Religious movie I wish they'd make.


Romantic Cynic
Sep 28, 2013
The part of the Bible I wish they'd put on film (in this year of the religious flick) is the Book of Job. That's the Bible's Achilles heel. It obfuscates endlessly and still fails to address the question no revealed religion with an interactive God can: Why?

Terrence Malick did a commentary on it, sort of, with The Tree of Life. I'm sure he wanted to be more blunt (ditto The Counselor and Her), but that comes under the heading of trying to make a horse drink.

Speaking of the tree of life, the Garden of Eden story in Genesis (gaining knowledge of right and wrong with the acquisition of full self-awareness; that is, awareness of ourselves, of the self-awareness of others, and of our inevitable mortality), is the best allegory in the Bible. They need to do that justice some day, but the literalists would all have a golden cow, at church, and then have to stone each other for laboring on the sabbath--especially if Adam and Eve were X rated, even though they were married. Hmmmmmm, maybe Dylan was right, "everybody must get stoned".


Now wait, were A&E married? Did Eve maybe cheat on him with some of those sons of God?

Could it even be called cheating (not fornication, which, btw, means absolutely nothing more than to have sexual intercourse), if they weren't married?

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