Religious Freedom Under Attack

just like charging for sex makes you a prostitute

Or someone aware of their self-worth.

Damnit Jane. Also stop this crazy thing Rrrastro

To be fair, I don't think Jane was giving it up that much to George. He was way too high-strung for someone who was getting regularly busted.

Mr. Cogswell was banging Jane. I knew it!
The left is going insane on many levels. An indication of how bad it is has to be the headlong rush in child killing.
just like charging for sex makes you a prostitute

Or someone aware of their self-worth.

Damnit Jane. Also stop this crazy thing Rrrastro

To be fair, I don't think Jane was giving it up that much to George. He was way too high-strung for someone who was getting regularly busted.

Mr. Cogswell was banging Jane. I knew it!

How else do you think George kept his job? He was the worst employee since Homer Simpson.
just like charging for sex makes you a prostitute

Or someone aware of their self-worth.

Damnit Jane. Also stop this crazy thing Rrrastro

To be fair, I don't think Jane was giving it up that much to George. He was way too high-strung for someone who was getting regularly busted.

Mr. Cogswell was banging Jane. I knew it!

How else do you think George kept his job? He was the worst employee since Homer Simpson.
George and Homer are both model employees, they would gladly kiss Cogswell or mr Burns ass.
Isn't religious & other FREEDOMs, what sets us apart from the rest of the world? Wasn't it for that purpose the forefathers included it in the Constitution? Aren't we the only country with such a Constitution? BECAUSE the citizens of other countries around the world didn't/don't have those FREEDOMS.
Most Republicans admire Vladimir Putin. They think he's a strong leader. They have no problem if Trump works for him.

So no matter what evil Putin does, they won't believe it.

In fact, it seems the vast majority of Republicans on the USMB don't even believe Trump lies. They say
"prove it". Audio and Video isn't enough.

^^^ Please prove this. Though I am not a Republican, I am tired of your attacks on them. Oh and I do not see any "audio and video proving your statement.
That’s been true for most of Trump’s time in office.

About a third of Republicans have a positive view of Putin – remarkable given the fact that Putin is an authoritarian dictator and autocrat.

Poll: Putin favorability surges with Republicans
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For the First Time, Russia Ranked Among Worst Violators of Religious Freedom

Russia’s ongoing crackdown on religious minorities, foreign missionaries, and evangelists has earned it a spot among the worst countries in the world for religious freedom.

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), which flags religious freedom violators for the State Department, listed the former Soviet state among six new Tier 1 “countries of particular concern” (CPC) in its latest annual report, released Wednesday.

It is the first time in the commission’s almost 20-year history that Russia has made the list. A total of 16 countries currently hold the CPC designation, and another dozen are being reviewed as Tier 2.

Russia is the only country whose repression of religious freedom has both intensified and expanded into a neighboring state by means of military occupation since USCIRF began monitoring it, officials said. The report dedicated seven pages to its problematic policies, from the “persecution of religious minorities in the occupied areas of Crimeaand Donbas” to recent moves against non-Orthodox Christians in its heartland.
Most Republicans admire Vladimir Putin. They think he's a strong leader. They have no problem if Trump works for him.

So no matter what evil Putin does, they won't believe it.

In fact, it seems the vast majority of Republicans on the USMB don't even believe Trump lies. They say
"prove it". Audio and Video isn't enough.

^^^ Please prove this. Though I am not a Republican, I am tired of your attacks on them. Oh and I do not see any "audio and video proving your statement.

What part of Russia is a Communist Country(Godless) which equates to A Society that only tolerates religion it doesn't promote it. And when the govt. gets tired of the political lean of a religious group they Eliminate the problem. And call it subversion of the Communist agenda lucky they just put them in jail. For now Can you say Labor camp/ Gulag I see it in their future.

But he seems so credible, just like DOCTOR Ford, so that's all we need.
For the First Time, Russia Ranked Among Worst Violators of Religious Freedom

Russia’s ongoing crackdown on religious minorities, foreign missionaries, and evangelists has earned it a spot among the worst countries in the world for religious freedom.

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), which flags religious freedom violators for the State Department, listed the former Soviet state among six new Tier 1 “countries of particular concern” (CPC) in its latest annual report, released Wednesday.

It is the first time in the commission’s almost 20-year history that Russia has made the list. A total of 16 countries currently hold the CPC designation, and another dozen are being reviewed as Tier 2.

Russia is the only country whose repression of religious freedom has both intensified and expanded into a neighboring state by means of military occupation since USCIRF began monitoring it, officials said. The report dedicated seven pages to its problematic policies, from the “persecution of religious minorities in the occupied areas of Crimeaand Donbas” to recent moves against non-Orthodox Christians in its heartland.
Great post, thanks. A different time but my great grandfather emigrated to the US instead of death. Thanks United States :)
Anyone that thinks Russia offers a better life and freedom than the United States or a political party in the US offers is a fucking moron, no other way to put it.

Demcrats want a communist, totalitarian nanny state and have been doing the heavy lifting for the very elites they claim to be against.
Move to Russia and spare us your garbage posts.

Strike a nerve, did I? I know more than you and it galls ya....tough shit.
For the First Time, Russia Ranked Among Worst Violators of Religious Freedom

Russia’s ongoing crackdown on religious minorities, foreign missionaries, and evangelists has earned it a spot among the worst countries in the world for religious freedom.

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), which flags religious freedom violators for the State Department, listed the former Soviet state among six new Tier 1 “countries of particular concern” (CPC) in its latest annual report, released Wednesday.

It is the first time in the commission’s almost 20-year history that Russia has made the list. A total of 16 countries currently hold the CPC designation, and another dozen are being reviewed as Tier 2.

Russia is the only country whose repression of religious freedom has both intensified and expanded into a neighboring state by means of military occupation since USCIRF began monitoring it, officials said. The report dedicated seven pages to its problematic policies, from the “persecution of religious minorities in the occupied areas of Crimeaand Donbas” to recent moves against non-Orthodox Christians in its heartland.

Get in touch with me when Russia starts using the "social media scoring" system or starts taking organs from dissidents to be sold like China does. Falun Gong members and Christians are targeted just for this purposein China......where is your angst against the Chi-Coms?
So? It's RUSSIA.

wtf is a Dane doing in Russia disrespecting their culture?

They are lucky they get to pray to anything but Putin's preferred religion.

Wow, that is a real sense of jingoism. . . wanting to force American/Western liberalism on the rest of the world?


AND what the hell Coyote, can't you see through this obvious government propaganda to smear Russia?

Aren't you smarter than this? When is that last time the press did a positive story about Russia. . . It is the NEWS, aren't they supposed to be fecking objective? That means one good story, one bad story. Yet all we hear is constant bashing of the Russians.

It's like the seventies and eighties all over again.

Wise up already.

That place is much better than it was during the cold war. To hear the corporate press tell it, they have no freedom and liberal rights. Get the hell out of here with this propaganda. So trivial.


You want to explain how Jehovah's Witnesses are extremists? Why their religion was banned?
In what way is it "disrespecting their culture" when there were hundreds of JW chapters in Russia, according to the story?

Yes, Mr. Beale, this is a negative story, but I can see why Coyote would want to share it. I hear ya, it might be considered propaganda, but if it is actually happening, I think it is pretty concerning. Since when do "democratic" societies (which Putin claims they are) ban citizens' churches?
IT doesn't matter.

Let's go to the FACTUAL part of the piece, shall we?

"A local court had banned his chapter of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization the previous year. A month before his arrest, the Supreme Court banned the Christian denomination as an extremist group, classifying it on par with the Islamic State. That ruling dealt a blow to the nearly 400 chapters of Jehovah's Witnesses across the country."

He knew it was against the law before he did what he did. Elsewhere in the piece, it even said, the place he went to WAS LOCKED.

He was agitating. Agitators get what they deserve. Here in the states, we say, if you can't do that time, don't do the crime.

It isn't like he didn't have the right to practice in private.

AND . . . . on top of all this, you know what I noticed? The piece didn't even say what the penalty was. What would your impression of the entire piece of propaganda be if you found out he was in the clink for, say, two weeks? Would you care then?


I sure as hell wouldn't. YOU ARE BEING MANIPULATED.

Watch Tower is a cult. We have all dealt with them. We all get annoyed as shit when the pester us. They are as much political as they are religious. Pushing their fear paranoia about the impending end of the world? Who needs that shit pushed onto small children?

If this guy unlocked your door, came into your house to preach his shit after he was told not to, and Russians dragged him away, I know what you would say. . .


If the Russians want to keep them out of their society, that is their right. It is not our RIGHT to interfere.

Anyone that thinks Russia offers a better life and freedom than the United States or a political party in the US offers is a fucking moron, no other way to put it.

Demcrats want a communist, totalitarian nanny state and have been doing the heavy lifting for the very elites they claim to be against.
Yeah, funny thing about that. It is just going to come and bite them in the ass. They fought against that oppression fifty years ago. They are being fooled into wanting it now.

IN the sixties and seventies, corporations, intel agencies and the man were all that was wrong in the world. The establishment was something to fight against. Now?

The left thinks these things are manna from heaven.

Anything anti-establishment can't be trusted. Boy are these folks going to get burned in the end. . .

When they get what they want, they'll all be put against the wall and shot after they realize and protest that really are no more civil liberties and civil rights left.

So? It's RUSSIA.

wtf is a Dane doing in Russia disrespecting their culture?

They are lucky they get to pray to anything but Putin's preferred religion.

Wow, that is a real sense of jingoism. . . wanting to force American/Western liberalism on the rest of the world?


AND what the hell Coyote, can't you see through this obvious government propaganda to smear Russia?

Aren't you smarter than this? When is that last time the press did a positive story about Russia. . . It is the NEWS, aren't they supposed to be fecking objective? That means one good story, one bad story. Yet all we hear is constant bashing of the Russians.

It's like the seventies and eighties all over again.

Wise up already.

That place is much better than it was during the cold war. To hear the corporate press tell it, they have no freedom and liberal rights. Get the hell out of here with this propaganda. So trivial.


You want to explain how Jehovah's Witnesses are extremists? Why their religion was banned?
In what way is it "disrespecting their culture" when there were hundreds of JW chapters in Russia, according to the story?

Yes, Mr. Beale, this is a negative story, but I can see why Coyote would want to share it. I hear ya, it might be considered propaganda, but if it is actually happening, I think it is pretty concerning. Since when do "democratic" societies (which Putin claims they are) ban citizens' churches?
IT doesn't matter.

Let's go to the FACTUAL part of the piece, shall we?

"A local court had banned his chapter of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization the previous year. A month before his arrest, the Supreme Court banned the Christian denomination as an extremist group, classifying it on par with the Islamic State. That ruling dealt a blow to the nearly 400 chapters of Jehovah's Witnesses across the country."

He knew it was against the law before he did what he did. Elsewhere in the piece, it even said, the place he went to WAS LOCKED.

He was agitating. Agitators get what they deserve. Here in the states, we say, if you can't do that time, don't do the crime.

It isn't like he didn't have the right to practice in private.

AND . . . . on top of all this, you know what I noticed? The piece didn't even say what the penalty was. What would your impression of the entire piece of propaganda be if you found out he was in the clink for, say, two weeks? Would you care then?


I sure as hell wouldn't. YOU ARE BEING MANIPULATED.

Watch Tower is a cult. We have all dealt with them. We all get annoyed as shit when the pester us. They are as much political as they are religious. Pushing their fear paranoia about the impending end of the world? Who needs that shit pushed onto small children?

If this guy unlocked your door, came into your house to preach his shit after he was told not to, and Russians dragged him away, I know what you would say. . .


If the Russians want to keep them out of their society, that is their right. It is not our RIGHT to interfere.

If you read Coyote's post, it just seems Russia is headed back into the Bad Old Days when the people, the Russians, are not the ones making that choice. Religious belief can be a strong motivator and set up a conflict between a spiritual set of values and the values the government wants you to embrace. In an authoritarian government, they just shut those religions up. Do you think it's fine and dandy and not worth mentioning when Russia has started once again closing church doors, like it did back in the Bad Old Days?
So? It's RUSSIA.

wtf is a Dane doing in Russia disrespecting their culture?

They are lucky they get to pray to anything but Putin's preferred religion.

Wow, that is a real sense of jingoism. . . wanting to force American/Western liberalism on the rest of the world?


AND what the hell Coyote, can't you see through this obvious government propaganda to smear Russia?

Aren't you smarter than this? When is that last time the press did a positive story about Russia. . . It is the NEWS, aren't they supposed to be fecking objective? That means one good story, one bad story. Yet all we hear is constant bashing of the Russians.

It's like the seventies and eighties all over again.

Wise up already.

That place is much better than it was during the cold war. To hear the corporate press tell it, they have no freedom and liberal rights. Get the hell out of here with this propaganda. So trivial.


You want to explain how Jehovah's Witnesses are extremists? Why their religion was banned?
In what way is it "disrespecting their culture" when there were hundreds of JW chapters in Russia, according to the story?

Yes, Mr. Beale, this is a negative story, but I can see why Coyote would want to share it. I hear ya, it might be considered propaganda, but if it is actually happening, I think it is pretty concerning. Since when do "democratic" societies (which Putin claims they are) ban citizens' churches?
IT doesn't matter.

Let's go to the FACTUAL part of the piece, shall we?

"A local court had banned his chapter of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization the previous year. A month before his arrest, the Supreme Court banned the Christian denomination as an extremist group, classifying it on par with the Islamic State. That ruling dealt a blow to the nearly 400 chapters of Jehovah's Witnesses across the country."

He knew it was against the law before he did what he did. Elsewhere in the piece, it even said, the place he went to WAS LOCKED.

He was agitating. Agitators get what they deserve. Here in the states, we say, if you can't do that time, don't do the crime.

It isn't like he didn't have the right to practice in private.

AND . . . . on top of all this, you know what I noticed? The piece didn't even say what the penalty was. What would your impression of the entire piece of propaganda be if you found out he was in the clink for, say, two weeks? Would you care then?


I sure as hell wouldn't. YOU ARE BEING MANIPULATED.

Watch Tower is a cult. We have all dealt with them. We all get annoyed as shit when the pester us. They are as much political as they are religious. Pushing their fear paranoia about the impending end of the world? Who needs that shit pushed onto small children?

If this guy unlocked your door, came into your house to preach his shit after he was told not to, and Russians dragged him away, I know what you would say. . .


If the Russians want to keep them out of their society, that is their right. It is not our RIGHT to interfere.
If you read Coyote's post, it just seems Russia is headed back into the Bad Old Days when the people, the Russians, are not the ones making that choice. Religious belief can be a strong motivator and set up a conflict between a spiritual set of values and the values the government wants you to embrace. In an authoritarian government, they just shut those religions up. Do you think it's fine and dandy and not worth mentioning when Russia has started once again closing church doors, like it did back in the Bad Old Days?


I'm sorry.

Perhaps my reaction was a bit extreme.

I don't trust BBC AT ALL. I know what the Anglo-American hegemonic agenda is.

They are known to me for pushing RIIA and Chatham House agendas.
The piece posted was scant on information.

These sources also have agenda's, however they reveal a bit more facts on the case.

It might interest you.

Dane first to be jailed over Jehovah's Witness link in Russia
Dennis Christensen, a Danish national, is sentenced to six years for links to the Christian denomination, which Russia considers to be an extremist organisation.
Dane first to be jailed over Jehovah's Witness link in Russia

Denmark vows to help its citizen charged in Russia with involvement in Jehovah's Witnesses
Denmark vows to help its citizen charged in Russia with involvement in Jehovah's Witnesses
". . . Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov did not comment on the information on this case earlier on Wednesday, promising to specify the information and noting that religious views alone could not prompt the charges.. . . "

Kremlin: Jehovah's Witness From Denmark Sentenced in Russia Knowingly Defied Law
Kremlin: Jehovah's Witness From Denmark Sentenced in Russia Knowingly Defied Law
". . . The reporters mentioned that Russian President Vladimir Putin had pledged that Russia's laws that concern missionaries and their application would be analyzed. At a meeting with rights activists in December, the president said he did not fully understand why Jehovah’s Witnesses were being persecuted. . . . "

Putin’s directive on Jehovah's Witnesses imminent, Kremlin says

Putin’s directive on Jehovah's Witnesses imminent, Kremlin says
". . . Commenting on a question if it’s of common sense to call the followers of Jehovah's Witnesses "extremists," Peskov noted that "the activity of this religious organization is illegal and this is a priority in defining this situation."

At the meeting of the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights with the president in December 2018, several human rights activists voiced complaints over persecution against Jehovah’s Witnesses. The Russian president noted that Jehovah’s Witnesses are also Christians and he did not understand why they were persecuted.. . . "

Finnish Court Outlaws Jehovah's Witnesses' Data Gathering Methods
Like freedom of the press, religious freedoms and tolerances are also taking a beating around the world, and the past few years have seen an uptick in new restrictions on religious minorities.

Russian Court Sentences Jehovah's Witness To 6 Years In Prison For Extremism

A Russian court has sentenced a Jehovah's Witness to six years in prison for promoting extremism.

"I hope today is the day Russia defends religious freedom," Dennis Christensen, who pleaded not guilty in the trial, said as he walked down the hall of the courthouse before the verdict was read.

A Danish citizen with a Russian residency permit, Christensen was arrested at a worship service in May 2017 by armed police in the western city of Orel. He had unlocked the entrance to the building and delivered a sermon that day but he was not a staff member of the organization, according Human Rights Watch.

A local court had banned his chapter of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization the previous year. A month before his arrest, the Supreme Court banned the Christian denomination as an extremist group, classifying it on par with the Islamic State. That ruling dealt a blow to the nearly 400 chapters of Jehovah's Witnesses across the country.

Seriously....comparing Jehovah's witness' to ISIS? :haha:

Russia unfortunately part of a larger trend over the past few years:

Global Uptick in Government Restrictions on Religion in 2016

Global Uptick in Government Restrictions on Religion in 2016
Nationalist parties and organizations played an increasing role in harassment of religious minorities, especially in Europe

Restrictions on religion around the world continued to climb in 2016, according to Pew Research Center’s ninth annual study of global restrictions on religion. This marks the second year in a row of increases in the overall level of restrictions imposed either by governments or by private actors (groups and individuals) in the 198 countries examined in the study.

The share of countries with “high” or “very high” levels of government restrictions – that is, laws, policies and actions by officials that restrict religious beliefs and practices – rose from 25% in 2015 to 28% in 2016. This is the largest percentage of countries to have high or very high levels of government restrictions since 2013, and falls just below the 10-year peak of 29% in 2012.

Meanwhile, the share of countries with “high” or “very high” levels of social hostilities involving religion – that is, acts of religious hostility by private individuals, organizations or groups in society – remained stable in 2016 at 27%. Like government restrictions, social hostilities also peaked in 2012, particularly in the Middle East-North Africa region, which was still feeling the effects of the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings. The number of countries with high or very high levels of social hostilities declined in 2013 and has remained at about the same level since, but it is higher than it was during the baseline year of this study (2007).

In total in 2016, 83 countries (42%) had high or very high levels of overall restrictions on religion – whether resulting from government actions or from hostile acts by private individuals, organizations and social groups – up from 80 (40%) in 2015 and 58 (29%) in 2007.1

In the United States, Christians are persecuted routinely. Christian outfits like the Little Sisters of the Poor and Hobby Lobby are forced to provide abortion and contraception contrary to their religious beliefs. Christian bakeries are forced to bake cakes for unscriptural gay "weddings". Our country has little room to complain about anyone else in this regard.

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