Remember "kill a cop"?

Here's that "group" of people we are all suppose to FEEL SORRY for

BREAKING: Protesters Ignore Mayor De Blasio & Families of Slain Officers & March on 5th Avenue

ALL of it here:
BREAKING Protesters Ignore Mayor De Blasio Families of Slain Officers March on 5th Avenue The Gateway Pundit

Dingbat is using one of the so-called News sources that posted the fraudulent video to begin with. LOL!

And by the way, to the OP, this was really bad for the affiliate that did this, but, I think you're getting this local story confused with this national story:

You obviously did not read ALL of the OP. Gotcha.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I already have investigated the story from the other thread about this same topic.

What I'm saying is, this story here was a local affiliate story that was not seen by a national audience, and I think you're confusing the story with the much bigger national story.
Reuters interviewed 25 African American male officers on the NYPD, 15 of whom are retired and 10 of whom are still serving. All but one said that, when off duty and out of uniform, they had been victims of racial profiling, which refers to using race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone of having committed a crime.
The officers said this included being pulled over for no reason, having their heads slammed against their cars, getting guns brandished in their faces, being thrown into prison vans and experiencing stop and frisks while shopping. The majority of the officers said they had been pulled over multiple times while driving. Five had had guns pulled on them.

Off duty black cops in New York feel threat from fellow police
I'm shocked. I've never heard 100,000 ignorant black parasites yell "off the pig" before. Are you sure these upstanding black urban citizens, 76% of whom are convicted of a violent felony before their 28th birthday, 52% of whom are totally illiterate, are saying things derogatory of police officers? Are you sure about that? Well I've never!
I'm shocked. I've never heard 100,000 ignorant black parasites yell "off the pig" before. Are you sure these upstanding black urban citizens, 76% of whom are convicted of a violent felony before their 28th birthday, 52% of whom are totally illiterate, are saying things derogatory of police officers? Are you sure about that? Well I've never!

If this is accurate, shame on WB45 and shame on news outlets who failed to vet.
Either way, it doesn't change the fact that we had demonstrations calling for dead cops while obama, Sharpton, holder and all of their segregationist racist ilk have fomented this new batch of racism and violence.

Us liberals have always said the rich use wedge issues like god, gays, guns and racism to divide the masses. If they didn't use wedge issues like this the rich would never win another election ever.

They got poor people voting gop over abortion. They got people denying global warming. They got poor people who are ready to put another Bush back into office.

And then there are the people who think it doesn't matter so they don't vote. They should be kicked out of the country. Ignorant fucks.
And by the way, to the OP, this was really bad for the affiliate that did this, but, I think you're getting this local story confused with this national story:

You obviously did not read ALL of the OP. Gotcha.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I already have investigated the story from the other thread about this same topic.

What I'm saying is, this story here was a local affiliate story that was not seen by a national audience, and I think you're confusing the story with the much bigger national story.

No. You are wrong.

I even wrote that this is the local story that triggered the national story to begin with.

Pay attention.
At this point I dont care. If it strengthened opposition to Sharptons gangsters. be it.
Of course you don't care. Fascists don't care when lies are exposed as long as the damage is already done.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Blah blah. Whatever. Working class America has grown tired of the cry babies and criminals who prey on good citizens. We dont care anymore.

Go protest something. Go get shot. Go...well...whatever. We dont care. If Fox twists a story to further hurt the cause of American cop haters....I say GOOD.

My brother and I are usually liberal about black issues but I said it and he agreed, enough is enough. Why are black people protesting for people who act badly when they are around our police officers? Do they not understand what freeze or hands behind your back mean? Then they're going to continue to get billy clubbed in the heads.

Police have a tough job. Blacks choose to fight back when being arrested. I was arrested twice. I put my hands behind my back when the cops said to. PERIOD.
I hafta say, I'm impressed. We all know that fascist, rabid, racist RWs are dumber than normal people but here we see them actually admitting it.

Proves that they really are willfully ignorant because it serves their fascist, racist agenda.
Fascinating, isn't it.

The deeper issue is that the asswipes at Fox are destroying all vestiges of journalism.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Murdoch talks about his plan in the documentary Orson Rolls In His Grave.

He instructs his staff to lie but to also use the phrase, "fair and balanced" over and over again. Beck played a similar trick with his 'don't trust me, look it up for yourself' and the gullible fell for it.

Murdoch's Muslim, Arab partner, who controls what fux watchers see, has also told their employees to lie.

Those, like DigitalDrifter who say this is a local practice are lying to themselves and have not read the links posted or bothered to do any research themselves.

RWs - you don't have to give up your source for hate news but why not demand that they tell you the truth? Why are you so afraid of TRUTH?

I'm shocked. I've never heard 100,000 ignorant black parasites yell "off the pig" before. Are you sure these upstanding black urban citizens, 76% of whom are convicted of a violent felony before their 28th birthday, 52% of whom are totally illiterate, are saying things derogatory of police officers? Are you sure about that? Well I've never!

Sure does bring out the racist in you, what?

Now, got a video showing black people saying "off the pig"? I assume you mean "off" in terms of killing someone.

Also, since you seem to like to quote statistics, got a linky-dinky?

Prolly not....

And ladies and gentlemen, yet another RWNJ who cannot stay on topic and cannot even comment on the actual OP, but instead, goes off on a racist tirade and then wonders butthurtedly why his party gets it's ass handed to itself in presidential election cycles.

If this is accurate, shame on WB45 and shame on news outlets who failed to vet.
Either way, it doesn't change the fact that we had demonstrations calling for dead cops while obama, Sharpton, holder and all of their segregationist racist ilk have fomented this new batch of racism and violence.

Us liberals have always said the rich use wedge issues like god, gays, guns and racism to divide the masses. If they didn't use wedge issues like this the rich would never win another election ever.

They got poor people voting gop over abortion. They got people denying global warming. They got poor people who are ready to put another Bush back into office.

And then there are the people who think it doesn't matter so they don't vote. They should be kicked out of the country. Ignorant fucks.

I love it when RWNJs who proclaim to love liberty and all that jazz actually embrace fascism when they get a wild hair up their asses. Of course, fascism kills liberty, but shhhhhhhh, don't tell that to RWNJs!
If this is accurate, shame on WB45 and shame on news outlets who failed to vet.
Either way, it doesn't change the fact that we had demonstrations calling for dead cops while obama, Sharpton, holder and all of their segregationist racist ilk have fomented this new batch of racism and violence.
WB45 has already issued an apology, but the damage is done. It is THIS report that sparked the Fox national report. Fox cannot be trusted. This is about as low as one can go in journalism.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
So I assume you do not trust CBS or NBC as they doctored tapes too? Or is that different?
And by the way, to the OP, this was really bad for the affiliate that did this, but, I think you're getting this local story confused with this national story:

You obviously did not read ALL of the OP. Gotcha.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I already have investigated the story from the other thread about this same topic.

What I'm saying is, this story here was a local affiliate story that was not seen by a national audience, and I think you're confusing the story with the much bigger national story.

No. You are wrong.

I even wrote that this is the local story that triggered the national story to begin with.

Pay attention.

I'm paying attention, that's the whole point, and when you named the thread title "Remember "kill a cop"? it tells me that you think this was a well known story. The story that is well known is the videos of the "What do we want ? Dead cops ! When do we want it ? Now ! I

Since you're asking "Remember kill a cop" ? And we don't unless we live in Baltiomore, I think you've gotten the stories mixed up.

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