Remember from 2001 to 2008? Did you train someone from China to take your job?

Name new GOP policies that will fix some of that destruction.

very very simple!! eliminate the highest corporate tax in the world that our corporations must dodge by moving to places like China!!
Why are you saying something so fucking stupid. The tard runs deep in your family.

Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates | Americans for Tax Fairness

Key Facts
I believe the top corporate tax rate is 39%, the oft cited effective rate corp america pays is 28%. Have you ever thought about how many small and mid-size corps must pay in excess of 28% to offset the fortune 500 corps that effectively pay 0% or 19%?

As far as foreign profits, I believe the US is the only member of the OECD that taxes foreign profits. Think about it, you make $100 in europe pay their 28% then bring back the money and pay an additional 39%. And people wonder why they don't repatriate the money. After euro taxes you have $78 to work with, bring it back to the US and you have $48-49. This is a problem of our own making.

yep eliminate the tax and corporations from all over the world would be flooding into America exactly as they did to Ireland when it lowered its corporate tax to 11%. THe recession would be over in a week and we'd have a million employees, at higher wages, but Marxist Nazi-like liberal hatred of corporations prevents them from doing it!!
Yeah, I always remember my father who was also in business shaking his head in the early 90s and saying, "when did we become the enemy?".

You know there are some other things that worry me. Even if many of the manufacturing jobs started to come back, it's almost impossible to find experienced people to do the jobs. We've lost a lot of talent over the years.
. Even if many of the manufacturing jobs started to come back, it's almost impossible to find experienced people to do the jobs. We've lost a lot of talent over the years.

Don't worry IBM became the biggest most profitable company in the world long before schools were teaching computer science. A company can train people when it needs too and I'm sure each company always needs to.

A big issue might be getting people off various welfare entitlements so they would actually need and want a job.
Republicans put policies in place to screw over America and the Middle Class. Thank God they are now working with Obama to end those ruinous policies.

Oh, wait..............

They're just doing jobs that Americans don't want to do.....

Isn't that the line you liberals like to use for allowing millions of uneducated low income workers to flood into the country?

Next up pink slips to the whole public education institution K-college so we can bring in educated workers from India and China who are willing to do the work those educators aren't willing to do for the pay offered.

Throw in the health care industry with the public education workers and there'll be a WIN-WIN all around for the low income workers finding what they want at a more reasonable cost.



They're educated now. Unlike Republicans.


You're right the ones coming in on those H-1B visas are more educated than the ones crossing the border illegally. However the last part of your reply rings false since the Republicans around this here part of the country are generally more educated than the progressives who have to rely on the government to guarantee them a job, but with some more H-1B immigrants we can change that.


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Republicans put policies in place to screw over America and the Middle Class.

actually it was liberals who invited in 20 million illegals to take our jobs and liberals who impose the highest tax in the world on our corporations that force them and another 20 million jobs offshore. And, it was liberals who declared war on the the American family and schools so that most Americans are no longer fit for middle class jobs!!
Republicans put policies in place to screw over America and the Middle Class.

actually it was liberals who invited in 20 million illegals to take our jobs and liberals who impose the highest tax in the world on our corporations that force them and another 20 million jobs offshore. And, it was liberals who declared war on the the American family and schools so that most Americans are no longer fit for middle class jobs!!
Funny, I can post facts that say otherwise.
Republicans put policies in place to screw over America and the Middle Class.

actually it was liberals who invited in 20 million illegals to take our jobs and liberals who impose the highest tax in the world on our corporations that force them and another 20 million jobs offshore. And, it was liberals who declared war on the the American family and schools so that most Americans are no longer fit for middle class jobs!!
Funny, I can post facts that say otherwise.

always the typical backwards clown liberal!! Its liberals who want a wall and liberals who want to eliminate the corporate tax!!!
Republicans put policies in place to screw over America and the Middle Class.

actually it was liberals who invited in 20 million illegals to take our jobs and liberals who impose the highest tax in the world on our corporations that force them and another 20 million jobs offshore. And, it was liberals who declared war on the the American family and schools so that most Americans are no longer fit for middle class jobs!!


Perhaps when you're quoting someone you should make sure that when you are deleting things you get the correct quote to the correct person since the quote saying belongs to me actually belongs to rdean..... Unless you did this intentionally.


Name new GOP policies that will fix some of that destruction.

very very simple!! eliminate the highest corporate tax in the world that our corporations must dodge by moving to places like China!!
Why are you saying something so fucking stupid. The tard runs deep in your family.

Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates | Americans for Tax Fairness

Key Facts
I believe the top corporate tax rate is 39%, the oft cited effective rate corp america pays is 28%. Have you ever thought about how many small and mid-size corps must pay in excess of 28% to offset the fortune 500 corps that effectively pay 0% or 19%?

As far as foreign profits, I believe the US is the only member of the OECD that taxes foreign profits. Think about it, you make $100 in europe pay their 28% then bring back the money and pay an additional 39%. And people wonder why they don't repatriate the money. After euro taxes you have $78 to work with, bring it back to the US and you have $48-49. This is a problem of our own making.

yep eliminate the tax and corporations from all over the world would be flooding into America exactly as they did to Ireland when it lowered its corporate tax to 11%. THe recession would be over in a week and we'd have a million employees, at higher wages, but Marxist Nazi-like liberal hatred of corporations prevents them from doing it!!
Yeah, I always remember my father who was also in business shaking his head in the early 90s and saying, "when did we become the enemy?".

We've lost a lot of talent over the years.
Be specific.
In my own industry, metal stamping, it is impossible to find die makers. They just don't exist. Another example from my own business would be maintenance. My head maintenance man retired 6 months ago. When I hired him 15 years ago I had my choice, there were at least 10 candidates that applied that were qualified. Now 6 months later I haven't found one.

In the instance of the die maker, I can take a machinist and teach him to be a die maker. Now I need to to teach some one to be a machinist first then teach them to be a die maker. In the instance of maintenance it's more complicated, you need a basic knowledge of hydraulics, electronics and mechanics just for starters.

I hear this from many, particularly in manufacturing, An acquaintance I know that ran a forging company years ago told me that there are still people in this country that can build forging dies and he knows all 3 of them and they are all over 60.

Another example from my own experience would be welders. I don't employee welders but I outsource production welding. I'm forever behind on deliveries because my welding vendors just can't find welders. Same with general production machining, I have excellent machinists but they are my tool makers I outsource production machining, forever waiting.

Machine repair is another. When I have a piece of equipment go down the people that I hire to fix it are all over 50 yrs old. They just can't find any one that wants to learn and these guys make $35-45 an hour. Of course they paid their dues to get there.

My father was telling me that he watched an interview with the head of Apple(his name escapes me). When asked why he manufacturers in China his response was telling. He said that if you took all the people in this country qualified to work in his manufacturing sector, you could fit them all in one NFL stadium. If you took the same talent in China, we don't have enough stadiums.
In my own industry, metal stamping, it is impossible to find die makers. They just don't exist. Another example from my own business would be maintenance. My head maintenance man retired 6 months ago. When I hired him 15 years ago I had my choice, there were at least 10 candidates that applied that were qualified. Now 6 months later I haven't found one.

In the instance of the die maker, I can take a machinist and teach him to be a die maker. Now I need to to teach some one to be a machinist first then teach them to be a die maker. In the instance of maintenance it's more complicated, you need a basic knowledge of hydraulics, electronics and mechanics just for starters.

I hear this from many, particularly in manufacturing, An acquaintance I know that ran a forging company years ago told me that there are still people in this country that can build forging dies and he knows all 3 of them and they are all over 60.

Another example from my own experience would be welders. I don't employee welders but I outsource production welding. I'm forever behind on deliveries because my welding vendors just can't find welders. Same with general production machining, I have excellent machinists but they are my tool makers I outsource production machining, forever waiting.

Machine repair is another. When I have a piece of equipment go down the people that I hire to fix it are all over 50 yrs old. They just can't find any one that wants to learn and these guys make $35-45 an hour. Of course they paid their dues to get there.

My father was telling me that he watched an interview with the head of Apple(his name escapes me). When asked why he manufacturers in China his response was telling. He said that if you took all the people in this country qualified to work in his manufacturing sector, you could fit them all in one NFL stadium. If you took the same talent in China, we don't have enough stadiums.
Is this related to Mechanical or Electrical Engineering or a different type of educational training?
In my own industry, metal stamping, it is impossible to find die makers. They just don't exist. Another example from my own business would be maintenance. My head maintenance man retired 6 months ago. When I hired him 15 years ago I had my choice, there were at least 10 candidates that applied that were qualified. Now 6 months later I haven't found one.

In the instance of the die maker, I can take a machinist and teach him to be a die maker. Now I need to to teach some one to be a machinist first then teach them to be a die maker. In the instance of maintenance it's more complicated, you need a basic knowledge of hydraulics, electronics and mechanics just for starters.

I hear this from many, particularly in manufacturing, An acquaintance I know that ran a forging company years ago told me that there are still people in this country that can build forging dies and he knows all 3 of them and they are all over 60.

Another example from my own experience would be welders. I don't employee welders but I outsource production welding. I'm forever behind on deliveries because my welding vendors just can't find welders. Same with general production machining, I have excellent machinists but they are my tool makers I outsource production machining, forever waiting.

Machine repair is another. When I have a piece of equipment go down the people that I hire to fix it are all over 50 yrs old. They just can't find any one that wants to learn and these guys make $35-45 an hour. Of course they paid their dues to get there.

My father was telling me that he watched an interview with the head of Apple(his name escapes me). When asked why he manufacturers in China his response was telling. He said that if you took all the people in this country qualified to work in his manufacturing sector, you could fit them all in one NFL stadium. If you took the same talent in China, we don't have enough stadiums.
Is this related to Mechanical or Electrical Engineering or a different type of educational training?
For me a degree no. Practical knowledge. Apple I would imagine yes.

As far as training, some of the vocational programs do put out machinists, unfortunately for me they are geared to production and rightfully so as that is the vast need out there. Their training tends to lean heavily towards CNC programming which is not what die making requires. Don't get me wrong I love those programs but my needs are so specific that they really can't run a training program when there are so few positions out there.

In the maintenance positions it's really an experience thing. You just can't supply training to encompass it all.

The die making position is very tough for me. I'm in what's known as "short run". A normal order for me is 500 - 2000 pcs as opposed to some one running 500,000 pcs. It's an entirely different form of tooling that we build. For years we interviewed and occasionally hired people that formerly worked at auto plants Ford mostly. We ended up having to retrain them. Good machinists but just a different animal.
. If you took the same talent in China, we don't have enough stadiums.

some observations:

1) if liberal politics did not push jobs to China you could afford to pay more here and perhaps attract eager students

2) Americans may be too wealthy and spolied to want dirty manufacturing jobs that perhaps should be left to the Chinese and Africans.

3) if liberal politics did not generate so many welfare entitlements more Americans would be eager for the work.

4) If liberal politics had not attacked and destroyed the American family and schools more Americans would have the discipline required for work.
I remember from 2001 to 2008, I had friends that were training Chinese to do their jobs in China. The Chinese came here on special work visas. If you refused, they fired you and you could even lose your unemployment benefits for refusing to do your job.
Then the company I worked at brought in Chinese to learn do made the company's smaller equipment. Most of that equipment came back because the lack of quality which started to damage the company name. Some remained to be produced in China and is still produced there today.

Company managers were candid about the tax breaks they were getting to move jobs to China and they expected to sell the same amount of equipment even though they moved jobs to China. And the managers were very surprised and bitter when they were also let go. And I know for a fact, they were all Republican.

Then, at the end of Bush's second term, we were hit by the elements of the Recession. American's unemployment was used up. Factories were closed because they had been gutted. The deregulation stripped the country with Wall Street leading the way. The Bush Tax Cut's redistribution to the top has petered out. The the 8 years of the Bush administration, the economy and the country were gutted and injured.

Name new GOP policies that will fix some of that destruction.

Lying again, huh dean?

Well, you are a demagogue - sociopath.
. If you took the same talent in China, we don't have enough stadiums.

some observations:

1) if liberal politics did not push jobs to China you could afford to pay more here and perhaps attract eager students

2) Americans may be too wealthy and spolied to want dirty manufacturing jobs that perhaps should be left to the Chinese and Africans.

3) if liberal politics did not generate so many welfare entitlements more Americans would be eager for the work.

4) If liberal politics had not attacked and destroyed the American family and schools more Americans would have the discipline required for work.
The sad thing is it wasn't that long ago that I'd keep a kid around in the tool room. I'd find one with some basic power tool awareness and a little bit of math skills and spend some time grooming him. If they had trig they were a gem. Found some really good people that way. I can't really afford the money and don't have the time any more. I always enjoyed training them that way, my head tool guy is guru, teach em the right way right from the beginning. .
Republicans put policies in place to screw over America and the Middle Class.

actually it was liberals who invited in 20 million illegals to take our jobs and liberals who impose the highest tax in the world on our corporations that force them and another 20 million jobs offshore. And, it was liberals who declared war on the the American family and schools so that most Americans are no longer fit for middle class jobs!!
Funny, I can post facts that say otherwise.

always the typical backwards clown liberal!! Its liberals who want a wall and liberals who want to eliminate the corporate tax!!!
And liberals who are the base of the Republican Party.
I remember from 2001 to 2008, I had friends that were training Chinese to do their jobs in China. The Chinese came here on special work visas. If you refused, they fired you and you could even lose your unemployment benefits for refusing to do your job.
Then the company I worked at brought in Chinese to learn do made the company's smaller equipment. Most of that equipment came back because the lack of quality which started to damage the company name. Some remained to be produced in China and is still produced there today.

Company managers were candid about the tax breaks they were getting to move jobs to China and they expected to sell the same amount of equipment even though they moved jobs to China. And the managers were very surprised and bitter when they were also let go. And I know for a fact, they were all Republican.

Then, at the end of Bush's second term, we were hit by the elements of the Recession. American's unemployment was used up. Factories were closed because they had been gutted. The deregulation stripped the country with Wall Street leading the way. The Bush Tax Cut's redistribution to the top has petered out. The the 8 years of the Bush administration, the economy and the country were gutted and injured.

Name new GOP policies that will fix some of that destruction.

Lying again, huh dean?

Well, you are a demagogue - sociopath.
Lying about what? Your kind insists I lie, but can't seem to name the lie.

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