Remember Khaybar!


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Interesting bit of history.

Thursday, July 24, 2014
Remember Khaybar!

Muslim rallies against Israel often include the chant, "Khaybar, Khaybar, Ya Yahud! Jaish Muhammad Sa Ya'ud!" ("Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews! The Army of Muhammad Will Return!"). Interestingly, Muhammad was poisoned at Khaybar, and he eventually died from the effects of the poison. Should Muslims be telling Jews to remember the battle that got their prophet killed?

Continue reading at:

Answering Muslims: Remember Khaybar!
I believe that the Arabs are at the melting point of their ancient regime and ideology. No way can they or the religion exist without a reformation to make them more moderate to exist in the modern world. Humans need to stop this BS so we as a planet of humans can propel themselves into the future which benefits all of the humans..and end subjugation and forced religions.
Interesting bit of history.

Thursday, July 24, 2014
Remember Khaybar!

Muslim rallies against Israel often include the chant, "Khaybar, Khaybar, Ya Yahud! Jaish Muhammad Sa Ya'ud!" ("Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews! The Army of Muhammad Will Return!"). Interestingly, Muhammad was poisoned at Khaybar, and he eventually died from the effects of the poison. Should Muslims be telling Jews to remember the battle that got their prophet killed?

Continue reading at:

Answering Muslims: Remember Khaybar!

Sally----all nations have their "HIGH POINTS" ----their notable
accomplishments by which they define themselves. I learned how
muslims define themselves----from muslims----casual albeit talkative
acquaintainces ----in my youth. Kids from age 3 to 39 say what they "know"---
based on that with which they have been inculcated from infancy
The real biggie for muslims is CONQUEST which is actually represents
the favor of their "god". The culmination of the CONQUEST BY DIVINE
WILL ----is----sit tight----****THE CALIPHATE**** We live in times
exciting for the 'ummah' Arab culture way back in the time of the big mo--
included an issue of inherited rights----something like class (noble family lines)
Mo was fascinated by Judaism-----what choices did he have? there was
some Arabian polytheistic thing, Christianity, Judaism and Zoroastrianism.
Christianity did not fit the warring tribal thing he liked----that "turn the cheek"
is UTTERLY DESPISED by muslims (don't let anyone tell you differently----I have
seen dozens of them SNEER at the concept---those sneers do not come out of
thin air) Lots of Judaism bothers them too as clearly demonstrated in the Koran---
generally they cannot tolerate the Pharisee general ban on mutilation and virtual ban
on execution--two modes very important to them "culturally" ----but they really go
for the sorta big list of concrete LAWS -----Big mo was so fascinated that he paid
for some expert to concoct a lineage for himself linking him to ----ABRAHAM---thus
declaring himself a kind of KING OF THE JEWS-------we have been having problems
ever since

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