Religious persecution or asinine imagination?

Oh, yeah, the 14th Amendment is ALL about taking away the right of the people to decide marriage laws in their own state. That would be why no one EVER noticed that function of it until just now.

I am in awe of the leftist ability to miraculously find clauses in the Constitution that even the authors weren't aware of when they wrote it.

First off, I'm Not a "Leftist", whatever the hell that means.

The Equal Protection Clause protects the Rights of All Americans, not just the select few who only want rights for themselves.

Your being less than honest and well that is what one must expect from a person who thinks only certain can be married and have the right to vote.

There is no 'right', that is being unequally applied.

Only because the Supreme Court ruled that Same Sex Marriage is in fact legal. The Equal Protection Clause was enforced at long last.

There are still so-called "Christians" who do not want Homosexual Couples to have the Civil Right of Marriage. Never mind that these so-called "Christians" ignore the fact that their Jesus never said one word about Homosexuality. Jesus hated Divorce, but because many of these so-called "Christians" have in fact had a Divorce, engaged in pre-martial sex and lived in sin prior to marriage.

Kim Davis is the perfect example. Divorced 3-times, extra marital sex, child out of wedlock and she is being held up person of faith because she opposes something that her Jesus never said one fucking word about.

Davis is Christian by convience and uses her faith as a weapon. Her brand of hate is not new, more like worn out, old and tattered hate that gets a coat of paint and she is able look me, I'm being martyred because of my faith, which is bullshit plain and simple.

Yeah, all possibly true. Doesn't change anything I said, does it?

Sucks to be you dude. We live here to, and we have a vote, and a voice.

No, because unlike you I don't hate people because of their Sexual Identity.

Bigotry does not require the person YOU hate to hate YOU back. Does not matter if the person YOU hate is Black, Asian, Hispanic, Jewish, Homosexual they do not have to hate YOU just for YOU to hate them.

Never mind the fact that the your so-called "Savior" never said one word about Homoseuxality or Homosexuals, you decide you can go ahead and Hate Gay/Lesbians in the name of MAN (the deification Jesus did happen until 100 - 150 Years after his execution). A Man who never spoke out against Gays/Lesbians. Jesus hated Divorce (Kim Davis has been divorced 3-times) but never one word about Homosexuality.

You can make up whatever myths you want about me, to feel better about what you are saying. I don't care.

And for that matter, I don't care about Kim Davis's history either. Do you think that she doing something wrong, makes what you do right? Because it doesn't. None of that matters. You can repeat it until the end of time, you are not changing anyone's mind.

I intend to follow my faith, no matter what any of you say or do. Too bad. I can vote too! Welcome to Democracy. Hope you enjoy your stay. :)

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