Religious removal of body parts

that's how jew-hating propaganda works.... you repeat it and repeat it and repeat it until you can pretend it's true. that's what they learned from Goebbels.
This is related to the OP exactly how, Zionist?

it's so cute how you keep moving the topic.... start with an anti-semite screed about a jewish rite and then when called on the fact that a) you keep repeating the same nonsensical garbage over and over and over ad nauseum, and keep demanding the same answers that you've already been given over and over and over; and b) make clear that you have contempt for jews which you lovingly call "Zionists"; then c) like the troll you are, you keep pretending that you don't understand the responses you're getting.

Is it also the Jewish right to suck on the bloody genitals after you snip them in Metzitzah B'peh?
Yes, it is.
That way, Catholic Boy, we don't have to put anybody in gas chambers or machine them into pits or burn them at stakes.

If we outlawed Metzitzah B'peh would you think it was another Holocaust, or Inquisition?

<B>Video: Kiryas Joel Satmar Rebbe Says No Compromise On Circumcision, Compares "Attack" On Metzitzah B'Peh To Spanish Inquisition, Holocaust</B>
Go right ahead and we'll also outlaw drinking the Libel Blood of Christ and eating the Libel Body of Jesus.
You really want to go there with the current wave of Liberalism in the air?
I think not.
But I do insist Priests get married and stop shtuping boys who are old enough to be emotionally scarred for the remainder of the theirs lives.
Oh! That's forgot about all those Polish guys Married To God who are shtuping little boys.
Since most of the world still exists as God created them, seven billion half of them male, and there are just 7 million Jewish males on the entire planet it must have worked out just fine, Dumbass.
People in first world countries exist as God created them.
Is that why newborn babies get eye drops to stop them from going blind?
If you wear glasses, take them off.
If you get a cold, brave through it without tissues or medications.
If you're cold, don't wear a coat.
Seems you think the Jews are the only people to adapt to the world? Seven billion Gentiles would prove you dead s of history wrong, little Zionist.
And those Gentiles are doing mighty fine, aren't they.
I hear the UN is being disbanded because all the Gentiles are now living in peace.
They are certainly kicking your asses, Zionist boy. The Jews could vanish in a flash and all that would be left is a much more peaceful Middle East. 4,000 years of history and all you have is a squatter nation in the middle of 360 million Arabs and 75 million Persians that has to be financed and protected by the US, and a whopping 14 million world wide out of 7 billion people? Absolutely fucking pathetic. An approach to the world so insular you might as well declare yourself what you are, an endangered species that the world would never miss if it simply vanished.
We did, politically and population wise, vanish from the Middle East and you Catholics got the Muslim Crusades.
Damn! You're fucking stupid!
I'm not Catholic. And the Crusades happened long after the Muslims kicked Catholic ass. They also were the people the Jews ran to for protection when the Catholics said convert or die. As usual, the Jews couldn't fight back and die like men.
The foreskin left as is wreaks havoc amongst mankind.
Look at the world and tell me what a great job the foreskin is doing.
Since most of the world still exists as God created them, seven billion half of them male, and there are just 7 million Jewish males on the entire planet it must have worked out just fine, Dumbass.
People in first world countries exist as God created them.
Is that why newborn babies get eye drops to stop them from going blind?
If you wear glasses, take them off.
If you get a cold, brave through it without tissues or medications.
If you're cold, don't wear a coat.
Seems you think the Jews are the only people to adapt to the world? Seven billion Gentiles would prove you dead s of history wrong, little Zionist.
And those Gentiles are doing mighty fine, aren't they.
I hear the UN is being disbanded because all the Gentiles are now living in peace.
They are certainly kicking your asses, Zionist boy. The Jews could vanish in a flash and all that would be left is a much more peaceful Middle East. 4,000 years of history and all you have is a squatter nation in the middle of 360 million Arabs and 75 million Persians that has to be financed and protected by the US, and a whopping 14 million world wide out of 7 billion people? Absolutely fucking pathetic. An approach to the world so insular you might as well declare yourself what you are, an endangered species that the world would never miss if it simply vanished.

Jews are endangered, especially ones in the U.S.A , and other Western countries + Russia where the majority of them marry non-Jews.
This is related to the OP exactly how, Zionist?

it's so cute how you keep moving the topic.... start with an anti-semite screed about a jewish rite and then when called on the fact that a) you keep repeating the same nonsensical garbage over and over and over ad nauseum, and keep demanding the same answers that you've already been given over and over and over; and b) make clear that you have contempt for jews which you lovingly call "Zionists"; then c) like the troll you are, you keep pretending that you don't understand the responses you're getting.

Is it also the Jewish right to suck on the bloody genitals after you snip them in Metzitzah B'peh?
Yes, it is.
That way, Catholic Boy, we don't have to put anybody in gas chambers or machine them into pits or burn them at stakes.

If we outlawed Metzitzah B'peh would you think it was another Holocaust, or Inquisition?

<B>Video: Kiryas Joel Satmar Rebbe Says No Compromise On Circumcision, Compares "Attack" On Metzitzah B'Peh To Spanish Inquisition, Holocaust</B>
Go right ahead and we'll also outlaw drinking the Libel Blood of Christ and eating the Libel Body of Jesus.
You really want to go there with the current wave of Liberalism in the air?
I think not.
But I do insist Priests get married and stop shtuping boys who are old enough to be emotionally scarred for the remainder of the theirs lives.
Oh! That's forgot about all those Polish guys Married To God who are shtuping little boys.
The Blood of Christ doesn't come from the small bleeding penis of a male infant you just took a knife to, Zionist.
People in first world countries exist as God created them.
Is that why newborn babies get eye drops to stop them from going blind?
If you wear glasses, take them off.
If you get a cold, brave through it without tissues or medications.
If you're cold, don't wear a coat.
Seems you think the Jews are the only people to adapt to the world? Seven billion Gentiles would prove you dead s of history wrong, little Zionist.
And those Gentiles are doing mighty fine, aren't they.
I hear the UN is being disbanded because all the Gentiles are now living in peace.
They are certainly kicking your asses, Zionist boy. The Jews could vanish in a flash and all that would be left is a much more peaceful Middle East. 4,000 years of history and all you have is a squatter nation in the middle of 360 million Arabs and 75 million Persians that has to be financed and protected by the US, and a whopping 14 million world wide out of 7 billion people? Absolutely fucking pathetic. An approach to the world so insular you might as well declare yourself what you are, an endangered species that the world would never miss if it simply vanished.
We did, politically and population wise, vanish from the Middle East and you Catholics got the Muslim Crusades.
Damn! You're fucking stupid!
I'm not Catholic. And the Crusades happened long after the Muslims kicked Catholic ass. They also were the people the Jews ran to for protection when the Catholics said convert or die. As usual, the Jews couldn't fight back and die like men.
And now we're back and it's killing you.
God's joke on the Jew hater is technology.
We're smarter than you...we win.

Even in the Olympics Jews are winning because technique is becoming the rule of the day.
This is related to the OP exactly how, Zionist?

it's so cute how you keep moving the topic.... start with an anti-semite screed about a jewish rite and then when called on the fact that a) you keep repeating the same nonsensical garbage over and over and over ad nauseum, and keep demanding the same answers that you've already been given over and over and over; and b) make clear that you have contempt for jews which you lovingly call "Zionists"; then c) like the troll you are, you keep pretending that you don't understand the responses you're getting.

Is it also the Jewish right to suck on the bloody genitals after you snip them in Metzitzah B'peh?
Yes, it is.
That way, Catholic Boy, we don't have to put anybody in gas chambers or machine them into pits or burn them at stakes.

If we outlawed Metzitzah B'peh would you think it was another Holocaust, or Inquisition?

<B>Video: Kiryas Joel Satmar Rebbe Says No Compromise On Circumcision, Compares "Attack" On Metzitzah B'Peh To Spanish Inquisition, Holocaust</B>
Go right ahead and we'll also outlaw drinking the Libel Blood of Christ and eating the Libel Body of Jesus.
You really want to go there with the current wave of Liberalism in the air?
I think not.
But I do insist Priests get married and stop shtuping boys who are old enough to be emotionally scarred for the remainder of the theirs lives.
Oh! That's forgot about all those Polish guys Married To God who are shtuping little boys.

Well, the Catholic church has done more about it's clergy pedos, than Israel has done with it's clergy pedos like Avrohom Mondrowitz.
it's so cute how you keep moving the topic.... start with an anti-semite screed about a jewish rite and then when called on the fact that a) you keep repeating the same nonsensical garbage over and over and over ad nauseum, and keep demanding the same answers that you've already been given over and over and over; and b) make clear that you have contempt for jews which you lovingly call "Zionists"; then c) like the troll you are, you keep pretending that you don't understand the responses you're getting.

Is it also the Jewish right to suck on the bloody genitals after you snip them in Metzitzah B'peh?
Yes, it is.
That way, Catholic Boy, we don't have to put anybody in gas chambers or machine them into pits or burn them at stakes.

If we outlawed Metzitzah B'peh would you think it was another Holocaust, or Inquisition?

<B>Video: Kiryas Joel Satmar Rebbe Says No Compromise On Circumcision, Compares "Attack" On Metzitzah B'Peh To Spanish Inquisition, Holocaust</B>
Go right ahead and we'll also outlaw drinking the Libel Blood of Christ and eating the Libel Body of Jesus.
You really want to go there with the current wave of Liberalism in the air?
I think not.
But I do insist Priests get married and stop shtuping boys who are old enough to be emotionally scarred for the remainder of the theirs lives.
Oh! That's forgot about all those Polish guys Married To God who are shtuping little boys.
The Blood of Christ doesn't come from the small bleeding penis of a male infant you just took a knife to, Zionist.
The fact that you're not poking fun at it shows where your empty brain is.
The ritual gave license to take it many steps further and commit murder in the name of Jesus.
it's so cute how you keep moving the topic.... start with an anti-semite screed about a jewish rite and then when called on the fact that a) you keep repeating the same nonsensical garbage over and over and over ad nauseum, and keep demanding the same answers that you've already been given over and over and over; and b) make clear that you have contempt for jews which you lovingly call "Zionists"; then c) like the troll you are, you keep pretending that you don't understand the responses you're getting.

Is it also the Jewish right to suck on the bloody genitals after you snip them in Metzitzah B'peh?
Yes, it is.
That way, Catholic Boy, we don't have to put anybody in gas chambers or machine them into pits or burn them at stakes.

If we outlawed Metzitzah B'peh would you think it was another Holocaust, or Inquisition?

<B>Video: Kiryas Joel Satmar Rebbe Says No Compromise On Circumcision, Compares "Attack" On Metzitzah B'Peh To Spanish Inquisition, Holocaust</B>
Go right ahead and we'll also outlaw drinking the Libel Blood of Christ and eating the Libel Body of Jesus.
You really want to go there with the current wave of Liberalism in the air?
I think not.
But I do insist Priests get married and stop shtuping boys who are old enough to be emotionally scarred for the remainder of the theirs lives.
Oh! That's forgot about all those Polish guys Married To God who are shtuping little boys.

Well, the Catholic church has done more about it's clergy pedos, than Israel has done with it's clergy pedos like Avrohom Mondrowitz.
No it hasn't...that's why that movie about the reporters came out.
Is it also the Jewish right to suck on the bloody genitals after you snip them in Metzitzah B'peh?
Yes, it is.
That way, Catholic Boy, we don't have to put anybody in gas chambers or machine them into pits or burn them at stakes.

If we outlawed Metzitzah B'peh would you think it was another Holocaust, or Inquisition?

<B>Video: Kiryas Joel Satmar Rebbe Says No Compromise On Circumcision, Compares "Attack" On Metzitzah B'Peh To Spanish Inquisition, Holocaust</B>
Go right ahead and we'll also outlaw drinking the Libel Blood of Christ and eating the Libel Body of Jesus.
You really want to go there with the current wave of Liberalism in the air?
I think not.
But I do insist Priests get married and stop shtuping boys who are old enough to be emotionally scarred for the remainder of the theirs lives.
Oh! That's forgot about all those Polish guys Married To God who are shtuping little boys.

Well, the Catholic church has done more about it's clergy pedos, than Israel has done with it's clergy pedos like Avrohom Mondrowitz.
No it hasn't...that's why that movie about the reporters came out.

More than Israel has done about Avrohom Mondrowitz.

When I was in Putnam Lake, our Catholic church had Father Ralph LaBella yanked, just because he played favoritism with Boys, giving them gifts, and having a group of "Princes"
While it seems pedo, he apparently didn't really do anything else.

But, what
has Israel done Avrohom Mondrowitz for raping 2 Italian boys in Brooklyn, and running off?
Nada, zilch, zip, nothing.
Yes, it is.
That way, Catholic Boy, we don't have to put anybody in gas chambers or machine them into pits or burn them at stakes.

If we outlawed Metzitzah B'peh would you think it was another Holocaust, or Inquisition?

<B>Video: Kiryas Joel Satmar Rebbe Says No Compromise On Circumcision, Compares "Attack" On Metzitzah B'Peh To Spanish Inquisition, Holocaust</B>
Go right ahead and we'll also outlaw drinking the Libel Blood of Christ and eating the Libel Body of Jesus.
You really want to go there with the current wave of Liberalism in the air?
I think not.
But I do insist Priests get married and stop shtuping boys who are old enough to be emotionally scarred for the remainder of the theirs lives.
Oh! That's forgot about all those Polish guys Married To God who are shtuping little boys.

Well, the Catholic church has done more about it's clergy pedos, than Israel has done with it's clergy pedos like Avrohom Mondrowitz.
No it hasn't...that's why that movie about the reporters came out.

More than Israel has done about Avrohom Mondrowitz.
When I was in Putnam Lake, our Catholic church had Father Ralph LeBella yanked, just because he played favoritism with Boys, giving them gifts, and having a group of "Princes"
While it seems pedo, he apparently didn't really do anything else.

But, what
has Israel done Avrohom Mondrowitz for raping 2 Italian boys in Brooklyn, and running off?
Nada, zilch, zip, nothing.
Catholics using the NT to preach ignorance.
The Vatican being forced to at least admit they have been covering up a molestation issue.
We are talking your "Holy" Temple.
Go right ahead and we'll also outlaw drinking the Libel Blood of Christ and eating the Libel Body of Jesus.
You really want to go there with the current wave of Liberalism in the air?
I think not.
But I do insist Priests get married and stop shtuping boys who are old enough to be emotionally scarred for the remainder of the theirs lives.
Oh! That's forgot about all those Polish guys Married To God who are shtuping little boys.

Well, the Catholic church has done more about it's clergy pedos, than Israel has done with it's clergy pedos like Avrohom Mondrowitz.
No it hasn't...that's why that movie about the reporters came out.

More than Israel has done about Avrohom Mondrowitz.
When I was in Putnam Lake, our Catholic church had Father Ralph LeBella yanked, just because he played favoritism with Boys, giving them gifts, and having a group of "Princes"
While it seems pedo, he apparently didn't really do anything else.

But, what
has Israel done Avrohom Mondrowitz for raping 2 Italian boys in Brooklyn, and running off?
Nada, zilch, zip, nothing.
Catholics using the NT to preach ignorance.
The Vatican being forced to at least admit they have been covering up a molestation issue.
We are talking your "Holy" Temple.

I'm Agnostic despite receiving Confirmation, and Communion in the Catholic faith.

Yes, the Catholic church has pedos, you Jews have not just pedos, but a pedo ritual of Metzitzah B'peh.
Go right ahead and we'll also outlaw drinking the Libel Blood of Christ and eating the Libel Body of Jesus.
You really want to go there with the current wave of Liberalism in the air?
I think not.
But I do insist Priests get married and stop shtuping boys who are old enough to be emotionally scarred for the remainder of the theirs lives.
Oh! That's forgot about all those Polish guys Married To God who are shtuping little boys.

Well, the Catholic church has done more about it's clergy pedos, than Israel has done with it's clergy pedos like Avrohom Mondrowitz.
No it hasn't...that's why that movie about the reporters came out.

More than Israel has done about Avrohom Mondrowitz.
When I was in Putnam Lake, our Catholic church had Father Ralph LeBella yanked, just because he played favoritism with Boys, giving them gifts, and having a group of "Princes"
While it seems pedo, he apparently didn't really do anything else.

But, what
has Israel done Avrohom Mondrowitz for raping 2 Italian boys in Brooklyn, and running off?
Nada, zilch, zip, nothing.
Catholics using the NT to preach ignorance.
The Vatican being forced to at least admit they have been covering up a molestation issue.
We are talking your "Holy" Temple.

I'm Agnostic despite being receiving Confirmation, and Communion in the Catholic faith.

Yes, the Catholic church has pedos, you Jews have not just pedos, but a pedo ritual of Metzitzah B'peh.
One guy doing something that the Prophet Joshua did and is probably Biblically mandated.
Of course, NT conditioning has everything to a Christian being perverted.

Now let's hear your stand against the NT being anti-education and the Pope protecting rape.
Well, the Catholic church has done more about it's clergy pedos, than Israel has done with it's clergy pedos like Avrohom Mondrowitz.
No it hasn't...that's why that movie about the reporters came out.

More than Israel has done about Avrohom Mondrowitz.
When I was in Putnam Lake, our Catholic church had Father Ralph LeBella yanked, just because he played favoritism with Boys, giving them gifts, and having a group of "Princes"
While it seems pedo, he apparently didn't really do anything else.

But, what
has Israel done Avrohom Mondrowitz for raping 2 Italian boys in Brooklyn, and running off?
Nada, zilch, zip, nothing.
Catholics using the NT to preach ignorance.
The Vatican being forced to at least admit they have been covering up a molestation issue.
We are talking your "Holy" Temple.

I'm Agnostic despite being receiving Confirmation, and Communion in the Catholic faith.

Yes, the Catholic church has pedos, you Jews have not just pedos, but a pedo ritual of Metzitzah B'peh.
One guy doing something that the Prophet Joshua did and is probably Biblically mandated.
Of course, NT conditioning has everything to a Christian being perverted.

Now let's hear your stand against the NT being anti-education and the Pope protecting rape.

Catholicism isn't even my favorite religion, Buddhism is.

I like where Buddhists say it's on us to make the World a better place, and that suffering is from desire.

I take that in terms of being good, and also in terms of trying to support the best people to survive for the good of the future.

But, Catholicism sure beats Judaism, and Islam.

The Quran, and Talmud are clearly much worse than the New Testament.
No it hasn't...that's why that movie about the reporters came out.

More than Israel has done about Avrohom Mondrowitz.
When I was in Putnam Lake, our Catholic church had Father Ralph LeBella yanked, just because he played favoritism with Boys, giving them gifts, and having a group of "Princes"
While it seems pedo, he apparently didn't really do anything else.

But, what
has Israel done Avrohom Mondrowitz for raping 2 Italian boys in Brooklyn, and running off?
Nada, zilch, zip, nothing.
Catholics using the NT to preach ignorance.
The Vatican being forced to at least admit they have been covering up a molestation issue.
We are talking your "Holy" Temple.

I'm Agnostic despite being receiving Confirmation, and Communion in the Catholic faith.

Yes, the Catholic church has pedos, you Jews have not just pedos, but a pedo ritual of Metzitzah B'peh.
One guy doing something that the Prophet Joshua did and is probably Biblically mandated.
Of course, NT conditioning has everything to a Christian being perverted.

Now let's hear your stand against the NT being anti-education and the Pope protecting rape.

Catholicism isn't even my favorite religion, Buddhism is.

I like where Buddhists say it's on us to make the World a better place, and that suffering is from desire.

I take that in terms of being good, and also in terms of trying to support the best people to survive for the good of the future.

But, Catholicism sure beats Judaism, and Islam.

The Quran, and Talmud are clearly much worse than the New Testament.
Just because the Talmud stresses education...ugh!
More than Israel has done about Avrohom Mondrowitz.
When I was in Putnam Lake, our Catholic church had Father Ralph LeBella yanked, just because he played favoritism with Boys, giving them gifts, and having a group of "Princes"
While it seems pedo, he apparently didn't really do anything else.

But, what
has Israel done Avrohom Mondrowitz for raping 2 Italian boys in Brooklyn, and running off?
Nada, zilch, zip, nothing.
Catholics using the NT to preach ignorance.
The Vatican being forced to at least admit they have been covering up a molestation issue.
We are talking your "Holy" Temple.

I'm Agnostic despite being receiving Confirmation, and Communion in the Catholic faith.

Yes, the Catholic church has pedos, you Jews have not just pedos, but a pedo ritual of Metzitzah B'peh.
One guy doing something that the Prophet Joshua did and is probably Biblically mandated.
Of course, NT conditioning has everything to a Christian being perverted.

Now let's hear your stand against the NT being anti-education and the Pope protecting rape.

Catholicism isn't even my favorite religion, Buddhism is.

I like where Buddhists say it's on us to make the World a better place, and that suffering is from desire.

I take that in terms of being good, and also in terms of trying to support the best people to survive for the good of the future.

But, Catholicism sure beats Judaism, and Islam.

The Quran, and Talmud are clearly much worse than the New Testament.
Just because the Talmud stresses education...ugh!

The presence of Jesus the Nazarene in boiling excrement is one of the disputed references to Jesus in the Talmud.[2] Onkelos raises up Yeshu by necromancy,[3] and asks him about his punishment in Gehinnom.[4][5] Jesus replies that he is in "boiling excrement."[6]

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia
Sorry, still not an answer. Apparently you think it's fine to take a knife to genitals of a child for purely religious reasons. Game over (unless you can say differently).

I think the simple answer here is if you don't approve of the process don't have it done. Just like pro-lifers who don't approve of abortion can not have an abortion. What other people choose, however, is their business and we'd have a lot less conflict in the world if people would live and let live and stop trying to dictate to others how to do so.

By the way, most American men are circumcised whether they are religious or not.
So, if you wish to cut the clitoris and labia off a girl go for it?

There is no tangible benefit to doing so, unlike circumcision, which as has already been pointed out to you, carries medical benefits.

What's the benefit of Metzitzah B'peh?
Catholics using the NT to preach ignorance.
The Vatican being forced to at least admit they have been covering up a molestation issue.
We are talking your "Holy" Temple.

I'm Agnostic despite being receiving Confirmation, and Communion in the Catholic faith.

Yes, the Catholic church has pedos, you Jews have not just pedos, but a pedo ritual of Metzitzah B'peh.
One guy doing something that the Prophet Joshua did and is probably Biblically mandated.
Of course, NT conditioning has everything to a Christian being perverted.

Now let's hear your stand against the NT being anti-education and the Pope protecting rape.

Catholicism isn't even my favorite religion, Buddhism is.

I like where Buddhists say it's on us to make the World a better place, and that suffering is from desire.

I take that in terms of being good, and also in terms of trying to support the best people to survive for the good of the future.

But, Catholicism sure beats Judaism, and Islam.

The Quran, and Talmud are clearly much worse than the New Testament.
Just because the Talmud stresses education...ugh!

The presence of Jesus the Nazarene in boiling excrement is one of the disputed references to Jesus in the Talmud.[2] Onkelos raises up Yeshu by necromancy,[3] and asks him about his punishment in Gehinnom.[4][5] Jesus replies that he is in "boiling excrement."[6]

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia
It's what we an analogy.
The Talmud says that anyone who eats and does not discuss words of Torah is eating their own excrement.
If you don't convert the energy (food or education) into something useful to the universe, you are no better than an animal.
A droosh is not to be taken literally.
Sorry, still not an answer. Apparently you think it's fine to take a knife to genitals of a child for purely religious reasons. Game over (unless you can say differently).

I think the simple answer here is if you don't approve of the process don't have it done. Just like pro-lifers who don't approve of abortion can not have an abortion. What other people choose, however, is their business and we'd have a lot less conflict in the world if people would live and let live and stop trying to dictate to others how to do so.

By the way, most American men are circumcised whether they are religious or not.
So, if you wish to cut the clitoris and labia off a girl go for it?

There is no tangible benefit to doing so, unlike circumcision, which as has already been pointed out to you, carries medical benefits.

What's the benefit of Metzitzah B'peh?
It's a symbolic gesture that the passion of the sex drive be influenced by the creature God blessed with the power of speech.
And no, the guy's not getting his rocks off.
Just like a Jew cannot be totally naked unless in a bath or shower.
For example, a Jew is not allowed to use a urinal lest he look down.
I know, I know...
Seems you think the Jews are the only people to adapt to the world? Seven billion Gentiles would prove you dead s of history wrong, little Zionist.
And those Gentiles are doing mighty fine, aren't they.
I hear the UN is being disbanded because all the Gentiles are now living in peace.
They are certainly kicking your asses, Zionist boy. The Jews could vanish in a flash and all that would be left is a much more peaceful Middle East. 4,000 years of history and all you have is a squatter nation in the middle of 360 million Arabs and 75 million Persians that has to be financed and protected by the US, and a whopping 14 million world wide out of 7 billion people? Absolutely fucking pathetic. An approach to the world so insular you might as well declare yourself what you are, an endangered species that the world would never miss if it simply vanished.
We did, politically and population wise, vanish from the Middle East and you Catholics got the Muslim Crusades.
Damn! You're fucking stupid!
I'm not Catholic. And the Crusades happened long after the Muslims kicked Catholic ass. They also were the people the Jews ran to for protection when the Catholics said convert or die. As usual, the Jews couldn't fight back and die like men.
And now we're back and it's killing you.
God's joke on the Jew hater is technology.
We're smarter than you...we win.

Even in the Olympics Jews are winning because technique is becoming the rule of the day.
The day I start being concerned about Jews living or dead is the day I have nothing better to care about, Not going to happen, squatter.
And those Gentiles are doing mighty fine, aren't they.
I hear the UN is being disbanded because all the Gentiles are now living in peace.
They are certainly kicking your asses, Zionist boy. The Jews could vanish in a flash and all that would be left is a much more peaceful Middle East. 4,000 years of history and all you have is a squatter nation in the middle of 360 million Arabs and 75 million Persians that has to be financed and protected by the US, and a whopping 14 million world wide out of 7 billion people? Absolutely fucking pathetic. An approach to the world so insular you might as well declare yourself what you are, an endangered species that the world would never miss if it simply vanished.
We did, politically and population wise, vanish from the Middle East and you Catholics got the Muslim Crusades.
Damn! You're fucking stupid!
I'm not Catholic. And the Crusades happened long after the Muslims kicked Catholic ass. They also were the people the Jews ran to for protection when the Catholics said convert or die. As usual, the Jews couldn't fight back and die like men.
And now we're back and it's killing you.
God's joke on the Jew hater is technology.
We're smarter than you...we win.

Even in the Olympics Jews are winning because technique is becoming the rule of the day.
The day I start being concerned about Jews living or dead is the day I have nothing better to care about, Not going to happen, squatter.
From the gist of this're a liar.

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