Remember from 2001 to 2008? Did you train someone from China to take your job?

. If you took the same talent in China, we don't have enough stadiums.

some observations:

1) if liberal politics did not push jobs to China you could afford to pay more here and perhaps attract eager students

2) Americans may be too wealthy and spolied to want dirty manufacturing jobs that perhaps should be left to the Chinese and Africans.

3) if liberal politics did not generate so many welfare entitlements more Americans would be eager for the work.

4) If liberal politics had not attacked and destroyed the American family and schools more Americans would have the discipline required for work.
The kind of jobs that went to China were unskilled labor. Popular among Republicans.

Toothless GOP I suspect are not too wealthy, spoiled yes, but hardly wealthy.

You can't get welfare without a work requirement. And, most welfare goes to Republicans.

It's schools in the south and in conservative areas that are shitty. They want to teach magical creation and other nonsense. The rest of the world calls schools in liberal states the best schools in the world. And for good reason.
The sad thing is it wasn't that long ago that I'd keep a kid around in the tool room. I'd find one with some basic power tool awareness and a little bit of math skills and spend some time grooming him. If they had trig they were a gem. Found some really good people that way. I can't really afford the money and don't have the time any more. I always enjoyed training them that way, my head tool guy is guru, teach em the right way right from the beginning. .

Times have changed.

A valuable machinist is one who knows MasterCam and can program the 5 axis mills that do most machining. Molds and dies are crafted using Catia or SolidWorks with FEM add-ons to calculate stresses.

There may not be many young people versed in the art of buggy whip making, but it may just mean that that era is past.
The sad thing is it wasn't that long ago that I'd keep a kid around in the tool room. I'd find one with some basic power tool awareness and a little bit of math skills and spend some time grooming him. If they had trig they were a gem. Found some really good people that way. I can't really afford the money and don't have the time any more. I always enjoyed training them that way, my head tool guy is guru, teach em the right way right from the beginning. .

Times have changed.

A valuable machinist is one who knows MasterCam and can program the 5 axis mills that do most machining. Molds and dies are crafted using Catia or SolidWorks with FEM add-ons to calculate stresses.

There may not be many young people versed in the art of buggy whip making, but it may just mean that that era is past.
Not in my industry they're not. A 5 axis CNC is way overkill. By the time they finish programming my piece will be on its way to heat treat.
The kind of jobs that went to China were unskilled labor..

deanie, always happy to look stupid!!

Steve Jobs, Apple's late CEO, brought the issue up during an October 2010 meeting with President Obama. He called America's lackluster education system an obstacle for Apple, which needed 30,000 industrial engineers to support its on-site factory workers.

"You can't find that many in America to hire," Jobs told the president, according to his biographer, Walter Isaacson. "If you could educate these engineers, we could move more manufacturing plants here."

In a May interview with AllThingsD, Apple CEO Tim Cook said he agreed with Jobs' assessment.

"There has to be a fundamental change in the education system to bring back some of this [labor]," he said.
deanie, always happy to look stupid!!

Steve Jobs, Apple's late CEO, brought the issue up during an October 2010 meeting with President Obama. He called America's lackluster education system an obstacle for Apple, which needed 30,000 industrial engineers to support its on-site factory workers.

"You can't find that many in America to hire," Jobs told the president, according to his biographer, Walter Isaacson. "If you could educate these engineers, we could move more manufacturing plants here."

In a May interview with AllThingsD, Apple CEO Tim Cook said he agreed with Jobs' assessment.

"There has to be a fundamental change in the education system to bring back some of this [labor]," he said.

There is a reason that companies like Apple ALWAYS start in America, the creativity and innovation of America so far out ahead of everyone else that it is inevitable.

Now remember that Jobs was first and foremost a psychopath. Apple, or as they should be known, EvilCorp, demands absolute and unquestioning obedience. EvilCorp will not tolerate independent thought or any questioning of the rigid formula. Indian engineers are preferable to EvilCorp because they are obedient and ask no questions.

Americans have freedom, Apple and freedom don't mix. EvilCorp demands absolute obedience from all. Cook is no Steve Jobs, he isn't as evil, and not as brilliant. But remember that one of the main reasons that EvilCorp offshores production is simply to save a buck. The other is to have an enslaved workforce who will never question orders.
deanie, always happy to look stupid!!

Steve Jobs, Apple's late CEO, brought the issue up during an October 2010 meeting with President Obama. He called America's lackluster education system an obstacle for Apple, which needed 30,000 industrial engineers to support its on-site factory workers.

"You can't find that many in America to hire," Jobs told the president, according to his biographer, Walter Isaacson. "If you could educate these engineers, we could move more manufacturing plants here."

In a May interview with AllThingsD, Apple CEO Tim Cook said he agreed with Jobs' assessment.

"There has to be a fundamental change in the education system to bring back some of this [labor]," he said.

There is a reason that companies like Apple ALWAYS start in America, the creativity and innovation of America so far out ahead of everyone else that it is inevitable.

Now remember that Jobs was first and foremost a psychopath. Apple, or as they should be known, EvilCorp, demands absolute and unquestioning obedience. EvilCorp will not tolerate independent thought or any questioning of the rigid formula. Indian engineers are preferable to EvilCorp because they are obedient and ask no questions.

Americans have freedom, Apple and freedom don't mix. EvilCorp demands absolute obedience from all. Cook is no Steve Jobs, he isn't as evil, and not as brilliant. But remember that one of the main reasons that EvilCorp offshores production is simply to save a buck. The other is to have an enslaved workforce who will never question orders.

Apple off-shores the manufacturing, NOT the R&D and software development.
Now remember that Jobs was first and foremost a psychopath.

First and foremost he created about the biggest business enterprise in human history and didn't give a damn about being vilified as a fat cat 1%'er.

In any case Tim Cook agreed with him and he's a nice gay guy,
About lack of engineers in USA. In his book, I think, there was the story about what would happen in the USA if Apple needed 5000 engineers on a Sunday morning to adjust iphone production lines that were making million of Iphones for people standing in lines to buy them all over the world. The engineers would be instantly available in China, but not in America. Part of it is just scale. Don't forget they have 8 cities that are far bigger than NYC and Americans have never heard of them.
As Overseas Costs Rise, More U.S. Companies Are 'Reshoring'

Why does this kind of good news upset Republicans?

it does not. If you have evidence that it does present it or admit to being a goof liar liberal
As Overseas Costs Rise, More U.S. Companies Are 'Reshoring'

Why does this kind of good news upset Republicans?

it does not. If you have evidence that it does present it or admit to being a goof liar liberal
It upset you. Republicans want America to fail so they can blame it on Obama. It's so obvious, it can't be denied.
As Overseas Costs Rise, More U.S. Companies Are 'Reshoring'

Why does this kind of good news upset Republicans?

it does not. If you have evidence that it does present it or admit to being a goof liar liberal
As Overseas Costs Rise, More U.S. Companies Are 'Reshoring'

Why does this kind of good news upset Republicans?

it does not. If you have evidence that it does present it or admit to being a goof liar liberal
It upset you. Republicans want America to fail so they can blame it on Obama. It's so obvious, it can't be denied.

dear, Republicans want Obama's socialism to fail in an obvious way just as it failed in Red China East Germany Cuba etc. Do you have the IQ to understand/
Republicans put policies in place to screw over America and the Middle Class.

actually it was liberals who invited in 20 million illegals to take our jobs and liberals who impose the highest tax in the world on our corporations that force them and another 20 million jobs offshore. And, it was liberals who declared war on the the American family and schools so that most Americans are no longer fit for middle class jobs!!
How could that be? It's the GOP masters that own the companies.

deanie, always happy to look stupid!!

Steve Jobs, Apple's late CEO, brought the issue up during an October 2010 meeting with President Obama. He called America's lackluster education system an obstacle for Apple, which needed 30,000 industrial engineers to support its on-site factory workers.

"You can't find that many in America to hire," Jobs told the president, according to his biographer, Walter Isaacson. "If you could educate these engineers, we could move more manufacturing plants here."

In a May interview with AllThingsD, Apple CEO Tim Cook said he agreed with Jobs' assessment.

"There has to be a fundamental change in the education system to bring back some of this [labor]," he said.

There is a reason that companies like Apple ALWAYS start in America, the creativity and innovation of America so far out ahead of everyone else that it is inevitable.

Now remember that Jobs was first and foremost a psychopath. Apple, or as they should be known, EvilCorp, demands absolute and unquestioning obedience. EvilCorp will not tolerate independent thought or any questioning of the rigid formula. Indian engineers are preferable to EvilCorp because they are obedient and ask no questions.

Americans have freedom, Apple and freedom don't mix. EvilCorp demands absolute obedience from all. Cook is no Steve Jobs, he isn't as evil, and not as brilliant. But remember that one of the main reasons that EvilCorp offshores production is simply to save a buck. The other is to have an enslaved workforce who will never question orders.

Apple off-shores the manufacturing, NOT the R&D and software development.
Thank you.
As Overseas Costs Rise, More U.S. Companies Are 'Reshoring'

Why does this kind of good news upset Republicans?

it does not. If you have evidence that it does present it or admit to being a goof liar liberal
You know what Dum Dum? You could do a Google search: America's business reshoring
or, oh what the hell. Here, let me do it for you:


And you can pick your own source.

for 4th time: If you have evidence that it does present it or admit to being a goof liar liberal
How could that be? It's the GOP masters that own the companies.



Ms John (Heinz) Kerry owns one of the first American factories to outsource overseas after Bill Clinton signed the Free Trade Acts as president maybe you should talk to their Democratic Masters.



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