Remember: There Was No ‘Insurrection’ on January 6, 2021

Quite simple. This was a riot. People were angry. So was I but I am more level headed.

If they truly wanted to take over the Capitol, they would have brought weapons. I know, I know.....sticks and stones are weapons. All of a sudden all of you anti gun people are agreeing that sticks and stones can ALSO hurt....but I guess that is another debate for another day.

Where were the fires? You telling me they all had to leave their lighters at the security checkpoint? If they wanted to take over the capitol, they would have lit fires as barriers.

Interesting how during the BLM riots, there were gunshots, murders and fires yet the media portrayed them as mostly peaceful protests, but when a few thousand angry rioters DONT use guns and fires, it is an insurrection.

Why is that?

Trump. Bad orange man Trump.
But Ray Epps wasn't.

No he wasnt. What’s your point?
How many of those people do you think owned guns at the time? A percentage? I'd say 90% or more.
Yet they didn't bring guns that day.
They wanted to exercise their 1st Amendment rights, not the 2nd.
I never claimed the went in guns blazing. You don’t need guns blazing for there to be an insurrection
There is none. Other than the difference between a gun and a nightstick
Huge difference. The guys with the night sticks wanted to intimidate the voters while the guys with the guns wanted to intimidate would-be ballot tamperers.
900 have been arrested, 500 plead guilty, and it's expected that 3000 will be arrested when its all over. Let us know when you can engage this debate with a functioning brain.
I doubt there will be anymore. It's been 2 years since it happened.
Your investigation is one small piece of a larger effort that your treasonous Kind are spewing into our country. Spreading lies, an insurrection on our capital, attacking the Sam story of our voting systems. There have been investigations, and audits and court cases… NOTHING. Congress doesn’t investigate they put on public specticals to fund raise. There is no legit reason to appease you crazies. The work has been done. You’re bullshit is debunked
"Nothing" my ass. There's plenty of evidence that something big wasn't on the up-and-up.
The actual cite was directly lifted from which is an extremely unreliable source.

I know that is literally your only play, but in this case it is even more abjectly pathetic than usual.

First off: Business Insider is a Lefty website, an they often have talking heads on both CNN and MSNBC, some of their authors occasionally write for the NY Times. So to besmirch their reputation is to embrace the MAGA. (IE Rational thought.)

But in this particular case the original source was not - the original article was from there - but the story was first broken by Reuters.

And who were Reuters quoting?

The F.....B.....mother fuckin' I.

See, this is the problem with reflexive knee jerk reactions to maintain your safe space instead of engaging in free thinking examination.

Uhhh, they did take over the capital, you saw the videos right?
Oh. I must have missed something. I saw them riot, break into the capitol and ultimately leave the capitol.

Yes, I saw the videos. Still havent seen all the blood and gore the media told us existed. ALl those videos and not one got the blood and gore.

Oh. I must have missed something. I saw them riot, break into the capitol and ultimately leave the capitol.

Yes, I saw the videos. Still havent seen all the blood and gore the media told us existed. ALl those videos and not one got the blood and gore.

Don’t need blood and gore for there to be an insurrection. Look it up
No, it was not investigated. Biden is the one running a criminal mob
Trump's AG Barr investigated voter fraud & found that it was all bullshit & he told traitor Trump right to his face what he found. But of course lowlife conman Trump ignored him & continued with his coup plot.

But keep on believing your own bullshit if it makes you feel better.
Show the proof of that you lying piece of shit. Already determined by the FBI long ago that there was no plan or coordination with Trump. Epic fail as usual for a welching loser like you.
Will McCarthy allow you another taste of Trump's ass or is he going to be a hog?

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