Remember "kill a cop"?

I agree. I've actually brought that up as an example of how things are not equal for black people in America. But black people need to realize that aint going to change until black culture shows it has respect for itself and for the law. Right now you are defending citizens who fight our cops and that simply has to stop.

I would guess that the number of black men who resist getting killed is very low. I bet most of the time the cops get bumps and bruises trying to apprehend the criminal. I would suggest that the corporate owned media is blowing these incidences out of proportion in order to divide us. Because NO ONE is in favor of out of control cops. In every one of these cases, except for Ferguson, the cops should be fired and the families of the victims should be awarded millions in civil court. But we can not imprison police who we ask to deal with the lowest common denominators in our society. A fat guy in NY illegally hanging out on the corner selling lose cigarettes. Didn't Rudy Gulianni clean up NY of that a long time ago? We all know it wasn't pretty how he cleaned NY up. He ran the rats out. Now with a new mayor the rats are back and the cops told him to put his hands behind his back. The kid in Cleveland was waving a gun around. It didn't look like a toy. The 911 operator should be fired on that one and that family should win in civil court but the cop made a judgment call. The reason he should be fired and the city should have to pay is that cop wasn't stable. He should have been fired a long time ago.

Anyways, these are isolated incidences. Us whites are sick of "you people" arguing and disrespecting the cops and then complaining that they were picking on you. Enough is enough. Teach your kids how to respect and obey the law. This same thing can/could and probably does happen to white people who disrespect the law.

And I'm sorry that we/they treat whites in the burbs differently than they do blacks in the hood. If 100 blacks are brandishing guns you can probably bet a riot is occurring. That stand off with Clive Bundy was a great example of how things are not fair or equal in America for blacks I will give you that. But there are reasons for that. If black people were a peaceful culture in general the cops might not be so scared patrolling your neighborhoods.

Remember, I agree with you on what's wrong with America. Do you agree with me with what's wrong with black America? The city of Detroit is a great example. More dangerous than Afganistan. What can blacks do to change this? Start more black owned and run business'? Stop having kids before you are ready? Better parenting? Less eubonics and glorifying gangstas and more math and science? Start ratting on the criminals in your neighborhoods? They have anonymous hotlines now.

I'll give you a great example. The schools in Detroit suck. As a young black woman, I would make sure I didn't have a baby until I had a job that could support a child. I would also not have a baby until I was married to a man who could also support a child. And when I had a kid I would make sure they focus on education and not let them hang out with thugs. This alone would solve the problem we have in our black inner cities.
Maybe if we used the "Affluenza defense " in reverse on "those people" it might make a difference....The "disaffluenza defense"..

How about instead you take some of my recommendations.

a. Teach your young women to stop having babies before marriage.
b. Stop having kids you can't afford too. And raise them better.
c. Start yes sir'ing and no sir'ing the cops. Teach your kids how to do this and watch the problem go away. And notice every case involves a black person fighting back. Not saying they should get killed for fighting back. I'm saying they should stop fighting back.

Do we need to wait another 50 years to see black inner cities are still producing a disproportionately high number of violent and uneducated citizens?

Has Detroit made progress in the last 40 years? Any progress? Things are certainly better for black people than they were 40 years ago but are black people getting any better?

We all know that things aren't fair for black people. What we want you to do is say, "instead of waiting for whitey to change, maybe we will take it upon ourselves and change first and then they will be forced to give us respect".

Same way MLK won in the south. Did blacks take guns down to the bus riots and fight back that way? No. They proved and acted like they were better than the whites. They were better than the whites down south imo. They went into restaurants and were peaceful and respectful. It worked. But what blacks since then are doing is trying the Malcomb X way and it isn't working. I get why the Malcomb way was necessary in the Civil Rights movement but now I'm telling you that the MLK way is the best way to clean up your ghettos. The militant/thug/n*#r way is not the way.
The ghettos are ours not theirs ...we own those ghettos .....Nice Pontious Pilate Move [PPM]

Malcom X warned blacks if they went the MLK way, it'd just be blacks buying white goods and services. He preached that blacks should start their own business' and be self sufficient and to not sit around and wait for whitey to save them. In this case I agree with Malcomb

Now that there is Racism at it's finest. Why not just segregate themselves off from the rest of the people in the country too they don't want to mix or buy from those whities.. If things are so bad in this country why don't they just LEAVE? Malcom X. just ugly as hell

Jews buy from Jews if they can. Greeks buy from Greeks if they can. Iranian Americans do business with their Iranian friends when they can. It would be ignorant to call blacks racists for doing this. Hell, look at how whites who own/run business' refuse to hire black people. We even had to implement affirmative action because of stupid racist bigoted assholes like you. And you want to cry foul if black people do it?

You remind me of the dumb whites who cry when blacks have black award shows. You say, "what would black people say if we had a white only award show?" See, a dummy like you doesn't get it that in the past or even today the academy awards might as well be a whites only award show. Sure they'll give an occasional Haley Berry or Denzel an award but they overlook so many other talented black people.

Anyways, not the point I came here to make. Yesterday they were interviewing a black judge from the City of Detroit. I agreed with him 100%. He said the cops need to be better, but young black men need to learn how to communicate with the cops. He said, "too many young black men are challenging our police officers and being disrespectful and they have to stop doing that.". He even said, "they might not live to tell their side of the story".

That was all I was saying. Black people need to stop being angry with the cops. No you should not be shot for resisting arrest. BUT, you should also stop resisting arrest.

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