Remember, in 2016, when ALL OF THE LEFT claimed that if Trump won the economy would collapse?

Nutbags and their head weirdo, Trump, convinced themselves that a strong and growing economy was HORRIBLE AND DYING in the lead up to the 2016 election.

The economy has continued the pace that it was on when Trump took office.

Why would this ensure a Trump victory?
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Paul Krugman, the absolute GURU of the Left, predicted that the stock market would collapse immediately if Trump were to win the election.

The DOW took off on that Wednesday, and remains at record levels, breaking new records periodically.

My personal 401k has increased by several hundred thousand dollars since Trump was elected.

Just a coincidence, I'm sure. But if it looks like one of the Clown Car folks is going to win in November, I'm cashing out and putting cash under the mattress.
If your 401k increased the same as the market under Trump, it increased 34%. If your 401k increased the same as the market under Obama, it increased 60%. If it decreased the same as the market under Bush, it decreased 23%.
I remember when Reagan was elected, I was playing in a Gospel band and we opened for a traveling evangelist at a black church in Omaha, Nebraska. He said Reagan was the antichrist because his name Ronald Wilson Reagan had 6 letters in his first, middle and last name. He was serious.

My mother is still convinced that Obama is the anti-christ.
Naw, Obungo is just one of many demoncrats.
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Pepperidge Farm remembers!
The market was 26,500 in Jan 2018. There hasn’t been much for gains since trump policy took effect. And could drop like a rock any day.
Plus Trump is stimulating growth through tax cuts that are adding to the debt like no time in history. We are mortgaging the future for artificially stimulated gains to day.
Tax cuts do not increase debt. SPENDING DOES

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