Remember "No Trump!,No KKK In The White House!!" Theatrics?,Well?Are KKK In The White House Yet?

Unlike you and the immature idiot that posted it, I don't find childish, racist jokes humorous.
I would bet you don't find much in life to smile at. Libs are like that.
the conservatives in this room are such proof that liberals dont have a sense of humor.......have u ever seen Maxine Waters tell a funny joke?,,,,,nope,,all she has to do is open her mouth, and we all just laff at her stupidity
I see you are still trying your little heart out to be funny, but you are still failing miserably at it. What a pathetic little life you must have.
I thought it was funny but I'm not a little snowflake that has no sense of humor. Half of America has forgotten how to sad.
if Hillary was in the white house, we would of had about 12 Sasquatch running around the white house in 500 dollar suits. I guess they would be some of her advisors
I laugh heartily every time I read some of the shit on this board. This board may be reality to you, but to me it is strictly entertainment.
It's interesting to see what drives folks and this board sure does that. There is nothing wrong with off color jokes. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never harm me" When public schools stopped teaching that they did great harm to mankind. They started the divide by giving so many so much to be offended by. Shame on them.
didnt Obama mention that Trump reads the weekly "KKK Tribune" on a regular basis? :laugh::laugh2:
Remember "No Trump!,No KKK In The White House!!" Theatrics?,Well?Are KKK In The White House Yet?
Yes. Steve Bannon is there, and probably has more influence over the Fake President than anyone else.

Though to be accurate, he's a White Nationalist, not a Klansman.
Fake president? Man, am I glad we don't have one of those. That would be bad.
Unlike you and the immature idiot that posted it, I don't find childish, racist jokes humorous.
I would bet you don't find much in life to smile at. Libs are like that.
the conservatives in this room are such proof that liberals dont have a sense of humor.......have u ever seen Maxine Waters tell a funny joke?,,,,,nope,,all she has to do is open her mouth, and we all just laff at her stupidity

What in the flying fuck would YOU know about "humor"?

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