to the nuns and leaves.
An hour goes by, then two hours, lunch time and finally at three the son comes in says "Good afternoon Papa, good afternoon Mama," goes to the table and starts on his homework and finally ask why he stayed in school all day and why he is behaving so well. His son looks up and says "Papa when you left, the Mother Superior told me that they did not allow rowdy boys, then she took me to my room. Papa they mean business! They've got a Jew nailed on a Plus in every room!"


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I do not claim to be an authority on religion. It does appear to me that Islam is growing most especially in America based upon the number of new mosques being built. That is simply my own observation however. I will offer these tidbits of information concerning Christianity in America.

It is estimated that 3,000 new churches are opened in America each year on average. It is also estimated that 4,000 churches close their doors each year resulting in a net loss of 1,000 churches.

These are the folks who claim to know Christ in America:

65% of folks born before 1946. These are the primary ones funding the churches and their outreach programs today.

35% of folks born between 1946 and 1964

15% of folks born between 1965 and 1979

4% of folks born between 1980 and 2000

??? of folks born between 2001 and today.

It does appear that Christianity is dying out in America. In my own church, most of the members are those born prior to 1946.

I remember I learned once in school we are some hundred millions Catholics. Now we are 1.3 billion Catholics. So we grow. I fear not the religions die out - the so called "white race" or "western civilisation" seems to die out. I would say today live in Germany and Austria about 60% of descendants of the Germans who lived here a hundred years ago - before world war 1+2 destroyed so many cultures of Europe, while the world since this time became more and more a uniformed world of little boxes in an anglo-american style. And the people today are much older: more than 40 years in average. Parallel to this bio-socio-political problem are existing also different ideologies. To be an Antichristian is as well a modern lifestyle as it is a right wing Nazi ideology and a left wing Commie ideology. But Buddhism and Islam for example grow here. Buddhism because of convertits: lots of Germans become Buddhists and the Islam grows in the mainstream because of migration. The same time the knowledge about essentials of the christian religion goes down in the christian population. Perhaps I can subsumize this under the word "We forget ourselve" and not only 'to forget' - we even exclude ourselve. Even a priest for example tried to discuss with me in a church - so I had to flee out of the church, because I did not like to damage this holy place, where the people speak since a long row of centuries with god. Or I was for example banned from a german forum because I used a latin prayer under the impression of a human catastrophe. Not because of the content - they did not understand - because I used the language Latin they banned me. Germans are by the way a mix of Celts, Germanics and Romans - so Latin is one of our roots.

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Churches get money from you? Or the government? It's not YOUR money, fool

By god my money is what runs the government....or didn't you know?

It's the Church's money, not yours or the government's....or didn't you know? Perhaps PP and all the other tax free organizations should start ponying up? How bout dat? :)

You're nuts. By the time a piece of property is acquired and developed governmental agencies are involved at every turn.

You're a greedy asshole wanting the gummit to nanny you.

I'm 82 years old. I've been paying taxes to the government since 1950. Being retired didn't change anything. We pay about 14% on income of just under $80,000.
As you should

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