Religious pic removed from public school, justice prevails

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is a national organization dedicated to the principle of separation of church and state.

Ryan Jayne, a spokesman for the foundation’s legal department, said he thinks it’s “wonderful” that the district responded the way it did and as quickly as it did.

Read more here: Chanute residents protest removal of picture of Jesus from school

pic should have never been displayed in the first place. :eusa_naughty: :talktothehand:

It's amazing the nonsense that come out these fascists' mouths:

' Non-Christian students were always allowed to sit out the Pledge of Allegiance or skip the annual Christmas movie for religious reasons, said Samantha Barnhart, another Royster alumna who also works at the cafe. “If you have the right to not participate, we have the right to keep our picture up,” she said. “Just don’t look at it.” '


Dumb and dumber! :cuckoo:
As we can see from the posts by conservatives subscribing to this thread, their ignorance and arrogance illustrates why the First Amendment is needed as much today as any time in our Nation's history, to safeguard Americans from that ignorance and arrogance.
Freedom of expression-
Right to express one's ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others' character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. Freedom of press is part of freedom of expression.
It has nothing to do with freedom of religion.

Actually it has everything to do with freedom of/from religion!

Your religion opposes freedom of religion right there in the 10 commandments.

It opposes freedom of speech in the 10 commandments too.

It opposes Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for slaves.

It opposes equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.

It doesn't even uphold your 2nd Amendment right to bear arms either.

Freedom of expression is what protects your freedom of/from religion, voting rights, 2nd Amendment rights, equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.

Do you realize that the first 10 Amendments written by James Madison was a very religious Christian man?
James Madison attended St. John's Episcopal Church while he was President. he was a deist.
that's a totally different kind of Christian than you would understand.
he like all the other FFs believed that god did not interfere in human affairs.
a concept that scares people like you shitless.

I understand deist just fine.
False a theist and a deist are one in the same.

You are the one showing how uneducated you are.

A theist is - belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in one god as creator of the universe, intervening in it and sustaining a personal relation to his creatures.
A deist is - belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe.
The bottom line remains, a picture is not compulsion, any more than a picture of Einstein makes kids smart.

Einstein is not the primary symbol of a religion.
And a picture of him doesn't make kids smart. Likewise, the smart people understand that a picture of Jesus won't force the kids to become Christians.

It is a violation of the 1st Amendment establishment clause to have that picture on display in a government building.

Too bad you aren't smart enough to figure that out for yourself.
And the perpetually offended continue to be offended. In less expected news, the sun shone on the Sahara today.
again that's the conservatives ,if you had nothing to be offended by your heads would explode.
Says the perpetually offended.
Bullshit the method is different the intent the same.
The bottom line remains, a picture is not compulsion, any more than a picture of Einstein makes kids smart.

Einstein is not the primary symbol of a religion.
And a picture of him doesn't make kids smart. Likewise, the smart people understand that a picture of Jesus won't force the kids to become Christians.

It is a violation of the 1st Amendment establishment clause to have that picture on display in a government building.

Too bad you aren't smart enough to figure that out for yourself.

The US Supreme Court has sculptures of Moses and Solomon, time to tear it down, Book Burner?
Slippery Slope fallacy.
so you think it's perfectly okay to make a non-christian child feel like they don't belong in their elementary school?

what civil rights are "obliterated" by the removal of the picture?

How am I making anyone do anything? You are offended that others dare hold ideas that differ from your own or those of your party. Thus you use the implied violence of the state to silence expression that you oppose. The display of images that you oppose is met by your party with the implied use of violence to suppress.

You of the left are dedicated to the eradication of civil rights. Expression that does not conform to party goals is suppressed using any and all means.

Such is the left.

See post #156.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment clearly protects citizens from religion by prohibiting the state from advancing or endorsing religion, creating a 'state religion,' or codifying religious dogma into secular law all must obey:

“The Establishment Clause prohibits government from making adherence to a religion relevant in any way to a person's standing in the political community.
[G]overnment endorsement...of religion...sends a message to nonadherents that they are outsiders, not full members of the political community[.]”

FindLaw's United States Supreme Court case and opinions.

The right of every American to be free from religion – to be allowed to practice any faith he so desires, or be free from faith altogether, absent unwarranted interference by the state – is a fundamental tenet of our Constitutional Republic.

Saul, you are a coward with no ability to discuss or debate, so I expect no response.

The key factor to the imposition of ideas is the ability to compel. An official religion uses coercion to compel compliance. The Muslim call to prayer with monitors who report those failing to comply is a form of coercion.

The opposite of this is passive displays. The mere presence of an image has no ability to coerce compliance.

What you and the other leftists engage in is simply censorship. Images not consistent with the goals of the party are censored. Effectively analogous to book burning.
false! you have a mental defect that makes you imagine that.
the reality is it's a good and necessary thing to allow everyone to speak.

Lying does not alter reality - even if the lie serves your party.

You are engaging in censorship of images that offend your party. You are denying the freedom of expression. These are facts. The actions undertaken by leftists that you are here supporting, were directly denying the freedom of expression to others.

If you're a bee, you gather honey.

If you're a leftist, you crush liberty - it's what you do.
Bullshit the method is different the intent the same.
The bottom line remains, a picture is not compulsion, any more than a picture of Einstein makes kids smart.

Einstein is not the primary symbol of a religion.
And a picture of him doesn't make kids smart. Likewise, the smart people understand that a picture of Jesus won't force the kids to become Christians.

It is a violation of the 1st Amendment establishment clause to have that picture on display in a government building.

Too bad you aren't smart enough to figure that out for yourself.

Then all of the displays of Moses & Solomon including the 10 commandments needs to be torn down from the Supreme Court and the House and Senate Chaplain needs to go.
Never mind we have had one ever since we became a Nation in 1776.
I agree. shouldn't be a chaplain or 10 Commandments.

They need to be ripped-out by the roots.
James Madison attended St. John's Episcopal Church while he was President. he was a deist.
that's a totally different kind of Christian than you would understand.
he like all the other FFs believed that god did not interfere in human affairs.
a concept that scares people like you shitless.

Madison, a deist?


Are you lying, or really this ignorant?
James Madison attended St. John's Episcopal Church while he was President. he was a deist.
that's a totally different kind of Christian than you would understand.
he like all the other FFs believed that god did not interfere in human affairs.
a concept that scares people like you shitless.

Madison, a deist?


Are you lying, or really this ignorant?
I'm embarrassed for you :redface: Dog Boy

Deism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Other notable Founding Fathers may have been more directly deist. These include James Madison, possibly Alexander Hamilton, Ethan Allen,[45] and Thomas Paine (who published The Age of Reason, a treatise that helped to popularize deism throughout the United States and Europe).
The parents can have all the pictures / statues of the guy hanging on two stick all they want.. In their homes and churches, This a a phony cross grovlers stunt to claim a war on christians
guno is right!!! :mad-61:
so you think it's perfectly okay to make a non-christian child feel like they don't belong in their elementary school?

what civil rights are "obliterated" by the removal of the picture?

How am I making anyone do anything? You are offended that others dare hold ideas that differ from your own or those of your party. Thus you use the implied violence of the state to silence expression that you oppose. The display of images that you oppose is met by your party with the implied use of violence to suppress.

You of the left are dedicated to the eradication of civil rights. Expression that does not conform to party goals is suppressed using any and all means.

Such is the left.
So funny that you can see "the implied violence of the state" in the removal of religious iconography from a school but can't see how that religious iconography implies endorsement by the state.

Nobody's civil rights or rights to expresd themselves were in any way harmed by the removal of the painting
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NO he was not a deist.
James Madison was an Episcopalian.
He was identified as an Episcopalian by the 1995 Information Please Almanac; A Worthy Company: Brief Lives of the Framers of the United States Constitution by M. E. Bradford; and the Library of Congress. Memoirs & Correspondence of Thomas Jefferson, IV, page 512 was cited as the source stating explicitly that Madison was a "theist." (Source: Ian Dorion, "Table of the Religious Affiliations of American Founders", 1997).
The religion of James Madison Jr., 4th U.S. President
A theist not a deist.
It was the 10 commandments that help him to write the first 10 Amendments to our Constitution.

There is a desire among the leftists to rewrite history so that the founding fathers were all Deists.

Here is a list of professing Deists involved in the founding of the nation;

  1. Benjamin Franklin
That is the entire list.

Now Tom Jefferson had some interesting views, but flatly states that he is not a Deist and is a Christian - IN THE DANBURY letter that people like Duhs thinks is the Constitution.

III. To examine with a good prospect of success, the nature and extent of the changes in regard to Religion, which have been introduced by the people of the United States in forming their State Constitutions, and also in the adoption of the Constitution of the United States ... THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES HAVE RETAINED THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION AS THE FOUNDATION OF THEIR CIVIL, LEGAL AND POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS; WHILE THEY HAVE REFUSED TO CONTINUE A LEGAL PREFERENCE TO ANY ONE OF ITS FORMS OVER THE OTHER. (emphasis in original)} - James Madison to William Bradford - 1792

Now I don't think Duhs is lying, i think he just repeats what he sees on ThinkProgress or Alternet, and lacks the wits to investigate the veracity of the shit posted on the hate sites.
As we can see from the posts by conservatives subscribing to this thread, their ignorance and arrogance illustrates why the First Amendment is needed as much today as any time in our Nation's history, to safeguard Americans from that ignorance and arrogance.

Yet you fight with all you have to end the 1st..
James Madison attended St. John's Episcopal Church while he was President. he was a deist.
that's a totally different kind of Christian than you would understand.
he like all the other FFs believed that god did not interfere in human affairs.
a concept that scares people like you shitless.

Madison, a deist?


Are you lying, or really this ignorant?
I'm embarrassed for you :redface: Dog Boy

Deism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Other notable Founding Fathers may have been more directly deist. These include James Madison, possibly Alexander Hamilton, Ethan Allen,[45] and Thomas Paine (who published The Age of Reason, a treatise that helped to popularize deism throughout the United States and Europe).

Paine was an Atheist, he rejected the idea of a god completely. That Wiki calls him a Deist is proof in itself that the article is bullshit.

{I have sometimes thought there could not be a stronger testimony in favor of religion or against temporal enjoyments, even the most rational and manly, than for men who occupy the most honorable and gainful departments and are rising in reputation and wealth, publicly to declare their unsatisfactoriness by becoming fervent advocates in the cause of Christ; & I wish you may give in your evidence in this way.} - James Madison - 1773
As we can see from the posts by conservatives subscribing to this thread, their ignorance and arrogance illustrates why the First Amendment is needed as much today as any time in our Nation's history, to safeguard Americans from that ignorance and arrogance.

Yet you fight with all you have to end the 1st..
How do you feel the removal of the picture hurt anyone's first amendment rights?
NO he was not a deist.
James Madison was an Episcopalian.
He was identified as an Episcopalian by the 1995 Information Please Almanac; A Worthy Company: Brief Lives of the Framers of the United States Constitution by M. E. Bradford; and the Library of Congress. Memoirs & Correspondence of Thomas Jefferson, IV, page 512 was cited as the source stating explicitly that Madison was a "theist." (Source: Ian Dorion, "Table of the Religious Affiliations of American Founders", 1997).
The religion of James Madison Jr., 4th U.S. President
A theist not a deist.
It was the 10 commandments that help him to write the first 10 Amendments to our Constitution.

There is a desire among the leftists to rewrite history so that the founding fathers were all Deists.

Here is a list of professing Deists involved in the founding of the nation;

  1. Benjamin Franklin
That is the entire list.

Now Tom Jefferson had some interesting views, but flatly states that he is not a Deist and is a Christian - IN THE DANBURY letter that people like Duhs thinks is the Constitution.

III. To examine with a good prospect of success, the nature and extent of the changes in regard to Religion, which have been introduced by the people of the United States in forming their State Constitutions, and also in the adoption of the Constitution of the United States ... THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES HAVE RETAINED THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION AS THE FOUNDATION OF THEIR CIVIL, LEGAL AND POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS; WHILE THEY HAVE REFUSED TO CONTINUE A LEGAL PREFERENCE TO ANY ONE OF ITS FORMS OVER THE OTHER. (emphasis in original)} - James Madison to William Bradford - 1792

Now I don't think Duhs is lying, i think he just repeats what he sees on ThinkProgress or Alternet, and lacks the wits to investigate the veracity of the shit posted on the hate sites.

I blame our Courts on this because of the court ruling that got rid of religion in the public schools.
They now can not teach the religious affiliations of our founders, nor teach how much they relied on God's guidance, especially during the Revolutionary War.
He does not even know that a deist and theist are different, he thinks they are the same thing.
This is one of millions of examples of dumbing down our education system by the left.

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