Remember: There Was No ‘Insurrection’ on January 6, 2021

There was no revolt, you brain dead leftard.

Someone stole a beer. A laptop went missing, and there was some broken glass
You obviously haven’t seen the videos. A woman was shot and killed… you’re talking about beer and laptops? You’re not an educated or honest person
Manipulated rubes, having to pretend the Insurrection, all the events that led up to it, and what it represented, was no big deal.

We get it. Everyone is manipulated except you.

I just want to know if they're lying, or if they're this delusional.

There was no insurrection. The FBI admitted it. No one's been charged with insurrection. Yet you seem to persist is this asinine leftard fantasy.

You speak of delusion? You're a textbook case.

This is a cult.

You worship at the feet of leftards. Every word out of your mouth is a leftard talking point. You try to hide behind policy, but you fail. Because you're a lying leftard. And you have a TDS problem. You make every post about Trump. That's a leftard thing, no one else does that. You're a leftard, Mac. Might as well admit it and join the Democratic party. (They might start paying you for your posts ... oh wait ...)
We get it. Everyone is manipulated except you.
There was no insurrection. The FBI admitted it. No one's been charged with insurrection. Yet you seem to persist is this asinine leftard fantasy.
You speak of delusion? You're a textbook case.
You worship at the feet of leftards. Every word out of your mouth is a leftard talking point. You try to hide behind policy, but you fail. Because you're a lying leftard. And you have a TDS problem. You make every post about Trump. That's a leftard thing, no one else does that. You're a leftard, Mac. Might as well admit it and join the Democratic party. (They might start paying you for your posts ... oh wait ...)

Even the MSM admitted it.

But that hasn't ceased the incessant bleating of the Lefty sheep all over the internet....including this message board.

The actual cite was directly lifted from which is an extremely unreliable source.
We get it. Everyone is manipulated except you.

There was no insurrection. The FBI admitted it. No one's been charged with insurrection. Yet you seem to persist is this asinine leftard fantasy.

I tracked the actual source that you keep claiming and found it on an extreme right wing site that is rarely truthful about anything.
The only people to truly feel threatened by guys with AR15s standing guard over ballots already cast are people intent on tampering with the ballots

Have you ever voted with a guy with an AR 15 watching you?
Arizona was a case of protecting the integrity of the vote already cast. Men with nightsticks outside a polling place was preventing or intimidating voters. Know the difference
There is none. Other than the difference between a gun and a nightstick
Most don't get excited, like you hardcore partisan believers. I played cards with some last week. Of course, we are all armed and know, nobody is going to start any real shit, because we are all military know, nobody wants to die on that hill, so there will be no violence. The election is over. Trump lost and nothing will change that. Let me know when it does.
Never said it would…I guess you’re a ‘by any means necessary‘ guy.
Correct they didn’t shoot anybody. So what?
How many of those people do you think owned guns at the time? A percentage? I'd say 90% or more.
Yet they didn't bring guns that day.
They wanted to exercise their 1st Amendment rights, not the 2nd.

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