Remember that 35% tariff you Trump supporters thought you were going to get?

I'm guessing all of this is going to revolved around whether nor not companies continue to pick up and leave and whether America can reduce the trade deficits. Other nations are beating America essentially due to exploitation and dirty handed tricks. If Trump doesn't get the results he wants, it will be tough times for countries trying to export to America.

The Republican party will only last as long as their momentum will take them. I don't think for a second Trump won't just use Executive Orders on the biggest issues he needs passed. By the way, are tariffs such policies which can be written into law via Executive Order? I don't even know to be honest.
Did you forget about the real Republican Party?

"President-elect Donald Trump's plan to use steep tariffs to punish companies that move overseas is running into an obstacle: Congressional Republicans.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy warned Monday that such an approach could cause a trade war. A better way to achieve the goal of keeping companies in the U.S. and growing jobs would be to rewrite the tax code and lower corporate rates, McCarthy said."

Trump's tariff plan hits a hurdle: Congressional Republicans

Same as it ever was, the Republican Party. The party of free trade, in the worst sense of that term.

Thanks for the reminder. I just contacted both my Senators and told them to support Trump on trade issues.
I believe everyone has got the message, including the people who voted for Trump, that anything he said during his campaign to win the presidency was only words without substance. Trump is a phony, a conman.
Did you forget about the real Republican Party?

"President-elect Donald Trump's plan to use steep tariffs to punish companies that move overseas is running into an obstacle: Congressional Republicans.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy warned Monday that such an approach could cause a trade war. A better way to achieve the goal of keeping companies in the U.S. and growing jobs would be to rewrite the tax code and lower corporate rates, McCarthy said."

Trump's tariff plan hits a hurdle: Congressional Republicans

Same as it ever was, the Republican Party. The party of free trade, in the worst sense of that term.

I forget NYclueless, which Republican president signed NAFTA? What did you say? It was a Dem, Slick Willie! Why didn't you mention that in your post? No reasonable person thought The Clown was going to walk in and not have to deal with a congress that may see things different. That was why he won, he hasn't been bought. Still scratching your tiny head, aren't you?

I never voted for Bill Clinton BECAUSE he signed NAFTA.

Most Democrats voted against NAFTA.

Happy now?
Did you forget about the real Republican Party?

"President-elect Donald Trump's plan to use steep tariffs to punish companies that move overseas is running into an obstacle: Congressional Republicans.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy warned Monday that such an approach could cause a trade war. A better way to achieve the goal of keeping companies in the U.S. and growing jobs would be to rewrite the tax code and lower corporate rates, McCarthy said."

Trump's tariff plan hits a hurdle: Congressional Republicans

Same as it ever was, the Republican Party. The party of free trade, in the worst sense of that term.

I forget NYclueless, which Republican president signed NAFTA? What did you say? It was a Dem, Slick Willie! Why didn't you mention that in your post? No reasonable person thought The Clown was going to walk in and not have to deal with a congress that may see things different. That was why he won, he hasn't been bought. Still scratching your tiny head, aren't you?

It passed with overwhelming support from Congressional Republicans. Most Democrats voted against nafta.

It was much more bipartisan than Obamacare.
Did you forget about the real Republican Party?

"President-elect Donald Trump's plan to use steep tariffs to punish companies that move overseas is running into an obstacle: Congressional Republicans.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy warned Monday that such an approach could cause a trade war. A better way to achieve the goal of keeping companies in the U.S. and growing jobs would be to rewrite the tax code and lower corporate rates, McCarthy said."

Trump's tariff plan hits a hurdle: Congressional Republicans

Same as it ever was, the Republican Party. The party of free trade, in the worst sense of that term.

I forget NYclueless, which Republican president signed NAFTA? What did you say? It was a Dem, Slick Willie! Why didn't you mention that in your post? No reasonable person thought The Clown was going to walk in and not have to deal with a congress that may see things different. That was why he won, he hasn't been bought. Still scratching your tiny head, aren't you?

It passed with overwhelming support from Congressional Republicans. Most Democrats voted against nafta.

It was much more bipartisan than Obamacare.
NAFTA has nothing to do with the Affordable Care Act.
Did you forget about the real Republican Party?

"President-elect Donald Trump's plan to use steep tariffs to punish companies that move overseas is running into an obstacle: Congressional Republicans.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy warned Monday that such an approach could cause a trade war. A better way to achieve the goal of keeping companies in the U.S. and growing jobs would be to rewrite the tax code and lower corporate rates, McCarthy said."

Trump's tariff plan hits a hurdle: Congressional Republicans

Same as it ever was, the Republican Party. The party of free trade, in the worst sense of that term.

I forget NYclueless, which Republican president signed NAFTA? What did you say? It was a Dem, Slick Willie! Why didn't you mention that in your post? No reasonable person thought The Clown was going to walk in and not have to deal with a congress that may see things different. That was why he won, he hasn't been bought. Still scratching your tiny head, aren't you?

It passed with overwhelming support from Congressional Republicans. Most Democrats voted against nafta.

It was much more bipartisan than Obamacare.
NAFTA has nothing to do with the Affordable Care Act.

The point is that nafta had bipartisan support whereas Obamacare did not. In other words, NAFTA is owned by both parties, Obamacare is owned by the Demys.
Did you forget about the real Republican Party?

"President-elect Donald Trump's plan to use steep tariffs to punish companies that move overseas is running into an obstacle: Congressional Republicans.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy warned Monday that such an approach could cause a trade war. A better way to achieve the goal of keeping companies in the U.S. and growing jobs would be to rewrite the tax code and lower corporate rates, McCarthy said."

Trump's tariff plan hits a hurdle: Congressional Republicans

Same as it ever was, the Republican Party. The party of free trade, in the worst sense of that term.

Wow you people dont listen. He wasnt mi just gonna slap it on there.
Only if they wont play ball.
Did you forget about the real Republican Party?

"President-elect Donald Trump's plan to use steep tariffs to punish companies that move overseas is running into an obstacle: Congressional Republicans.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy warned Monday that such an approach could cause a trade war. A better way to achieve the goal of keeping companies in the U.S. and growing jobs would be to rewrite the tax code and lower corporate rates, McCarthy said."

Trump's tariff plan hits a hurdle: Congressional Republicans

Same as it ever was, the Republican Party. The party of free trade, in the worst sense of that term.

I forget NYclueless, which Republican president signed NAFTA? What did you say? It was a Dem, Slick Willie! Why didn't you mention that in your post? No reasonable person thought The Clown was going to walk in and not have to deal with a congress that may see things different. That was why he won, he hasn't been bought. Still scratching your tiny head, aren't you?

It passed with overwhelming support from Congressional Republicans. Most Democrats voted against nafta.

It was much more bipartisan than Obamacare.
NAFTA has nothing to do with the Affordable Care Act.

The point is that nafta had bipartisan support whereas Obamacare did not. In other words, NAFTA is owned by both parties, Obamacare is owned by the Demys.
Traditionally, Republicans and the business class (entrepreneurs) are in favor of the free market where workers are seen as a factor of production and an expense which eats into profits.

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