Remember "kill a cop"?

as usual, they'll take the side of criminals instead of the citizens these protesting are INTRUDING ON
As usual, you'll ignore a blatant lie used to demonize a group of people that said no such thing....

If it helps the good guys win...I dont care.

We needed propaganda to defeat Germany and Japan also.

Domestic and islamic radicals are this generations nazis.


Trust me, the good guys really don't want your type of service.
I hafta say, I'm impressed. We all know that fascist, rabid, racist RWs are dumber than normal people but here we see them actually admitting it.

Proves that they really are willfully ignorant because it serves their fascist, racist agenda.
Fascinating, isn't it.

The deeper issue is that the asswipes at Fox are destroying all vestiges of journalism.

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You ever see the Op and the left whining over the slandering of the Tea Party?

hell no. they're outrage is "selective"
as usual, they'll take the side of criminals instead of the citizens these protesting are INTRUDING ON
As usual, you'll ignore a blatant lie used to demonize a group of people that said no such thing....

If it helps the good guys win...I dont care.

We needed propaganda to defeat Germany and Japan also.

Domestic and islamic radicals are this generations nazis.
Whatever serves the cause, eh, comrade?

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Sorry, Stat, the Fox report was accurate. You try to mesh the death of cops with your disdain of a news channel. Give it a rest man.

And yet another dummy who holds tight to the lies - even after it has been proven that he is wrong.

How did the rabid right get to be so damn dumb?

And why do they insist on staying dumb?
as usual, they'll take the side of criminals instead of the citizens these protesting are INTRUDING ON
As usual, you'll ignore a blatant lie used to demonize a group of people that said no such thing....

If it helps the good guys win...I dont care.

We needed propaganda to defeat Germany and Japan also.

Domestic and islamic radicals are this generations nazis.
Whatever serves the cause, eh, comrade?

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I believe that's a huge part of this.

Look at which posters are okay with being made asses of by fox -- a fat, lazy kid who won't work for a living. An old broad who gets govt assistance. Every one of them is a failure in their own lives. They desperately need to belong to something important, something bigger than themselves.

These lies let them cling together and pretend to have a Just Cause.

Honestly, I used to feel a little sorry for them but now - just contempt and disdain.
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Assholes like the op had no problem with burning down over a hundred businesses either. You're a idiot and a major asshole.
You seem angry. Racists usually are when they get duped.

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Why shouldn't I be coward? You support desruction, I support the truth. How am I getting duped??? You're the one that doesn't believe in self defense or how to respect peoples property.

You're an uncivilized savage.
Yes, you are indeed angry. And now you are spouting nonsense. Is there not even one single Rightie here who can actually debate without frothing at the mouth?

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I won't support any "news" outlet that deliberately edits the "news" in order to distort it and slant it. To whatever extent the story in the OP is accurate, that's a disgrace.

That said, it's not as though the race-baiting race peddlers and their tawdry progeny have not called for killing cops. There are many examples of such shit readily available with no distortion or editing involved.
Feel free to provide them.

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Notice too that no liberals are calling for fux to be off the air. Unlike the rabid RWs wanting Sharpton to be fired for calling for peace, all the libs have said is that they want fux to tell the truth.
At this point I dont care. If it strengthened opposition to Sharptons gangsters. be it.
Of course you don't care. Fascists don't care when lies are exposed as long as the damage is already done.

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Blah blah. Whatever. Working class America has grown tired of the cry babies and criminals who prey on good citizens. We dont care anymore.

Go protest something. Go get shot. Go...well...whatever. We dont care. If Fox twists a story to further hurt the cause of American cop haters....I say GOOD.

So working class America wants to go back to republican economies like the one bush stuck us with? Sure, non thinking working class Americans maybe. I wonder how many cops know that republicans want to do away with their unions? Hmmm?.... as Rush would say>
There's already a thread on this.
Oh, my, the sky is falling!

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That thread was moved from Current Events to Media.
And, is that important to you? This IS a current event.

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Yes, and we already had a thread going on this in current events, but the mods moved it.
And by the way, to the OP, this was really bad for the affiliate that did this, but, I think you're getting this local story confused with this national story:

There's already a thread on this.
Oh, my, the sky is falling!

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That thread was moved from Current Events to Media.
And, is that important to you? This IS a current event.

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Yes, and we already had a thread going on this in current events, but the mods moved it.
And how many threads did Righties open over Michael Brown? 20? 30? Puhleeze. ..

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