Remember That Poor Little White Girl who got Her head pounded Into the Sidewalk?

after the first blow, when you hear the sickening thud, that ought to be enough to make anyone stop. The black girl let her ANGER or Hatred silence any feelings of normal compassion. Don't care what she is when she's not angry.
She Went Ape

Time to reconsider the biology of this and how it classifies obviously different species. Africans reached their evolutionary limit long ago and have overstayed their evolutionary expiration date.

Their feral behavior proves that they are the Missing Link. But people who are conceited for no good reason to be so snobbish have a desperate and predatory need to equate all other Whites with the unfittest humanoids.
Isn't she simply suffering the consequences of her actions?

Whatever happened to personal responsibility?

Has she no agency?

Bottom line, she wrote a check her ass couldn't cash.

Sometimes kids fight and things go south, this is just one of those times.

Nothing more, nothing less.
That's where the line is drawn, that "things go south" as you put it.
That's where this escalated beyond a fight and into attempted murder.

What is more disturbing than this event is that;
1) So many here fail to see the threshold that was crossed.
2) So many defend crossing into that escalation from a "fight" into attempted murder.

"Whatever happened to personal responsibility?" Is what is being addressed here in claiming the head basher went too far, beyond a fight into attempted murder and she needs to bear responsibility and pay the consequences.
The racists are conveniently forgetting what they've been previously promoting, so here's a reminder....

From the source:
"A stand-your-ground law, sometimes called a "line in the sand" or "no duty to retreat" law, provides that people may use deadly force when they reasonably believe it to be necessary to defend against certain violent crimes (right of self-defense). Under such a law, people have no duty to retreat before using deadly force in self-defense, so long as they are in a place where they are lawfully present.[1] The exact details vary by jurisdiction."
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Digging into the little white princess' background is apropos, that's what the entire white media, and these racist bastards do whenever it's a Black person involved.

Remember how they dug up how Trayvon smoked a joint once, how he got suspended once, he missed school once?

he deserved to die like a dog by the hands of a racist thug on the street.
Yep, they sure did. And how they dug up some stuff on George Floyd from 20 years back and made claims that were not even on the court record to make him a criminal. So they'll just have to face the fact that their little prrincess was no sweet baby.
Are you able to put your entire body weight on someone's neck via your knee for many minutes and expect the individual NOT to asphyxiate?
Supposedly that had been done often, as routine LEO procedure and not lead to asphyxiate.
That's where the line is drawn, that "things go south" as you put it.
That's where this escalated beyond a fight and into attempted murder.

What is more disturbing than this event is that;
1) So many here fail to see the threshold that was crossed.
2) So many defend crossing into that escalation from a "fight" into attempted murder.

"Whatever happened to personal responsibility?" Is what is being addressed here in claiming the head basher went too far, beyond a fight into attempted murder and she needs to bear responsibility and pay the consequences.

Quit ignoring what the white girl did to start this situation.
We heard all kinds if descriptions about the black kids in that fight. And that white girl was made out to be the victim of the fake epidemic of blacks attacking whites. Come to find out that the white girl was not such a pure innocent child.

Kaylee Gain was suspended from school for brawling with another student day before fracturing skull in fight: sources​

The Missouri teen who was left fighting for her life after having her head pounded into the sidewalk earlier this month was suspended from school the day prior for brawling with another student, The Post has learned.

Kaylee Gain, 16, suffered a skull fracture and a brain bleed that left her in a coma for two weeks after she squared off with another female teen about a mile away from Hazelwood East High School in St. Louis on March 8.

Her family revealed on Friday her condition is stable and she has been moved out of intensive care — though it is unclear whether she has regained consciousness.

The teen with whom Gain had an altercation the previous day was friends with the student who would later smash Gain’s head into the pavement, leaving her unconscious and her body twitching, sources said.

Of course we will now begin reading all kinds of excuses as the double standard of racism is applied here.
So, you are approving of blacks beating this white girl to a pulp.
Where were you when whites plastered the video up and called those back kids savages, thugs and animasl? Your ass was nowhere to be seen. You stayed quiet then, stay quet now.
Color isn't the issue, actions are. Those "back kids" did act savagely, reflects more on their upbringing than there race.
The racist double standard is being applied here. As usual.

When the video came out these racists were calling for max punishment or death. They talked about how that was the reason they need to be armed. I'm sure some wanted to threaten race war. But now that we see that perhaps this white girl started the problem, we get all these appeals to morality and character.

Fact you don't see, can't distinguish the factor of scale, going from a "cat fight" to attempted murder blows your credibility into range of felony criminal, aiding and abetting attempted murder.

If table reversed and white girl was beating black girls head into pavement I and many others here would be equally outraged and have same position. Race/color isn't the factor for most of us, myself, but seems to be the only filter you are capable of.
She Went Ape

Time to reconsider the biology of this and how it classifies obviously different species. Africans reached their evolutionary limit long ago and have overstayed their evolutionary expiration date.

Their feral behavior proves that they are the Missing Link. But people who are conceited for no good reason to be so snobbish have a desperate and predatory need to equate all other Whites with the unfittest humanoids.

Wrong. Black people are human beings. We all have genes from Africa. Crime and such tensions as we have are cultural and social . All humans have the capability to be extremely cruel to each other.
We have seen the video. The fact here is that the white girl beat up another girl and got kicked out of school the previous day for it. And she beat up the friend of the girl who did the beating. That's the point here.
You can't take the law into your own hands. That's street justice.
Why do you second amendment people carry firearms?
We do not all have equal strengths, sizes, and abilities.
You dipshits think a 100 pound women should only use her fists and legs to physically fight off a 250 pound male attacking and attempting to rape her.
We second amendment people think she should have a pistol and use it to recycle his karma.
Same applies in similar situations.
Of course it is.

That's why not ONE of these racists cares who started it.

We've never seen them do this in every other case.

However, had it been a Black girl that started the fight, they would have wanted it to end w/her being under the grave.
You're hatred is as apparent as your retarded bolding. This is about attempted murder, not skin color.
Liar. It was a race issue when yu maggots posted the video and now that you see the white girl was not some inncent victim of black mayhem as some of the racists call it, suddenly its not about race its about civility.


And nobody is dismissing what happened but you racists. The girl who did this will face her punishment, but the fact remains that the white girl got kicked out of school for beating up another person. She is not innocent and as the old adage goes, if you live by the sword, you die by the sword. She beat up a girl and she got beat up. She was no innocent victim.
Did the girl she "beat up" attack her, or the other way around? Document/proof please.

Issue is where "beat up" changes into attempted murder.
You have shown repeatedly here that either you can't tell the difference, or don't know the difference. Neither speaks well of you as a human. Nor does it gender any respect for you as a person or citizen. You are feeding the stereotypes that you object to by being what they erroneously apply to your race.

Check the mirror your komrade.

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