Religious Freedom Under Attack

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Interesting article - worth a read:

Religious violence is on the rise. What can faith-based communities do about it?

Religious violence is undergoing a revival. The past decade has witnessed a sharp increase in violent sectarian or religious tensions. These range from Islamic extremists waging global jihad and power struggles between Sunni and Shia Muslims in the Middle East to the persecution of Rohingya in Myanmar and outbreaks of violence between Christians and Muslims across Africa. According to Pew, in 2018 more than a quarter of the world's countries experienced a high incidence of hostilities motivated by religious hatred, mob violence related to religion, terrorism, and harassment of women for violating religious codes.

The spike in religious violence is global and affects virtually every religious group. A 2018 Minority Rights Group report indicates that mass killings and other atrocities are increasing in countries both affected and not affected by war alike. While bloody encounters were recorded in over 50 countries, most reported lethal incidents involving minorities were concentrated in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, India, Myanmar, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Hostilities against Muslims and Jews also increased across Europe, as did threats against Hindus in more than 18 countries. Making matters worse, 55 of the world’s 198 countriesimposed heightened restrictions on religions, especially Egypt, Russia, India, Indonesia and Turkey.

How is it that religions - which supposedly espouse peace, love and harmony - are so commonly connected with intolerance and violent aggression? Social scientists are divided on the issue. Scholars like William Cavanaugh contend that even when extremists use theological texts to justify their actions, “religious” violence is not religious at all - but rather a perversion of core teachings. Others such as Richard Dawkins believe that because religions fuel certainties and sanctify martyrdom, they are often a root cause of conflict. Meanwhile, Timothy Sisk claims that both hierarchical religious traditions (such as Shi´ism) and non-hierarchical traditions (such as Buddhism) can both be vulnerable to interpretation of canon to justify or even provide warrants for violent action.
Like freedom of the press, religious freedoms and tolerances are also taking a beating around the world, and the past few years have seen an uptick in new restrictions on religious minorities.

Russian Court Sentences Jehovah's Witness To 6 Years In Prison For Extremism

A Russian court has sentenced a Jehovah's Witness to six years in prison for promoting extremism.

"I hope today is the day Russia defends religious freedom," Dennis Christensen, who pleaded not guilty in the trial, said as he walked down the hall of the courthouse before the verdict was read.

A Danish citizen with a Russian residency permit, Christensen was arrested at a worship service in May 2017 by armed police in the western city of Orel. He had unlocked the entrance to the building and delivered a sermon that day but he was not a staff member of the organization, according Human Rights Watch.

A local court had banned his chapter of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization the previous year. A month before his arrest, the Supreme Court banned the Christian denomination as an extremist group, classifying it on par with the Islamic State. That ruling dealt a blow to the nearly 400 chapters of Jehovah's Witnesses across the country.

Seriously....comparing Jehovah's witness' to ISIS? :haha:

Russia unfortunately part of a larger trend over the past few years:

Global Uptick in Government Restrictions on Religion in 2016

Global Uptick in Government Restrictions on Religion in 2016
Nationalist parties and organizations played an increasing role in harassment of religious minorities, especially in Europe

Restrictions on religion around the world continued to climb in 2016, according to Pew Research Center’s ninth annual study of global restrictions on religion. This marks the second year in a row of increases in the overall level of restrictions imposed either by governments or by private actors (groups and individuals) in the 198 countries examined in the study.

The share of countries with “high” or “very high” levels of government restrictions – that is, laws, policies and actions by officials that restrict religious beliefs and practices – rose from 25% in 2015 to 28% in 2016. This is the largest percentage of countries to have high or very high levels of government restrictions since 2013, and falls just below the 10-year peak of 29% in 2012.

Meanwhile, the share of countries with “high” or “very high” levels of social hostilities involving religion – that is, acts of religious hostility by private individuals, organizations or groups in society – remained stable in 2016 at 27%. Like government restrictions, social hostilities also peaked in 2012, particularly in the Middle East-North Africa region, which was still feeling the effects of the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings. The number of countries with high or very high levels of social hostilities declined in 2013 and has remained at about the same level since, but it is higher than it was during the baseline year of this study (2007).

In total in 2016, 83 countries (42%) had high or very high levels of overall restrictions on religion – whether resulting from government actions or from hostile acts by private individuals, organizations and social groups – up from 80 (40%) in 2015 and 58 (29%) in 2007.1

In the United States, Christians are persecuted routinely. Christian outfits like the Little Sisters of the Poor and Hobby Lobby are forced to provide abortion and contraception contrary to their religious beliefs. Christian bakeries are forced to bake cakes for unscriptural gay "weddings". Our country has little room to complain about anyone else in this regard.
Oh, stop whining for one minute. In the United States we don't "persecute" Christians; we just stand in the way of their forcing their belief system on others. We sure as hell don't shut down their churches and outlaw them.

Its only the liberals who are forcing their belief systems on others. Christians are being forced to pay for abortions and contraception against their religious beliefs. They are being forced to bake cakes for unscriptural events. That's persecution.

I'd say a large number of cakes are prepared for unscriptural events since the Bible states that if either party had been married before they are committing adultery.

I respect someone that I disagree with when they take a principled stand. I suppose there might be one out there somewhere but I've never heard of a baker turning someone away over a second marriage.
I respect someone that I disagree with when they take a principled stand. I suppose there might be one out there somewhere but I've never heard of a baker turning someone away over a second marriage.

Not everyone believes that 2nd marriages are adultery or wrong, further if he cared, a baker wouldn't likely know that the marriage between Cain and Jezebel wasn't their first.

Lastly, we would never hear about such a wedding cake as the couple would just go somewhere else- they wouldn't make a big deal of it and sue the baker to force them to bake the cake.
I respect someone that I disagree with when they take a principled stand. I suppose there might be one out there somewhere but I've never heard of a baker turning someone away over a second marriage.

Not everyone believes that 2nd marriages are adultery or wrong, further if he cared, a baker wouldn't likely know that the marriage between Cain and Jezebel wasn't their first.

Lastly, we would never hear about such a wedding cake as the couple would just go somewhere else- they wouldn't make a big deal of it and sue the baker to force them to bake the cake.

Sure, lots of people pick and choose what parts of the Bible they want to believe.
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There something ludicrous about whining about religious freedom because a business doesn't want to make a cake for a same sex wedding while around the world in India, their Christian counterpart is being forcibly converted to Hinduism or facing trial for "blasphemy" against "Allah".

Religious Freedom.
There something ludicrous about whining about religious freedom because a business doesn't want to make a cake for a same sex wedding while around the world in India, their Christian counterpart is being forcibly converted to Hinduism or facing trial for "blasphemy" against "Allah".

Religious Freedom.

Because that's the standard you want to measure yourself by?
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Religious Freedom Is On The Decrease In India

In its annual report, United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) identifies several limitations to the right to freedom of religion or belief and challenges faced by religious minorities in India. For example, Hindu extremism is on the rise with several of cases of harassment, intimidation and violence being committed against Hindu Dalits, Muslims, Buddhists, Jains, Christians and Sikhs. USCIRF identified groups such as the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sang (RSS), Sangh Parivar and Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) who are responsible for an organised campaign of alienation against non-Hindus or low-caste Hindus.

Indeed, the issue is serious. The Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, Hansraj Ahir, reported that in 2017 alone, 111 people were killed and 2,384 injured in communal clashes. The level of violence is expected to increase as the perpetrators continue to enjoy impunity for their crimes. Similarly, as the victims of such atrocities are forgotten by the government, they have little faith in ever seeing any justice done. This can only lead to ever-growing mistrust between the government and religious minorities in India. Nothing will change unless the government takes decisive steps to address the issue of religiously motivated violence.

Furthermore, the discrimination of religious minorities in India is far-reaching and deeply enshrined in law. For example, anti-conversion and anti-cow slaughter laws are predominately used to discriminate against religious minorities or to justify extrajudicial killings, violence and forced conversions of non-Hindus to Hinduism.
It took over a decade for the Jehovahs to find me

But they finally did, ya know i don't get many visitors out here....

So i invite them on the porch for a sit, and of course they've issues of watchtower, and all manner of biblical babble

But the thing is, i was raised catholic

Think Borg , just more wine spiked holy water
I remember a lotta scripture I the only one who had the Jehovah's look at their watch claiming 'we got be places'....
There something ludicrous about whining about religious freedom because a business doesn't want to make a cake for a same sex wedding while around the world in India, their Christian counterpart is being forcibly converted to Hinduism or facing trial for "blasphemy" against "Allah".

Religious Freedom.
------------------------ to heck with 'india' , I think that the 'indian' land is thousand of miles away isn't it ??
There something ludicrous about whining about religious freedom because a business doesn't want to make a cake for a same sex wedding while around the world in India, their Christian counterpart is being forcibly converted to Hinduism or facing trial for "blasphemy" against "Allah".

Religious Freedom.

I have never heard of a Christian being forcibly converted to Hinduism
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  • #91
There something ludicrous about whining about religious freedom because a business doesn't want to make a cake for a same sex wedding while around the world in India, their Christian counterpart is being forcibly converted to Hinduism or facing trial for "blasphemy" against "Allah".

Religious Freedom.

I have never heard of a Christian being forcibly converted to Hinduism
The Violent Toll of Hindu Nationalism in India

^^^^^^^^^^ Coyote's citation in response to rosie's statement---"I have never
heard of muslims being forced to convert to Hinduism----SURPRISE SURPRISE--
her citation has NOTHING TO DO with muslims being forcibly converted to Hinduism (anyone surprised?) The Article is about the holy city of AYODHIYA----holy to HINDUS as the birth place of the "god" RAMA for millennia. Fairly
recently (about 400 years ago)----pigs from the north invaded the HOLY CITY OF AYOHIYA and poured their filth on the holy site and pillaged the Temple
of Rama and turned it into a mosque (is anyone surprised?) Four hundred years ago------excrement from the north ravaged a holy city of a culture
far superior to their own----------so much for truth and justice. I have no doubt that
Coyote would APPLAUD an invading Indian army into mecca------and a giant
pig roast on the black turd by Hawaiian hula dancers
  • Thread starter
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  • #93
There something ludicrous about whining about religious freedom because a business doesn't want to make a cake for a same sex wedding while around the world in India, their Christian counterpart is being forcibly converted to Hinduism or facing trial for "blasphemy" against "Allah".

Religious Freedom.

I have never heard of a Christian being forcibly converted to Hinduism
The Violent Toll of Hindu Nationalism in India

^^^^^^^^^^ Coyote's citation in response to rosie's statement---"I have never
heard of muslims being forced to convert to Hinduism----SURPRISE SURPRISE--
her citation has NOTHING TO DO with muslims being forcibly converted to Hinduism (anyone surprised?) The Article is about the holy city of AYODHIYA----holy to HINDUS as the birth place of the "god" RAMA for millennia. Fairly
recently (about 400 years ago)----pigs from the north invaded the HOLY CITY OF AYOHIYA and poured their filth on the holy site and pillaged the Temple
of Rama and turned it into a mosque (is anyone surprised?) Four hundred years ago------excrement from the north ravaged a holy city of a culture
far superior to their own----------so much for truth and justice. I have no doubt that
Coyote would APPLAUD an invading Indian army into mecca------and a giant
pig roast on the black turd by Hawaiian hula dancers
Apologies. Wrong link.

I don’t know why your delusional little mind seems to think Hindu’s do no wrong.

Are India’s Christians and Muslims Forced to Become Hindus?

India MPs protest over conversions

Oh... and in addition, isn’t this sweet..

Critics say Hindu hardline groups are flexing their muscles under Mr Modi and undermining India's unity and secular nature.

Recently, a row broke out after government minister Niranjan Jyoti used an abusive term to refer to non-Hindus, by asking people at a public rally to choose between Ramzada (children of the Hindu God Ram) and Haramzada (bastards). Mr Modi said he disapproved of her language but refused to sack her.

Another BJP MP apologised in parliament after praising the killer of independence leader Mahatma Gandhi as a "patriot".

not impressed. Pay attention cyberbuddies. At no time in my life have I ever claimed that "HINDUS DO NO WRONG"----coyote lied. ----an interesting factoid---I have worked with south east Asian hindus and muslims for more than
50 years. INTERESTINGLY-----I was---when young---sorta talkative and since
I am short------and looked even younger than I was (like 20)---the young south
east Asians could manage to talk.-----back then---and even now. I did ask about
"relationships" and the fights etc. ------Hindus were always forthcoming about
the VIOLENCE from both sides---------muslims.....not so much-----it was
always 100 % hindus are to blame. ----------way back then----when I was
only 20 and since. Keep in mind-----the reason that 9-11-01 "HAPPENED"
is----------"Israel" and "western colonialism"
Religious Freedom Is On The Decrease In India

In its annual report, United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) identifies several limitations to the right to freedom of religion or belief and challenges faced by religious minorities in India. For example, Hindu extremism is on the rise with several of cases of harassment, intimidation and violence being committed against Hindu Dalits, Muslims, Buddhists, Jains, Christians and Sikhs. USCIRF identified groups such as the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sang (RSS), Sangh Parivar and Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) who are responsible for an organised campaign of alienation against non-Hindus or low-caste Hindus.

Indeed, the issue is serious. The Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, Hansraj Ahir, reported that in 2017 alone, 111 people were killed and 2,384 injured in communal clashes. The level of violence is expected to increase as the perpetrators continue to enjoy impunity for their crimes. Similarly, as the victims of such atrocities are forgotten by the government, they have little faith in ever seeing any justice done. This can only lead to ever-growing mistrust between the government and religious minorities in India. Nothing will change unless the government takes decisive steps to address the issue of religiously motivated violence.

Furthermore, the discrimination of religious minorities in India is far-reaching and deeply enshrined in law. For example, anti-conversion and anti-cow slaughter laws are predominately used to discriminate against religious minorities or to justify extrajudicial killings, violence and forced conversions of non-Hindus to Hinduism.

I am still waiting for some information on a program of "FORCED CONVERSIONS" of non hindus to Hinduism. "ANTI-CONVERSION" ---
is not the same as "FORCED CONVERSION"-----India has a policy of
suppression of PROSELYTIZING-----especially proselytizing of vulnerable
People don't believe in demonic forces because of certain people attacks by calling them crazies. But the devil wants the public to believe in him, so that he can work freely behind the scene. If we know that it exist. Then it will bring us closer to God. And that is what it doesn't want.
The devil has been placing its minions into high office. These minions are not possessed like the others. But actually that they are demons that has planted themselves into human vessels through ritual ceremonies. They are cool calm and collected, but not like the possessed ones, that are always having a hissy fit. They are the ones that goes around plotting what they are going to do. Like in the Bible. Jesus cast out demons from the possessed. But He ignored certain ones that were always trolling Him. And He made several statements, letting us to know that these guys were children of hell, that He stated that these people knew that they weren't going to enter the Kingdom of God, but they were trying to prevent others from entering.
All it says in the scriptures that God just want all to acknowledge His existence, more than following His rules. But these demons knows that.

Matthew 23:13
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.

Matthew 23:15
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are.

Matthew 13:25
But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.

Matthew 15:13
He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.

Mark 5:15
When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid.


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