Religious removal of body parts

"I'm still trying to figure out how you decided that the foreskin God created was a mistake so therefore it's okay to cut it off?

Maybe this will help. If whatever you cut off still allows you to have children, the purpose of the genitals most think, did it actually matter in the first place? Couldn't anything not related to making babies go no harm no foul?"

From another thread.

Who knows KatieK
it may be a spiritual ritual to condition males to be more aggressive unconsciously
where they constantly fight others, defensively and offensively, the whole rest of their lives,
and demand to have control over themselves and others
to compensate for was done to them beyond their control.
The same would apply to girls.

No the reactions in males and females would still be different,
because women's brains and psychology are different from men's.

Men tend to only use one side of the brain at a time, they
think and focus "compartmentally" and divide what is their
will and responsibility from others. Women tend to think
in terms of "relations" with others, using both sides of the
brain back and forth, where men cannot cross over as easily as women's brain activity shows.

Women still process abuse more in relation to the other people affected.
If women express aggression, it tends to be expressed through verbal or psychological means
in communications or relations with others.

Men tend to act more externally with physical defense when defending their turf,
because they delineate themselves more, which is blamed on "male ego."

Note, all this is regardless if this is socially conditioned or inborn by nature.
It could be the chemical levels of testosterone in males, the social or
spiritual conditioning, who knows. It could be that men have their
most sensitive reproductive organs on the outside, so they defend
themselves more externally, while women have their sensitive
organs internally, so they tend to internalize their defense mechanisms.

who knows?
What we know is cutting kids genitals is totally unnecessary.

Oh, sorry KatieK now I get that your meaning
was male and female circumcision were equally unnecessary.

But not they are not equal.
the purpose behind female circumcision is
male dominance over the female in marital and sexual relations.

that has nothing to do with the reasons
for male circumcision.

they may both be seen as unnecessary
but they are not equal in intent.
I am uninterested in said intent.
Of all things my fathers and God's society could do to me, after surviving birth and immediately being betrayed to the surgical removal of my glorious man-bacon, I have had many years since then to ponder why society or authority rather, had decided to take it away.

My greater assumption is that of removing sexual pleasure in order to prevent social chaos. You never know if by some rainbow lightning bolt society could end up being a magical booty farm hell if that foreskin weren't removed. The sexual pleasure theory is probably most astute amongst theories towards the origin of the mass genital mutilation of males.

The other is health. In which case, yeah right.
It's an old Jewish custom, and derives from the dirty old buggers' penchant for sucking little boys' dicks.
Okay, I take perfectly normal boy parts and I cut them off. Now I take perfectly normal girl parts, and I cut them off. Explain the difference?
you need to stop mischaracterizing the foreskin as a "body part". and your repetition of that phrase does not make you sound any less ignorant.
It's certainly part of my body. I'm rather attached to it.

if you like your foreskin, you can keep your foreskin.

that isn't what the anti-semite is saying. :thup:
which has what to do with the topic?

are you having trouble following?
If you can't keep up, don't try.
You have the nerve to post that with the way I'm smacking you around?
Smacking me around why you try to figure out God's mistake, the foreskin.
I think I covered that issue rather well.
Unfortunately, there's nothing in the Torah concerning your retardation.
There's nothing in the Torah for anyone but a Jew to give a damn about. Same holy book crap as all other holy books.

which, of course, is none of your business. big difference between jews and christians is jews don't proselytize. you can believe or not believe whatever you want.

either way, it doesn't form the basis for the pretense you started this "thread" with.
It's an old Jewish custom, and derives from the dirty old buggers' penchant for sucking little boys' dicks.

no, loon. although no doubt the protocols of the learned elders of Zion would say so.

The protocols of the learned elders of Zion were written by jesuits, you know what jesuits are, Shillian? I kinda doubt it....what you don't know could fill numerous libraries.
Okay, I take perfectly normal boy parts and I cut them off. Now I take perfectly normal girl parts, and I cut them off. Explain the difference?
you need to stop mischaracterizing the foreskin as a "body part". and your repetition of that phrase does not make you sound any less ignorant.
It's certainly part of my body. I'm rather attached to it.

if you like your foreskin, you can keep your foreskin.

that isn't what the anti-semite is saying. :thup:
Boys who are circumcised aren't given that choice hence the problem. The foreskin is not just an extra part God wants you to cut off.
if you like your foreskin, you can keep your foreskin.
I'd be interested to know how a foreskin is not a body part.
I'd like to know how pimples and warts aren't body parts.
I whipped Katie's ass last night and she kept posting (after I went to sleep) in order for her to put as many posts between me whooping her ass and more of her bullshit.
Go back to to the OP and witness the secular reasoning ass whooping I performed.
if you like your foreskin, you can keep your foreskin.
I'd be interested to know how a foreskin is not a body part.
I'd like to know how pimples and warts aren't body parts.
I whipped Katie's ass last night and she kept posting (after I went to sleep) in order for her to put as many posts between me whooping her ass and more of her bullshit.
Go back to to the OP and witness the secular reasoning ass whooping I performed.
The foreskin is not a pimple or a wart, something that just grew at the end of the penis you idiot, Boys are born with one, it's attached to the penis. It's supposed to be there unless - God made a mistake so you had something to cut off a child's genitals?
Sorry, still not an answer. Apparently you think it's fine to take a knife to genitals of a child for purely religious reasons. Game over (unless you can say differently).

I think the simple answer here is if you don't approve of the process don't have it done. Just like pro-lifers who don't approve of abortion can not have an abortion. What other people choose, however, is their business and we'd have a lot less conflict in the world if people would live and let live and stop trying to dictate to others how to do so.

By the way, most American men are circumcised whether they are religious or not.
Sorry, still not an answer. Apparently you think it's fine to take a knife to genitals of a child for purely religious reasons. Game over (unless you can say differently).

I think the simple answer here is if you don't approve of the process don't have it done. Just like pro-lifers who don't approve of abortion can not have an abortion. What other people choose, however, is their business and we'd have a lot less conflict in the world if people would live and let live and stop trying to dictate to others how to do so.

By the way, most American men are circumcised whether they are religious or not.
So, if you wish to cut the clitoris and labia off a girl go for it?

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