Remember dear Trumpsters....There WILL BE a Dem in the WH...

Among the Trump CULT, the term FORMER is an alien one.....

Besides, their language deficiencies...........One equals 36...........Amazing how accurate Trump was when he said that he LOVES the poorly educated.....and they love him back.........LMAO

what does former have anything to do with it? he is being charged with crimes while serving under Obama
Thanks, nat4900. I always enjoy your threads, they show your remarkable debate skills. Only four pages so far, but what amazing wisdom you have brought to this Forum!
scumbag, unethical, immoral and corrupt son-of-a-bitch

Mr. fuckhead

what an asshole

you morons

orange moron

ass kisser

orange fuckhead

fat orange ass

orange fuckhead

So, moron

Trump ass kissers

Trump CULT

Trump ass kisser

Glad to teach you.......among many other things........a few cuss words....Blame it on my former inner-city gang days ...LOL
You want us to blame your current ignorance and stupidity on when you were younger and doing stupid shit? Wtf?? LOL!
...AND, once this democrat enters the oval office, the following is NOW perfectly "acceptable":

This democrat will campaign having uttered such statements as " China, if you're listening......."

This democrat may have open business dealings with Iran or the Saudis, or........

This democrat will have accumulated almost 200 days of golfing in a 4 year term (almost 20% of his tenure.)

This democrat may open up a hotel across from the Capitol and collect emoluments from cronies

This democrat may now openly admit that he (or she) had to pay off hookers since his (or her's) fat ass needed to pay for a little sex.

Above are only SOME of the new "realities" that we must all accept from a president because.......well, as the DOJ has stated in its policy, a sitting president may be a scumbag, unethical, immoral and corrupt son-of-a-bitch, BUT HE (or she) IS ABOVE THE LAW.
Yep. Here they are leaving the White House after getting a colonoscopy.

...AND, once this democrat enters the oval office, the following is NOW perfectly "acceptable":

This democrat will campaign having uttered such statements as " China, if you're listening......."

This democrat may have open business dealings with Iran or the Saudis, or........

This democrat will have accumulated almost 200 days of golfing in a 4 year term (almost 20% of his tenure.)

This democrat may open up a hotel across from the Capitol and collect emoluments from cronies

This democrat may now openly admit that he (or she) had to pay off hookers since his (or her's) fat ass needed to pay for a little sex.

Above are only SOME of the new "realities" that we must all accept from a president because.......well, as the DOJ has stated in its policy, a sitting president may be a scumbag, unethical, immoral and corrupt son-of-a-bitch, BUT HE (or she) IS ABOVE THE LAW.

Someone kindly reminded me that I should have ALSO included ALL future democrat presidents who campaigned on showing their tax returns.........showing his or her middle finger to the voters and NOT showing those returns.
...AND, once this democrat enters the oval office, the following is NOW perfectly "acceptable":

This democrat will campaign having uttered such statements as " China, if you're listening......."

This democrat may have open business dealings with Iran or the Saudis, or........

This democrat will have accumulated almost 200 days of golfing in a 4 year term (almost 20% of his tenure.)

This democrat may open up a hotel across from the Capitol and collect emoluments from cronies

This democrat may now openly admit that he (or she) had to pay off hookers since his (or her's) fat ass needed to pay for a little sex.

Above are only SOME of the new "realities" that we must all accept from a president because.......well, as the DOJ has stated in its policy, a sitting president may be a scumbag, unethical, immoral and corrupt son-of-a-bitch, BUT HE (or she) IS ABOVE THE LAW.

Why do you think a democrat will ever win the WH since now it's okay for FISA warrants to be used to spy on presidential candidates?

On what occasion(s) was Trump spied on and how has the information gleaned from that spying been used against him?

IOW. Tell us how it went down.
You mean the corruption that exists only in Democrats' heads?

At the risk of overwhelming your half brain.........Here.....and have a couple of aspirins

By the way....PLEASE go visit Manafort, Flynn, Gates and Cohen in prison and offer your "comforting" words that their sentences "exist ONLY in Dems. heads....."

Since Nixon, there have been:

120 indictments for Republicans. 89 convictions, and 34 prison sentences.
Those aren’t “feelings” or “alternate facts.” Those are simply the
stats by the numbers. Republicans are the most criminally corrupt party to hold the office of the presidency.
...AND, once this democrat enters the oval office, the following is NOW perfectly "acceptable":

This democrat will campaign having uttered such statements as " China, if you're listening......."

This democrat may have open business dealings with Iran or the Saudis, or........

This democrat will have accumulated almost 200 days of golfing in a 4 year term (almost 20% of his tenure.)

This democrat may open up a hotel across from the Capitol and collect emoluments from cronies

This democrat may now openly admit that he (or she) had to pay off hookers since his (or her's) fat ass needed to pay for a little sex.

Above are only SOME of the new "realities" that we must all accept from a president because.......well, as the DOJ has stated in its policy, a sitting president may be a scumbag, unethical, immoral and corrupt son-of-a-bitch, BUT HE (or she) IS ABOVE THE LAW.
I'm sure there will be a Democrat in the WH, but they have to leave with the rest of their journalist friends by 9pm.
You mean the corruption that exists only in Democrats' heads?

At the risk of overwhelming your half brain.........Here.....and have a couple of aspirins

By the way....PLEASE go visit Manafort, Flynn, Gates and Cohen in prison and offer your "comforting" words that their sentences "exist ONLY in Dems. heads....."

Since Nixon, there have been:

120 indictments for Republicans. 89 convictions, and 34 prison sentences.
Those aren’t “feelings” or “alternate facts.” Those are simply the
stats by the numbers. Republicans are the most criminally corrupt party to hold the office of the presidency.

Who is in 2nd place?
Thanks, nat4900. I always enjoy your threads, they show your remarkable debate skills. Only four pages so far, but what amazing wisdom you have brought to this Forum!
scumbag, unethical, immoral and corrupt son-of-a-bitch

Mr. fuckhead

what an asshole

you morons

orange moron

ass kisser

orange fuckhead

fat orange ass

orange fuckhead

So, moron

Trump ass kissers

Trump CULT

Trump ass kisser

You should've used that time to read the Mueller report, dope.
I'm sure there will be a Democrat in the WH, but they have to leave with the rest of their journalist friends by 9pm.

Well,'re right....The BIGGEST problem in this nation is journalists who seldom
...AND, once this democrat enters the oval office, the following is NOW perfectly "acceptable":

This democrat will campaign having uttered such statements as " China, if you're listening......."

This democrat may have open business dealings with Iran or the Saudis, or........

This democrat will have accumulated almost 200 days of golfing in a 4 year term (almost 20% of his tenure.)

This democrat may open up a hotel across from the Capitol and collect emoluments from cronies

This democrat may now openly admit that he (or she) had to pay off hookers since his (or her's) fat ass needed to pay for a little sex.

Above are only SOME of the new "realities" that we must all accept from a president because.......well, as the DOJ has stated in its policy, a sitting president may be a scumbag, unethical, immoral and corrupt son-of-a-bitch, BUT HE (or she) IS ABOVE THE LAW.
Looks like someone has finally come to grips with result of the mueller investigation, and as for the above claims, no democrat will do those things, just white liberals...[btw, on the golf thing, if we do get a liberal in office it will be OK or even desired if he/she spends 100% of his/her time on the golf course]
...AND, once this democrat enters the oval office, the following is NOW perfectly "acceptable":

This democrat will campaign having uttered such statements as " China, if you're listening......."

This democrat may have open business dealings with Iran or the Saudis, or........

This democrat will have accumulated almost 200 days of golfing in a 4 year term (almost 20% of his tenure.)

This democrat may open up a hotel across from the Capitol and collect emoluments from cronies

This democrat may now openly admit that he (or she) had to pay off hookers since his (or her's) fat ass needed to pay for a little sex.

Above are only SOME of the new "realities" that we must all accept from a president because.......well, as the DOJ has stated in its policy, a sitting president may be a scumbag, unethical, immoral and corrupt son-of-a-bitch, BUT HE (or she) IS ABOVE THE LAW.

Just spotted this OP. I can foresee a Democrat in the WH. Cleaning the shitters.
...AND, once this democrat enters the oval office, the following is NOW perfectly "acceptable":

This democrat will campaign having uttered such statements as " China, if you're listening......."

This democrat may have open business dealings with Iran or the Saudis, or........

This democrat will have accumulated almost 200 days of golfing in a 4 year term (almost 20% of his tenure.)

This democrat may open up a hotel across from the Capitol and collect emoluments from cronies

This democrat may now openly admit that he (or she) had to pay off hookers since his (or her's) fat ass needed to pay for a little sex.

Above are only SOME of the new "realities" that we must all accept from a president because.......well, as the DOJ has stated in its policy, a sitting president may be a scumbag, unethical, immoral and corrupt son-of-a-bitch, BUT HE (or she) IS ABOVE THE LAW.


I have forgotten all that Bill Clinton did before he was President, while President and after leaving the Oval Office and I have forgotten Trump was once a good friend of the Clinton Family and have pictures to prove it...

Also let not forget Barney Frank, Anthony Weiner and John Edward's when discussing the scum of the scum...
...AND, once this democrat enters the oval office, the following is NOW perfectly "acceptable":

This democrat will campaign having uttered such statements as " China, if you're listening......."

This democrat may have open business dealings with Iran or the Saudis, or........

This democrat will have accumulated almost 200 days of golfing in a 4 year term (almost 20% of his tenure.)

This democrat may open up a hotel across from the Capitol and collect emoluments from cronies

This democrat may now openly admit that he (or she) had to pay off hookers since his (or her's) fat ass needed to pay for a little sex.

Above are only SOME of the new "realities" that we must all accept from a president because.......well, as the DOJ has stated in its policy, a sitting president may be a scumbag, unethical, immoral and corrupt son-of-a-bitch, BUT HE (or she) IS ABOVE THE LAW.
You Democrats are in such a snit that President Trump broke no laws, but Obama and Hillary did.
And now your Democrat leaders are taking off two weeks to decide what to do when they ought to be apologizing to President Trump.

After all, they brought forth an un-checked-out lie to this nation's attention, made the braggadocios claim that Trump colluded with the Russian government to destroy Hillary, and decided to foist a phony witch hunt using an FBI agent who was a Democrat sympathizer who was motivated to hurt President Trump through two years of dragging his name and his wife and kids through all kinds of mud like they didn't matter.

Now the cowards are taking two weeks off to party after they got back from Puerto Rico party not too many weeks hence. Excuse me if I don't care what they do now. They don't deserve anything for the unbridled hatred they spewed out on two innocent men this past two years, and neither of them did any thing that was fodder for an impeachment.

I pray for Mrs. Trump, her son Barron who was only 10 or 11 years old when this lying baloney started and has had to go to school with kids who pick up on the hate from the parents of his peers. I can't believe people fell for all that garbage. They misrepresented the truth all the way down the line and have nothing but wicked plans in their boiling pots right now to do further harassment of this Republican President.
Whyhasn't the democratic congress done anything if Trump is so guilty? Are they corrupt or just incompetent?

WOW, what an impatient Trump ass kisser........Hold on....Trump hasn't yet finished completely fucking up the GOP....LOL

So I take it your answer is that the democratic leadership is incompetent. No surprises there.

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