Remember this day....When guns will be taken away by the future Communist Government of the US.

Do you trust the government to keep the bill of rights for the people, or the future looks bleak>

  • I am a liberal, i trust the government (remember Donald Trump is the president)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am worried sick that the establishment will abuse their power and take our rights away.

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • I am a moderate, i sway with the wind, dont want to think, just give me free stuff.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Gun control bills advance in state House with wide support - Delaware State News
House Substitute 1 for House Bill 302 would lay out steps for law enforcement to take and keep guns from certain people. Under the bill, anyone who is mentally ill or deemed dangerous to themselves or others by law enforcement and the courts would be unable to buy or keep firearms.
So lets say the Communist party of the United States gains control of the government and deems all Law Abiding Citizens, mentally ill. Will with that decree thus enable the disarmament of the citizens of the US and then tyranny will rule?
Gun control bills advance in state House with wide support - Delaware State News
House Substitute 1 for House Bill 302 would lay out steps for law enforcement to take and keep guns from certain people. Under the bill, anyone who is mentally ill or deemed dangerous to themselves or others by law enforcement and the courts would be unable to buy or keep firearms.
So lets say the Communist party of the United States gains control of the government and deems all Law Abiding Citizens, mentally ill. Will with that decree thus enable the disarmament of the citizens of the US and then tyranny will rule?

Eventually, yes.

Now imagine this....I just thought of this today.....

What happens when the first anti gun extremists push the first law suit of a child to have court order his parents to get rid of their guns...for the child's safety?
We need another SC appointment while Trump is President. Two would be better. Democrats only appoint activists who will use the bench to push their agenda. Can't let that happen or it's bye bye second amendment.
We need another SC appointment while Trump is President. Two would be better. Democrats only appoint activists who will use the bench to push their agenda. Can't let that happen or it's bye bye second amendment.
Not bye, bye 2nd amendment, but bye, bye the United States as we know it. That day many people are going to die....
We need another SC appointment while Trump is President. Two would be better. Democrats only appoint activists who will use the bench to push their agenda. Can't let that happen or it's bye bye second amendment.
Not bye, bye 2nd amendment, but bye, bye the United States as we know it. That day many people are going to die....
It wouldn't be repealed, it would just be rendered useless through gun control legislation passed in the name of "safety" and done "for the children", and a liberal SC would enthusiastically rule it constitutional. Same thing would happen to the first amendment. Would it spark a civil war? Probably. That's why it's imperative that we make sure the left remains a minority party.
Gun control bills advance in state House with wide support - Delaware State News
House Substitute 1 for House Bill 302 would lay out steps for law enforcement to take and keep guns from certain people. Under the bill, anyone who is mentally ill or deemed dangerous to themselves or others by law enforcement and the courts would be unable to buy or keep firearms.
So lets say the Communist party of the United States gains control of the government and deems all Law Abiding Citizens, mentally ill. Will with that decree thus enable the disarmament of the citizens of the US and then tyranny will rule?

Eventually, yes.

Now imagine this....I just thought of this today.....

What happens when the first anti gun extremists push the first law suit of a child to have court order his parents to get rid of their guns...for the child's safety?

Oh please, don't give the idiots any ideas lol. but I bet you are right it's coming. " save the children guilt trip" always works on the weak.
Gun control bills advance in state House with wide support - Delaware State News
House Substitute 1 for House Bill 302 would lay out steps for law enforcement to take and keep guns from certain people. Under the bill, anyone who is mentally ill or deemed dangerous to themselves or others by law enforcement and the courts would be unable to buy or keep firearms.
So lets say the Communist party of the United States gains control of the government and deems all Law Abiding Citizens, mentally ill. Will with that decree thus enable the disarmament of the citizens of the US and then tyranny will rule?'ve been brainwashed in your blood cult to believe there's only one take ALL guns. You live in fear because the NRA wants you to live in fear. It's very profitable.
But, hey put all your trust in the parental Gov. after all they aren't out in the open HYPOCRITES
We need another SC appointment while Trump is President. Two would be better. Democrats only appoint activists who will use the bench to push their agenda. Can't let that happen or it's bye bye second amendment.
Not bye, bye 2nd amendment, but bye, bye the United States as we know it. That day many people are going to die....
It wouldn't be repealed, it would just be rendered useless through gun control legislation passed in the name of "safety" and done "for the children", and a liberal SC would enthusiastically rule it constitutional. Same thing would happen to the first amendment. Would it spark a civil war? Probably. That's why it's imperative that we make sure the left remains a minority party.
it would just be rendered useless through gun control legislation
Do you remember what happened in Nevada when the Bureau of Land Management(BLM) Harry Reid's attack dogs, went after the rancher who for decades moved his cattle over the government land but found out Harry was dealing heavy metals to China? The BLM tried to force the rancher to give up his rights, and 1000's of US citizens showed up armed with Armalite Rifles - 15 and FORCED the BLM to stand down? Are you ready to unite against the tyrannical government to keep your rights? The call to arms just might happen, and many will show up. Do you think the military(which Democrats hate) side with them or US? Do you think the police(which the Democrats hate) will side with them or US?
We need another SC appointment while Trump is President. Two would be better. Democrats only appoint activists who will use the bench to push their agenda. Can't let that happen or it's bye bye second amendment.
Not bye, bye 2nd amendment, but bye, bye the United States as we know it. That day many people are going to die....
It wouldn't be repealed, it would just be rendered useless through gun control legislation passed in the name of "safety" and done "for the children", and a liberal SC would enthusiastically rule it constitutional. Same thing would happen to the first amendment. Would it spark a civil war? Probably. That's why it's imperative that we make sure the left remains a minority party.
it would just be rendered useless through gun control legislation
Do you remember what happened in Nevada when the Bureau of Land Management(BLM) Harry Reid's attack dogs, went after the rancher who for decades moved his cattle over the government land but found out Harry was dealing heavy metals to China? The BLM tried to force the rancher to give up his rights, and 1000's of US citizens showed up armed with Armalite Rifles - 15 and FORCED the BLM to stand down? Are you ready to unite against the tyrannical government to keep your rights? The call to arms just might happen, and many will show up. Do you think the military(which Democrats hate) side with them or US? Do you think the police(which the Democrats hate) will side with them or US?
I do remember that, and I'm sure the left will continue to test the will of the people to fight back, whenever they're in power. I also remember how Obama called for a civilian defense force (or something like that). He basically wanted to brainwash our youth, like Hitler did in Germany. The left could then use them to do their dirty work if the military refuse to. Look at how easy it was to get the high school students to spread their anti gun propaganda. They're testing the waters.
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National Walkout: Second Amendment Under Attack Its the big push. The Second Amendment has been the subject of a tumultuous tug of war since the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty went into effect in 2014. Organizations protecting our gun rights like the NRA and the GOA are firmly in the sights of the disarming of the populace. The youth, emotionally charged by school shootings that occurred in gun free zones staged a massive walkout duped into championing the slippery slope towards the ATT's world government ends. Jon Bowne reports.

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