Remember the debt?

Want to get rid of the debt?

get rid of everyone currently in Congress.

if they don't get it started down?

Get rid of them as well
The national debt is an imaginary number. Imagine if you had a credit card with unlimited credit, that nobody will ever dare try to collect on. There you go.

Suppose the national debt gets to $100 trillion? Man, we'll just be so gosh-darned angry! :mad:
Hey, it's cool with me. Just don't ask me for ONE DIME of taxes. If we never have to pay, why do WE have to pay? Fuck taxes. Run those unlimited credit cards.
Sure. Go ahead and don't pay whatever pittance of coinage you owe that means NOTHING to the debt. It doesn't matter.
If that's the case why are you so upset over tax cuts? Just put it on credit card.
Huh? When did I ever say I cared about tax cuts? Good luck starting your wars.
Your left wing existence is based on rich people don't pay enough. And now wars cost us something? You just said debt doesn't matter. Does debt only matter for wars? Let's roll it up to 100 trillion right? So tell me again how it's so important people pay taxes yet the debt doesn't matter.
The national debt is an imaginary number. Imagine if you had a credit card with unlimited credit, that nobody will ever dare try to collect on. There you go.

Suppose the national debt gets to $100 trillion? Man, we'll just be so gosh-darned angry! :mad:
Hey, it's cool with me. Just don't ask me for ONE DIME of taxes. If we never have to pay, why do WE have to pay? Fuck taxes. Run those unlimited credit cards.
Sure. Go ahead and don't pay whatever pittance of coinage you owe that means NOTHING to the debt. It doesn't matter.
If that's the case why are you so upset over tax cuts? Just put it on credit card.
Huh? When did I ever say I cared about tax cuts? Good luck starting your wars.
Your left wing existence is based on rich people don't pay enough. And now wars cost us something? You just said debt doesn't matter. Does debt only matter for wars? Let's roll it up to 100 trillion right? So tell me again how it's so important people pay taxes yet the debt doesn't matter.
Since you voted in the hopes to give the rich a tax cut while increasing spending and the national deficit... I will, as politely as I can, ask you to go fuck yourself :thup:
Your left wing existence is based on rich people don't pay enough. And now wars cost us something? You just said debt doesn't matter. Does debt only matter for wars? Let's roll it up to 100 trillion right? So tell me again how it's so important people pay taxes yet the debt doesn't matter.

Wars cost lives, which is way more valuable than money.
Did you vote for Dubya or Trump?
Yes, but W was the alternative to Al "gay cowboy" Gore. No way in hell would I support that jackass. W was pretty bad, even though he didn't run on making war. He hated Sadam Hussain for trying to assassinate Bush Daddy, so he spent trillions of our dollars and killed our solders on his personal vendetta. I didn't vote for war with a W vote.

Trump was also the only alternative (a shitty one) to Hillary warmonger Clinton, who literally would have stared a war with Russia. Trump has not started any wars. He even criticized W's war bullshit and has John "Warmonger" McCain turning his one foot in the grave.

I didn't vote for John "Warmonger" McCain or Barack "Mao" Hussain Goose-Stepping Marxist Obama. Voted Straight-ticket Libertarian. I don't even remember who the candidate was. Bob Barr, maybe? Voted for Kinky Freedman for Texas Governor (Libertarian).

It was a huge mistake to vote for Mitt Romney, but again, I felt backed in a corner after the ACA was so clearly a Bolshevik plot meant to force us into communist single-payer.

I HATE authoritarians, even when they are the only alternative. I really hope 2018 give us some true Libertarian alternatives.
Did you vote for Dubya or Trump?
Yes, but W was the alternative to Al "gay cowboy" Gore. No way in hell would I support that jackass. W was pretty bad, even though he didn't run on making war. He hated Sadam Hussain for trying to assassinate Bush Daddy, so he spent trillions of our dollars and killed our solders on his personal vendetta. I didn't vote for war with a W vote.

Trump was also the only alternative (a shitty one) to Hillary warmonger Clinton, who literally would have stared a war with Russia. Trump has not started any wars. He even criticized W's war bullshit and has John "Warmonger" McCain turning his one foot in the grave.

I didn't vote for John "Warmonger" McCain or Barack "Mao" Hussain Goose-Stepping Marxist Obama. Voted Straight-ticket Libertarian. I don't even remember who the candidate was. Bob Barr, maybe? Voted for Kinky Freedman for Texas Governor (Libertarian).

It was a huge mistake to vote for Mitt Romney, but again, I felt backed in a corner after the ACA was so clearly a Bolshevik plot meant to force us into communist single-payer.

I HATE authoritarians, even when they are the only alternative. I really hope 2018 give us some true Libertarian alternatives.

Fuck you for supporting Dubya, and then pretending that you were disappointed.

One day, you'll find yourself telling people that you didn't vote for the wars Trump started. I hope you remember that I called you out in this post, and then you proceed to go fuck yourself.
Fuck you for supporting Dubya, and then pretending that you were disappointed.

One day, you'll find yourself telling people that you didn't vote for the wars Trump started. I hope you remember that I called you out in this post, and then you proceed to go fuck yourself.
Fuck you for saying "fuck you" to me for not prognosticating the future and voting for W instead of Al BUTTFUCK Gore, PRIOR to 9/11. Sorry I am not a seer and prophet. :dunno:
You mean our soldiers or the random middle easterners who get caught in the crossfire or butchered by the so called moderate rebels your precious tax dollars funds?
You don't have to go that far to find worthless people. Just go down the street. Plenty of worthless shits here in America.
Fuck you for supporting Dubya, and then pretending that you were disappointed.

One day, you'll find yourself telling people that you didn't vote for the wars Trump started. I hope you remember that I called you out in this post, and then you proceed to go fuck yourself.
Fuck you for saying "fuck you" to me for not prognosticating the future and voting for W instead of Al BUTTFUCK Gore, PRIOR to 9/11. Sorry I am not a seer and prophet. :dunno:
All you had to be was "not an idiot."

You failed at that, and are refusing to take responsibility. So fuck you. A thousand times, fuck you and everyone who voted for Dubya.
Fuck you for supporting Dubya, and then pretending that you were disappointed.

One day, you'll find yourself telling people that you didn't vote for the wars Trump started. I hope you remember that I called you out in this post, and then you proceed to go fuck yourself.
Fuck you for saying "fuck you" to me for not prognosticating the future and voting for W instead of Al BUTTFUCK Gore, PRIOR to 9/11. Sorry I am not a seer and prophet. :dunno:
All you had to be was "not an idiot."

You failed at that, and are refusing to take responsibility. So fuck you. A thousand times, fuck you and everyone who voted for Dubya.

America was at war every single day of Obama's administration.
Neither party will ever do anything about the national debt you can't erase it by taxing the rich as left likes push nor can you do so by just cutting spending as the right pushes. To even begin to deal with the problem you would have to have major across the board nothing off limits spending cuts and big tax hikes on everyone not just the rich neither party will do this and if they tried the people would vote them out in the next election.
All you had to be was "not an idiot."

You failed at that, and are refusing to take responsibility. So fuck you. A thousand times, fuck you and everyone who voted for Dubya.
Cry about it.

Still better than Gore.

Trump is 100,000,000,000,000 times better than Hillary.

Fuck you. Commie!!!

Neither party will ever do anything about the national debt you can't erase it by taxing the rich as left likes push nor can you do so by just cutting spending as the right pushes. To even begin to deal with the problem you would have to have major across the board nothing off limits spending cuts and big tax hikes on everyone not just the rich neither party will do this and if they tried the people would vote them out in the next election.
The problem. Too many people.

Solution? WAR.

Not that I support it, but it's true.

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