Religious Tolerance: Church kicks whole family out for supporting their gay daughter

I support the rights of an individual insofar as such doesn't preclude the rights of other individuals from banding together to form a community and set their own standards. These standards may be exclusive or inclusive but I feel that the majority has the right to establish their own guidelines with indifference to what some individuals might respect or expect within the boundaries of their community. In other words, I feel that a community can and should have the freedom to ban homosexual behavior, just as conversely, I feel another community can embrace homosexuality and ban heterosexuals. The proof of validity is demonstrated by how well each community flourishes. However, when the Federal government intervenes, it can only make blanket rulings that can do more harm than good, in that there is no room for experimentation, ideals, independent thinking, or trial and error. It comes down to Federal absolutes and this only, and everyone else can think what they wish as long as they keep it to themselves but accept all governmental mandates........................................................................ This is why religious beliefs were removed from public schools. It wasn't that the schools were bad or the education was inferior, it was that the Federal Government had taken over Public Education in 1946 and couldn't mandate God according to the Constitution but could mandate secularism. And this it did to great upheavals in education --- to the point of eliminating the freedom of real choice and absolutes.

And, again, this is thankfully why we have a Constitution, to protect citizens from this sort of ignorance and hate.

What you ‘feel’ is irrelevant, no jurisdiction may criminalize homosexuality, to do so would be un-Constitutional.

So the Congressional Black Caucus denying a person entry because they aren't the right skin color is un-constitutional?

Do they deny people entry because they are not the right color?
no, God hates the sin they are committing.

Do they plan on kicking every sinner out of the church, or just the gay ones? :confused:

why won't you ask them?

a member of a church actively propagating the sin is going to be kicked out the church - and should.

no matter what sin is - active and vocal pro-abort should be kicked even sooner

So you think they will kick out all the women members using birth control?
In my experoience, there are three types of "Christain" churches. First, there is the "fellowship" type. This is usually sort of a community gathering center, where people enjoy socializing with like minded people on a regular basis, where friendships are formed and people look out for one another. Second, there is the evangelical church. This is the model for the mega churches. They want to convert the world, and measure their sucess in money raised and membership achieved. They want everyone to join, and don't look too closely at the ones that do. It is just a numbers thing. Then, there is your down home fundamentalist church, which is actually sort of an exclusive club to which one aspires to join, like the Elks. This church has a culture of "them against us' and "Us" are superior, more self rightous, more worthy, and better in every way than everyone else. This group of people are very interested in how you are living your llife, and exposing the backsliders among them. This includes Mormon churches. There is actually a 4th kind, which is the Catholics, who have been brainwashed that it they fiddle with their rosary's enough and confess to some bored priest in a cage, they will somehow make it to heaven.

Anyway, those of us that tend to diss churches are really mostly talking about the third kind. These are the guys who are intolerant and insufferable. When not sitting in the "amen" pew, they are usually found on the internet bashing gays and abortionists, among many other people, to whom they are superior..
OK, let us run with the play that a photographer is forced by THE LAW to go somewhere, a gay wedding, to take photos of the wedding.

Are you trying to tell me it doesn't even though there is a case that went all the way to the New Mexico Supreme Court that says it does? Keep in mind that the judges in that case actually admit they thought that it was wrong, but that the photographer still had to do it.

Of course this is after some form of litigation, compliant against the photographer, fine, SOMETHING that forces them to go.

D'oh. You just proved you are almost as smart as you think I am.

And then the photos that the photographer took were just terrible photos, awful and the day is over.
And the caterer did not want to go and the food was cold, some undercooked, not enough ice and everyone was upset.
I am sure that is exactly what gay couples want at their wedding. A massive fuck up of their special day just to force someone to "accept them".
Is this all you have Windbag? Please tell us you have some other argument, somewhere, someplace, ANYWHERE to back up your claims.

Like I told you when you first stuck your idiotic head into this thread, read the fucking thread. The case has been discussed in this thread, and there are other threads about it, but you want to pretend I am making things up.

That does not make me stupid. It does, however, say a lot about you.

Because do date you are getting your ass pancaked, no pun intended, with your foolish arguments.

I know. You pop into a thread, say something that has already been totally debunked, accuse people who point out your hypocrisy of lying, and declare victory.

Anti discrimination include gay people, get used to it. But in ALL the rulings the court has ruled that the business can post and advertise that their beliefs are that they oppose same sex marriage. That is legal.

Since I have repeatedly pointed out that I oppose all laws that violate free association, which is guaranteed by the Constitution, why should I get used to it simply because you support the government violating people's rights?

And no same sex couple is going to risk hiring someone for their special day when they know that. In fact in the NM case they hired another photographer.

Yet it has happened, which is exactly the point I am making. For some reason, probably because your brain finds it impossible to conceive anything that doesn't come from the government as being wrong, you deny reality, and expect me to become a slave to your belief in the impossible.
And, again, this is thankfully why we have a Constitution, to protect citizens from this sort of ignorance and hate.

What you ‘feel’ is irrelevant, no jurisdiction may criminalize homosexuality, to do so would be un-Constitutional.

So the Congressional Black Caucus denying a person entry because they aren't the right skin color is un-constitutional?

Do they deny people entry because they are not the right color?

You tell me.


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