Remember "kill a cop"?

I hafta say, I'm impressed. We all know that fascist, rabid, racist RWs are dumber than normal people but here we see them actually admitting it.

Proves that they really are willfully ignorant because it serves their fascist, racist agenda.
Fascinating, isn't it.

The deeper issue is that the asswipes at Fox are destroying all vestiges of journalism.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Murdoch talks about his plan in the documentary Orson Rolls In His Grave.

He instructs his staff to lie but to also use the phrase, "fair and balanced" over and over again. Beck played a similar trick with his 'don't trust me, look it up for yourself' and the gullible fell for it.

Murdoch's Muslim, Arab partner, who controls what fux watchers see, has also told their employees to lie.

Those, like DigitalDrifter who say this is a local practice are lying to themselves and have not read the links posted or bothered to do any research themselves.

RWs - you don't have to give up your source for hate news but why not demand that they tell you the truth? Why are you so afraid of TRUTH?


I bet Al Jazerra and Fox News hang out.
At this point I dont care. If it strengthened opposition to Sharptons gangsters. be it.
Of course you don't care. Fascists don't care when lies are exposed as long as the damage is already done.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Blah blah. Whatever. Working class America has grown tired of the cry babies and criminals who prey on good citizens. We dont care anymore.

Go protest something. Go get shot. Go...well...whatever. We dont care. If Fox twists a story to further hurt the cause of American cop haters....I say GOOD.

My brother and I are usually liberal about black issues but I said it and he agreed, enough is enough. Why are black people protesting for people who act badly when they are around our police officers? Do they not understand what freeze or hands behind your back mean? Then they're going to continue to get billy clubbed in the heads.

Police have a tough job. Blacks choose to fight back when being arrested. I was arrested twice. I put my hands behind my back when the cops said to. PERIOD.

Black people are not protesting for people who act badly around our police officers.

Black people, white people and brown people are protesting the fact that law enforcement officers are not being held accountable for their actions.

The punishment for resisting arrest is not death.
If this is accurate, shame on WB45 and shame on news outlets who failed to vet.
Either way, it doesn't change the fact that we had demonstrations calling for dead cops while obama, Sharpton, holder and all of their segregationist racist ilk have fomented this new batch of racism and violence.
WB45 has already issued an apology, but the damage is done. It is THIS report that sparked the Fox national report. Fox cannot be trusted. This is about as low as one can go in journalism.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
So I assume you do not trust CBS or NBC as they doctored tapes too? Or is that different?

It is all corporate owned and controlled. They may act or seem liberal over stupid wedge issues like god, gays and guns and racism but those are just wedge issues they use to divide us.

My brother is rich. He says to me this weekend home from Switzerland for the holidays "there is no they". I know for a fact he honestly believes that. It isn't true but he honestly believes that. That's because he thinks people like me think he's one of "them" and I know he is not. Not unless he's a Snyder/Bush/Koch type he isn't.

Oh but his corporate policies and ideas sure do make him one of "them". They are certainly not pro worker or pro union lets just put it that way. So now that he is one of "them", he thinks the rest of us are just stupid.

That's the problem with the rich and the Republicans. They think "we" are all stupid. Let me tell you something rich folks. There is no "we". LOL. I'm going to tell him that next time he says something like "you commies" or you socialists.

I'm going to say, "there is no we".
At this point I dont care. If it strengthened opposition to Sharptons gangsters. be it.
Of course you don't care. Fascists don't care when lies are exposed as long as the damage is already done.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Blah blah. Whatever. Working class America has grown tired of the cry babies and criminals who prey on good citizens. We dont care anymore.

Go protest something. Go get shot. Go...well...whatever. We dont care. If Fox twists a story to further hurt the cause of American cop haters....I say GOOD.

My brother and I are usually liberal about black issues but I said it and he agreed, enough is enough. Why are black people protesting for people who act badly when they are around our police officers? Do they not understand what freeze or hands behind your back mean? Then they're going to continue to get billy clubbed in the heads.

Police have a tough job. Blacks choose to fight back when being arrested. I was arrested twice. I put my hands behind my back when the cops said to. PERIOD.
I was arrested by New Orleans Police was a false arrest ...they hit me with guns to the kidneys....I have no problem saying the entire New Orleans Police Department is Nasty criminal types....if something happens to a New Orleans cop I say "oh well stuff happens"


If this is accurate, shame on WB45 and shame on news outlets who failed to vet.
Either way, it doesn't change the fact that we had demonstrations calling for dead cops while obama, Sharpton, holder and all of their segregationist racist ilk have fomented this new batch of racism and violence.
WB45 has already issued an apology, but the damage is done. It is THIS report that sparked the Fox national report. Fox cannot be trusted. This is about as low as one can go in journalism.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
So I assume you do not trust CBS or NBC as they doctored tapes too? Or is that different?

Actually, I don't, to answer your question.
Black people are not protesting for people who act badly around our police officers.

Black people, white people and brown people are protesting the fact that law enforcement officers are not being held accountable for their actions.

The punishment for resisting arrest is not death

Bingo. That is exactly the point.
At this point I dont care. If it strengthened opposition to Sharptons gangsters. be it.
Of course you don't care. Fascists don't care when lies are exposed as long as the damage is already done.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Blah blah. Whatever. Working class America has grown tired of the cry babies and criminals who prey on good citizens. We dont care anymore.

Go protest something. Go get shot. Go...well...whatever. We dont care. If Fox twists a story to further hurt the cause of American cop haters....I say GOOD.

My brother and I are usually liberal about black issues but I said it and he agreed, enough is enough. Why are black people protesting for people who act badly when they are around our police officers? Do they not understand what freeze or hands behind your back mean? Then they're going to continue to get billy clubbed in the heads.

Police have a tough job. Blacks choose to fight back when being arrested. I was arrested twice. I put my hands behind my back when the cops said to. PERIOD.

Black people are not protesting for people who act badly around our police officers.

Black people, white people and brown people are protesting the fact that law enforcement officers are not being held accountable for their actions.

The punishment for resisting arrest is not death.

I feel you. But you guys have to realize that guy selling cigarettes in NYC was resisting arrest and had a heart attack because it took 4 guys to hold him down. I do think the cops need to be trained and those cops should lose their jobs and those families should get millions. But black people have to stop resisting arrest like that.

The Ferguson kid punched that cop in the face. I'd expect to get shot if I punched a cop in the face.

I know what you are saying and I agree but also you have to take a look at some of the men you are defending. Plus this "cops abuse blacks all the time" I think is a little over played. Maybe if these blacks didn't disrespect cops they wouldn't get a beat down? Teach your kids that. Be polite. Yes sir no sir officer. That's what we do in a civilized society.
Assholes like the op had no problem with burning down over a hundred businesses either. You're a idiot and a major asshole.
You seem angry. Racists usually are when they get duped.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Why shouldn't I be coward? You support desruction, I support the truth. How am I getting duped??? You're the one that doesn't believe in self defense or how to respect peoples property.

You're an uncivilized savage.
Yes, you are indeed angry. And now you are spouting nonsense. Is there not even one single Rightie here who can actually debate without frothing at the mouth?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

About as rare as leftie who can debate without lying.

Do you remember this thread?

I do

So much for your concern about the truth.

I'm sure you've heard of CNN to? Read this link

5 things about Michael Brown s shooting in Ferguson -

Yellow journalism. Hardly just the news

Oh, one other thing dumb dumb, This little affiliate that did this stupid thing? They are affiliate of the Fox Broadcasting Company, Not of FoxNews. FBC and FoxNews are sister companies, but that's it.
At this point I dont care. If it strengthened opposition to Sharptons gangsters. be it.
Of course you don't care. Fascists don't care when lies are exposed as long as the damage is already done.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Blah blah. Whatever. Working class America has grown tired of the cry babies and criminals who prey on good citizens. We dont care anymore.

Go protest something. Go get shot. Go...well...whatever. We dont care. If Fox twists a story to further hurt the cause of American cop haters....I say GOOD.

My brother and I are usually liberal about black issues but I said it and he agreed, enough is enough. Why are black people protesting for people who act badly when they are around our police officers? Do they not understand what freeze or hands behind your back mean? Then they're going to continue to get billy clubbed in the heads.

Police have a tough job. Blacks choose to fight back when being arrested. I was arrested twice. I put my hands behind my back when the cops said to. PERIOD.

Black people are not protesting for people who act badly around our police officers.

Black people, white people and brown people are protesting the fact that law enforcement officers are not being held accountable for their actions.

The punishment for resisting arrest is not death.

I feel you. But you guys have to realize that guy selling cigarettes in NYC was resisting arrest and had a heart attack because it took 4 guys to hold him down. I do think the cops need to be trained and those cops should lose their jobs and those families should get millions. But black people have to stop resisting arrest like that.

The Ferguson kid punched that cop in the face. I'd expect to get shot if I punched a cop in the face.

I know what you are saying and I agree but also you have to take a look at some of the men you are defending. Plus this "cops abuse blacks all the time" I think is a little over played. Maybe if these blacks didn't disrespect cops they wouldn't get a beat down? Teach your kids that. Be polite. Yes sir no sir officer. That's what we do in a civilized society.

These blacks? You mean these black people, right?

I'm defending unarmed men who get killed for offenses that are not punishable by death. I don't care who they are. And...I'm not defending their actions. I'm just wanting those who needlessly kill them to face the music.

Police officers in affluent neighborhoods say yes sir and no sir to the citizens. Did you know that?
Last edited:
Of course you don't care. Fascists don't care when lies are exposed as long as the damage is already done.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Blah blah. Whatever. Working class America has grown tired of the cry babies and criminals who prey on good citizens. We dont care anymore.

Go protest something. Go get shot. Go...well...whatever. We dont care. If Fox twists a story to further hurt the cause of American cop haters....I say GOOD.

My brother and I are usually liberal about black issues but I said it and he agreed, enough is enough. Why are black people protesting for people who act badly when they are around our police officers? Do they not understand what freeze or hands behind your back mean? Then they're going to continue to get billy clubbed in the heads.

Police have a tough job. Blacks choose to fight back when being arrested. I was arrested twice. I put my hands behind my back when the cops said to. PERIOD.

Black people are not protesting for people who act badly around our police officers.

Black people, white people and brown people are protesting the fact that law enforcement officers are not being held accountable for their actions.

The punishment for resisting arrest is not death.

I feel you. But you guys have to realize that guy selling cigarettes in NYC was resisting arrest and had a heart attack because it took 4 guys to hold him down. I do think the cops need to be trained and those cops should lose their jobs and those families should get millions. But black people have to stop resisting arrest like that.

The Ferguson kid punched that cop in the face. I'd expect to get shot if I punched a cop in the face.

I know what you are saying and I agree but also you have to take a look at some of the men you are defending. Plus this "cops abuse blacks all the time" I think is a little over played. Maybe if these blacks didn't disrespect cops they wouldn't get a beat down? Teach your kids that. Be polite. Yes sir no sir officer. That's what we do in a civilized society.

These blacks? You mean these black people, right?

I'm defending unarmed men who get killed for offenses that are not punishable by death. I don't care who they are.

Police officers in affluent neighborhoods say yes sir and no sir to the citizens. Did you know that?
Yes, they are very cordial here in my predominantly black, $73k median household income suburb. They're even nicer over in predominantly black, $120K median annual income Mitchellville.
Of course you don't care. Fascists don't care when lies are exposed as long as the damage is already done.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Blah blah. Whatever. Working class America has grown tired of the cry babies and criminals who prey on good citizens. We dont care anymore.

Go protest something. Go get shot. Go...well...whatever. We dont care. If Fox twists a story to further hurt the cause of American cop haters....I say GOOD.

My brother and I are usually liberal about black issues but I said it and he agreed, enough is enough. Why are black people protesting for people who act badly when they are around our police officers? Do they not understand what freeze or hands behind your back mean? Then they're going to continue to get billy clubbed in the heads.

Police have a tough job. Blacks choose to fight back when being arrested. I was arrested twice. I put my hands behind my back when the cops said to. PERIOD.

Black people are not protesting for people who act badly around our police officers.

Black people, white people and brown people are protesting the fact that law enforcement officers are not being held accountable for their actions.

The punishment for resisting arrest is not death.

I feel you. But you guys have to realize that guy selling cigarettes in NYC was resisting arrest and had a heart attack because it took 4 guys to hold him down. I do think the cops need to be trained and those cops should lose their jobs and those families should get millions. But black people have to stop resisting arrest like that.

The Ferguson kid punched that cop in the face. I'd expect to get shot if I punched a cop in the face.

I know what you are saying and I agree but also you have to take a look at some of the men you are defending. Plus this "cops abuse blacks all the time" I think is a little over played. Maybe if these blacks didn't disrespect cops they wouldn't get a beat down? Teach your kids that. Be polite. Yes sir no sir officer. That's what we do in a civilized society.

These blacks? You mean these black people, right?

I'm defending unarmed men who get killed for offenses that are not punishable by death. I don't care who they are.

Police officers in affluent neighborhoods say yes sir and no sir to the citizens. Did you know that?

Then become rich and move to an affluent neighborhood. Until then shut up and be respectful of the cops.

I've been arrested 2 times. Know why I didn't end up on the ground? I put my hands behind my back when told. I've seen security guards do that take down on men and it is very violent. I think the cops should let up/off too. I think the families should be awarded millions and the cops should be fired. But sent to jail? Nope.

Also, I live in the suburbs. Depending on the call a cop may show up nice or hard. Is your cat stuck in a tree? Or are you a suspect? If you are a suspect and the police stop you, don't reach in for his gun or punch him because "MAN WHY YOU PICKIN ON ME?".

Young black men need to stop having that attitude. Teach your kids this.
Blah blah. Whatever. Working class America has grown tired of the cry babies and criminals who prey on good citizens. We dont care anymore.

Go protest something. Go get shot. Go...well...whatever. We dont care. If Fox twists a story to further hurt the cause of American cop haters....I say GOOD.

My brother and I are usually liberal about black issues but I said it and he agreed, enough is enough. Why are black people protesting for people who act badly when they are around our police officers? Do they not understand what freeze or hands behind your back mean? Then they're going to continue to get billy clubbed in the heads.

Police have a tough job. Blacks choose to fight back when being arrested. I was arrested twice. I put my hands behind my back when the cops said to. PERIOD.

Black people are not protesting for people who act badly around our police officers.

Black people, white people and brown people are protesting the fact that law enforcement officers are not being held accountable for their actions.

The punishment for resisting arrest is not death.

I feel you. But you guys have to realize that guy selling cigarettes in NYC was resisting arrest and had a heart attack because it took 4 guys to hold him down. I do think the cops need to be trained and those cops should lose their jobs and those families should get millions. But black people have to stop resisting arrest like that.

The Ferguson kid punched that cop in the face. I'd expect to get shot if I punched a cop in the face.

I know what you are saying and I agree but also you have to take a look at some of the men you are defending. Plus this "cops abuse blacks all the time" I think is a little over played. Maybe if these blacks didn't disrespect cops they wouldn't get a beat down? Teach your kids that. Be polite. Yes sir no sir officer. That's what we do in a civilized society.

These blacks? You mean these black people, right?

I'm defending unarmed men who get killed for offenses that are not punishable by death. I don't care who they are.

Police officers in affluent neighborhoods say yes sir and no sir to the citizens. Did you know that?
Yes, they are very cordial here in my predominantly black, $73k median household income suburb. They're even nicer over in predominantly black, $120K median annual income Mitchellville.

Professional law enforcement officers should be cordial in all areas.
"Yet another outrage", first thing I heard on the CBS national news after that obese lazy black guy Garner died of natural cause whilst being arrested by the NYPD. Right, the media made it sound like the cops killed this guy deliberately, same thing with Brown in Missouri, ....ramping up the animosity here. The media needs to stop paying attention to protestors, they did after the ISIL terrorists beheaded a journalist, and the protests and riots stopped. it isn't a legitimate issue any more, so lay off, CBS, NBC and ABC and who ever else. Tone it down.
Last edited:
Blah blah. Whatever. Working class America has grown tired of the cry babies and criminals who prey on good citizens. We dont care anymore.

Go protest something. Go get shot. Go...well...whatever. We dont care. If Fox twists a story to further hurt the cause of American cop haters....I say GOOD.

My brother and I are usually liberal about black issues but I said it and he agreed, enough is enough. Why are black people protesting for people who act badly when they are around our police officers? Do they not understand what freeze or hands behind your back mean? Then they're going to continue to get billy clubbed in the heads.

Police have a tough job. Blacks choose to fight back when being arrested. I was arrested twice. I put my hands behind my back when the cops said to. PERIOD.

Black people are not protesting for people who act badly around our police officers.

Black people, white people and brown people are protesting the fact that law enforcement officers are not being held accountable for their actions.

The punishment for resisting arrest is not death.

I feel you. But you guys have to realize that guy selling cigarettes in NYC was resisting arrest and had a heart attack because it took 4 guys to hold him down. I do think the cops need to be trained and those cops should lose their jobs and those families should get millions. But black people have to stop resisting arrest like that.

The Ferguson kid punched that cop in the face. I'd expect to get shot if I punched a cop in the face.

I know what you are saying and I agree but also you have to take a look at some of the men you are defending. Plus this "cops abuse blacks all the time" I think is a little over played. Maybe if these blacks didn't disrespect cops they wouldn't get a beat down? Teach your kids that. Be polite. Yes sir no sir officer. That's what we do in a civilized society.

These blacks? You mean these black people, right?

I'm defending unarmed men who get killed for offenses that are not punishable by death. I don't care who they are.

Police officers in affluent neighborhoods say yes sir and no sir to the citizens. Did you know that?

Then become rich and move to an affluent neighborhood. Until then shut up and be respectful of the cops.

I've been arrested 2 times. Know why I didn't end up on the ground? I put my hands behind my back when told. I've seen security guards do that take down on men and it is very violent. I think the cops should let up/off too. I think the families should be awarded millions and the cops should be fired. But sent to jail? Nope.

Also, I live in the suburbs. Depending on the call a cop may show up nice or hard. Is your cat stuck in a tree? Or are you a suspect? If you are a suspect and the police stop you, don't reach in for his gun or punch him because "MAN WHY YOU PICKIN ON ME?".

Young black men need to stop having that attitude. Teach your kids this.

Nope. You are wrong and ripe for being taken advantage of. Cops need to put up with attitude. It's part of the job.
My brother and I are usually liberal about black issues but I said it and he agreed, enough is enough. Why are black people protesting for people who act badly when they are around our police officers? Do they not understand what freeze or hands behind your back mean? Then they're going to continue to get billy clubbed in the heads.

Police have a tough job. Blacks choose to fight back when being arrested. I was arrested twice. I put my hands behind my back when the cops said to. PERIOD.

Black people are not protesting for people who act badly around our police officers.

Black people, white people and brown people are protesting the fact that law enforcement officers are not being held accountable for their actions.

The punishment for resisting arrest is not death.

I feel you. But you guys have to realize that guy selling cigarettes in NYC was resisting arrest and had a heart attack because it took 4 guys to hold him down. I do think the cops need to be trained and those cops should lose their jobs and those families should get millions. But black people have to stop resisting arrest like that.

The Ferguson kid punched that cop in the face. I'd expect to get shot if I punched a cop in the face.

I know what you are saying and I agree but also you have to take a look at some of the men you are defending. Plus this "cops abuse blacks all the time" I think is a little over played. Maybe if these blacks didn't disrespect cops they wouldn't get a beat down? Teach your kids that. Be polite. Yes sir no sir officer. That's what we do in a civilized society.

These blacks? You mean these black people, right?

I'm defending unarmed men who get killed for offenses that are not punishable by death. I don't care who they are.

Police officers in affluent neighborhoods say yes sir and no sir to the citizens. Did you know that?
Yes, they are very cordial here in my predominantly black, $73k median household income suburb. They're even nicer over in predominantly black, $120K median annual income Mitchellville.

Professional law enforcement officers should be cordial in all areas.
Who says they're not (besides arrest-resisting black racists and their handlers)?
I could say, I saw this thread coming from 148 feet away.

You have said that you plan to make your millions writing a political blog and yet, here you are, defending lies.

I would bet money that you are repeating these same lies on your blog.
Blah blah. Whatever. Working class America has grown tired of the cry babies and criminals who prey on good citizens. We dont care anymore.

Go protest something. Go get shot. Go...well...whatever. We dont care. If Fox twists a story to further hurt the cause of American cop haters....I say GOOD.

My brother and I are usually liberal about black issues but I said it and he agreed, enough is enough. Why are black people protesting for people who act badly when they are around our police officers? Do they not understand what freeze or hands behind your back mean? Then they're going to continue to get billy clubbed in the heads.

Police have a tough job. Blacks choose to fight back when being arrested. I was arrested twice. I put my hands behind my back when the cops said to. PERIOD.

Black people are not protesting for people who act badly around our police officers.

Black people, white people and brown people are protesting the fact that law enforcement officers are not being held accountable for their actions.

The punishment for resisting arrest is not death.

I feel you. But you guys have to realize that guy selling cigarettes in NYC was resisting arrest and had a heart attack because it took 4 guys to hold him down. I do think the cops need to be trained and those cops should lose their jobs and those families should get millions. But black people have to stop resisting arrest like that.

The Ferguson kid punched that cop in the face. I'd expect to get shot if I punched a cop in the face.

I know what you are saying and I agree but also you have to take a look at some of the men you are defending. Plus this "cops abuse blacks all the time" I think is a little over played. Maybe if these blacks didn't disrespect cops they wouldn't get a beat down? Teach your kids that. Be polite. Yes sir no sir officer. That's what we do in a civilized society.

These blacks? You mean these black people, right?

I'm defending unarmed men who get killed for offenses that are not punishable by death. I don't care who they are.

Police officers in affluent neighborhoods say yes sir and no sir to the citizens. Did you know that?
Yes, they are very cordial here in my predominantly black, $73k median household income suburb. They're even nicer over in predominantly black, $120K median annual income Mitchellville.

Lets be honest. I could be black or white, male or female, young or old. If you walk up to a cop and say, "excuse me officer....", that officer is not going to arrest or tazer you.

I have walked up to cops who were DICKS! I remember walking away saying, "man what a dick". I know and I admit that cops need to be better trained and maybe they shouldn't even be cops for more than 10 years.

But right or wrong, if a cop tells you to put your hands behind your back, what do you do? If the answer is anything other than PUT YOURHANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK then I am not going to argue for you.

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