Religious Tolerance: Church kicks whole family out for supporting their gay daughter

After same-sex couple victory in Collegedale, church ousts gay detective's family |

Collegedale's decision to grant benefits to same-sex couples was a victory for Kat Cooper, a gay detective who championed the months-long effort that made the Chattanooga suburb the first city in Tennessee to offer benefits to same-sex spouses of its government employees.

Cooper's mother, Linda, stood by her side throughout the process. She held tight to her daughter's hand at a July meeting over the issue. And the two embraced after the City Council's 4-1 vote on Aug. 5.

But those small acts of support translated into collateral damage that left Linda Cooper and other relatives separated from their church family of more than 60 years. And one local advocate for gay families says the church's stance was the most extreme he's heard of in years.

Leaders at Ridgedale Church of Christ met in private with Kat Cooper's mother, aunt and uncle on Sunday after the regular worship service. They were given an ultimatum: They could repent for their sins and ask forgiveness in front of the congregation. Or leave the church.
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God hates fags....:doubt:

If a behavior is against the tenet of the organization's belief system they can kick you out. The Amish and Mennonites 'shun' members who do not conform and muslims will separate your body from your head if you are homosexual. You have no big god awful issue with any of those religions. Surely you don't think the Amish and Mennonites or the muslims would tolerate homosexuals in their number. So, what is your beef with this church? This is no different. I know people who have been kicked out of their church for dancing. Clubs, churches, and other organizations have rules. If you don't want to go by the rules, you can get your ass out, or in some cases get your head cut off.
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Another lie no such thing happened

Even if they were kicked out, the church is within their rights to do so. Reference, the Amish, Mennonites, and muslims.

the point is it's a lie. we have to stop allowing the progressives to get away with their blatant dishonesty

You have not been here as long as some of us. That is their usual and expected behavior. And what's worse, they believe their own lies. That is why you have to argue what they assert even though it is a lie.
Even if they were kicked out, the church is within their rights to do so. Reference, the Amish, Mennonites, and muslims.

the point is it's a lie. we have to stop allowing the progressives to get away with their blatant dishonesty

You have not been here as long as some of us. That is their usual and expected behavior. And what's worse, they believe their own lies. That is why you have to argue what they assert even though it is a lie.

what we need to do is point out their lies and call them on being liars
the point is it's a lie. we have to stop allowing the progressives to get away with their blatant dishonesty

You have not been here as long as some of us. That is their usual and expected behavior. And what's worse, they believe their own lies. That is why you have to argue what they assert even though it is a lie.

what we need to do is point out their lies and call them on being liars

Careful with that, given the fact you and others on the right live in a glass house.
I see no difference in your bigotry against christians than my bigotry against loud mouth bull dykes. :cool:

Really? Show where legislation has been introduced that would take away a Christians fundamental right.

I not only showed you such a law, I provided a court case that found it was fine.

No, you didn’t.

That case concerned a church as a secular property owner, having nothing to do with religious practice.
You have not been here as long as some of us. That is their usual and expected behavior. And what's worse, they believe their own lies. That is why you have to argue what they assert even though it is a lie.

what we need to do is point out their lies and call them on being liars

Careful with that, given the fact you and others on the right live in a glass house.

I don't have to worry about it unlike you I do not lie
Doesn't the church have the right to establish what criteria they want to establish for membership?

And if you did not agree with the criteria, why would you still want to belong?
Doesn't the church have the right to establish what criteria they want to establish for membership?

And if you did not agree with the criteria, why would you still want to belong?

because it isn't about common sense it is about dismantling the church
the point is it's a lie. we have to stop allowing the progressives to get away with their blatant dishonesty

You have not been here as long as some of us. That is their usual and expected behavior. And what's worse, they believe their own lies. That is why you have to argue what they assert even though it is a lie.

what we need to do is point out their lies and call them on being liars

People do that all the time. It changes nothing.
You have not been here as long as some of us. That is their usual and expected behavior. And what's worse, they believe their own lies. That is why you have to argue what they assert even though it is a lie.

what we need to do is point out their lies and call them on being liars

People do that all the time. It changes nothing.

We do it not, to change them but to educate those who are reading
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