Religious pic removed from public school, justice prevails

The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government.

I recommend that you enroll in remedial adult social studies at your local community college because you obviously don't have a clue what the 1st Amendment actually means.

But thanks for disqualifying yourself from any further meaningful participation on this topic.

Have a nice day.

You are the one who has not studied our American History.
Never has this been an issue nor so misinterpreted and distorted and attacked until the Socialists and Atheists of the 1960's.
The 1st amendment does not say freedom FROM Religion.
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?

That others have the right to say things and display images that you and even your beloved party don't agree with.

While you dream of a world where all obey the party without question, that is not "freedom," quite the opposite.

Freedom of expression-
Right to express one's ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others' character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. Freedom of press is part of freedom of expression.
It has nothing to do with freedom of religion.

Actually it has everything to do with freedom of/from religion!

Your religion opposes freedom of religion right there in the 10 commandments.

It opposes freedom of speech in the 10 commandments too.

It opposes Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for slaves.

It opposes equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.

It doesn't even uphold your 2nd Amendment right to bear arms either.

Freedom of expression is what protects your freedom of/from religion, voting rights, 2nd Amendment rights, equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.

Do you realize that the first 10 Amendments written by James Madison was a very religious Christian man?
you doing a fine job of making my point !
the blathering nut job poster thing is genius !

Your point is that you have the overwhelming urge to silence the views of others?

Hey, you're a leftist - it's what you do...
false! you have a mental defect that makes you imagine that.
the reality is it's a good and necessary thing to allow everyone to speak.
yeah... they can just not look at it in the public school they have every right to attend.
please. this picture did not belong there. ever. it's sad that you can't see that nobody is harmed by its removal but those of a different faith could be made to feel unwanted and outcast in a place they have every right to belong.

Yes, inanimate objects are very powerful.

Do rocks or trees often make you feel unwanted and outcast?

Standard Disclaimer: Or is one excuse as good as another when you're out to obliterate civil rights, as you leftists are?
so you think it's perfectly okay to make a non-christian child feel like they don't belong in their elementary school?

what civil rights are "obliterated" by the removal of the picture?

Again, the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment applies solely to government, not private citizens, who are at liberty to practice their faith in any manner they so desire, and in any venue they so desire, including schools – where the absence of an image of Jesus in no way interferes with a Christian practicing his faith, and in no way 'violates' religious liberty.
I recommend that you enroll in remedial adult social studies at your local community college because you obviously don't have a clue what the 1st Amendment actually means.

But thanks for disqualifying yourself from any further meaningful participation on this topic.

Have a nice day.

You are the one who has not studied our American History.
Never has this been an issue nor so misinterpreted and distorted and attacked until the Socialists and Atheists of the 1960's.
The 1st amendment does not say freedom FROM Religion.
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?

That others have the right to say things and display images that you and even your beloved party don't agree with.

While you dream of a world where all obey the party without question, that is not "freedom," quite the opposite.

Freedom of expression-
Right to express one's ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others' character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. Freedom of press is part of freedom of expression.
It has nothing to do with freedom of religion.

Actually it has everything to do with freedom of/from religion!

Your religion opposes freedom of religion right there in the 10 commandments.

It opposes freedom of speech in the 10 commandments too.

It opposes Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for slaves.

It opposes equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.

It doesn't even uphold your 2nd Amendment right to bear arms either.

Freedom of expression is what protects your freedom of/from religion, voting rights, 2nd Amendment rights, equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.

Do you realize that the first 10 Amendments written by James Madison was a very religious Christian man?
James Madison attended St. John's Episcopal Church while he was President. he was a deist.
that's a totally different kind of Christian than you would understand.
he like all the other FFs believed that god did not interfere in human affairs.
a concept that scares people like you shitless.
You are the one who has not studied our American History.
Never has this been an issue nor so misinterpreted and distorted and attacked until the Socialists and Atheists of the 1960's.
The 1st amendment does not say freedom FROM Religion.
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?
That others have the right to say things and display images that you and even your beloved party don't agree with.

While you dream of a world where all obey the party without question, that is not "freedom," quite the opposite.

Freedom of expression-
Right to express one's ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others' character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. Freedom of press is part of freedom of expression.
It has nothing to do with freedom of religion.

Actually it has everything to do with freedom of/from religion!

Your religion opposes freedom of religion right there in the 10 commandments.

It opposes freedom of speech in the 10 commandments too.

It opposes Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for slaves.

It opposes equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.

It doesn't even uphold your 2nd Amendment right to bear arms either.

Freedom of expression is what protects your freedom of/from religion, voting rights, 2nd Amendment rights, equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.

Do you realize that the first 10 Amendments written by James Madison was a very religious Christian man?
James Madison attended St. John's Episcopal Church while he was President. he was a deist.
that's a totally different kind of Christian than you would understand.
he like all the other FFs believed that god did not interfere in human affairs.
a concept that scares people like you shitless.

NO he was not a deist.
James Madison was an Episcopalian.
He was identified as an Episcopalian by the 1995 Information Please Almanac; A Worthy Company: Brief Lives of the Framers of the United States Constitution by M. E. Bradford; and the Library of Congress. Memoirs & Correspondence of Thomas Jefferson, IV, page 512 was cited as the source stating explicitly that Madison was a "theist." (Source: Ian Dorion, "Table of the Religious Affiliations of American Founders", 1997).
The religion of James Madison Jr., 4th U.S. President
A theist not a deist.
It was the 10 commandments that help him to write the first 10 Amendments to our Constitution.
You are the one who has not studied our American History.
Never has this been an issue nor so misinterpreted and distorted and attacked until the Socialists and Atheists of the 1960's.
The 1st amendment does not say freedom FROM Religion.
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?
That others have the right to say things and display images that you and even your beloved party don't agree with.

While you dream of a world where all obey the party without question, that is not "freedom," quite the opposite.

Freedom of expression-
Right to express one's ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others' character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. Freedom of press is part of freedom of expression.
It has nothing to do with freedom of religion.

Actually it has everything to do with freedom of/from religion!

Your religion opposes freedom of religion right there in the 10 commandments.

It opposes freedom of speech in the 10 commandments too.

It opposes Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for slaves.

It opposes equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.

It doesn't even uphold your 2nd Amendment right to bear arms either.

Freedom of expression is what protects your freedom of/from religion, voting rights, 2nd Amendment rights, equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.

Do you realize that the first 10 Amendments written by James Madison was a very religious Christian man?
James Madison attended St. John's Episcopal Church while he was President. he was a deist.
that's a totally different kind of Christian than you would understand.
he like all the other FFs believed that god did not interfere in human affairs.
a concept that scares people like you shitless.

I understand deist just fine.
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?

Freedom of expression-
Right to express one's ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others' character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. Freedom of press is part of freedom of expression.
It has nothing to do with freedom of religion.

Actually it has everything to do with freedom of/from religion!

Your religion opposes freedom of religion right there in the 10 commandments.

It opposes freedom of speech in the 10 commandments too.

It opposes Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for slaves.

It opposes equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.

It doesn't even uphold your 2nd Amendment right to bear arms either.

Freedom of expression is what protects your freedom of/from religion, voting rights, 2nd Amendment rights, equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.

Do you realize that the first 10 Amendments written by James Madison was a very religious Christian man?
James Madison attended St. John's Episcopal Church while he was President. he was a deist.
that's a totally different kind of Christian than you would understand.
he like all the other FFs believed that god did not interfere in human affairs.
a concept that scares people like you shitless.

I understand deist just fine.
You're last post says different .
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?

Freedom of expression-
Right to express one's ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others' character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. Freedom of press is part of freedom of expression.
It has nothing to do with freedom of religion.

Actually it has everything to do with freedom of/from religion!

Your religion opposes freedom of religion right there in the 10 commandments.

It opposes freedom of speech in the 10 commandments too.

It opposes Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for slaves.

It opposes equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.

It doesn't even uphold your 2nd Amendment right to bear arms either.

Freedom of expression is what protects your freedom of/from religion, voting rights, 2nd Amendment rights, equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.

Do you realize that the first 10 Amendments written by James Madison was a very religious Christian man?
James Madison attended St. John's Episcopal Church while he was President. he was a deist.
that's a totally different kind of Christian than you would understand.
he like all the other FFs believed that god did not interfere in human affairs.
a concept that scares people like you shitless.

I understand deist just fine.
False a theist and a deist are one in the same.
Honestly, kristians whine and bitch about every little thing regarding their religion. Just to cram it back down their throat a huge Islamic, Hindu, Jewish and/or other religious symbol, flag, idol should be put up right across from every church in the country.

And then let the real whining begin.

Because 'kristians' know, if Jaysus' picture isn't hanging in a school the entire religion will collapse.

You speak fluent moron

Big talk coming from the graduate with highest honors of Bugwit U.
Honestly, kristians whine and bitch about every little thing regarding their religion. Just to cram it back down their throat a huge Islamic, Hindu, Jewish and/or other religious symbol, flag, idol should be put up right across from every church in the country.

And then let the real whining begin.

Because 'kristians' know, if Jaysus' picture isn't hanging in a school the entire religion will collapse.

You speak fluent moron

Big talk coming from the graduate with highest honors of Bugwit U.

Knee grow, please.

I collect Progressive shrunken heads. I wear you fuckers on my belt and love it when you mumble at me like you have something important you want to say
Honestly, kristians whine and bitch about every little thing regarding their religion. Just to cram it back down their throat a huge Islamic, Hindu, Jewish and/or other religious symbol, flag, idol should be put up right across from every church in the country.

And then let the real whining begin.

Because 'kristians' know, if Jaysus' picture isn't hanging in a school the entire religion will collapse.

You speak fluent moron

Big talk coming from the graduate with highest honors of Bugwit U.

Knee grow, please.

I collect Progressive shrunken heads. I wear you fuckers on my belt and love it when you mumble at me like you have something important you want to say
Time for your anti phycotics frank
Honestly, kristians whine and bitch about every little thing regarding their religion. Just to cram it back down their throat a huge Islamic, Hindu, Jewish and/or other religious symbol, flag, idol should be put up right across from every church in the country.

And then let the real whining begin.

Because 'kristians' know, if Jaysus' picture isn't hanging in a school the entire religion will collapse.

You speak fluent moron

Big talk coming from the graduate with highest honors of Bugwit U.

Knee grow, please.

I collect Progressive shrunken heads. I wear you fuckers on my belt and love it when you mumble at me like you have something important you want to say
Time for your anti phycotics frank


"...and then Daws said, mumble, mumble, meds...."
Honestly, kristians whine and bitch about every little thing regarding their religion. Just to cram it back down their throat a huge Islamic, Hindu, Jewish and/or other religious symbol, flag, idol should be put up right across from every church in the country.

And then let the real whining begin.

Because 'kristians' know, if Jaysus' picture isn't hanging in a school the entire religion will collapse.

You speak fluent moron

Big talk coming from the graduate with highest honors of Bugwit U.

Knee grow, please.

I collect Progressive shrunken heads. I wear you fuckers on my belt and love it when you mumble at me like you have something important you want to say
Time for your anti phycotics frank


"...and then Daws said, mumble, mumble, meds...."
Then frank woke up.
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?

Freedom of expression-
Right to express one's ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others' character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. Freedom of press is part of freedom of expression.
It has nothing to do with freedom of religion.

Actually it has everything to do with freedom of/from religion!

Your religion opposes freedom of religion right there in the 10 commandments.

It opposes freedom of speech in the 10 commandments too.

It opposes Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for slaves.

It opposes equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.

It doesn't even uphold your 2nd Amendment right to bear arms either.

Freedom of expression is what protects your freedom of/from religion, voting rights, 2nd Amendment rights, equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.

Do you realize that the first 10 Amendments written by James Madison was a very religious Christian man?
James Madison attended St. John's Episcopal Church while he was President. he was a deist.
that's a totally different kind of Christian than you would understand.
he like all the other FFs believed that god did not interfere in human affairs.
a concept that scares people like you shitless.

NO he was not a deist.
James Madison was an Episcopalian.
He was identified as an Episcopalian by the 1995 Information Please Almanac; A Worthy Company: Brief Lives of the Framers of the United States Constitution by M. E. Bradford; and the Library of Congress. Memoirs & Correspondence of Thomas Jefferson, IV, page 512 was cited as the source stating explicitly that Madison was a "theist." (Source: Ian Dorion, "Table of the Religious Affiliations of American Founders", 1997).
The religion of James Madison Jr., 4th U.S. President
A theist not a deist.
It was the 10 commandments that help him to write the first 10 Amendments to our Constitution.
what part of the 10 commandments is represented in the bill of rights? that may be the dumbest claim i've ever heard.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation is a national organization dedicated to the principle of separation of church and state.

Ryan Jayne, a spokesman for the foundation’s legal department, said he thinks it’s “wonderful” that the district responded the way it did and as quickly as it did.

Read more here: Chanute residents protest removal of picture of Jesus from school

pic should have never been displayed in the first place. :eusa_naughty: :talktothehand:

It's amazing the nonsense that come out these fascists' mouths:

' Non-Christian students were always allowed to sit out the Pledge of Allegiance or skip the annual Christmas movie for religious reasons, said Samantha Barnhart, another Royster alumna who also works at the cafe. “If you have the right to not participate, we have the right to keep our picture up,” she said. “Just don’t look at it.” '

I noticed bed wetting libtards have no problem with islamic religion in public schools.

Dearborn Michigan Public School Adopts Strict Islamic Halal Dietary Regime | Jane M. Agni

Muslim group CAIR has hijacked Michigan school system - BizPac Review

You would think moonbats would vehemently oppose efforts to accomidate the cult of slavery and death considering how it brutalizes women and throws queers off of rooftops, but then you realize sniveling libtard parasites only hate the Christian religion.

Hahahahahahaha! Your gullibility is showing!

National Report is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within National Report are fiction, and presumably fake news. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental. Advice given is NOT to be construed as professional. If you are in need of professional help, please consult a professional. National Report is not intended for children under the age of 18.

Disclaimer - National Report
It is strange that the religionist arguments haven't changed in 80 years:

"Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith"
-- Adolf Hitler; at Nazi-Vatican Concordat (Apr. 26, 1933)

"The general mass of a nation do not consist of philosophers; faith for them is very largely the sole basis for a moral view of life. The various attempts to find substitutes have not proved so suitable or successful as to be obviously a good exchange for the former religious confessions."
-- from Mein Kampf

"We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."
-- Adolf Hitler, from speech in Berlin (October 24, 1933)

That is where the slippery slope leads. When we hear the religionists declare their fascist ideas, there can be no doubt what their ultimate goal is.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation is a national organization dedicated to the principle of separation of church and state.

Ryan Jayne, a spokesman for the foundation’s legal department, said he thinks it’s “wonderful” that the district responded the way it did and as quickly as it did.

Read more here: Chanute residents protest removal of picture of Jesus from school

pic should have never been displayed in the first place. :eusa_naughty: :talktothehand:

The parents can have all the pictures / statues of the guy hanging on two stick all they want.. In their homes and churches, This a a phony cross grovlers stunt to claim a war on christians
I recommend that you enroll in remedial adult social studies at your local community college because you obviously don't have a clue what the 1st Amendment actually means.

But thanks for disqualifying yourself from any further meaningful participation on this topic.

Have a nice day.

You are the one who has not studied our American History.
Never has this been an issue nor so misinterpreted and distorted and attacked until the Socialists and Atheists of the 1960's.
The 1st amendment does not say freedom FROM Religion.
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?

That others have the right to say things and display images that you and even your beloved party don't agree with.

While you dream of a world where all obey the party without question, that is not "freedom," quite the opposite.

Freedom of expression-
Right to express one's ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others' character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. Freedom of press is part of freedom of expression.
It has nothing to do with freedom of religion.

Actually it has everything to do with freedom of/from religion!

Your religion opposes freedom of religion right there in the 10 commandments.

It opposes freedom of speech in the 10 commandments too.

It opposes Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for slaves.

It opposes equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.

It doesn't even uphold your 2nd Amendment right to bear arms either.

Freedom of expression is what protects your freedom of/from religion, voting rights, 2nd Amendment rights, equal rights, voting rights and privacy rights.

Do you realize that the first 10 Amendments written by James Madison was a very religious Christian man?

Utterly irrelevant and does nothing whatsoever to support your point.

In fact it does the exact opposite to what you imagine.

It means that Madison was smart enough to know that you can't hang pictures of jesus in public schools.

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