Religious Evolution


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Teens are fleeing religion like never before: Massive new study exposes religion’s decline


The young woman pictured is expressing true atheism, but the study seems to be focused on participation in a religious organization, not necessarily an abandonment of God as a concept.

The Article Linked Below said:
Religion is rapidly losing the youngest generation of Americans, according to new research.

America’s rising generation of adults are the least religiously observant of any generation in six decades, determined an expansive study led by Jean Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State.

Teens are fleeing religion like never before: Massive new study exposes religion’s decline

Perhaps the kids aren't giving up on God, they're just not buying the concept that the ancient Arab stories starring The Family of Abraham are the last Word on such a Being.

More Than 9 in 10 Americans Continue to Believe in God

by Frank Newport

Professed belief is lower among younger Americans, Easterners, and liberals

PRINCETON, NJ -- More than 9 in 10 Americans still say "yes" when asked the basic question "Do you believe in God?"; this is down only slightly from the 1940s, when Gallup first asked this question.

More Than 9 in 10 Americans Continue to Believe in God
Three in Four in U.S. Still See the Bible as Word of God

PRINCETON, NJ -- Twenty-eight percent of Americans believe the Bible is the actual word of God and that it should be taken literally. This is somewhat below the 38% to 40% seen in the late 1970s, and near the all-time low of 27% reached in 2001 and 2009. But about half of Americans continue to say the Bible is the inspired word of God, not to be taken literally -- meaning a combined 75% believe the Bible is in some way connected to God.

Three in Four in U.S. Still See the Bible as Word of God

Either the poll itself is bullshit or the answers to it were given by people who're bullshitting themselves.

Three fourths of Americans certainly don't live their lives like they think that those ancient Arab stories are The Inspired Word of God.

More than three fourths of Americans don't even know all of the stories.

I'll bet a dollar that north of nine tenths of Americans have not read every word of The New Testament.

If three fourths of Americans believe that The Bible is THE word of God, eighty percent of 'em live like the God behind the stories is an impotent joke.
  • Christianity faces sharp decline as Americans are becoming even less affiliated with religion
christianity is on the decline in America, not just among younger generations or in certain regions of the country but across race, gender, education and geographic barriers. The percentage of adults who describe themselves as Christians dropped by nearly eight percentage points in just seven years to about 71 percent, according to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.
Christianity faces sharp decline as Americans are becoming even less affiliated with religion
One look at the headlines for and the advertising to pop culture today shows The God of Abraham in general and Jesus in particular are often just an idol on the dashboard.

If God is, God doesn't seem overly concerned with the individual lives grinding out the story of dog-eat-dog survival of the most fit that IS the unfolding history of humanity, in spite of the wishes to the contrary expressed in the ancient Arab stories that try to pigeon-hole God as belonging to an ancient Arab Earth Monkey named Abraham.
Funny, because everywhere I look I see God concerned with the individual.
Teens are fleeing religion like never before: Massive new study exposes religion’s decline


The young woman pictured is expressing true atheism, ...

First: This picture is political propaganda for men (message: "to believe in god is not sexy"). Indeed the most women are satisfied with men, who are "knights on white horses" fighting for their families and with partners who are living the maxime "You are the only one for me."

Second: The message "There is no god" makes not a difference between gods and god - but indeed the difference between "gods" and god is gigantic. "Gods" and "god" are indeed completly different things - but also gods lead to god.

Third: Atheism is a belief. The correct message on this piece of paper would be "I believe there is no god". Unfortunatelly in most cases atheists today don't make a difference between their belief and their knowledge any longer. It's for human beings impossible not to believe. To think in such ways means to lose a complexity of the thoughts without winning a greater lightness of being.

Fourth: If a young generation replaces the belief in god with the belief in "nothing" I'm worried about what will be the real face of this "nothing" if we will see it one day.

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Funny, because everywhere I look I see God concerned with the individual.

O.k...... Explain the suffering.

Is God weak, impotent or uncaring? :dunno:

If God is, He must be one or the other, because there is no apparent connection between religious affiliation and luck, both good and bad.
Teens are fleeing religion like never before: Massive new study exposes religion’s decline


The young woman pictured is expressing true atheism, ...
First: This picture is political propaganda for men (message: "to believe in god is not sexy"). Indeed the most women are satisfied with men, who are "knights on white horses" fighting for their families and with partners who are living the maxime "You are the only one for me."

Second: The message "There is no god" makes not a difference between gods and god - but indeed the difference between "gods" and god is gigantic. "Gods" and "god" are indeed completly different things - but also gods lead to god.

Third: Atheism is a belief. The correct message on this piece of paper would be "I believe there is no god". Unfortunatelly in most cases atheists today don't make a difference between their belief and their knowledge any longer. It's for human beings impossible not to believe. To think in such ways means to lose a complexity of the thoughts without winning a greater lightness of being.

Fourth: If a young generation replaces the belief in god with the belief in "nothing" I'm worried about what will be the real face of this "nothing" if we will see it one day.

That's kind of the point of the thread, Bud.

It looks and sounds to me like the youth of today is giving up on the ancient Arab stories about Abraham, not necessarily on God.

It's reflective in pop culture too... everyone seems to be o.k. with "God Bless America...", but conversations quickly turn to the defensive when American theists are asked to name the God that the blessing is being requested of. Can you imagine the conflict that would arise if everyone took their own religion seriously enough to stop allowing that the God being called upon for a blessing was no longer just the good ol' generic, all encompassing 'God' that is daily interpreted by the individuals being spoken to as every god from Allah to Zeuse?

I find it funny that the aspect of religion in America that keeps the peace between denominations and religions here an unwritten understanding that the term "God" is to be used as generically as possible in politics.
If God is, God doesn't seem overly concerned with the individual lives grinding out the story of dog-eat-dog survival of the most fit that IS the unfolding history of humanity ...
it would be interesting, if possible to backdate to the event described as Noah's Arch and definitively determine whether it was a historical event being remembered and portrayed by its survivors or simply a literary fabrication for substantiation - however in regards to the above post it is the explanation for a concerned Almighty's attempt to not end an inevitable failure by giving the participants a 2nd chance to accomplish their "own" salvation.

if a species is unable to save itself why then is it the fault of the Almighty when they blow themselves up - Joe ?

If God is, God doesn't seem overly concerned with the individual lives grinding out the story of dog-eat-dog survival of the most fit that IS the unfolding history of humanity ...
it would be interesting, if possible to backdate to the event described as Noah's Arch and definitively determine whether it was a historical event being remembered and portrayed by its survivors or simply a literary fabrication for substantiation - however in regards to the above post it is the explanation for a concerned Almighty's attempt to not end an inevitable failure by giving the participants a 2nd chance to accomplish their "own" salvation.

if a species is unable to save itself why then is it the fault of the Almighty when they blow themselves up - Joe ?


And uhm, wasn't 'god's' purpose in causing the 'flood' to rid the Earth of all the human debauchery? That Noah's family was righteous and therefore would repopulate the Earth with only the righteous?

How's that work out? Hitler spawned from Noah's loins if the flood story is true.

'God' didn't see that coming? Why did he do the whole flood thing if he knew (he knows all including the future yeah?) that killing all those people would have no effect?

All those people were murdered for nothing?

Its this kind of crap that young people have a problem with. If you use ANY critical thinking re the various religions you find none of them holds any water.
If God is, God doesn't seem overly concerned with the individual lives grinding out the story of dog-eat-dog survival of the most fit that IS the unfolding history of humanity ...

.it would be interesting, if possible to backdate to the event described as Noah's Arch and definitively determine whether it was a historical event being remembered and portrayed by its survivors or simply a literary fabrication for substantiation - however in regards to the above post it is the explanation for a concerned Almighty's attempt to not end an inevitable failure by giving the participants a 2nd chance to accomplish their "own" salvation.

if a species is unable to save itself why then is it the fault of the Almighty when they blow themselves up - Joe ?


Because... if the religions are credible at all, in spite of the complete lack of any physical evidence to substantiate such a claim, God is in control.

His world, His rules, His Monkeys, His failure.
An America without virtue.

Republicanism loses to the passions, prejudices, and vices of an uninformed democracy. Christians who have voted for Democrats have voted themselves out of relevancy, and their countrymen into tyranny.
An America without virtue.

Republicanism loses to the passions, prejudices, and vices of an uninformed democracy. Christians who have voted for Democrats have voted themselves out of relevancy, and their countrymen into tyranny.

Hi :) ,

If you're a former citizen of Norway could I ask how a man like this can be allowed to live in that country?...Islamic Mullah speaking on the goodness of the Paris cartoon killings and people who "have no right to live" over words that they say...:

Hubert Reeves said:
"Man is the most insane species.
He worships an invisible God and destroys a visible nature.
Unaware that this nature he's destroying is this God he is worshiping."

:eusa_think: Well..... species-wide insanity certainly explains a few things...

WYGD? :dunno:
Hero Hexagon

Young Americans today like comic books and self-determination daydreams, and Hollywood (USA) movies such as "Iron Man" (2008) and "The Dark Knight" (2008) reflect this trend.

The fictional American comic book super-villain Doctor Octopus is a nemesis of the webbed-wonder Spider-Man (Marvel Comics) and has deadly mechanized tentacles enabling him to grab and hurl objects simultaneously.

Doctor Octopus represents a modern age fascination with goal prioritization and multi-tasking culture (i.e., eTrade), and maybe pragmatism sentimentalism has replaced divinity sentimentalism.

Maybe Captain America (Marvel Comics), a participation-themed superhero who represents civics frailties, can save the day.


Doctor Octopus


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