Remake "Roots"; But make Toby a white Irish actor. Would it be ok?

They said Avatar was a complete political hack piece and well, by golly, it was...

"This movie reflects that we are living through war," Cameron added. "There are boots on the ground, troops who I personally believe were sent there under false pretenses, so I hope this will be part of opening our eyes."

See more at: James Cameron: Yes, 'Avatar' is Political

Now they're saying that the new Star Wars is an anti white flick, well, I guess it probably is... couple this quote by the movies director with George Lucas' black wife and, ya, it speaks for itself, there is an AGENDA...

More whites were sold into slavery in America than blacks. Were you aware? Especially Irish whites

More whites, especially Irish whites, were sold into slavery in America than blacks? What evidence do you have for this statement?

Look up Redlegs and/or indentured servants. The difference is that they were indentured for a limited period of time - usually seven years, which is how long it took them to "work off" the price of their passage - as opposed to blacks who enjoyed no such privilege. However, treatment of whites was in some cases almost as harsh.

You'll also find that many Americans, particularly in the South, will tell you their people were among "the first settlers," so long ago many of them don't even know where they came from. They may very well be descended from those indentured servants.

Redlegs deals with the English brought to the Caribbean not America.

Currently their descendants live in the Caribbean and Florida, but they're only one example. Indentured servants included Irish from Liverpool and other indigent ethnic minorities living in England.

Indentured servants, while treated harshly in some instances, were not slaves. That practice fell out of fashion as those folks became free and started gobbling up land.
More whites, especially Irish whites, were sold into slavery in America than blacks? What evidence do you have for this statement?


I am a reasonable person and I can be swayed but you'll have to excuse me if I don't just take your word on it. What evidence do you have to support that statement?

Slaves of a different color

Read up on it. This is Salon. A very liberal group...which is why I picked them for objectivity. Even they were stunned to learn details about this historical fact which has been whitewashed from history. When they tried to research it...they were met with resistance such as "you can't take slavery away from blacks" and some black professor just saying "who cares".

"You can't take slavery away from blacks". That's why white slavery has been all but forgotten.

I am aware that some whites were sold into slavery in America but your claim that more whites were sold into slavery in America than blacks isn't confirmed by the article you've given me. In fact, the article states it was a rare event for whites to be sold into slavery.

The first link said it was. Second (liberal one) said it wasnt. Historians differ on it. The history of white slavery was buried so one is sure.

White slavery in no way outnumbered black slavery in America.
More whites were sold into slavery in America than blacks. Were you aware? Especially Irish whites

More whites, especially Irish whites, were sold into slavery in America than blacks? What evidence do you have for this statement?

Look up Redlegs and/or indentured servants. The difference is that they were indentured for a limited period of time - usually seven years, which is how long it took them to "work off" the price of their passage - as opposed to blacks who enjoyed no such privilege. However, treatment of whites was in some cases almost as harsh.

You'll also find that many Americans, particularly in the South, will tell you their people were among "the first settlers," so long ago many of them don't even know where they came from. They may very well be descended from those indentured servants.

Redlegs deals with the English brought to the Caribbean not America.

Currently their descendants live in the Caribbean and Florida, but they're only one example. Indentured servants included Irish from Liverpool and other indigent ethnic minorities living in England.

Indentured servants, while treated harshly in some instances, were not slaves. That practice fell out of fashion as those folks became free and started gobbling up land.
And it was easy for them to run away too.
Read White Cargo by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh for a true understanding how bad white slavery was in colonial America.
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Would you be ok if Roots was remade...but Toby was a white Irish actor??

This is supposed to be akin to making Finn from Star Wars black?

I'd be okay with you receiving a frontal lobotomy.

Sure. Changing the race of a fictional character in a movie. What's the problem?

I'm not even going to waste my time explaining to you what a complete fail of a comparison this is. You've reached a level of absurdity for which we have no English word for. No wonder you got fired from the police force.

Nice "cop out". Get it?

You can't explain a difference. Both are simply fictional characters in a movie. Changing the race of either shouldn't matter. Right?

The difference is glaringly obvious.
White Slaves in America Outnumbered Black Slaves - Bet you didn't know that did you?

More whites were sold into slavery in America than blacks. Were you aware? Especially Irish whites.

I think Hollywood should remake the slave movie "Roots". But cast Toby as a white Irish character. Maybe Conan Obrien could be the lead.

"Whutch-yo name boy?"

"Aeden. Aeden O'Sullivan".

"Nope. Yo name Toby. I say Whutch-yo name boy"

"My name Aeden."

Hmmm. Wonder if the left would accept this as gleefully as the black Annie or black Bond or black Star Wars lead haha!!??

You are very upset. Maybe you have an issue with race. What do you think?
Jesus was a very dark skinned dude. The fact that he is known to be lily white by most Americans doesn't upset liberals. Does it?
Nutbags prefer a time when all black characters were played by white actors. In those days, the negroes couldn't be expected to remember the lines. Right, nutbags?
Would you be ok if Roots was remade...but Toby was a white Irish actor??

This is supposed to be akin to making Finn from Star Wars black?

I'd be okay with you receiving a frontal lobotomy.

Sure. Changing the race of a fictional character in a movie. What's the problem?

I'm not even going to waste my time explaining to you what a complete fail of a comparison this is. You've reached a level of absurdity for which we have no English word for. No wonder you got fired from the police force.

He was never on a police force.
You know..............many of those white slaves who came over here from Ireland weren't exactly "slaves". They were indentured servants who agreed to work for someone for a period of time (usually 7 years) in exchange for passage over here from Europe.

Black slaves weren't released and told they were free after 7 years very often. Matter of fact, it was rare that white slave owners gave blacks their freedom.
White people in America have had it so bad in comparison with people of other races. It's a wonder how we ever made it this long!
More whites were sold into slavery in America than blacks. Were you aware? Especially Irish whites

More whites, especially Irish whites, were sold into slavery in America than blacks? What evidence do you have for this statement?


I am a reasonable person and I can be swayed but you'll have to excuse me if I don't just take your word on it. What evidence do you have to support that statement?
they were indentured servants to the people who paid their way across the pond, after they worked for the people who paid their way here, they were set free.... they were NOT slaves like the African Americans. They had fact up here in New England, they wrote in their contracts that they could not be fed Lobster more than 3 times a week by their temporary masters....Lobster was a ''poor man's food'' and they were served it 7 days a week and were sick of it.... Lobster was so abundant at the time, it was just picked up off the beaches when in low tide....
More whites were sold into slavery in America than blacks. Were you aware? Especially Irish whites

More whites, especially Irish whites, were sold into slavery in America than blacks? What evidence do you have for this statement?


I am a reasonable person and I can be swayed but you'll have to excuse me if I don't just take your word on it. What evidence do you have to support that statement?
they were indentured servants to the people who paid their way across the pond, after they worked for the people who paid their way here, they were set free.... they were NOT slaves like the African Americans. They had fact up here in New England, they wrote in their contracts that they could not be fed Lobster more than 3 times a week by their temporary masters....Lobster was a ''poor man's food'' and they were served it 7 days a week and were sick of it.... Lobster was so abundant at the time, it was just picked up off the beaches when in low tide....

They must not have discovered how to melt butter.
I wonder if the OP understands the difference between a slave and an indentured servant?

Probably not.............they're just seeing how much outrage they can generate.
I wonder if the OP understands the difference between a slave and an indentured servant?

Probably not.............they're just seeing how much outrage they can generate.

No. They are jealous of the experience that black Americans have had....and want to horn in on some of the tragedy. These nutbags are professional victims.
plus the character of Bond 007 was not built around him being white, nor the character of Annie that I can remember....?

But with Roots, it was strictly an African American story...these actor slaves had to be black to depict the story....

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