Religious pic removed from public school, justice prevails

What educational purpose did that picture have? Did the school or school district ever explain?

What educational purpose does a fountain have? What educational purpose does a mascot serve?

You wage war on the 1st Amendment - as democrats always do. But don't pretend there is justification for your war on civil rights.
Excluding Congress from making no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. (The new Health Care Law just did that)

Prove it!

Supreme Court justice halts birth control mandate in Affordable Care Act
Catholics, Evangelicals, Jews Join Forces, Ask Supreme Court to Take Obamacare Contraceptive Mandate Case

We shall see how that goes.

There is no reason for the SCOTUS to take that case because there is no conflict in the ruling and they have failed to prove that the ACA violated the 1st Amendment, and so have you.


You just remember that if they do.
That 2nd one was done just yesterday.

Their appeal is based on the unconstitutional RFRA!

The RFRA was held unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court, as applied to the states in the City of Boerne v. Flores decision in 1997, which ruled that the RFRA is not a proper exercise of Congress's enforcement power.

Hence the SCOTUS has no need to hear their case.

We shall see.
Like I said it was done only yesterday.
That does not mean that congress can not have their freedom to exercise their religion while working at a government worker.

They can worship green aliens from Mars if they want to but they cannot use their government office to force anyone else to worship them because everyone has freedom FROM religion.

Where has anyone said force?

These are your words from post #107 above!

"The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government."

If you don't remove God from government then you are de facto forcing workers to worship the God that is now incorporated into government.

How difficult is it for you to understand that basic concept?

Or did your religious professors brainwash the ability to engage in rational thought out of your skull?

No one is forcing anything.
Government has never incorporated religion into government.
You have no concept of how freedom works.
Just because government workers have the right to worship God does not mean everyone in congress has to be forced do that.

No one is forcing anything because the 1st Amendment currently upholds freedom FROM religion!

So it is you that doesn't understand the concept of freedom because you want to remove the right of others to have a government that is free from religion.

Tell us where it says freedom from religion.
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?

That others have the right to say things and display images that you and even your beloved party don't agree with.

While you dream of a world where all obey the party without question, that is not "freedom," quite the opposite.
You got to be kidding me. A simple picture? What some people won't do to impose their own brand of ideology on others.
What educational purpose did that picture serve?
What a bunch of whiny fucking babies. If simply walking past a picture sways you towards any religion I'd be more worried about the school's ability to teach critical thinking skills.
No problem....put a same size picture of Buddha, Brahma, something...something from Islam, the Flying Spaghetti Monster right next to it.
I have to admit, that particular picture of "Jesus" was always one of the most boring milk-toast pictures I've ever seen.
They can worship green aliens from Mars if they want to but they cannot use their government office to force anyone else to worship them because everyone has freedom FROM religion.

Where has anyone said force?

These are your words from post #107 above!

"The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government."

If you don't remove God from government then you are de facto forcing workers to worship the God that is now incorporated into government.

How difficult is it for you to understand that basic concept?

Or did your religious professors brainwash the ability to engage in rational thought out of your skull?

No one is forcing anything.
Government has never incorporated religion into government.
You have no concept of how freedom works.
Just because government workers have the right to worship God does not mean everyone in congress has to be forced do that.

No one is forcing anything because the 1st Amendment currently upholds freedom FROM religion!

So it is you that doesn't understand the concept of freedom because you want to remove the right of others to have a government that is free from religion.

Tell us where it says freedom from religion.

Oh brother! The moronic literalist misinterpretation because you failed basic logic?

And yes, you also failed to comprehend your own gibberish when your nose was rubbed in it so the odds of you getting it now are less than zero! But that doesn't mean we can't try baby steps.

If there is no freedom from religion then everyone MUST have a religion of some sort, right?

Yes or no?

Just answer that one simple question.
pic should have never been displayed in the first place. :eusa_naughty: :talktothehand:

That's fine so long as all pictures of the Liberal Jesus, Albert Einstein are removed as well. If the Christians can't have their religion in schools why should the Liberals be allowed to?
Oh brother! The moronic literalist misinterpretation because you failed basic logic?

And yes, you also failed to comprehend your own gibberish when your nose was rubbed in it so the odds of you getting it now are less than zero! But that doesn't mean we can't try baby steps.

If there is no freedom from religion then everyone MUST have a religion of some sort, right?

Uh no, not right - in fact utterly stupid.

You may believe what you like - but may not force others to follow your faith.

You are an atheist, and demand that all must follow your faith, the no one may have views on religion which are different from yours. You use the implied violence of the state to forcibly constrain the views of those who have ideas that differ from your own. Freedom from religion is a euphemism for thugs denying basic civil rights.

Yes or no?

Just answer that one simple question.

Your question is stupid, as are you.

You seek to crush civil rights, as does your filthy party. You are no different that the Inquisition in Spain, demanding that all profess exactly as commanded in public.
That's fine so long as all pictures of the Liberal Jesus, Albert Einstein are removed as well. If the Christians can't have their religion in schools why should the Liberals be allowed to?

This confuses me. In what world is a physicist a religious figure?

I don't get it?
Where has anyone said force?

These are your words from post #107 above!

"The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government."

If you don't remove God from government then you are de facto forcing workers to worship the God that is now incorporated into government.

How difficult is it for you to understand that basic concept?

Or did your religious professors brainwash the ability to engage in rational thought out of your skull?

No one is forcing anything.
Government has never incorporated religion into government.
You have no concept of how freedom works.
Just because government workers have the right to worship God does not mean everyone in congress has to be forced do that.

No one is forcing anything because the 1st Amendment currently upholds freedom FROM religion!

So it is you that doesn't understand the concept of freedom because you want to remove the right of others to have a government that is free from religion.

Tell us where it says freedom from religion.

Oh brother! The moronic literalist misinterpretation because you failed basic logic?

And yes, you also failed to comprehend your own gibberish when your nose was rubbed in it so the odds of you getting it now are less than zero! But that doesn't mean we can't try baby steps.

If there is no freedom from religion then everyone MUST have a religion of some sort, right?

Yes or no?

Just answer that one simple question.

Oh Brother! :laugh2:
We have the freedom of religion.
That does not mean that religious people have the right to force anyone to any religion.
A picture of Jesus in any school is not forcing others to go to church.
Now for the minority to force the majority to take that picture down is called tyranny of the few over the many.
You got to be kidding me. A simple picture? What some people won't do to impose their own brand of ideology on others.
What educational purpose did that picture serve?
What a bunch of whiny fucking babies. If simply walking past a picture sways you towards any religion I'd be more worried about the school's ability to teach critical thinking skills.
No problem....put a same size picture of Buddha, Brahma, something...something from Islam, the Flying Spaghetti Monster right next to it.
Hey if that's what yo want...... No skin off of my nose.....
As for what educational purpose..... what educational purpose does the display of school sports trophies and pictures of past school sports "heroes" serve?
These are your words from post #107 above!

"The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government."

If you don't remove God from government then you are de facto forcing workers to worship the God that is now incorporated into government.

How difficult is it for you to understand that basic concept?

Or did your religious professors brainwash the ability to engage in rational thought out of your skull?

No one is forcing anything.
Government has never incorporated religion into government.
You have no concept of how freedom works.
Just because government workers have the right to worship God does not mean everyone in congress has to be forced do that.

No one is forcing anything because the 1st Amendment currently upholds freedom FROM religion!

So it is you that doesn't understand the concept of freedom because you want to remove the right of others to have a government that is free from religion.

Tell us where it says freedom from religion.

Oh brother! The moronic literalist misinterpretation because you failed basic logic?

And yes, you also failed to comprehend your own gibberish when your nose was rubbed in it so the odds of you getting it now are less than zero! But that doesn't mean we can't try baby steps.

If there is no freedom from religion then everyone MUST have a religion of some sort, right?

Yes or no?

Just answer that one simple question.

Oh Brother! :laugh2:
We have the freedom of religion.
That does not mean that religious people have the right to force anyone to any religion.
A picture of Jesus in any school is not forcing others to go to church.
Now for the minority to force the majority to take that picture down is called tyranny of the few over the many.

So you can't even answer that simple straightforward question? :eek:

Why not?

Too scared to admit that you are wrong?

Probably. Fundamentalists are allergic to honesty and integrity.

The picture of jesus in that government building is a violation of the 1st Amendment because it is an endorsement of a single religion.

Taking it down is not the farcical "tyranny of the few over the many" because no such thing exists. That you have to resort to such ludicrous and moronic statements says volumes.

Individual rights are not the "tyranny of the few over the many". The many don't get to impose their tyrannical religious beliefs on the few because that is what the BoR is all about.

But thanks for explaining why your lack of comprehension is because you have everything entirely assbackwards.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation is a national organization dedicated to the principle of separation of church and state.

Ryan Jayne, a spokesman for the foundation’s legal department, said he thinks it’s “wonderful” that the district responded the way it did and as quickly as it did.

Read more here: Chanute residents protest removal of picture of Jesus from school

pic should have never been displayed in the first place. :eusa_naughty: :talktothehand:
The school was correct to remove the image, as clearly the picture violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

Obviously the image is devoid of a secular purpose, its primary effect is that to promote religion, in this case Christianity, and the image undoubtedly fosters an excessive government entanglement with religion. ( See County of Allegheny v. American Civil Liberties Union (1989))

"The picture of jesus in that government building is a violation of the 1st Amendment because it is an endorsement of a single religion."


Had the picture been displayed in conjunction with other similar images, that of law-givers, for example, with a secular message promoting the study of ancient laws and how they're the basis for our laws today, any court would have ruled such a display Constitutional.
The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government.

I recommend that you enroll in remedial adult social studies at your local community college because you obviously don't have a clue what the 1st Amendment actually means.

But thanks for disqualifying yourself from any further meaningful participation on this topic.

Have a nice day.

You are the one who has not studied our American History.
Never has this been an issue nor so misinterpreted and distorted and attacked until the Socialists and Atheists of the 1960's.
The 1st amendment does not say freedom FROM Religion.
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?

That others have the right to say things and display images that you and even your beloved party don't agree with.

While you dream of a world where all obey the party without question, that is not "freedom," quite the opposite.
No one is forcing anything.
Government has never incorporated religion into government.
You have no concept of how freedom works.
Just because government workers have the right to worship God does not mean everyone in congress has to be forced do that.

No one is forcing anything because the 1st Amendment currently upholds freedom FROM religion!

So it is you that doesn't understand the concept of freedom because you want to remove the right of others to have a government that is free from religion.

Tell us where it says freedom from religion.

Oh brother! The moronic literalist misinterpretation because you failed basic logic?

And yes, you also failed to comprehend your own gibberish when your nose was rubbed in it so the odds of you getting it now are less than zero! But that doesn't mean we can't try baby steps.

If there is no freedom from religion then everyone MUST have a religion of some sort, right?

Yes or no?

Just answer that one simple question.

Oh Brother! :laugh2:
We have the freedom of religion.
That does not mean that religious people have the right to force anyone to any religion.
A picture of Jesus in any school is not forcing others to go to church.
Now for the minority to force the majority to take that picture down is called tyranny of the few over the many.

So you can't even answer that simple straightforward question? :eek:

Why not?

Too scared to admit that you are wrong?

Probably. Fundamentalists are allergic to honesty and integrity.

The picture of jesus in that government building is a violation of the 1st Amendment because it is an endorsement of a single religion.

Taking it down is not the farcical "tyranny of the few over the many" because no such thing exists. That you have to resort to such ludicrous and moronic statements says volumes.

Individual rights are not the "tyranny of the few over the many". The many don't get to impose their tyrannical religious beliefs on the few because that is what the BoR is all about.

But thanks for explaining why your lack of comprehension is because you have everything entirely assbackwards.

You have it backwards.
Looking at a picture of Jesus is not tyranny.
If it offends anyone's eyes that much they don't need to look at it.
To take it down because one or two people are upset is not allowing others their freedom.
That is one or two people forcing their views on the many.
Mist science is no more 100% proven than religion. Therefore in my mind it gas no more legitimacy than religion.

Your premise is flawed.

Physics is proven. We use theory becasuse there is always room for change. But gravity is proven. If you doubt it, walk off the edge of a cliff and you will learn the reality in a harsh way. Much proof in physics is in the form of mathematics, we prove through equations. That gravity is the result of the deformation of the fabric of space is entirely proven. That a talking snake tempted a woman has no evidence to support it at all.

The Theory of Relativity got us to the moon and back safely - there is no question that Einstein's equations on gravity are correct.

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