Religious removal of body parts

I see, your next strategy is to try to make up a story where Jews are as barbaric as Arabs.
Prove it.
Easy, I have the Torah and I have world history. When you slaughter men, women, children, slaves, infants, and livestock you are no different. And that's long before you killed Jews in Iraq to get the rest to move to Israel.
Thanks for proving you haven't read any of it.
I presume you haven't studied the Bible one verse at a time to trace the history of certain families and tribes that were barbaric at best.
These tribes received warnings from their own prophets over decades that of they didn't change they would be eradicated.
They chose to party it up instead.
Sounds like some of our urban areas.
I was paraphrasing the Torah, Zionist.
You were butchering the Torah based on some uneducated airheads you saw on a news program.
Nope. Need chapter and verse of your God ordering a slaughter of innocents? There's more than one.
I suggest you read the verses and know the background of the 7 nations of Canaan...They deserved to be obliterated.
I see, your next strategy is to try to make up a story where Jews are as barbaric as Arabs.
Prove it.

you are talking to a stubborn antisemitic piece of rock.

Learn this, Zionism isn't Judaism, Judaism isn't Zionism. Many Jews hate the Zionists and Israel.
I'm Orthodox and Zionism is an important facet of Judaism.
No, it isn't. Want to meet the anti-Zionist Orthodoxed Jews?
I know some of them...emotionally and mentally disturbed.
The 5,000 from Nitura Karta are the worst. They are disturbed.
No, they are the Jews who know what an evil political Zionism truly is. It's also, against the will of God.
Easy, I have the Torah and I have world history. When you slaughter men, women, children, slaves, infants, and livestock you are no different. And that's long before you killed Jews in Iraq to get the rest to move to Israel.
Thanks for proving you haven't read any of it.
I presume you haven't studied the Bible one verse at a time to trace the history of certain families and tribes that were barbaric at best.
These tribes received warnings from their own prophets over decades that of they didn't change they would be eradicated.
They chose to party it up instead.
Sounds like some of our urban areas.
I was paraphrasing the Torah, Zionist.
You were butchering the Torah based on some uneducated airheads you saw on a news program.
Nope. Need chapter and verse of your God ordering a slaughter of innocents? There's more than one.
I suggest you read the verses and know the background of the 7 nations of Canaan...They deserved to be obliterated.
So it's okay when Jews slaughter innocents but no one else. Got it.
you are talking to a stubborn antisemitic piece of rock.

Learn this, Zionism isn't Judaism, Judaism isn't Zionism. Many Jews hate the Zionists and Israel.
I'm Orthodox and Zionism is an important facet of Judaism.
No, it isn't. Want to meet the anti-Zionist Orthodoxed Jews?
I know some of them...emotionally and mentally disturbed.
The 5,000 from Nitura Karta are the worst. They are disturbed.
No, thet are the Jews who know what an evil political Zionism truly is. It's also, against the will of God.
Your sentence structure is collapsing because you're getting nervous due to the fact that you know you are ignorant of that which you are discussing.
I'm getting embarrassed for your ignorance of the subject.
But go ahead and leave your embarrassing electronic trail showing that you lack zero knowledge of the subject under discussion.
Thanks for proving you haven't read any of it.
I presume you haven't studied the Bible one verse at a time to trace the history of certain families and tribes that were barbaric at best.
These tribes received warnings from their own prophets over decades that of they didn't change they would be eradicated.
They chose to party it up instead.
Sounds like some of our urban areas.
I was paraphrasing the Torah, Zionist.
You were butchering the Torah based on some uneducated airheads you saw on a news program.
Nope. Need chapter and verse of your God ordering a slaughter of innocents? There's more than one.
I suggest you read the verses and know the background of the 7 nations of Canaan...They deserved to be obliterated.
So it's okay when Jews slaughter innocents but no one else. Got it.
I will reiterate for your low IQ...Read the verses, they were guilty of horrid inhumanities.
Thanks for proving you haven't read any of it.
I presume you haven't studied the Bible one verse at a time to trace the history of certain families and tribes that were barbaric at best.
These tribes received warnings from their own prophets over decades that of they didn't change they would be eradicated.
They chose to party it up instead.
Sounds like some of our urban areas.
I was paraphrasing the Torah, Zionist.
You were butchering the Torah based on some uneducated airheads you saw on a news program.
Nope. Need chapter and verse of your God ordering a slaughter of innocents? There's more than one.
I suggest you read the verses and know the background of the 7 nations of Canaan...They deserved to be obliterated.
So it's okay when Jews slaughter innocents but no one else. Got it.
I'm going to sleep.
You continue to leave a trail of lies on thousands of servers around the world.
I was paraphrasing the Torah, Zionist.
You were butchering the Torah based on some uneducated airheads you saw on a news program.
Nope. Need chapter and verse of your God ordering a slaughter of innocents? There's more than one.
I suggest you read the verses and know the background of the 7 nations of Canaan...They deserved to be obliterated.
So it's okay when Jews slaughter innocents but no one else. Got it.
I will reiterate for your low IQ...Read the verses, they were guilty of horrid inhumanities.
And that made it okay to slaughter innocent women, children, slaves, infants, and livestock? Got it, Zionist.
I was paraphrasing the Torah, Zionist.
You were butchering the Torah based on some uneducated airheads you saw on a news program.
Nope. Need chapter and verse of your God ordering a slaughter of innocents? There's more than one.
I suggest you read the verses and know the background of the 7 nations of Canaan...They deserved to be obliterated.
So it's okay when Jews slaughter innocents but no one else. Got it.
I'm going to sleep.
You continue to leave a trail of lies on thousands of servers around the world.
You have been asleep your entire life, Zionist.
Learn this, Zionism isn't Judaism, Judaism isn't Zionism. Many Jews hate the Zionists and Israel.
I'm Orthodox and Zionism is an important facet of Judaism.
No, it isn't. Want to meet the anti-Zionist Orthodoxed Jews?
I know some of them...emotionally and mentally disturbed.
The 5,000 from Nitura Karta are the worst. They are disturbed.
No, thet are the Jews who know what an evil political Zionism truly is. It's also, against the will of God.
Your sentence structure is collapsing because you're getting nervous due to the fact that you know you are ignorant of that which you are discussing.
I'm getting embarrassed for your ignorance of the subject.
But go ahead and leave your embarrassing electronic trail showing that you lack zero knowledge of the subject under discussion.
When you have nothing to say, don't.
Zionists have no problem committing mass murder, as the above shows.
"I'm still trying to figure out how you decided that the foreskin God created was a mistake so therefore it's okay to cut it off?

Maybe this will help. If whatever you cut off still allows you to have children, the purpose of the genitals most think, did it actually matter in the first place? Couldn't anything not related to making babies go no harm no foul?"

From another thread.

Who knows KatieK
it may be a spiritual ritual to condition males to be more aggressive unconsciously
where they constantly fight others, defensively and offensively, the whole rest of their lives,
and demand to have control over themselves and others
to compensate for was done to them beyond their control.
Muslims seem to love removing a woman's clitoris. I am sure it's been brought up before. Muslims love chopping off stuff. Theirs is a loving and peaceful god. Yadda yadda. Chop chop!
"I'm still trying to figure out how you decided that the foreskin God created was a mistake so therefore it's okay to cut it off?

Maybe this will help. If whatever you cut off still allows you to have children, the purpose of the genitals most think, did it actually matter in the first place? Couldn't anything not related to making babies go no harm no foul?"

From another thread.

Who knows KatieK
it may be a spiritual ritual to condition males to be more aggressive unconsciously
where they constantly fight others, defensively and offensively, the whole rest of their lives,
and demand to have control over themselves and others
to compensate for was done to them beyond their control.
The same would apply to girls.
Muslims seem to love removing a woman's clitoris. I am sure it's been brought up before. Muslims love chopping off stuff. Theirs is a loving and peaceful god. Yadda yadda. Chop chop!
How is that different from the Jews?
"I'm still trying to figure out how you decided that the foreskin God created was a mistake so therefore it's okay to cut it off?

Maybe this will help. If whatever you cut off still allows you to have children, the purpose of the genitals most think, did it actually matter in the first place? Couldn't anything not related to making babies go no harm no foul?"

From another thread.

Who knows KatieK
it may be a spiritual ritual to condition males to be more aggressive unconsciously
where they constantly fight others, defensively and offensively, the whole rest of their lives,
and demand to have control over themselves and others
to compensate for was done to them beyond their control.
The same would apply to girls.

No the reactions in males and females would still be different,
because women's brains and psychology are different from men's.

Men tend to only use one side of the brain at a time, they
think and focus "compartmentally" and divide what is their
will and responsibility from others. Women tend to think
in terms of "relations" with others, using both sides of the
brain back and forth, where men cannot cross over as easily as women's brain activity shows.

Women still process abuse more in relation to the other people affected.
If women express aggression, it tends to be expressed through verbal or psychological means
in communications or relations with others.

Men tend to act more externally with physical defense when defending their turf,
because they delineate themselves more, which is blamed on "male ego."

Note, all this is regardless if this is socially conditioned or inborn by nature.
It could be the chemical levels of testosterone in males, the social or
spiritual conditioning, who knows. It could be that men have their
most sensitive reproductive organs on the outside, so they defend
themselves more externally, while women have their sensitive
organs internally, so they tend to internalize their defense mechanisms.

who knows?
"I'm still trying to figure out how you decided that the foreskin God created was a mistake so therefore it's okay to cut it off?

Maybe this will help. If whatever you cut off still allows you to have children, the purpose of the genitals most think, did it actually matter in the first place? Couldn't anything not related to making babies go no harm no foul?"

From another thread.

Who knows KatieK
it may be a spiritual ritual to condition males to be more aggressive unconsciously
where they constantly fight others, defensively and offensively, the whole rest of their lives,
and demand to have control over themselves and others
to compensate for was done to them beyond their control.
The same would apply to girls.

No the reactions in males and females would still be different,
because women's brains and psychology are different from men's.

Men tend to only use one side of the brain at a time, they
think and focus "compartmentally" and divide what is their
will and responsibility from others. Women tend to think
in terms of "relations" with others, using both sides of the
brain back and forth, where men cannot cross over as easily as women's brain activity shows.

Women still process abuse more in relation to the other people affected.
If women express aggression, it tends to be expressed through verbal or psychological means
in communications or relations with others.

Men tend to act more externally with physical defense when defending their turf,
because they delineate themselves more, which is blamed on "male ego."

Note, all this is regardless if this is socially conditioned or inborn by nature.
It could be the chemical levels of testosterone in males, the social or
spiritual conditioning, who knows. It could be that men have their
most sensitive reproductive organs on the outside, so they defend
themselves more externally, while women have their sensitive
organs internally, so they tend to internalize their defense mechanisms.

who knows?
What we know is cutting kids genitals is totally unnecessary.
Okay, I take perfectly normal boy parts and I cut them off. Now I take perfectly normal girl parts, and I cut them off. Explain the difference?
you need to stop mischaracterizing the foreskin as a "body part". and your repetition of that phrase does not make you sound any less ignorant.
It's certainly part of my body. I'm rather attached to it.
"I'm still trying to figure out how you decided that the foreskin God created was a mistake so therefore it's okay to cut it off?

Maybe this will help. If whatever you cut off still allows you to have children, the purpose of the genitals most think, did it actually matter in the first place? Couldn't anything not related to making babies go no harm no foul?"

From another thread.

Who knows KatieK
it may be a spiritual ritual to condition males to be more aggressive unconsciously
where they constantly fight others, defensively and offensively, the whole rest of their lives,
and demand to have control over themselves and others
to compensate for was done to them beyond their control.
The same would apply to girls.

No the reactions in males and females would still be different,
because women's brains and psychology are different from men's.

Men tend to only use one side of the brain at a time, they
think and focus "compartmentally" and divide what is their
will and responsibility from others. Women tend to think
in terms of "relations" with others, using both sides of the
brain back and forth, where men cannot cross over as easily as women's brain activity shows.

Women still process abuse more in relation to the other people affected.
If women express aggression, it tends to be expressed through verbal or psychological means
in communications or relations with others.

Men tend to act more externally with physical defense when defending their turf,
because they delineate themselves more, which is blamed on "male ego."

Note, all this is regardless if this is socially conditioned or inborn by nature.
It could be the chemical levels of testosterone in males, the social or
spiritual conditioning, who knows. It could be that men have their
most sensitive reproductive organs on the outside, so they defend
themselves more externally, while women have their sensitive
organs internally, so they tend to internalize their defense mechanisms.

who knows?
What we know is cutting kids genitals is totally unnecessary.

Oh, sorry KatieK now I get that your meaning
was male and female circumcision were equally unnecessary.

But not they are not equal.
the purpose behind female circumcision is
male dominance over the female in marital and sexual relations.

that has nothing to do with the reasons
for male circumcision.

they may both be seen as unnecessary
but they are not equal in intent.
What we know is cutting kids genitals is totally unnecessary.
Not to mention the complications arising from the procedure when the foreskin is removed, or later in life.

Circumcision - Risks


All surgical procedures have risks. Problems after circumcision are not common. Minor problems are short-term and may include:

  • Oozing or slight bleeding from the surgical site.
  • Infection of the circumcision site or at the opening to the urethra.
  • Irritation of the exposed tip of the penis (glans) as a result of contact with stool or urine.
Long-term problems can include:

  • Damage to the opening of the urethra, which leads from the bladder to the tip of the penis (meatal stenosis).
  • Scarring of the penis from infection or surgical error. For example:
    • The entire foreskin may not be removed, leaving portions of it attached to the penis (skin bridge). This may cause pain during erection.
    • Scar tissue can grow outward toward the tip of the penis from the cut edge of the foreskin. Repeat surgery on the penis may be required to improve appearance or to allow normal passage of urine if the opening from the bladder has been blocked by this scar tissue.
    • The outer skin layer (or layers) of the penis may be removed accidentally.
    • An opening that is too small for the foreskin to retract over the penis (phimosis) can happen if too little foreskin is removed.
Major problems are very rare but can include:

  • The removal of more skin from the penis than the doctor intended.
  • Too much bleeding. Stitches may be needed to stop the bleeding.
  • Serious, life-threatening bacterial infection.
  • Partial or full removal (amputation) of the tip of the penis. (This is extremely rare.)
Muslims seem to love removing a woman's clitoris. I am sure it's been brought up before. Muslims love chopping off stuff. Theirs is a loving and peaceful god. Yadda yadda. Chop chop!
I thought that was more an African thing than a Muslim thing. Are clitorises removed often in Indonesia? I haven't heard of it.

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