Religious removal of body parts

I'd be interested to know how a foreskin is not a body part.
I'd like to know how pimples and warts aren't body parts.
I whipped Katie's ass last night and she kept posting (after I went to sleep) in order for her to put as many posts between me whooping her ass and more of her bullshit.
Go back to to the OP and witness the secular reasoning ass whooping I performed.
The foreskin is not a pimple or a wart, something that just grew at the end of the penis you idiot, Boys are born with one, it's attached to the penis. It's supposed to be there unless - God made a mistake so you had something to cut off a child's genitals?
Feel free the read the multitude of secular based posts I supplied to make you feel stupid.
The fact that you posted as much repetitive nonsense as possible last night only proves you don't want anyone to read them.
I am not interested in your dogma. You have to think, Zionist, which I know is nearly impossible for your kind. Is the foreskin a mistake of God that we must fix? An extra part? Yes or no?

so your entire BS rant is about "Zionists".

thanks for playing, anti-Semite.
No, it is not. And answer the question, Zionist. Is the foreskin just an extra part, yes or no?
I'd be interested to know how a foreskin is not a body part.
I'd like to know how pimples and warts aren't body parts.
I whipped Katie's ass last night and she kept posting (after I went to sleep) in order for her to put as many posts between me whooping her ass and more of her bullshit.
Go back to to the OP and witness the secular reasoning ass whooping I performed.
The foreskin is not a pimple or a wart, something that just grew at the end of the penis you idiot, Boys are born with one, it's attached to the penis. It's supposed to be there unless - God made a mistake so you had something to cut off a child's genitals?
Feel free the read the multitude of secular based posts I supplied to make you feel stupid.
The fact that you posted as much repetitive nonsense as possible last night only proves you don't want anyone to read them.
I am not interested in your dogma. You have to think, Zionist, which I know is nearly impossible for your kind. Is the foreskin a mistake of God that we must fix? An extra part? Yes or no?
The foreskin left as is wreaks havoc amongst mankind.
Look at the world and tell me what a great job the foreskin is doing.
Since most of the world still exists as God created them, seven billion half of them male, and there are just 7 million Jewish males on the entire planet it must have worked out just fine, Dumbass.
Many years ago, I read that among the causes of cancer, are q-tips and sex.

The q-tip because we use it to clean our ears [emoji101] Go figure.

The sex opinion was based on a study that showed nuns don’t get uterine/vaginal cancer.

Yep, god “screwed” up human sex organs in a couple of ways.

The other being where he parked the clitoris. In terms or female enjoyment and orgasm, it may as well be in the room.

OTOH, it’s now known to be enormous. So, with the right partner, it’s all good. [emoji12]

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Many years ago, I read that among the causes of cancer, are q-tips and sex.

The q-tip because we use it to clean our ears [emoji101] Go figure.

The sex opinion was based on a study that showed nuns don’t get uterine/vaginal cancer.

Yep, god “screwed” up human sex organs in a couple of ways.

The other being where he parked the clitoris. In terms or female enjoyment and orgasm, it may as well be in the room.

OTOH, it’s now known to be enormous. So, with the right partner, it’s all good. [emoji12]

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God's first mistake, the Foreskin. His second, the location of the Clitoris. Do we have a third, maybe funny looking things for hearing sounds?
How would you know and why should sexual pleasure matter?

I'm pretty sure that removing a body part changes things BTW.

I'm pretty sure you failed to complete or even enter high school..

Facts are simply not something you deal in.

The Sexual Effects Of Circumcision

Adult Male Circumcision: Effects on Sexual Function and Sexual Satisfaction in Kisumu, Kenya
Yep, changed their functioning. As expected when you cut things off. And why should such a thing be allowed just because it's a religious tradition?

This God person, he makes a lot of mistake.

I thought you Marxists claimed that Barack Obama is "god?" :dunno: Again, no negative effects. No real need for it either.

Female Genital Mutilation on the other hand....

I assume you defend FGM since the close allies of the democrats practice it?
Why would defend taking a knife to genitals of children? I don't but so far you do.

Since ISIS is the #1 ally of the democratic party, you don't want to offend your good friends.

BTW, you are not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag, but pointing out that there is utterly not medical benefit to circumcision is hardly "defending" It.

I do deal in facts , so the bullshit that it is the same as FGM was answered.

In point of fact, you deal only in lies - eg - ISIS being an ally of ANY American. And that Dems agree with fgm. Prove it or admit it’s another lie.

If you can’t stop your usual lying, STFU

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I'd like to know how pimples and warts aren't body parts.
I whipped Katie's ass last night and she kept posting (after I went to sleep) in order for her to put as many posts between me whooping her ass and more of her bullshit.
Go back to to the OP and witness the secular reasoning ass whooping I performed.
The foreskin is not a pimple or a wart, something that just grew at the end of the penis you idiot, Boys are born with one, it's attached to the penis. It's supposed to be there unless - God made a mistake so you had something to cut off a child's genitals?
Feel free the read the multitude of secular based posts I supplied to make you feel stupid.
The fact that you posted as much repetitive nonsense as possible last night only proves you don't want anyone to read them.
I am not interested in your dogma. You have to think, Zionist, which I know is nearly impossible for your kind. Is the foreskin a mistake of God that we must fix? An extra part? Yes or no?
The foreskin left as is wreaks havoc amongst mankind.
Look at the world and tell me what a great job the foreskin is doing.
Since most of the world still exists as God created them, seven billion half of them male, and there are just 7 million Jewish males on the entire planet it must have worked out just fine, Dumbass.
People in first world countries exist as God created them.
Is that why newborn babies get eye drops to stop them from going blind?
If you wear glasses, take them off.
If you get a cold, brave through it without tissues or medications.
If you're cold, don't wear a coat.
I'd be interested to know how a foreskin is not a body part.
I'd like to know how pimples and warts aren't body parts.
I whipped Katie's ass last night and she kept posting (after I went to sleep) in order for her to put as many posts between me whooping her ass and more of her bullshit.
Go back to to the OP and witness the secular reasoning ass whooping I performed.
The foreskin is not a pimple or a wart, something that just grew at the end of the penis you idiot, Boys are born with one, it's attached to the penis. It's supposed to be there unless - God made a mistake so you had something to cut off a child's genitals?
Feel free the read the multitude of secular based posts I supplied to make you feel stupid.
The fact that you posted as much repetitive nonsense as possible last night only proves you don't want anyone to read them.

that's how jew-hating propaganda works.... you repeat it and repeat it and repeat it until you can pretend it's true. that's what they learned from Goebbels.
This is related to the OP exactly how, Zionist?

it's so cute how you keep moving the topic.... start with an anti-semite screed about a jewish rite and then when called on the fact that a) you keep repeating the same nonsensical garbage over and over and over ad nauseum, and keep demanding the same answers that you've already been given over and over and over; and b) make clear that you have contempt for jews which you lovingly call "Zionists"; then c) like the troll you are, you keep pretending that you don't understand the responses you're getting.
Many years ago, I read that among the causes of cancer, are q-tips and sex.

The q-tip because we use it to clean our ears [emoji101] Go figure.

The sex opinion was based on a study that showed nuns don’t get uterine/vaginal cancer.

Yep, god “screwed” up human sex organs in a couple of ways.

The other being where he parked the clitoris. In terms or female enjoyment and orgasm, it may as well be in the room.

OTOH, it’s now known to be enormous. So, with the right partner, it’s all good. [emoji12]

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Which is why God commanded Adam and Chava to master the universe.
I'd like to know how pimples and warts aren't body parts.
I whipped Katie's ass last night and she kept posting (after I went to sleep) in order for her to put as many posts between me whooping her ass and more of her bullshit.
Go back to to the OP and witness the secular reasoning ass whooping I performed.
The foreskin is not a pimple or a wart, something that just grew at the end of the penis you idiot, Boys are born with one, it's attached to the penis. It's supposed to be there unless - God made a mistake so you had something to cut off a child's genitals?
Feel free the read the multitude of secular based posts I supplied to make you feel stupid.
The fact that you posted as much repetitive nonsense as possible last night only proves you don't want anyone to read them.

that's how jew-hating propaganda works.... you repeat it and repeat it and repeat it until you can pretend it's true. that's what they learned from Goebbels.
This is related to the OP exactly how, Zionist?

it's so cute how you keep moving the topic.... start with an anti-semite screed about a jewish rite and then when called on the fact that a) you keep repeating the same nonsensical garbage over and over and over ad nauseum, and keep demanding the same answers that you've already been given over and over and over; and b) make clear that you have contempt for jews which you lovingly call "Zionists"; then c) like the troll you are, you keep pretending that you don't understand the responses you're getting.
I understand the responses and they are horseshit, Zionist.

But do tell us, if the Jews can cut the genitals of children why not the Muslims?
The foreskin is not a pimple or a wart, something that just grew at the end of the penis you idiot, Boys are born with one, it's attached to the penis. It's supposed to be there unless - God made a mistake so you had something to cut off a child's genitals?
Feel free the read the multitude of secular based posts I supplied to make you feel stupid.
The fact that you posted as much repetitive nonsense as possible last night only proves you don't want anyone to read them.
I am not interested in your dogma. You have to think, Zionist, which I know is nearly impossible for your kind. Is the foreskin a mistake of God that we must fix? An extra part? Yes or no?
The foreskin left as is wreaks havoc amongst mankind.
Look at the world and tell me what a great job the foreskin is doing.
Since most of the world still exists as God created them, seven billion half of them male, and there are just 7 million Jewish males on the entire planet it must have worked out just fine, Dumbass.
People in first world countries exist as God created them.
Is that why newborn babies get eye drops to stop them from going blind?
If you wear glasses, take them off.
If you get a cold, brave through it without tissues or medications.
If you're cold, don't wear a coat.
Seems you think the Jews are the only people to adapt to the world? Seven billion Gentiles would prove you dead wrong, little Zionist.
The foreskin is not a pimple or a wart, something that just grew at the end of the penis you idiot, Boys are born with one, it's attached to the penis. It's supposed to be there unless - God made a mistake so you had something to cut off a child's genitals?
Feel free the read the multitude of secular based posts I supplied to make you feel stupid.
The fact that you posted as much repetitive nonsense as possible last night only proves you don't want anyone to read them.
I am not interested in your dogma. You have to think, Zionist, which I know is nearly impossible for your kind. Is the foreskin a mistake of God that we must fix? An extra part? Yes or no?
The foreskin left as is wreaks havoc amongst mankind.
Look at the world and tell me what a great job the foreskin is doing.
Since most of the world still exists as God created them, seven billion half of them male, and there are just 7 million Jewish males on the entire planet it must have worked out just fine, Dumbass.
People in first world countries exist as God created them.
Is that why newborn babies get eye drops to stop them from going blind?
If you wear glasses, take them off.
If you get a cold, brave through it without tissues or medications.
If you're cold, don't wear a coat.

and if I shiver please give me a blanket...

oh... sorry. :)
Feel free the read the multitude of secular based posts I supplied to make you feel stupid.
The fact that you posted as much repetitive nonsense as possible last night only proves you don't want anyone to read them.
I am not interested in your dogma. You have to think, Zionist, which I know is nearly impossible for your kind. Is the foreskin a mistake of God that we must fix? An extra part? Yes or no?
The foreskin left as is wreaks havoc amongst mankind.
Look at the world and tell me what a great job the foreskin is doing.
Since most of the world still exists as God created them, seven billion half of them male, and there are just 7 million Jewish males on the entire planet it must have worked out just fine, Dumbass.
People in first world countries exist as God created them.
Is that why newborn babies get eye drops to stop them from going blind?
If you wear glasses, take them off.
If you get a cold, brave through it without tissues or medications.
If you're cold, don't wear a coat.
Seems you think the Jews are the only people to adapt to the world? Seven billion Gentiles would prove you dead wrong, little Zionist.
And those Gentiles are doing mighty fine, aren't they.
I hear the UN is being disbanded because all the Gentiles are now living in peace.
Feel free the read the multitude of secular based posts I supplied to make you feel stupid.
The fact that you posted as much repetitive nonsense as possible last night only proves you don't want anyone to read them.
I am not interested in your dogma. You have to think, Zionist, which I know is nearly impossible for your kind. Is the foreskin a mistake of God that we must fix? An extra part? Yes or no?
The foreskin left as is wreaks havoc amongst mankind.
Look at the world and tell me what a great job the foreskin is doing.
Since most of the world still exists as God created them, seven billion half of them male, and there are just 7 million Jewish males on the entire planet it must have worked out just fine, Dumbass.
People in first world countries exist as God created them.
Is that why newborn babies get eye drops to stop them from going blind?
If you wear glasses, take them off.
If you get a cold, brave through it without tissues or medications.
If you're cold, don't wear a coat.
Seems you think the Jews are the only people to adapt to the world? Seven billion Gentiles would prove you dead wrong, little Zionist.
How do you feel about those billions who believe in Gods that you don't believe in?
I am not interested in your dogma. You have to think, Zionist, which I know is nearly impossible for your kind. Is the foreskin a mistake of God that we must fix? An extra part? Yes or no?
The foreskin left as is wreaks havoc amongst mankind.
Look at the world and tell me what a great job the foreskin is doing.
Since most of the world still exists as God created them, seven billion half of them male, and there are just 7 million Jewish males on the entire planet it must have worked out just fine, Dumbass.
People in first world countries exist as God created them.
Is that why newborn babies get eye drops to stop them from going blind?
If you wear glasses, take them off.
If you get a cold, brave through it without tissues or medications.
If you're cold, don't wear a coat.
Seems you think the Jews are the only people to adapt to the world? Seven billion Gentiles would prove you dead wrong, little Zionist.
How do you feel about those billions who believe in Gods that you don't believe in?
They are total fucking morons, like all people who base their lives of faith in something that is not only unknown but likely unknowable.
The foreskin left as is wreaks havoc amongst mankind.
Look at the world and tell me what a great job the foreskin is doing.
Since most of the world still exists as God created them, seven billion half of them male, and there are just 7 million Jewish males on the entire planet it must have worked out just fine, Dumbass.
People in first world countries exist as God created them.
Is that why newborn babies get eye drops to stop them from going blind?
If you wear glasses, take them off.
If you get a cold, brave through it without tissues or medications.
If you're cold, don't wear a coat.
Seems you think the Jews are the only people to adapt to the world? Seven billion Gentiles would prove you dead wrong, little Zionist.
How do you feel about those billions who believe in Gods that you don't believe in?
They are total fucking morons, like all people who base their lives of faith in something that is not only unknown but likely unknowable.
And the fact that throughout known history atheists have committed more murders than anyone else?
I'd like to know how pimples and warts aren't body parts.
I whipped Katie's ass last night and she kept posting (after I went to sleep) in order for her to put as many posts between me whooping her ass and more of her bullshit.
Go back to to the OP and witness the secular reasoning ass whooping I performed.
The foreskin is not a pimple or a wart, something that just grew at the end of the penis you idiot, Boys are born with one, it's attached to the penis. It's supposed to be there unless - God made a mistake so you had something to cut off a child's genitals?
Feel free the read the multitude of secular based posts I supplied to make you feel stupid.
The fact that you posted as much repetitive nonsense as possible last night only proves you don't want anyone to read them.

that's how jew-hating propaganda works.... you repeat it and repeat it and repeat it until you can pretend it's true. that's what they learned from Goebbels.
This is related to the OP exactly how, Zionist?

it's so cute how you keep moving the topic.... start with an anti-semite screed about a jewish rite and then when called on the fact that a) you keep repeating the same nonsensical garbage over and over and over ad nauseum, and keep demanding the same answers that you've already been given over and over and over; and b) make clear that you have contempt for jews which you lovingly call "Zionists"; then c) like the troll you are, you keep pretending that you don't understand the responses you're getting.

Is it also the Jewish right to suck on the bloody genitals after you snip them in Metzitzah B'peh?
The foreskin is not a pimple or a wart, something that just grew at the end of the penis you idiot, Boys are born with one, it's attached to the penis. It's supposed to be there unless - God made a mistake so you had something to cut off a child's genitals?
Feel free the read the multitude of secular based posts I supplied to make you feel stupid.
The fact that you posted as much repetitive nonsense as possible last night only proves you don't want anyone to read them.

that's how jew-hating propaganda works.... you repeat it and repeat it and repeat it until you can pretend it's true. that's what they learned from Goebbels.
This is related to the OP exactly how, Zionist?

it's so cute how you keep moving the topic.... start with an anti-semite screed about a jewish rite and then when called on the fact that a) you keep repeating the same nonsensical garbage over and over and over ad nauseum, and keep demanding the same answers that you've already been given over and over and over; and b) make clear that you have contempt for jews which you lovingly call "Zionists"; then c) like the troll you are, you keep pretending that you don't understand the responses you're getting.

Is it also the Jewish right to suck on the bloody genitals after you snip them in Metzitzah B'peh?
Yes, it is.
That way, Catholic Boy, we don't have to put anybody in gas chambers or machine them into pits or burn them at stakes.
I am not interested in your dogma. You have to think, Zionist, which I know is nearly impossible for your kind. Is the foreskin a mistake of God that we must fix? An extra part? Yes or no?
The foreskin left as is wreaks havoc amongst mankind.
Look at the world and tell me what a great job the foreskin is doing.
Since most of the world still exists as God created them, seven billion half of them male, and there are just 7 million Jewish males on the entire planet it must have worked out just fine, Dumbass.
People in first world countries exist as God created them.
Is that why newborn babies get eye drops to stop them from going blind?
If you wear glasses, take them off.
If you get a cold, brave through it without tissues or medications.
If you're cold, don't wear a coat.
Seems you think the Jews are the only people to adapt to the world? Seven billion Gentiles would prove you dead s of history wrong, little Zionist.
And those Gentiles are doing mighty fine, aren't they.
I hear the UN is being disbanded because all the Gentiles are now living in peace.
They are certainly kicking your asses, Zionist boy. The Jews could vanish in a flash and all that would be left is a much more peaceful Middle East. 4,000 years of history and all you have is a squatter nation in the middle of 360 million Arabs and 75 million Persians that has to be financed and protected by the US, and a whopping 14 million world wide out of 7 billion people? Absolutely fucking pathetic. An approach to the world so insular you might as well declare yourself what you are, an endangered species that the world would never miss if it simply vanished.
Feel free the read the multitude of secular based posts I supplied to make you feel stupid.
The fact that you posted as much repetitive nonsense as possible last night only proves you don't want anyone to read them.

that's how jew-hating propaganda works.... you repeat it and repeat it and repeat it until you can pretend it's true. that's what they learned from Goebbels.
This is related to the OP exactly how, Zionist?

it's so cute how you keep moving the topic.... start with an anti-semite screed about a jewish rite and then when called on the fact that a) you keep repeating the same nonsensical garbage over and over and over ad nauseum, and keep demanding the same answers that you've already been given over and over and over; and b) make clear that you have contempt for jews which you lovingly call "Zionists"; then c) like the troll you are, you keep pretending that you don't understand the responses you're getting.

Is it also the Jewish right to suck on the bloody genitals after you snip them in Metzitzah B'peh?
Yes, it is.
That way, Catholic Boy, we don't have to put anybody in gas chambers or machine them into pits or burn them at stakes.

If we outlawed Metzitzah B'peh would you think it was another Holocaust, or Inquisition?

<B>Video: Kiryas Joel Satmar Rebbe Says No Compromise On Circumcision, Compares "Attack" On Metzitzah B'Peh To Spanish Inquisition, Holocaust</B>
The foreskin left as is wreaks havoc amongst mankind.
Look at the world and tell me what a great job the foreskin is doing.
Since most of the world still exists as God created them, seven billion half of them male, and there are just 7 million Jewish males on the entire planet it must have worked out just fine, Dumbass.
People in first world countries exist as God created them.
Is that why newborn babies get eye drops to stop them from going blind?
If you wear glasses, take them off.
If you get a cold, brave through it without tissues or medications.
If you're cold, don't wear a coat.
Seems you think the Jews are the only people to adapt to the world? Seven billion Gentiles would prove you dead s of history wrong, little Zionist.
And those Gentiles are doing mighty fine, aren't they.
I hear the UN is being disbanded because all the Gentiles are now living in peace.
They are certainly kicking your asses, Zionist boy. The Jews could vanish in a flash and all that would be left is a much more peaceful Middle East. 4,000 years of history and all you have is a squatter nation in the middle of 360 million Arabs and 75 million Persians that has to be financed and protected by the US, and a whopping 14 million world wide out of 7 billion people? Absolutely fucking pathetic. An approach to the world so insular you might as well declare yourself what you are, an endangered species that the world would never miss if it simply vanished.
We did, politically and population wise, vanish from the Middle East and you Catholics got the Muslim Crusades.
Damn! You're fucking stupid!

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