Religious humor...

Powerman said:
But to me it's just funny pictures of a fictional character.

No one - and by "no one" I mean "no one with an education past 5th grade" - believes that Jesus was a fictional character. Even the most vocal opponents of Christianity beleive that Jesus was a historical man, who really did live in first-century Judea.
gop_jeff said:
No one - and by "no one" I mean "no one with an education past 5th grade" - believes that Jesus was a fictional character. Even the most vocal opponents of Christianity beleive that Jesus was a historical man, who really did live in first-century Judea.

Maybe, maybe not.

If what you're looking for is proof positive that Jesus Christ lived and breathed--e.g., library card, baby pictures, etc.--you're out of luck. The big guy left no written records, and no accounts of his life were written while he was still alive. The earliest Gospels date from maybe 70 AD, 40 years after his demise.

Jesus probably lived. Probably.
gop_jeff said:
No one - and by "no one" I mean "no one with an education past 5th grade" - believes that Jesus was a fictional character. Even the most vocal opponents of Christianity beleive that Jesus was a historical man, who really did live in first-century Judea.

Haha. Yeah I meant fictional in the sense that I don't believe he is more than a mortal man.
Max Power said:
Maybe, maybe not.

Jesus probably lived. Probably.

And from that very link:

Max Power's Link said:
Still, barring an actual conspiracy, 40 years is too short a time for an entirely mythical Christ to have been fabricated out of (heh-heh) whole cloth. (See below.) Certainly the non-Christians who wrote about him in the years following his putative death did not doubt he had once lived. The Roman historian Tacitus, writing in his Annals around 110 AD, mentions one "Christ, whom the procurator Pontius Pilate had executed in the reign of Tiberius." The Jewish historian Josephus remarks on the stoning of "James, the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ." The Talmud, a collection of Jewish writings, also refers to Christ, although it says he was the illegitimate son of a Roman soldier called Panther. Doubts about the historicity of Christ did not surface until the 18th century.
If you ever talk to a Jewish person that you know has a sense of humor, tell him this, "Man, you know my grand-father died in a concentration camp right?" He will most likely say, "Really? How?", and you say, "He fell off a gaurd tower."
Powerman said:
I guess I don't see it as bad since I don't believe in Jesus...but I could see how it would be really offensive to some people. But to me it's just funny pictures of a fictional character.

WTF..... he is saving every shot .... how can he not exist?

plus.....Jesus existed it is historical fact
Powerman said:
Haha. Yeah I meant fictional in the sense that I don't believe he is more than a mortal man.

he died...of course he was mortal.....
manu1959 said:
guess the roman historical texts at the national museum are not real....thanks so much clearing that up for me

Like I already posted, there are no historical texts of Jesus that were written during his lifetime.

Perhaps those historical texts were based off of biblical stories.

And if you think I'm wrong, please provide a link or something to back yourself up.
You guys are really killing this thread. More funny, less serious shit...

Buzzkill I swear.
Personally, I think the whole concept of this thread sucks. I would say that even if there was a pick of Muhammed or Allah, made out of shit. Still not funny.
Kathianne said:
Personally, I think the whole concept of this thread sucks. I would say that even if there was a pick of Muhammed or Allah, made out of shit. Still not funny.

And judging by those comments I would say you are one hell of a buzzkill to be around. If you can't take some religious humor then you probably take things too seriously.
Powerman said:
And judging by those comments I would say you are one hell of a buzzkill to be around. If you can't take some religious humor then you probably take things too seriously.

Some people find it funny, some don't. Don't bash her for it, but if you see this and know that it's something that offends you then keep moving, I don't think this thread was made to offend anyone just poke around and have a sense of humor.

How about this one; On the 3rd day Jesus rises and says, "Damn, that was some crazy lag!"
Oh, here's a good RPG Jesus joke:

Jesus saves. The rest of you take full damage.
Why do you take two baptists fishing with you? Because if you only take one, he'll drink all your beer!:laugh:
Hagbard Celine said:
Why do you take two baptists fishing with you? Because if you only take one, he'll drink all your beer!:laugh:

Kinda reminds me...

What are the 2 things in religion that are definitely factual?

Jews don't recognize Jesus as the Messiah

Baptists don't recognize other babtists in liquor stores
Powerman said:
Kinda reminds me...

What are the 2 things in religion that are definitely factual?

Jews don't recognize Jesus as the Messiah

Baptists don't recognize other babtists in liquor stores
I've heard this one, but my version is different...

What are the three holy truths?
1. Muslims will never accept the fact that the Jews are God's chosen people.

2. Jews will never accept the fact that Jesus was the Messiah.

3. Baptists don't recognize each other at Hooters.

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