Remember That Poor Little White Girl who got Her head pounded Into the Sidewalk?

We have seen the video. The fact here is that the white girl beat up another girl and got kicked out of school the previous day for it. And she beat up the friend of the girl who did the beating. That's the point here.
Are you stupid, an idiot, or intentionally dis-informing?
The point isn't who started or who "won".
The point is it went beyond a "fight" into "attempted murder", and you and many other failing to see or make that distinction is the other point.
All fights can end up in attempted murder. But the fact here is that the white girl beat up another person the day before and got kicked out of school for it. She beat up a friend of the girl who beat her. You racists are looking for anything to absolve that white girl. Had she not beat another person up, she would not have gotten beat up
Yes they can degenerate into that.
But if they do, than a critical threshold on legal, moral, and physical standards have been passed. And the party crossing that threshold bares the responsibility for taking it beyond that point.
That is the claim here.
In this example, the black girl would have won once the white girl was down. Fact that she then took advantage of the situation to try and pound the white girl into hamburger is the issue here and the difference you and a few others fail to grasp.

Why is that?

BTW, and FWIW, having witnessed too many situations like this, and usually both sides are of the same race/color, that is why I conceal carry a firearm. If display/brandish won't discourage the attack, then I'll shoot rather than than be knocked to the ground and pounded upon. My experience is it's too risky to take a chance this could be the rare occasion where the attacker(s) will show restraint.
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There was no one who got beat up. Did you even bother to watch the video and see the violence at which the girl had her head slammed into the concrete? I bet you didn't. that wasnt beating someone up. I know what a fight is. beating someone up and putting 100% of your effort in driving someones head into concrete are two different things.
The Call of the Wild

That's exactly what Trayvon was doing to George Zimmerman, who'd be a corpse or a vegetable now if he hadn't had a gun then.

Aframs suddenly pop off and escalate the situation far beyond the need for self-defense. All it took for Trayvon to turn into a thrill-killer was being asked a simple and not necessarily accusatory question.
If the black girl had got beat up, he would say it was deserved. So they are just going to have to face this truth: the lilly white girl was a thug who beat up somebody and that persons frend stepped to her friends defense.
Defending a friend and repeatedly smashing someone’s head into the concrete are not the same thing. If you think they are you are one sick fuck
You sound a lot softer than the usual rightwing response of "stand-your-ground."

What does the "stand-your-ground" doctrine say?
Definition varies with political ideology it seems (and just now notice you answered that in a later post here with your own bias.)

First, I try to never get into a physical fight with some one. Rather try to diffuse the situation verbally, or walk away if I safely can. Sometimes that is not possible, or won't work.

Second is to consider or use the pepper spray I usually carry along with my concealed firearm. If the spray doesn't work, then I will have to draw my firearm, and if display/brandish doesn't work, things might get lethal.

Warning shot can be problematic because of where it might eventually land, ricochet, etc.

If Attacker(s) persist and advance, then it's double-tap and karma recycle time.

Note that we responsible conceal carriers are aware of potential legal and civil consequences and hesitate to shoot unless clear danger to life and limb seems probable.
When you get into a fight with someone what are you trying to achieve?

I'm not an animal that would initiate or voluntarily participate in physical violence. If you're saying they were both out for murder, then the girl that got the upper hand and almost murdered should be charged with such. I don't care what color her skin was, I would hold the same opinion.
Digging into the little white princess' background is apropos, that's what the entire white media, and these racist bastards do whenever it's a Black person involved.

Remember how they dug up how Trayvon smoked a joint once, how he got suspended once, he missed school once?

he deserved to die like a dog by the hands of a racist thug on the street.
Thanks for the display of ignorance, irrationality, bias, and usual Leftist double standards.
Most of us thought that in a scuffle where Trayvon was on top, after having ambushed his victim and trying to bash a head in the pavement, the shooting in defense would be justified.
Isn't she simply suffering the consequences of her actions?

Whatever happened to personal responsibility?

Has she no agency?

Bottom line, she wrote a check her ass couldn't cash.

Sometimes kids fight and things go south, this is just one of those times.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Ditto for Floyd, wrote a check his ass couldn't cash and now he's dead. Yet you persecuted the one who had perceived responsibility because he was white. You're a racist through and through.
Quit ignoring what the white girl did to start this situation.
I'm not ignoring, though that hasn't been fully proven.
My point and what you are ignoring, or incapable of seeing/understanding, is the situation did not justify the other girl pounding a head into the pavement.
That was above and beyond what the situation should warrant and there is where the situation went from a fight into a felony crime of attempted murder.

Again, seems you fail to grasp this, which is a fundamental factor in civilized or not. Seems you are not civilized! :mad:
Ditto for Floyd, wrote a check his ass couldn't cash and now he's dead. Yet you persecuted the one who had perceived responsibility because he was white. You're a racist through and through.
Mr. Floyd didn't start, nor was he in, a fight at the time of his death.

He suffered a brutal attack from a race-soldier that cut his life short.
The racists are conveniently forgetting what they've been previously promoting, so here's a reminder....

From the source:
"A stand-your-ground law, sometimes called a "line in the sand" or "no duty to retreat" law, provides that people may use deadly force when they reasonably believe it to be necessary to defend against certain violent crimes (right of self-defense). Under such a law, people have no duty to retreat before using deadly force in self-defense, so long as they are in a place where they are lawfully present.[1] The exact details vary by jurisdiction."
They also vary by situation and circumstances.
For one example, when someone has forced their way into your home or property and are threatening you or others (family) with you.
Are you saying it's a yes or a no?
I'm saying your view is inaccurate.
Supposedly Floyd had a health issue (which the officers won't have known) and was high on drugs, hence would have been more at risk than the officers could have known.
Also the videos show he started to comply with getting into the police car and than balked and resisted.
Floyd drugged stupidity is what he died from.

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