Religious pic removed from public school, justice prevails

The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government.

I recommend that you enroll in remedial adult social studies at your local community college because you obviously don't have a clue what the 1st Amendment actually means.

But thanks for disqualifying yourself from any further meaningful participation on this topic.

Have a nice day.

I recommend that you take a look at the Hillsdale College videos.
that explains so much.

use the rest of what I said
By the way I learned from actual American History books before the Liberal Professor's of the 60's and 70's who are teaching and distorting our American History.

What you said was utter gibberish.

If there is no freedom from religion then the government could force you to worship Walmart or an oil well or your neighbor's dog.

Explain how your bizarre misunderstanding of the 1st Amendment prevents that from happening.
The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government.

I recommend that you enroll in remedial adult social studies at your local community college because you obviously don't have a clue what the 1st Amendment actually means.

But thanks for disqualifying yourself from any further meaningful participation on this topic.

Have a nice day.

You are the one who has not studied our American History.
Never has this been an issue nor so misinterpreted and distorted and attacked until the Socialists and Atheists of the 1960's.
The 1st amendment does not say freedom FROM Religion.

Onus is on you to prove that you can have freedom OF religion WITHOUT freedom FROM religion.

The 1st Amendment is explicit about excluding all religion from government.

That includes hanging a religious picture in a government school building.

That is freedom FROM religion.

Now provide a credible source that refutes the Law of the Land.

Excluding Congress from making no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. (The new Health Care Law just did that)
That does not mean that congress can not have their freedom to exercise their religion while working at a government worker.
The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government.

I recommend that you enroll in remedial adult social studies at your local community college because you obviously don't have a clue what the 1st Amendment actually means.

But thanks for disqualifying yourself from any further meaningful participation on this topic.

Have a nice day.

I recommend that you take a look at the Hillsdale College videos.
that explains so much.

use the rest of what I said
By the way I learned from actual American History books before the Liberal Professor's of the 60's and 70's who are teaching and distorting our American History.

What you said was utter gibberish.

If there is no freedom from religion then the government could force you to worship Walmart or an oil well or your neighbor's dog.

Explain how your bizarre misunderstanding of the 1st Amendment prevents that from happening.

And you talk to me about gibberish? :laugh:
That does not mean that congress can not have their freedom to exercise their religion while working at a government worker.

They can worship green aliens from Mars if they want to but they cannot use their government office to force anyone else to worship them because everyone has freedom FROM religion.
I recommend that you enroll in remedial adult social studies at your local community college because you obviously don't have a clue what the 1st Amendment actually means.

But thanks for disqualifying yourself from any further meaningful participation on this topic.

Have a nice day.

I recommend that you take a look at the Hillsdale College videos.
that explains so much.

use the rest of what I said
By the way I learned from actual American History books before the Liberal Professor's of the 60's and 70's who are teaching and distorting our American History.

What you said was utter gibberish.

If there is no freedom from religion then the government could force you to worship Walmart or an oil well or your neighbor's dog.

Explain how your bizarre misunderstanding of the 1st Amendment prevents that from happening.

And you talk to me about gibberish? :laugh:

That was YOUR gibberish! :eek:

Thank you for admitting that you are incapable of defending your own inane distortion of the 1st Amendment.
Excluding Congress from making no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. (The new Health Care Law just did that)

Prove it!

Supreme Court justice halts birth control mandate in Affordable Care Act
Catholics, Evangelicals, Jews Join Forces, Ask Supreme Court to Take Obamacare Contraceptive Mandate Case

We shall see how that goes.

There is no reason for the SCOTUS to take that case because there is no conflict in the ruling and they have failed to prove that the ACA violated the 1st Amendment, and so have you.

What you said was utter gibberish.

If there is no freedom from religion then the government could force you to worship Walmart or an oil well or your neighbor's dog.

Explain how your bizarre misunderstanding of the 1st Amendment prevents that from happening.

That is insanely stupid, even for an assclown of your low character.

You have a net sum of zero grasp of the 1st Amendment and substitute idiocy from the hate sites that do your thinking for you for actual knowledge.

When pondering the radical Atheist establishment of their religion through "freedom from religion," one must consider what the freedom of expression is? Now leftists such as you are opposed to freedom. And particularly opposed to freedom of expression. Voltaire famously wrote "I may not agree with what you have to say, but will fight to the death to defend your right to say it."

In the Obamanation, you have changed this to "I may not like what you have to say, and will gladly kill you to silence you." The action at the school is a prime example of the contempt that you leftists have for freedom. Because you don't like the words of others, you will do ANYTHING to silence them. You believe you have a freedom FROM expression, that you rightly can silence ideas that offend your party. You have no right not to be offended. You Communists are like bitties who are offended at the sight of a bare navel, but unlike the prudes, you get lawyers to force all others to bow to your delicate sensibilities.

To claim a right to freedom from religion, is to outlaw all faiths but the worship of governement - which is the aim of your masters. You are but an assclown, stupid as a dog turd, but these memes you recite from the hate sites are a clear and present danger to civil rights - which your party wages war to crush.
Excluding Congress from making no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. (The new Health Care Law just did that)

Prove it!

Supreme Court justice halts birth control mandate in Affordable Care Act
Catholics, Evangelicals, Jews Join Forces, Ask Supreme Court to Take Obamacare Contraceptive Mandate Case

We shall see how that goes.

There is no reason for the SCOTUS to take that case because there is no conflict in the ruling and they have failed to prove that the ACA violated the 1st Amendment, and so have you.


You just remember that if they do.
That 2nd one was done just yesterday.
That does not mean that congress can not have their freedom to exercise their religion while working at a government worker.

They can worship green aliens from Mars if they want to but they cannot use their government office to force anyone else to worship them because everyone has freedom FROM religion.

Where has anyone said force?

These are your words from post #107 above!

"The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government."

If you don't remove God from government then you are de facto forcing workers to worship the God that is now incorporated into government.

How difficult is it for you to understand that basic concept?

Or did your religious professors brainwash the ability to engage in rational thought out of your skull?
The Freedom From Religion Foundation is a national organization dedicated to the principle of separation of church and state.

Ryan Jayne, a spokesman for the foundation’s legal department, said he thinks it’s “wonderful” that the district responded the way it did and as quickly as it did.

Read more here: Chanute residents protest removal of picture of Jesus from school

pic should have never been displayed in the first place. :eusa_naughty: :talktothehand:
What educational purpose did that picture have? Did the school or school district ever explain?
Progs continue their Jihad on religion on their way to making atheism the one and only state accepted religious belief
false atheism is the absence of belief definition it can't be a religion.
com'on frank I know you are smarter than that!

Atheism is the Official Religious Belief of Progressives and the only one they'll support and inflict on us
nope !
as to religion being inflicted on people the crusades come to mind , all the cultures destroyed by Christianity
so called Christians would be advised not to go around shouting this has been inflicted on us!

That is not true and so distorted.
I suppose that you would still like the head hunter cultures?
You are one of the many whom the Bible talks about in end times.
Now the Spirit (of God) speaks clearly, that in the last days some shall depart from the faith (of that which is taught in the Bible), giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils…” [1 Timothy 4:1]
It's absolutely true the rest is biblical nonsense.
I noticed bed wetting libtards have no problem with islamic religion in public schools.

Dearborn Michigan Public School Adopts Strict Islamic Halal Dietary Regime | Jane M. Agni

Muslim group CAIR has hijacked Michigan school system - BizPac Review

You would think moonbats would vehemently oppose efforts to accomidate the cult of slavery and death considering how it brutalizes women and throws queers off of rooftops, but then you realize sniveling libtard parasites only hate the Christian religion.

Not any different that our schools serving only fish or non-meat on Fridays when I was growing up.
It is a violation of the 1st Amendment establishment clause to have that picture on display in a government building.

Too bad you aren't smart enough to figure that out for yourself.

Then all of the displays of Moses & Solomon including the 10 commandments needs to be torn down from the Supreme Court and the House and Senate Chaplain needs to go.
Never mind we have had one ever since we became a Nation in 1776.

SCOTUS display is about the law and incorporates 18 different influential sources for the law ergo it is not endorsing religion.

How a Mohammad Statue Ended up at the Supreme Court

Sculpture figures prominently in the Corinthian architecture of the Court Building. One chamber features a frieze decorated with a bas-relief sculpture by Adolph A. Weinman of eighteen influential law-givers. The south wall depicts Menes, Hammurabi, Moses, Solomon, Lycurgus, Solon, Draco, Confucius and Octavian, while the north wall depicts Napoleon Bonaparte, John Marshall, William Blackstone, Hugo Grotius, Louis IX, King John, Charlemagne, Justinian and, you guessed it, Mohammad.​

The House and Senate chaplains are supposed to be non denominational and yes, they should go since they have never had a wiccan, Hindi, shintoist, etc priest give the blessings.

Tradition is not an excuse for violations of the 1st Amendment and it is most certainly not an excuse to expand those violations.

Who would know better than all of the Founders about that?
It was not a Tradition.
The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government.
The Government can not endorse any certain type of different religions.
It was so important to them that they made that the very 1st sentence in the 1st Amendment.
See folks that's how you misinterpret!

No that is what you are doing.
Wrong again.
Excluding Congress from making no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. (The new Health Care Law just did that)

Prove it!

Supreme Court justice halts birth control mandate in Affordable Care Act
Catholics, Evangelicals, Jews Join Forces, Ask Supreme Court to Take Obamacare Contraceptive Mandate Case

We shall see how that goes.

There is no reason for the SCOTUS to take that case because there is no conflict in the ruling and they have failed to prove that the ACA violated the 1st Amendment, and so have you.


You just remember that if they do.
That 2nd one was done just yesterday.

Their appeal is based on the unconstitutional RFRA!

The RFRA was held unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court, as applied to the states in the City of Boerne v. Flores decision in 1997, which ruled that the RFRA is not a proper exercise of Congress's enforcement power.

Hence the SCOTUS has no need to hear their case.
That does not mean that congress can not have their freedom to exercise their religion while working at a government worker.

They can worship green aliens from Mars if they want to but they cannot use their government office to force anyone else to worship them because everyone has freedom FROM religion.

Where has anyone said force?

These are your words from post #107 above!

"The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government."

If you don't remove God from government then you are de facto forcing workers to worship the God that is now incorporated into government.

How difficult is it for you to understand that basic concept?

Or did your religious professors brainwash the ability to engage in rational thought out of your skull?

No one is forcing anything.
Government has never incorporated religion into government.
You have no concept of how freedom works.
Just because government workers have the right to worship God does not mean everyone in congress has to be forced do that.
The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government.

I recommend that you enroll in remedial adult social studies at your local community college because you obviously don't have a clue what the 1st Amendment actually means.

But thanks for disqualifying yourself from any further meaningful participation on this topic.

Have a nice day.

You are the one who has not studied our American History.
Never has this been an issue nor so misinterpreted and distorted and attacked until the Socialists and Atheists of the 1960's.
The 1st amendment does not say freedom FROM Religion.
Really what do you think freedom of expression means?
That does not mean that congress can not have their freedom to exercise their religion while working at a government worker.

They can worship green aliens from Mars if they want to but they cannot use their government office to force anyone else to worship them because everyone has freedom FROM religion.

Where has anyone said force?

These are your words from post #107 above!

"The 1st amendment gives all of our Federal workers the freedom to worship God if they want to, not to get God out the Government."

If you don't remove God from government then you are de facto forcing workers to worship the God that is now incorporated into government.

How difficult is it for you to understand that basic concept?

Or did your religious professors brainwash the ability to engage in rational thought out of your skull?

No one is forcing anything.
Government has never incorporated religion into government.
You have no concept of how freedom works.
Just because government workers have the right to worship God does not mean everyone in congress has to be forced do that.

No one is forcing anything because the 1st Amendment currently upholds freedom FROM religion!

So it is you that doesn't understand the concept of freedom because you want to remove the right of others to have a government that is free from religion.

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