Remember "kill a cop"?

Remember the rally in Washington, D.C, where Al Sharpton was present, and RWNJ racists in USMB went all apeshit crazy over a FOX segment that claimed that the protesters were saying "kill a cop"?

Well, we now know it was a lie. It was deceptive editing of the most perfide kind possible. A local FOX affiliate (Baltimore 45) did it.

Unfortunately for FOX, CSPAN recorded the entire thing as well:

THAT is what was chanted:

“We won’t stop. We can’t stop. Until the killer cops. Are in cell blocks.”

But FOX 45 reported:

"We won't stop, we won't stop, so kill a cop".

But as you can see, that was a lie. In fact, FOX took it's video from CSPAN and did a voiceover of the chant - the one that never existed in this form, and then, they also edited that woman's words, likely with a program like Audacity or the like.

Go listen to and watch BOTH broadcasts. Remember, both are of the very same woman, same time-frame.

So, this is yellow journalism at it's best and criminal activity at it's worst.

But wait, the Right wants to blame the cop killer from NY on the rally people and on Al Sharpton and on Mayor DeBlasio. But who actually created this chant that never existed?


FOX NEWS, for it's deliberate lie, is FAR more guilty of settting a chain of events in action that possibly led to the murder of those two white cops than anything those protesters or Al Sharpton said. And I am personally no friend of Al Sharpton at all, but on this one, he's not the culprit. FOX NEWS is.

When the fucked up RWNJs of USMB all went ballistic on MANY threads about this, I warned at least twice that the garbled video from FOX could have been tampered with. And now, we know, it was. Just as I suspected. There were other video segments also shown, from high above, and the chanting was also deliberately muffled. That's what happens when you edit something and the use DOLBY NR to smooth over the rought edges.

So, racists, go fuck yourselves. Once again, you have been outwitted by the facts. At the end of the day, the facts always win. It may take a while to get there, but they do win out.

Derideo_Te Mertex LoneLaugher Carla_Danger Wolfsister77 Pogo - just to name some people who might be interested in lambasting the Right for it's deliberate lies.

No, I don't remember that video/chant. I remember the one where protesters were saying, "What do we want?? Dead cops!! When do we want them?? Now!!" Was that one a voiceover??

Who said that? Who was leading that chant? Did anyone stop the chant? Have you seen any video of that chant from a distance close enough to see the face and lips of anyone saying the words "dead cops"? How many people actually said those words?
Remember the rally in Washington, D.C, where Al Sharpton was present, and RWNJ racists in USMB went all apeshit crazy over a FOX segment that claimed that the protesters were saying "kill a cop"?

Well, we now know it was a lie. It was deceptive editing of the most perfide kind possible. A local FOX affiliate (Baltimore 45) did it.

Unfortunately for FOX, CSPAN recorded the entire thing as well:

THAT is what was chanted:

“We won’t stop. We can’t stop. Until the killer cops. Are in cell blocks.”

But FOX 45 reported:

"We won't stop, we won't stop, so kill a cop".

But as you can see, that was a lie. In fact, FOX took it's video from CSPAN and did a voiceover of the chant - the one that never existed in this form, and then, they also edited that woman's words, likely with a program like Audacity or the like.

Go listen to and watch BOTH broadcasts. Remember, both are of the very same woman, same time-frame.

So, this is yellow journalism at it's best and criminal activity at it's worst.

But wait, the Right wants to blame the cop killer from NY on the rally people and on Al Sharpton and on Mayor DeBlasio. But who actually created this chant that never existed?


FOX NEWS, for it's deliberate lie, is FAR more guilty of settting a chain of events in action that possibly led to the murder of those two white cops than anything those protesters or Al Sharpton said. And I am personally no friend of Al Sharpton at all, but on this one, he's not the culprit. FOX NEWS is.

When the fucked up RWNJs of USMB all went ballistic on MANY threads about this, I warned at least twice that the garbled video from FOX could have been tampered with. And now, we know, it was. Just as I suspected. There were other video segments also shown, from high above, and the chanting was also deliberately muffled. That's what happens when you edit something and the use DOLBY NR to smooth over the rought edges.

So, racists, go fuck yourselves. Once again, you have been outwitted by the facts. At the end of the day, the facts always win. It may take a while to get there, but they do win out.

Derideo_Te Mertex LoneLaugher Carla_Danger Wolfsister77 Pogo - just to name some people who might be interested in lambasting the Right for it's deliberate lies.

No, I don't remember that video/chant. I remember the one where protesters were saying, "What do we want?? Dead cops!! When do we want them?? Now!!" Was that one a voiceover??

Who said that? Who was leading that chant? Did anyone stop the chant? Have you seen any video of that chant from a distance close enough to see the face and lips of anyone saying the words "dead cops"? How many people actually said those words?

Is that a yes or no??:lol:
None of the major news networks are trustworthy.

You have to use critical thinking skills in order to weigh things for yourselves.

In other words, don't automatically believe everything the news tells you.


On the face of it, I agree. There is no such thing as an unbiased source..

But at 18% truth, no network is as low down dishonest as Fox.
Can someone help me out here?

I've looked EVERYWHERE for a thread where liberals were denouncing MSNBC for this back in 2009

Unreal MSNBC edits clip of man with gun at Obama rally to support racism narrative Hot Air

But I just can't seem to find one.

And I mean this wasn't some podunk affiliate of a sister company either. This was MSNBC themselves.

Thanks for the help in finding this thread, which I am CERTAIN exists.
Don't think for a nano second that this thread does not exist....if Hot Air had it on their site then a thousand other right wing sites did too, so my best guess is there were at least 10 threads on this, give or take a few because maybe a couple of them got merged together....;)

USMB'rs would never miss the opportunity to start a thread on something like me, the threads on it, are there or were there before the transition to this new board...
Can someone help me out here?

I've looked EVERYWHERE for a thread where liberals were denouncing MSNBC for this back in 2009

Unreal MSNBC edits clip of man with gun at Obama rally to support racism narrative Hot Air

But I just can't seem to find one.

And I mean this wasn't some podunk affiliate of a sister company either. This was MSNBC themselves.

Thanks for the help in finding this thread, which I am CERTAIN exists.
Don't think for a nano second that this thread does not exist....if Hot Air had it on their site then a thousand other right wing sites did too, so my best guess is there were at least 10 threads on this, give or take a few because maybe a couple of them got merged together....;)

USMB'rs would never miss the opportunity to start a thread on something like me, the threads on it, are there or were there before the transition to this new board...

I agree, there MUST be at least one or ten threads on it somewhere on this board, what I'm looking for specifically is where any liberals bemoaned this bit of yellow journalism from MSNBC.
Only white people like Cliven Bundy should be allowed to defy court orders and aim weapons at Law enforcers if you are Black you do not have white privilege...

I agree. I've actually brought that up as an example of how things are not equal for black people in America. But black people need to realize that aint going to change until black culture shows it has respect for itself and for the law. Right now you are defending citizens who fight our cops and that simply has to stop.

I would guess that the number of black men who resist getting killed is very low. I bet most of the time the cops get bumps and bruises trying to apprehend the criminal. I would suggest that the corporate owned media is blowing these incidences out of proportion in order to divide us. Because NO ONE is in favor of out of control cops. In every one of these cases, except for Ferguson, the cops should be fired and the families of the victims should be awarded millions in civil court. But we can not imprison police who we ask to deal with the lowest common denominators in our society. A fat guy in NY illegally hanging out on the corner selling lose cigarettes. Didn't Rudy Gulianni clean up NY of that a long time ago? We all know it wasn't pretty how he cleaned NY up. He ran the rats out. Now with a new mayor the rats are back and the cops told him to put his hands behind his back. The kid in Cleveland was waving a gun around. It didn't look like a toy. The 911 operator should be fired on that one and that family should win in civil court but the cop made a judgment call. The reason he should be fired and the city should have to pay is that cop wasn't stable. He should have been fired a long time ago.

Anyways, these are isolated incidences. Us whites are sick of "you people" arguing and disrespecting the cops and then complaining that they were picking on you. Enough is enough. Teach your kids how to respect and obey the law. This same thing can/could and probably does happen to white people who disrespect the law.

And I'm sorry that we/they treat whites in the burbs differently than they do blacks in the hood. If 100 blacks are brandishing guns you can probably bet a riot is occurring. That stand off with Clive Bundy was a great example of how things are not fair or equal in America for blacks I will give you that. But there are reasons for that. If black people were a peaceful culture in general the cops might not be so scared patrolling your neighborhoods.

Remember, I agree with you on what's wrong with America. Do you agree with me with what's wrong with black America? The city of Detroit is a great example. More dangerous than Afganistan. What can blacks do to change this? Start more black owned and run business'? Stop having kids before you are ready? Better parenting? Less eubonics and glorifying gangstas and more math and science? Start ratting on the criminals in your neighborhoods? They have anonymous hotlines now.

I'll give you a great example. The schools in Detroit suck. As a young black woman, I would make sure I didn't have a baby until I had a job that could support a child. I would also not have a baby until I was married to a man who could also support a child. And when I had a kid I would make sure they focus on education and not let them hang out with thugs. This alone would solve the problem we have in our black inner cities.
Black people are not protesting for people who act badly around our police officers.

Black people, white people and brown people are protesting the fact that law enforcement officers are not being held accountable for their actions.

The punishment for resisting arrest is not death.

I feel you. But you guys have to realize that guy selling cigarettes in NYC was resisting arrest and had a heart attack because it took 4 guys to hold him down. I do think the cops need to be trained and those cops should lose their jobs and those families should get millions. But black people have to stop resisting arrest like that.

The Ferguson kid punched that cop in the face. I'd expect to get shot if I punched a cop in the face.

I know what you are saying and I agree but also you have to take a look at some of the men you are defending. Plus this "cops abuse blacks all the time" I think is a little over played. Maybe if these blacks didn't disrespect cops they wouldn't get a beat down? Teach your kids that. Be polite. Yes sir no sir officer. That's what we do in a civilized society.

These blacks? You mean these black people, right?

I'm defending unarmed men who get killed for offenses that are not punishable by death. I don't care who they are.

Police officers in affluent neighborhoods say yes sir and no sir to the citizens. Did you know that?
Yes, they are very cordial here in my predominantly black, $73k median household income suburb. They're even nicer over in predominantly black, $120K median annual income Mitchellville.

Lets be honest. I could be black or white, male or female, young or old. If you walk up to a cop and say, "excuse me officer....", that officer is not going to arrest or tazer you.

I have walked up to cops who were DICKS! I remember walking away saying, "man what a dick". I know and I admit that cops need to be better trained and maybe they shouldn't even be cops for more than 10 years.

But right or wrong, if a cop tells you to put your hands behind your back, what do you do? If the answer is anything other than PUT YOURHANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK then I am not going to argue for you.

That's off topic but -

I'm white. If I didn't put my hands behind my back, I would not be executed on the spot.

Back on topic - Are you okay with fux telling the truth only 18% of the time?

Who was "executed"? Do you mean the guy in NY? I've seen security guards take down a big man like that and I didn't like it how they were laying on him after they had him subdued either. And if that choke hold was illegal I would fire that cop and award that guys family millions but I would not put the cops in jail for doing their job. You try doing their job.

If you don't put your hands behind your back the cop will wrestle you and you might have a heart attack.

I didn't know Fox News told the truth that much. Do they count half truths? I'm a liberal. That's the thing. Us liberals see the black argument but we also see the cops side of this. You want to go into Detroit and deal with 911 calls? Then have someone put you in jail if you defend yourself?

I am not giving cops a free pass to kill once. I think they should screen and train cops better. They should probably fire half of the cops and probably not let people be cops for more than 20 years. They burn out. They should hire more black cops. The victims families on these incidences they have been highlighting should win in court.

But still, black society has way too much crime and is way too violent for us to start asking cops to be politically correct, not stereotype, etc. Do we ask security at airports not to profile? No we do not. If they see someone they think is "suspicious", they have the right to question them. Just say yes sir no sir when a police officer questions you. Don't punch them, tell them you know your rights, etc. Cops have power over us whether you like it or not. They are here to protect and serve US, not you as an individual. If you're being robbed they're here to protect you but not if you are the robber.

This is why a lot of liberal America isn't getting behind black people on this. They have to start acting/behaving better. Argue with a cop, put him on the defensive. Don't argue with him and the worst thing that is going to happen is you get arrested.

You people do realize the cops have the right to arrest you, right? You can fight it in court but you can't fight back with the cops. Then don't cry when resisting arrest goes on your record and you can't get a job because YOU HAVE A RECORD NOW dummies!!! What were you being arrested for? Prove it in court. Do you have warrants? Well then???
I have actually walked out my own back door, and had multiple police officers with guns panic, pointing guns at me, and shove me down in the snow and pat me down. Guns pointed at me. Here I am. I know, it's hard to believe. But I didn't resist, I didn't try to take their weapons away, Even now it's hard for me to believe it happened. My dog was barking, I just flipped on my patio light and walked outside to see why all those weird people were walking around in my back yard with flashlights. They never apologized, nothing, they just said "You should know better than to interfere with police"...To this day, I am so astounded at that stupid inane remark that cop made. But I still like cops.

Off topic again.

As blatantly racist as you, I think you're lying. But if you were black, you would have been shot.

Not necessarily. First of all, what were the cops doing in her backyard? Clearly they were looking for a criminal and they were on high alert/guard. I've run into cops like this before. They told me they were looking for someone that matched my description. I said OK officers, yes sir. I was scared. I wasn't happy with them for doing that to me. But they were on duty and god knows how you'd react or what you would do in that situation.

I've also had cops show up and not be fair with me, seemed to be dicks, bullies, intimidating, rude, scary. Yes some cops suck. But I give them all the same amount of respect. They can pretty much do whatever they want so the best thing is to just be respectful and as a good citizen, even helpful. But instead most black people when they crowd around a criminal getting arrested, most of the time they are yelling at the cops. Fuck that!
Only white people like Cliven Bundy should be allowed to defy court orders and aim weapons at Law enforcers if you are Black you do not have white privilege...

I agree. I've actually brought that up as an example of how things are not equal for black people in America. But black people need to realize that aint going to change until black culture shows it has respect for itself and for the law. Right now you are defending citizens who fight our cops and that simply has to stop.

I would guess that the number of black men who resist getting killed is very low. I bet most of the time the cops get bumps and bruises trying to apprehend the criminal. I would suggest that the corporate owned media is blowing these incidences out of proportion in order to divide us. Because NO ONE is in favor of out of control cops. In every one of these cases, except for Ferguson, the cops should be fired and the families of the victims should be awarded millions in civil court. But we can not imprison police who we ask to deal with the lowest common denominators in our society. A fat guy in NY illegally hanging out on the corner selling lose cigarettes. Didn't Rudy Gulianni clean up NY of that a long time ago? We all know it wasn't pretty how he cleaned NY up. He ran the rats out. Now with a new mayor the rats are back and the cops told him to put his hands behind his back. The kid in Cleveland was waving a gun around. It didn't look like a toy. The 911 operator should be fired on that one and that family should win in civil court but the cop made a judgment call. The reason he should be fired and the city should have to pay is that cop wasn't stable. He should have been fired a long time ago.

Anyways, these are isolated incidences. Us whites are sick of "you people" arguing and disrespecting the cops and then complaining that they were picking on you. Enough is enough. Teach your kids how to respect and obey the law. This same thing can/could and probably does happen to white people who disrespect the law.

And I'm sorry that we/they treat whites in the burbs differently than they do blacks in the hood. If 100 blacks are brandishing guns you can probably bet a riot is occurring. That stand off with Clive Bundy was a great example of how things are not fair or equal in America for blacks I will give you that. But there are reasons for that. If black people were a peaceful culture in general the cops might not be so scared patrolling your neighborhoods.

Remember, I agree with you on what's wrong with America. Do you agree with me with what's wrong with black America? The city of Detroit is a great example. More dangerous than Afganistan. What can blacks do to change this? Start more black owned and run business'? Stop having kids before you are ready? Better parenting? Less eubonics and glorifying gangstas and more math and science? Start ratting on the criminals in your neighborhoods? They have anonymous hotlines now.

I'll give you a great example. The schools in Detroit suck. As a young black woman, I would make sure I didn't have a baby until I had a job that could support a child. I would also not have a baby until I was married to a man who could also support a child. And when I had a kid I would make sure they focus on education and not let them hang out with thugs. This alone would solve the problem we have in our black inner cities.
Maybe if we used the "Affluenza defense " in reverse on "those people" it might make a difference....The "disaffluenza defense"..
Only white people like Cliven Bundy should be allowed to defy court orders and aim weapons at Law enforcers if you are Black you do not have white privilege...

I agree. I've actually brought that up as an example of how things are not equal for black people in America. But black people need to realize that aint going to change until black culture shows it has respect for itself and for the law. Right now you are defending citizens who fight our cops and that simply has to stop.

I would guess that the number of black men who resist getting killed is very low. I bet most of the time the cops get bumps and bruises trying to apprehend the criminal. I would suggest that the corporate owned media is blowing these incidences out of proportion in order to divide us. Because NO ONE is in favor of out of control cops. In every one of these cases, except for Ferguson, the cops should be fired and the families of the victims should be awarded millions in civil court. But we can not imprison police who we ask to deal with the lowest common denominators in our society. A fat guy in NY illegally hanging out on the corner selling lose cigarettes. Didn't Rudy Gulianni clean up NY of that a long time ago? We all know it wasn't pretty how he cleaned NY up. He ran the rats out. Now with a new mayor the rats are back and the cops told him to put his hands behind his back. The kid in Cleveland was waving a gun around. It didn't look like a toy. The 911 operator should be fired on that one and that family should win in civil court but the cop made a judgment call. The reason he should be fired and the city should have to pay is that cop wasn't stable. He should have been fired a long time ago.

Anyways, these are isolated incidences. Us whites are sick of "you people" arguing and disrespecting the cops and then complaining that they were picking on you. Enough is enough. Teach your kids how to respect and obey the law. This same thing can/could and probably does happen to white people who disrespect the law.

And I'm sorry that we/they treat whites in the burbs differently than they do blacks in the hood. If 100 blacks are brandishing guns you can probably bet a riot is occurring. That stand off with Clive Bundy was a great example of how things are not fair or equal in America for blacks I will give you that. But there are reasons for that. If black people were a peaceful culture in general the cops might not be so scared patrolling your neighborhoods.

Remember, I agree with you on what's wrong with America. Do you agree with me with what's wrong with black America? The city of Detroit is a great example. More dangerous than Afganistan. What can blacks do to change this? Start more black owned and run business'? Stop having kids before you are ready? Better parenting? Less eubonics and glorifying gangstas and more math and science? Start ratting on the criminals in your neighborhoods? They have anonymous hotlines now.

I'll give you a great example. The schools in Detroit suck. As a young black woman, I would make sure I didn't have a baby until I had a job that could support a child. I would also not have a baby until I was married to a man who could also support a child. And when I had a kid I would make sure they focus on education and not let them hang out with thugs. This alone would solve the problem we have in our black inner cities.
Maybe if we used the "Affluenza defense " in reverse on "those people" it might make a difference....The "disaffluenza defense"..

How about instead you take some of my recommendations.

a. Teach your young women to stop having babies before marriage.
b. Stop having kids you can't afford too. And raise them better.
c. Start yes sir'ing and no sir'ing the cops. Teach your kids how to do this and watch the problem go away. And notice every case involves a black person fighting back. Not saying they should get killed for fighting back. I'm saying they should stop fighting back.

Do we need to wait another 50 years to see black inner cities are still producing a disproportionately high number of violent and uneducated citizens?

Has Detroit made progress in the last 40 years? Any progress? Things are certainly better for black people than they were 40 years ago but are black people getting any better?

We all know that things aren't fair for black people. What we want you to do is say, "instead of waiting for whitey to change, maybe we will take it upon ourselves and change first and then they will be forced to give us respect".

Same way MLK won in the south. Did blacks take guns down to the bus riots and fight back that way? No. They proved and acted like they were better than the whites. They were better than the whites down south imo. They went into restaurants and were peaceful and respectful. It worked. But what blacks since then are doing is trying the Malcomb X way and it isn't working. I get why the Malcomb way was necessary in the Civil Rights movement but now I'm telling you that the MLK way is the best way to clean up your ghettos. The militant/thug/n*#r way is not the way.
Does anyone think instead of marching MLK should have encouraged blacks to be militant and to fight the cops? Does anyone think the civil rights movement would be better off if they rioted instead of peacefully protested?

I do think it was important for blacks to have a Malcom X type who made white society understand they weren't going to take it anymore. He demanded respect and to be heard. I get it there is a place and need for that. But black people need to teach their kids, instead of how to be more Malcomb to be more MLK. Stress education and marriage first. Break the cycle you know exists.
Only white people like Cliven Bundy should be allowed to defy court orders and aim weapons at Law enforcers if you are Black you do not have white privilege...

I agree. I've actually brought that up as an example of how things are not equal for black people in America. But black people need to realize that aint going to change until black culture shows it has respect for itself and for the law. Right now you are defending citizens who fight our cops and that simply has to stop.

I would guess that the number of black men who resist getting killed is very low. I bet most of the time the cops get bumps and bruises trying to apprehend the criminal. I would suggest that the corporate owned media is blowing these incidences out of proportion in order to divide us. Because NO ONE is in favor of out of control cops. In every one of these cases, except for Ferguson, the cops should be fired and the families of the victims should be awarded millions in civil court. But we can not imprison police who we ask to deal with the lowest common denominators in our society. A fat guy in NY illegally hanging out on the corner selling lose cigarettes. Didn't Rudy Gulianni clean up NY of that a long time ago? We all know it wasn't pretty how he cleaned NY up. He ran the rats out. Now with a new mayor the rats are back and the cops told him to put his hands behind his back. The kid in Cleveland was waving a gun around. It didn't look like a toy. The 911 operator should be fired on that one and that family should win in civil court but the cop made a judgment call. The reason he should be fired and the city should have to pay is that cop wasn't stable. He should have been fired a long time ago.

Anyways, these are isolated incidences. Us whites are sick of "you people" arguing and disrespecting the cops and then complaining that they were picking on you. Enough is enough. Teach your kids how to respect and obey the law. This same thing can/could and probably does happen to white people who disrespect the law.

And I'm sorry that we/they treat whites in the burbs differently than they do blacks in the hood. If 100 blacks are brandishing guns you can probably bet a riot is occurring. That stand off with Clive Bundy was a great example of how things are not fair or equal in America for blacks I will give you that. But there are reasons for that. If black people were a peaceful culture in general the cops might not be so scared patrolling your neighborhoods.

Remember, I agree with you on what's wrong with America. Do you agree with me with what's wrong with black America? The city of Detroit is a great example. More dangerous than Afganistan. What can blacks do to change this? Start more black owned and run business'? Stop having kids before you are ready? Better parenting? Less eubonics and glorifying gangstas and more math and science? Start ratting on the criminals in your neighborhoods? They have anonymous hotlines now.

I'll give you a great example. The schools in Detroit suck. As a young black woman, I would make sure I didn't have a baby until I had a job that could support a child. I would also not have a baby until I was married to a man who could also support a child. And when I had a kid I would make sure they focus on education and not let them hang out with thugs. This alone would solve the problem we have in our black inner cities.
Maybe if we used the "Affluenza defense " in reverse on "those people" it might make a difference....The "disaffluenza defense"..

How about instead you take some of my recommendations.

a. Teach your young women to stop having babies before marriage.
b. Stop having kids you can't afford too. And raise them better.
c. Start yes sir'ing and no sir'ing the cops. Teach your kids how to do this and watch the problem go away. And notice every case involves a black person fighting back. Not saying they should get killed for fighting back. I'm saying they should stop fighting back.

Do we need to wait another 50 years to see black inner cities are still producing a disproportionately high number of violent and uneducated citizens?

Has Detroit made progress in the last 40 years? Any progress? Things are certainly better for black people than they were 40 years ago but are black people getting any better?

We all know that things aren't fair for black people. What we want you to do is say, "instead of waiting for whitey to change, maybe we will take it upon ourselves and change first and then they will be forced to give us respect".

Same way MLK won in the south. Did blacks take guns down to the bus riots and fight back that way? No. They proved and acted like they were better than the whites. They were better than the whites down south imo. They went into restaurants and were peaceful and respectful. It worked. But what blacks since then are doing is trying the Malcomb X way and it isn't working. I get why the Malcomb way was necessary in the Civil Rights movement but now I'm telling you that the MLK way is the best way to clean up your ghettos. The militant/thug/n*#r way is not the way.
The ghettos are ours not theirs ...we own those ghettos .....Nice Pontious Pilate Move [PPM]
Only white people like Cliven Bundy should be allowed to defy court orders and aim weapons at Law enforcers if you are Black you do not have white privilege...

I agree. I've actually brought that up as an example of how things are not equal for black people in America. But black people need to realize that aint going to change until black culture shows it has respect for itself and for the law. Right now you are defending citizens who fight our cops and that simply has to stop.

I would guess that the number of black men who resist getting killed is very low. I bet most of the time the cops get bumps and bruises trying to apprehend the criminal. I would suggest that the corporate owned media is blowing these incidences out of proportion in order to divide us. Because NO ONE is in favor of out of control cops. In every one of these cases, except for Ferguson, the cops should be fired and the families of the victims should be awarded millions in civil court. But we can not imprison police who we ask to deal with the lowest common denominators in our society. A fat guy in NY illegally hanging out on the corner selling lose cigarettes. Didn't Rudy Gulianni clean up NY of that a long time ago? We all know it wasn't pretty how he cleaned NY up. He ran the rats out. Now with a new mayor the rats are back and the cops told him to put his hands behind his back. The kid in Cleveland was waving a gun around. It didn't look like a toy. The 911 operator should be fired on that one and that family should win in civil court but the cop made a judgment call. The reason he should be fired and the city should have to pay is that cop wasn't stable. He should have been fired a long time ago.

Anyways, these are isolated incidences. Us whites are sick of "you people" arguing and disrespecting the cops and then complaining that they were picking on you. Enough is enough. Teach your kids how to respect and obey the law. This same thing can/could and probably does happen to white people who disrespect the law.

And I'm sorry that we/they treat whites in the burbs differently than they do blacks in the hood. If 100 blacks are brandishing guns you can probably bet a riot is occurring. That stand off with Clive Bundy was a great example of how things are not fair or equal in America for blacks I will give you that. But there are reasons for that. If black people were a peaceful culture in general the cops might not be so scared patrolling your neighborhoods.

Remember, I agree with you on what's wrong with America. Do you agree with me with what's wrong with black America? The city of Detroit is a great example. More dangerous than Afganistan. What can blacks do to change this? Start more black owned and run business'? Stop having kids before you are ready? Better parenting? Less eubonics and glorifying gangstas and more math and science? Start ratting on the criminals in your neighborhoods? They have anonymous hotlines now.

I'll give you a great example. The schools in Detroit suck. As a young black woman, I would make sure I didn't have a baby until I had a job that could support a child. I would also not have a baby until I was married to a man who could also support a child. And when I had a kid I would make sure they focus on education and not let them hang out with thugs. This alone would solve the problem we have in our black inner cities.
Maybe if we used the "Affluenza defense " in reverse on "those people" it might make a difference....The "disaffluenza defense"..

How about instead you take some of my recommendations.

a. Teach your young women to stop having babies before marriage.
b. Stop having kids you can't afford too. And raise them better.
c. Start yes sir'ing and no sir'ing the cops. Teach your kids how to do this and watch the problem go away. And notice every case involves a black person fighting back. Not saying they should get killed for fighting back. I'm saying they should stop fighting back.

Do we need to wait another 50 years to see black inner cities are still producing a disproportionately high number of violent and uneducated citizens?

Has Detroit made progress in the last 40 years? Any progress? Things are certainly better for black people than they were 40 years ago but are black people getting any better?

We all know that things aren't fair for black people. What we want you to do is say, "instead of waiting for whitey to change, maybe we will take it upon ourselves and change first and then they will be forced to give us respect".

Same way MLK won in the south. Did blacks take guns down to the bus riots and fight back that way? No. They proved and acted like they were better than the whites. They were better than the whites down south imo. They went into restaurants and were peaceful and respectful. It worked. But what blacks since then are doing is trying the Malcomb X way and it isn't working. I get why the Malcomb way was necessary in the Civil Rights movement but now I'm telling you that the MLK way is the best way to clean up your ghettos. The militant/thug/n*#r way is not the way.
The ghettos are ours not theirs ...we own those ghettos .....Nice Pontious Pilate Move [PPM]

If I lived in one of those ghettos, and I did, I would not have a child until I was ready to have one. I'd make sure my daughter has an IUD if she's having sex. I bet you black middle class people who made it out of the hood would agree with me. Hell, I bet most people in the hood would agree. There needs to be less poor young black single people having kids. And black people in the hood who do have kids need to start doing a better job raising them.

Coming from a Greek American, you should see how we raise our children. Maybe black people should take a page out of our book. I don't know how they do it because I don't have kids but we are all raised to respect our elders, authority and even other people who are not our authorities. We don't want to hurt our parents so we don't have unplanned pregnancies, we don't do crime, we don't do drugs, we go to school, we don't hang out with bad kids. We listen to our parents and our parents care about us.

I know the vast majority of black people are good but we also have an epidemic in our black inner cities and if that is going to change, we can't wait or hope that whitey is going to do everything they should do in order to make things fair/right for black America. We even had a black president and the hoods are no better off. In fact Republican Governors defunded public schools so things might be even worse now than they were in the 1990's for black people. So what are they/you going to do about it?

We see the birth rate since the 2007 crash has gone way down. I hope poor black women are part of that. We all know Hispanics and muslims are having a lot of kids still. Not worried about the Muslims because they seem to have money and we don't have high crime in muslim communities. The Hispanics, although poor in America, seem to be coming here and raising their kids to want a better life. Maybe if we start having Hispanic Hoods with high crime and gangs then we'll start pointing fingers at them but until then our biggest problem is black crime.
Only white people like Cliven Bundy should be allowed to defy court orders and aim weapons at Law enforcers if you are Black you do not have white privilege...

I agree. I've actually brought that up as an example of how things are not equal for black people in America. But black people need to realize that aint going to change until black culture shows it has respect for itself and for the law. Right now you are defending citizens who fight our cops and that simply has to stop.

I would guess that the number of black men who resist getting killed is very low. I bet most of the time the cops get bumps and bruises trying to apprehend the criminal. I would suggest that the corporate owned media is blowing these incidences out of proportion in order to divide us. Because NO ONE is in favor of out of control cops. In every one of these cases, except for Ferguson, the cops should be fired and the families of the victims should be awarded millions in civil court. But we can not imprison police who we ask to deal with the lowest common denominators in our society. A fat guy in NY illegally hanging out on the corner selling lose cigarettes. Didn't Rudy Gulianni clean up NY of that a long time ago? We all know it wasn't pretty how he cleaned NY up. He ran the rats out. Now with a new mayor the rats are back and the cops told him to put his hands behind his back. The kid in Cleveland was waving a gun around. It didn't look like a toy. The 911 operator should be fired on that one and that family should win in civil court but the cop made a judgment call. The reason he should be fired and the city should have to pay is that cop wasn't stable. He should have been fired a long time ago.

Anyways, these are isolated incidences. Us whites are sick of "you people" arguing and disrespecting the cops and then complaining that they were picking on you. Enough is enough. Teach your kids how to respect and obey the law. This same thing can/could and probably does happen to white people who disrespect the law.

And I'm sorry that we/they treat whites in the burbs differently than they do blacks in the hood. If 100 blacks are brandishing guns you can probably bet a riot is occurring. That stand off with Clive Bundy was a great example of how things are not fair or equal in America for blacks I will give you that. But there are reasons for that. If black people were a peaceful culture in general the cops might not be so scared patrolling your neighborhoods.

Remember, I agree with you on what's wrong with America. Do you agree with me with what's wrong with black America? The city of Detroit is a great example. More dangerous than Afganistan. What can blacks do to change this? Start more black owned and run business'? Stop having kids before you are ready? Better parenting? Less eubonics and glorifying gangstas and more math and science? Start ratting on the criminals in your neighborhoods? They have anonymous hotlines now.

I'll give you a great example. The schools in Detroit suck. As a young black woman, I would make sure I didn't have a baby until I had a job that could support a child. I would also not have a baby until I was married to a man who could also support a child. And when I had a kid I would make sure they focus on education and not let them hang out with thugs. This alone would solve the problem we have in our black inner cities.
Maybe if we used the "Affluenza defense " in reverse on "those people" it might make a difference....The "disaffluenza defense"..

How about instead you take some of my recommendations.

a. Teach your young women to stop having babies before marriage.
b. Stop having kids you can't afford too. And raise them better.
c. Start yes sir'ing and no sir'ing the cops. Teach your kids how to do this and watch the problem go away. And notice every case involves a black person fighting back. Not saying they should get killed for fighting back. I'm saying they should stop fighting back.

Do we need to wait another 50 years to see black inner cities are still producing a disproportionately high number of violent and uneducated citizens?

Has Detroit made progress in the last 40 years? Any progress? Things are certainly better for black people than they were 40 years ago but are black people getting any better?

We all know that things aren't fair for black people. What we want you to do is say, "instead of waiting for whitey to change, maybe we will take it upon ourselves and change first and then they will be forced to give us respect".

Same way MLK won in the south. Did blacks take guns down to the bus riots and fight back that way? No. They proved and acted like they were better than the whites. They were better than the whites down south imo. They went into restaurants and were peaceful and respectful. It worked. But what blacks since then are doing is trying the Malcomb X way and it isn't working. I get why the Malcomb way was necessary in the Civil Rights movement but now I'm telling you that the MLK way is the best way to clean up your ghettos. The militant/thug/n*#r way is not the way.
The ghettos are ours not theirs ...we own those ghettos .....Nice Pontious Pilate Move [PPM]

Malcom X warned blacks if they went the MLK way, it'd just be blacks buying white goods and services. He preached that blacks should start their own business' and be self sufficient and to not sit around and wait for whitey to save them. In this case I agree with Malcomb
Communities.....white or black....can only fix themselves. The Great White Father (the liberal wet dream) cannot go into black communities and paternalistically tell them what to do. It doesn't has never worked.

The poster who said whites "own" black ghettos is clearly both ignorant and misinformed. In my city, almost all the "ghettos" are public housing projects. They are not owned by whites....they are owned by all of us.

Whatever solutions are needed in black communities must come from within those communities. It will involve people within those communities taking personal responsibility.

I know liberals hate it when anyone invokes personal responsibility.... particularly when bringing up issues of race....but that is the only solution.
Only white people like Cliven Bundy should be allowed to defy court orders and aim weapons at Law enforcers if you are Black you do not have white privilege...

I agree. I've actually brought that up as an example of how things are not equal for black people in America. But black people need to realize that aint going to change until black culture shows it has respect for itself and for the law. Right now you are defending citizens who fight our cops and that simply has to stop.

I would guess that the number of black men who resist getting killed is very low. I bet most of the time the cops get bumps and bruises trying to apprehend the criminal. I would suggest that the corporate owned media is blowing these incidences out of proportion in order to divide us. Because NO ONE is in favor of out of control cops. In every one of these cases, except for Ferguson, the cops should be fired and the families of the victims should be awarded millions in civil court. But we can not imprison police who we ask to deal with the lowest common denominators in our society. A fat guy in NY illegally hanging out on the corner selling lose cigarettes. Didn't Rudy Gulianni clean up NY of that a long time ago? We all know it wasn't pretty how he cleaned NY up. He ran the rats out. Now with a new mayor the rats are back and the cops told him to put his hands behind his back. The kid in Cleveland was waving a gun around. It didn't look like a toy. The 911 operator should be fired on that one and that family should win in civil court but the cop made a judgment call. The reason he should be fired and the city should have to pay is that cop wasn't stable. He should have been fired a long time ago.

Anyways, these are isolated incidences. Us whites are sick of "you people" arguing and disrespecting the cops and then complaining that they were picking on you. Enough is enough. Teach your kids how to respect and obey the law. This same thing can/could and probably does happen to white people who disrespect the law.

And I'm sorry that we/they treat whites in the burbs differently than they do blacks in the hood. If 100 blacks are brandishing guns you can probably bet a riot is occurring. That stand off with Clive Bundy was a great example of how things are not fair or equal in America for blacks I will give you that. But there are reasons for that. If black people were a peaceful culture in general the cops might not be so scared patrolling your neighborhoods.

Remember, I agree with you on what's wrong with America. Do you agree with me with what's wrong with black America? The city of Detroit is a great example. More dangerous than Afganistan. What can blacks do to change this? Start more black owned and run business'? Stop having kids before you are ready? Better parenting? Less eubonics and glorifying gangstas and more math and science? Start ratting on the criminals in your neighborhoods? They have anonymous hotlines now.

I'll give you a great example. The schools in Detroit suck. As a young black woman, I would make sure I didn't have a baby until I had a job that could support a child. I would also not have a baby until I was married to a man who could also support a child. And when I had a kid I would make sure they focus on education and not let them hang out with thugs. This alone would solve the problem we have in our black inner cities.
Maybe if we used the "Affluenza defense " in reverse on "those people" it might make a difference....The "disaffluenza defense"..

How about instead you take some of my recommendations.

a. Teach your young women to stop having babies before marriage.
b. Stop having kids you can't afford too. And raise them better.
c. Start yes sir'ing and no sir'ing the cops. Teach your kids how to do this and watch the problem go away. And notice every case involves a black person fighting back. Not saying they should get killed for fighting back. I'm saying they should stop fighting back.

Do we need to wait another 50 years to see black inner cities are still producing a disproportionately high number of violent and uneducated citizens?

Has Detroit made progress in the last 40 years? Any progress? Things are certainly better for black people than they were 40 years ago but are black people getting any better?

We all know that things aren't fair for black people. What we want you to do is say, "instead of waiting for whitey to change, maybe we will take it upon ourselves and change first and then they will be forced to give us respect".

Same way MLK won in the south. Did blacks take guns down to the bus riots and fight back that way? No. They proved and acted like they were better than the whites. They were better than the whites down south imo. They went into restaurants and were peaceful and respectful. It worked. But what blacks since then are doing is trying the Malcomb X way and it isn't working. I get why the Malcomb way was necessary in the Civil Rights movement but now I'm telling you that the MLK way is the best way to clean up your ghettos. The militant/thug/n*#r way is not the way.
The ghettos are ours not theirs ...we own those ghettos .....Nice Pontious Pilate Move [PPM]

Malcom X warned blacks if they went the MLK way, it'd just be blacks buying white goods and services. He preached that blacks should start their own business' and be self sufficient and to not sit around and wait for whitey to save them. In this case I agree with Malcomb

Now that there is Racism at it's finest. Why not just segregate themselves off from the rest of the people in the country too they don't want to mix or buy from those whities.. If things are so bad in this country why don't they just LEAVE? Malcom X. just ugly as hell

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