Religious pic removed from public school, justice prevails

The school was correct to remove the image, as clearly the picture violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

Obviously the image is devoid of a secular purpose, its primary effect is that to promote religion, in this case Christianity, and the image undoubtedly fosters an excessive government entanglement with religion. ( See County of Allegheny v. American Civil Liberties Union (1989))

You're a complete idiot and cannot defend this or any claim.
No one is forcing anything because the 1st Amendment currently upholds freedom FROM religion!

So it is you that doesn't understand the concept of freedom because you want to remove the right of others to have a government that is free from religion.

Tell us where it says freedom from religion.

Oh brother! The moronic literalist misinterpretation because you failed basic logic?

And yes, you also failed to comprehend your own gibberish when your nose was rubbed in it so the odds of you getting it now are less than zero! But that doesn't mean we can't try baby steps.

If there is no freedom from religion then everyone MUST have a religion of some sort, right?

Yes or no?

Just answer that one simple question.

Oh Brother! :laugh2:
We have the freedom of religion.
That does not mean that religious people have the right to force anyone to any religion.
A picture of Jesus in any school is not forcing others to go to church.
Now for the minority to force the majority to take that picture down is called tyranny of the few over the many.

So you can't even answer that simple straightforward question? :eek:

Why not?

Too scared to admit that you are wrong?

Probably. Fundamentalists are allergic to honesty and integrity.

The picture of jesus in that government building is a violation of the 1st Amendment because it is an endorsement of a single religion.

Taking it down is not the farcical "tyranny of the few over the many" because no such thing exists. That you have to resort to such ludicrous and moronic statements says volumes.

Individual rights are not the "tyranny of the few over the many". The many don't get to impose their tyrannical religious beliefs on the few because that is what the BoR is all about.

But thanks for explaining why your lack of comprehension is because you have everything entirely assbackwards.

You have it backwards.
Looking at a picture of Jesus is not tyranny.
If it offends anyone's eyes that much they don't need to look at it.
To take it down because one or two people are upset is not allowing others their freedom.
That is one or two people forcing their views on the many.

Utter hogwash!

Putting the picture up is forcing your religious views on others.

Why must others not look at your violation of the 1st Amendment that you are forcing on them?

Why most you impose the tyranny of the majority onto others?

The BoR was explicitly written by the Founding Fathers to erect a Wall of Separation between your religious tyranny and the government.

And yes, you are the reason why they wrote the 1st Amendment because you are clueless about how you force your religion onto others.

There are many reasons to be thankful to the Founding Fathers but having the foresight to protect individuals from the tyranny of religious fundamentalists like you is most certainly one of their greatest achievements IMO.
The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government.

I recommend that you enroll in remedial adult social studies at your local community college because you obviously don't have a clue what the 1st Amendment actually means.

But thanks for disqualifying yourself from any further meaningful participation on this topic.

Have a nice day.

You are the one who has not studied our American History.
Never has this been an issue nor so misinterpreted and distorted and attacked until the Socialists and Atheists of the 1960's.
The 1st amendment does not say freedom FROM Religion.
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?

That others have the right to say things and display images that you and even your beloved party don't agree with.

While you dream of a world where all obey the party without question, that is not "freedom," quite the opposite.

What an utterly mindless non-answer.

We realize that the 1st AMENDMENT that you seek to eradicate was adopted after the ratification of the original Constitution. That's what "AMENDMENT" means.

What are you C_Clayton_Dumbfuck?
The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government.

I recommend that you enroll in remedial adult social studies at your local community college because you obviously don't have a clue what the 1st Amendment actually means.

But thanks for disqualifying yourself from any further meaningful participation on this topic.

Have a nice day.

You are the one who has not studied our American History.
Never has this been an issue nor so misinterpreted and distorted and attacked until the Socialists and Atheists of the 1960's.
The 1st amendment does not say freedom FROM Religion.
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?

That others have the right to say things and display images that you and even your beloved party don't agree with.

While you dream of a world where all obey the party without question, that is not "freedom," quite the opposite.

Freedom of expression-
Right to express one's ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others' character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. Freedom of press is part of freedom of expression.
It has nothing to do with freedom of religion.
What you said was utter gibberish.

If there is no freedom from religion then the government could force you to worship Walmart or an oil well or your neighbor's dog.

Explain how your bizarre misunderstanding of the 1st Amendment prevents that from happening.

That is insanely stupid, even for an assclown of your low character.

You have a net sum of zero grasp of the 1st Amendment and substitute idiocy from the hate sites that do your thinking for you for actual knowledge.

When pondering the radical Atheist establishment of their religion through "freedom from religion," one must consider what the freedom of expression is? Now leftists such as you are opposed to freedom. And particularly opposed to freedom of expression. Voltaire famously wrote "I may not agree with what you have to say, but will fight to the death to defend your right to say it."

In the Obamanation, you have changed this to "I may not like what you have to say, and will gladly kill you to silence you." The action at the school is a prime example of the contempt that you leftists have for freedom. Because you don't like the words of others, you will do ANYTHING to silence them. You believe you have a freedom FROM expression, that you rightly can silence ideas that offend your party. You have no right not to be offended. You Communists are like bitties who are offended at the sight of a bare navel, but unlike the prudes, you get lawyers to force all others to bow to your delicate sensibilities.

To claim a right to freedom from religion, is to outlaw all faiths but the worship of governement - which is the aim of your masters. You are but an assclown, stupid as a dog turd, but these memes you recite from the hate sites are a clear and present danger to civil rights - which your party wages war to crush.
perfect example of looking for something to be offended at.
No one is forcing anything because the 1st Amendment currently upholds freedom FROM religion!

So it is you that doesn't understand the concept of freedom because you want to remove the right of others to have a government that is free from religion.

Tell us where it says freedom from religion.

Oh brother! The moronic literalist misinterpretation because you failed basic logic?

And yes, you also failed to comprehend your own gibberish when your nose was rubbed in it so the odds of you getting it now are less than zero! But that doesn't mean we can't try baby steps.

If there is no freedom from religion then everyone MUST have a religion of some sort, right?

Yes or no?

Just answer that one simple question.

Oh Brother! :laugh2:
We have the freedom of religion.
That does not mean that religious people have the right to force anyone to any religion.
A picture of Jesus in any school is not forcing others to go to church.
Now for the minority to force the majority to take that picture down is called tyranny of the few over the many.

So you can't even answer that simple straightforward question? :eek:

Why not?

Too scared to admit that you are wrong?

Probably. Fundamentalists are allergic to honesty and integrity.

The picture of jesus in that government building is a violation of the 1st Amendment because it is an endorsement of a single religion.

Taking it down is not the farcical "tyranny of the few over the many" because no such thing exists. That you have to resort to such ludicrous and moronic statements says volumes.

Individual rights are not the "tyranny of the few over the many". The many don't get to impose their tyrannical religious beliefs on the few because that is what the BoR is all about.

But thanks for explaining why your lack of comprehension is because you have everything entirely assbackwards.

You have it backwards.
Looking at a picture of Jesus is not tyranny.
If it offends anyone's eyes that much they don't need to look at it.
To take it down because one or two people are upset is not allowing others their freedom.
That is one or two people forcing their views on the many.
yeah... they can just not look at it in the public school they have every right to attend.
please. this picture did not belong there. ever. it's sad that you can't see that nobody is harmed by its removal but those of a different faith could be made to feel unwanted and outcast in a place they have every right to belong.
The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government.

I recommend that you enroll in remedial adult social studies at your local community college because you obviously don't have a clue what the 1st Amendment actually means.

But thanks for disqualifying yourself from any further meaningful participation on this topic.

Have a nice day.

You are the one who has not studied our American History.
Never has this been an issue nor so misinterpreted and distorted and attacked until the Socialists and Atheists of the 1960's.
The 1st amendment does not say freedom FROM Religion.
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?

That others have the right to say things and display images that you and even your beloved party don't agree with.

While you dream of a world where all obey the party without question, that is not "freedom," quite the opposite.

Freedom of expression-
Right to express one's ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others' character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. Freedom of press is part of freedom of expression.
It has nothing to do with freedom of religion.
no just everything.
The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government.

I recommend that you enroll in remedial adult social studies at your local community college because you obviously don't have a clue what the 1st Amendment actually means.

But thanks for disqualifying yourself from any further meaningful participation on this topic.

Have a nice day.

You are the one who has not studied our American History.
Never has this been an issue nor so misinterpreted and distorted and attacked until the Socialists and Atheists of the 1960's.
The 1st amendment does not say freedom FROM Religion.
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?

That others have the right to say things and display images that you and even your beloved party don't agree with.

While you dream of a world where all obey the party without question, that is not "freedom," quite the opposite.

Freedom of expression-
Right to express one's ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others' character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. Freedom of press is part of freedom of expression.
It has nothing to do with freedom of religion.

one more time
Freedom of religion or freedom of belief is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or community, in public or private, to manifest religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance; the concept is generally recognized also to include the freedom to change religion or not to follow any religion.[1] The freedom to leave or discontinue membership in a religion or religious group—in religious terms called "apostasy"—is also a fundamental[peacock term] part of religious freedom, covered by Article 18 of United Nations' 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.[2]

Freedom of religion is considered by many people and nations to be a fundamental human right.[3][4] In a country with a state religion, freedom of religion is generally considered to mean that the government permits religious practices of other sects besides the state religion, and does not persecute believers in other faiths
Tell us where it says freedom from religion.

Oh brother! The moronic literalist misinterpretation because you failed basic logic?

And yes, you also failed to comprehend your own gibberish when your nose was rubbed in it so the odds of you getting it now are less than zero! But that doesn't mean we can't try baby steps.

If there is no freedom from religion then everyone MUST have a religion of some sort, right?

Yes or no?

Just answer that one simple question.

Oh Brother! :laugh2:
We have the freedom of religion.
That does not mean that religious people have the right to force anyone to any religion.
A picture of Jesus in any school is not forcing others to go to church.
Now for the minority to force the majority to take that picture down is called tyranny of the few over the many.

So you can't even answer that simple straightforward question? :eek:

Why not?

Too scared to admit that you are wrong?

Probably. Fundamentalists are allergic to honesty and integrity.

The picture of jesus in that government building is a violation of the 1st Amendment because it is an endorsement of a single religion.

Taking it down is not the farcical "tyranny of the few over the many" because no such thing exists. That you have to resort to such ludicrous and moronic statements says volumes.

Individual rights are not the "tyranny of the few over the many". The many don't get to impose their tyrannical religious beliefs on the few because that is what the BoR is all about.

But thanks for explaining why your lack of comprehension is because you have everything entirely assbackwards.

You have it backwards.
Looking at a picture of Jesus is not tyranny.
If it offends anyone's eyes that much they don't need to look at it.
To take it down because one or two people are upset is not allowing others their freedom.
That is one or two people forcing their views on the many.

Utter hogwash!

Putting the picture up is forcing your religious views on others.

Why must others not look at your violation of the 1st Amendment that you are forcing on them?

Why most you impose the tyranny of the majority onto others?

The BoR was explicitly written by the Founding Fathers to erect a Wall of Separation between your religious tyranny and the government.

And yes, you are the reason why they wrote the 1st Amendment because you are clueless about how you force your religion onto others.

There are many reasons to be thankful to the Founding Fathers but having the foresight to protect individuals from the tyranny of religious fundamentalists like you is most certainly one of their greatest achievements IMO.

That' hilarious
I am not a fundamentalist.
I do not interpret the Bible literally (fundamentalist).
But you are one the one who wants religion out of the public and to shut them up.
Must have that only in the Churches must not be expressed in public.
That is so against what Christianity is.
Jesus told us to spread to good news to everyone in the whole world.
If you don't want to accept his good news you don't have to.
Your way is force by not allowing freedom to express that.
The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government.

I recommend that you enroll in remedial adult social studies at your local community college because you obviously don't have a clue what the 1st Amendment actually means.

But thanks for disqualifying yourself from any further meaningful participation on this topic.

Have a nice day.

You are the one who has not studied our American History.
Never has this been an issue nor so misinterpreted and distorted and attacked until the Socialists and Atheists of the 1960's.
The 1st amendment does not say freedom FROM Religion.
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?

That others have the right to say things and display images that you and even your beloved party don't agree with.

While you dream of a world where all obey the party without question, that is not "freedom," quite the opposite.

Freedom of expression-
Right to express one's ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others' character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. Freedom of press is part of freedom of expression.
It has nothing to do with freedom of religion.

Actually it has everything to do with freedom of/from religion!

Your religion opposes freedom of religion right there in the 10 commandments.

It opposes freedom of speech in the 10 commandments too.

It opposes Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for slaves.

It opposes equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.

It doesn't even uphold your 2nd Amendment right to bear arms either.

Freedom of expression is what protects your freedom of/from religion, voting rights, 2nd Amendment rights, equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.
perfect example of looking for something to be offended at.

The radical Atheists at the school? Yes, it is a perfect example.

Those who believe that inanimate objects are possessed of sinister abilities are uniquely insane. Now granted, I don't think that most leftists actually believe a picture of Jesus can force anyone to do anything, they just seek to revoke the 1st Amendment and the picture is a handy excuse.
Oh brother! The moronic literalist misinterpretation because you failed basic logic?

And yes, you also failed to comprehend your own gibberish when your nose was rubbed in it so the odds of you getting it now are less than zero! But that doesn't mean we can't try baby steps.

If there is no freedom from religion then everyone MUST have a religion of some sort, right?

Yes or no?

Just answer that one simple question.

Oh Brother! :laugh2:
We have the freedom of religion.
That does not mean that religious people have the right to force anyone to any religion.
A picture of Jesus in any school is not forcing others to go to church.
Now for the minority to force the majority to take that picture down is called tyranny of the few over the many.

So you can't even answer that simple straightforward question? :eek:

Why not?

Too scared to admit that you are wrong?

Probably. Fundamentalists are allergic to honesty and integrity.

The picture of jesus in that government building is a violation of the 1st Amendment because it is an endorsement of a single religion.

Taking it down is not the farcical "tyranny of the few over the many" because no such thing exists. That you have to resort to such ludicrous and moronic statements says volumes.

Individual rights are not the "tyranny of the few over the many". The many don't get to impose their tyrannical religious beliefs on the few because that is what the BoR is all about.

But thanks for explaining why your lack of comprehension is because you have everything entirely assbackwards.

You have it backwards.
Looking at a picture of Jesus is not tyranny.
If it offends anyone's eyes that much they don't need to look at it.
To take it down because one or two people are upset is not allowing others their freedom.
That is one or two people forcing their views on the many.

Utter hogwash!

Putting the picture up is forcing your religious views on others.

Why must others not look at your violation of the 1st Amendment that you are forcing on them?

Why most you impose the tyranny of the majority onto others?

The BoR was explicitly written by the Founding Fathers to erect a Wall of Separation between your religious tyranny and the government.

And yes, you are the reason why they wrote the 1st Amendment because you are clueless about how you force your religion onto others.

There are many reasons to be thankful to the Founding Fathers but having the foresight to protect individuals from the tyranny of religious fundamentalists like you is most certainly one of their greatest achievements IMO.

That' hilarious
I am not a fundamentalist.
I do not interpret the Bible literally (fundamentalist).
But you are one the one who wants religion out of the public and to shut them up.
Must have that only in the Churches must not be expressed in public.
That is so against what Christianity is.
Jesus told us to spread to good news to everyone in the whole world.
If you don't want to accept his good news you don't have to.
Your way is force by not allowing freedom to express that.
Jesus didn't tell us jackshit. the only people he spoke to were the one alive when he was.
what "we" get is second hand news thru a 3rd party
perfect example of looking for something to be offended at.

The radical Atheists at the school? Yes, it is a perfect example.

Those who believe that inanimate objects are possessed of sinister abilities are uniquely insane. Now granted, I don't think that most leftists actually believe a picture of Jesus can force anyone to do anything, they just seek to revoke the 1st Amendment and the picture is a handy excuse.
you doing a fine job of making my point !
the blathering nut job poster thing is genius !
yeah... they can just not look at it in the public school they have every right to attend.
please. this picture did not belong there. ever. it's sad that you can't see that nobody is harmed by its removal but those of a different faith could be made to feel unwanted and outcast in a place they have every right to belong.

Yes, inanimate objects are very powerful.

Do rocks or trees often make you feel unwanted and outcast?

Standard Disclaimer: Or is one excuse as good as another when you're out to obliterate civil rights, as you leftists are?
Oh brother! The moronic literalist misinterpretation because you failed basic logic?

And yes, you also failed to comprehend your own gibberish when your nose was rubbed in it so the odds of you getting it now are less than zero! But that doesn't mean we can't try baby steps.

If there is no freedom from religion then everyone MUST have a religion of some sort, right?

Yes or no?

Just answer that one simple question.

Oh Brother! :laugh2:
We have the freedom of religion.
That does not mean that religious people have the right to force anyone to any religion.
A picture of Jesus in any school is not forcing others to go to church.
Now for the minority to force the majority to take that picture down is called tyranny of the few over the many.

So you can't even answer that simple straightforward question? :eek:

Why not?

Too scared to admit that you are wrong?

Probably. Fundamentalists are allergic to honesty and integrity.

The picture of jesus in that government building is a violation of the 1st Amendment because it is an endorsement of a single religion.

Taking it down is not the farcical "tyranny of the few over the many" because no such thing exists. That you have to resort to such ludicrous and moronic statements says volumes.

Individual rights are not the "tyranny of the few over the many". The many don't get to impose their tyrannical religious beliefs on the few because that is what the BoR is all about.

But thanks for explaining why your lack of comprehension is because you have everything entirely assbackwards.

You have it backwards.
Looking at a picture of Jesus is not tyranny.
If it offends anyone's eyes that much they don't need to look at it.
To take it down because one or two people are upset is not allowing others their freedom.
That is one or two people forcing their views on the many.

Utter hogwash!

Putting the picture up is forcing your religious views on others.

Why must others not look at your violation of the 1st Amendment that you are forcing on them?

Why most you impose the tyranny of the majority onto others?

The BoR was explicitly written by the Founding Fathers to erect a Wall of Separation between your religious tyranny and the government.

And yes, you are the reason why they wrote the 1st Amendment because you are clueless about how you force your religion onto others.

There are many reasons to be thankful to the Founding Fathers but having the foresight to protect individuals from the tyranny of religious fundamentalists like you is most certainly one of their greatest achievements IMO.

That' hilarious
I am not a fundamentalist.
I do not interpret the Bible literally (fundamentalist).
But you are one the one who wants religion out of the public and to shut them up.
Must have that only in the Churches must not be expressed in public.
That is so against what Christianity is.
Jesus told us to spread to good news to everyone in the whole world.
If you don't want to accept his good news you don't have to.
Your way is force by not allowing freedom to express that.

More ridiculous hogwash.

You don't have a right to impose your religion on the secular government of We the People.

You can hang that jesus picture in your own home, on your website, in your avi, paint it on your car, wear it on your clothes, etc, etc.

But your God doesn't override the Constitution and the individual rights of others to be free from your religion when they attend public schools, go to the DMV, use the post office, vote at the town hall, etc, etc.

That you are clueless about this fundamental concept means that you would probably fail the citizenship test that every immigrant who becomes a naturalized citizen has to pass.
No one is forcing anything because the 1st Amendment currently upholds freedom FROM religion!

So it is you that doesn't understand the concept of freedom because you want to remove the right of others to have a government that is free from religion.

Tell us where it says freedom from religion.

Oh brother! The moronic literalist misinterpretation because you failed basic logic?

And yes, you also failed to comprehend your own gibberish when your nose was rubbed in it so the odds of you getting it now are less than zero! But that doesn't mean we can't try baby steps.

If there is no freedom from religion then everyone MUST have a religion of some sort, right?

Yes or no?

Just answer that one simple question.

Oh Brother! :laugh2:
We have the freedom of religion.
That does not mean that religious people have the right to force anyone to any religion.
A picture of Jesus in any school is not forcing others to go to church.
Now for the minority to force the majority to take that picture down is called tyranny of the few over the many.

So you can't even answer that simple straightforward question? :eek:

Why not?

Too scared to admit that you are wrong?

Probably. Fundamentalists are allergic to honesty and integrity.

The picture of jesus in that government building is a violation of the 1st Amendment because it is an endorsement of a single religion.

Taking it down is not the farcical "tyranny of the few over the many" because no such thing exists. That you have to resort to such ludicrous and moronic statements says volumes.

Individual rights are not the "tyranny of the few over the many". The many don't get to impose their tyrannical religious beliefs on the few because that is what the BoR is all about.

But thanks for explaining why your lack of comprehension is because you have everything entirely assbackwards.

You have it backwards.
Looking at a picture of Jesus is not tyranny.
If it offends anyone's eyes that much they don't need to look at it.
To take it down because one or two people are upset is not allowing others their freedom.
That is one or two people forcing their views on the many.
what freedom is lost by the removal of the picture?
yeah... they can just not look at it in the public school they have every right to attend.
please. this picture did not belong there. ever. it's sad that you can't see that nobody is harmed by its removal but those of a different faith could be made to feel unwanted and outcast in a place they have every right to belong.

Yes, inanimate objects are very powerful.

Do rocks or trees often make you feel unwanted and outcast?

Standard Disclaimer: Or is one excuse as good as another when you're out to obliterate civil rights, as you leftists are?
so you think it's perfectly okay to make a non-christian child feel like they don't belong in their elementary school?

what civil rights are "obliterated" by the removal of the picture?
The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government.

I recommend that you enroll in remedial adult social studies at your local community college because you obviously don't have a clue what the 1st Amendment actually means.

But thanks for disqualifying yourself from any further meaningful participation on this topic.

Have a nice day.

You are the one who has not studied our American History.
Never has this been an issue nor so misinterpreted and distorted and attacked until the Socialists and Atheists of the 1960's.
The 1st amendment does not say freedom FROM Religion.

See post #156.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment clearly protects citizens from religion by prohibiting the state from advancing or endorsing religion, creating a 'state religion,' or codifying religious dogma into secular law all must obey:

“The Establishment Clause prohibits government from making adherence to a religion relevant in any way to a person's standing in the political community.
[G]overnment endorsement...of religion...sends a message to nonadherents that they are outsiders, not full members of the political community[.]”

FindLaw's United States Supreme Court case and opinions.

The right of every American to be free from religion – to be allowed to practice any faith he so desires, or be free from faith altogether, absent unwarranted interference by the state – is a fundamental tenet of our Constitutional Republic.
yeah... they can just not look at it in the public school they have every right to attend.
please. this picture did not belong there. ever. it's sad that you can't see that nobody is harmed by its removal but those of a different faith could be made to feel unwanted and outcast in a place they have every right to belong.

Yes, inanimate objects are very powerful.

Do rocks or trees often make you feel unwanted and outcast?

Standard Disclaimer: Or is one excuse as good as another when you're out to obliterate civil rights, as you leftists are?
religion has no place in public school .
no ones civil rights are being violated or obliterated .
to put it simply the people who have always had their way are getting some pay back and it's a bitch.

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