Remember dear Trumpsters....There WILL BE a Dem in the WH...

I mean, you're traitors and the entire nation knows it.

Actually, its not the entire nation that is that fucked up.....Just your Trump CULT................LOL

So gnat, you willing to put a little wager up on the 2020 election?

You traitors are going to be routed. All three elected branches, house, senate. presidency, will be denied to you. Want to bet on it, comrade?
Corruption is out of control when dems are in control. Look at your pathetic party: Slavery, segregation, racism running rampant, hatred of country tied directly to policy. You should probably just shut up while you're a thousand miles behind.

If you had an OUNCE of self-worth, you would APOLOGIZE..................LMAO

In the last FIFTY years or so.....

120 indictments for Republicans. 89 convictions, and 34 prison sentences.
Those aren’t “feelings” or “alternate facts.” Those are simply the
stats by the numbers.
Republicans are, and have been, the most criminally corrupt party to hold the office of the

Obama (D) – 8 yrs in office. Zero criminal indictments, zero
convictions and zero prison sentences. So the next time somebody
describes the Obama administration as “scandal free” they aren’t
speaking wishfully, they’re simply telling the truth.

Bush, George W. (R) – 8 yrs in office. 16 criminal indictments. 16
convictions. 9 prison sentences.

Clinton (D) – 8 yrs in office. 2 criminal indictments. One conviction.
One prison sentence. That’s right nearly 8 yrs of investigations. Tens
of millions spent and 30 yrs of claiming them the most corrupt ever
and there was exactly one person convicted of a crime.

Bush, George H. W. (R) – 4 yrs in office. One indictment. One
conviction. One prison sentence.

Reagan (R) – 8 yrs in office. 26 criminal indictments. 16 convictions.
8 prison sentences.

Carter (D) – 4 yrs in office. One indictment. Zero convictions and
zero prison sentences.

Ford (R) – 4 yrs in office. One indictment and one conviction. One
prison sentence.

Nixon (R) – 6 yrs in office. 76 criminal indictments. 55 convictions.
15 prison sentences.

Johnson (D) – 5 yrs in office. Zero indictments. Zero convictions.
Zero prison sentences.

This is laughable and subjective but thats just you.
I take it by your questions you're ignorant of how FISA warrants work...

Answer MY questions, moron......or go pollute another thread..........LOL

Sharyl Attkisson: How Comey's FBI Abused FISA Warrants To Spy On The Trump Campaign

Sharyl Attkisson: How Comey's FBI Abused FISA Warrants To Spy On The Trump Campaign

Posted By Tim Hains
On Date February 27, 2019

Journalist Sharyl Attkisson, the host of "Full Measure," follows up on her interview with former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell about her allegation that the "entire Russia collusion narrative was made up" by anti-Trump political partisans in the FBI and Department of Justice. Attkisson reports how one FISA warrant against Trump staffer Carter Page could be used to legally surveil 25,000 people who were associated with him:

SHARYL ATTKISSON, FULL MEASURE: So how could these little-known abuses factor into the Trump investigation? At the same time the NSA and FBI Director James Comey’s agency were documented as having committed surveillance abuses FBI agents were secretly spying on numerous Trump associates using spy tools meant to go after foreign terrorists and spies.

Through a single warrant, government agents can capture phone calls, texts, emails and bank records from people “two hops" away. That means all of the suspected spy’s direct contacts— “one hop” —and everybody who contacts those people or even visits their Facebook pages or websites—two hops.

In this way, one analysis found intel agencies can use one legal wiretap to access to 25,000 people’s phones. Consider at least a half dozen Trump officials were caught in the FBI surveillance dragnet, according to news reports: campaign chair Manafort, multiple “transition officials” including Lt. General Michael Flynn and Jared Kushner, and adviser Carter Page— who was wiretapped over and over though never charged with anything.

SIDNEY POWELL: And what most people don't understand is, they don't just get everything they want against Carter Page, they get everything they want against every person who communicated with Carter Page, and against every person who communicated with that person. So it goes out what's called two hops.

SHARYL ATTKISSON: And that would allow them to find intelligence from someone nowhere near the original center that they went to the FISA Court about?

SIDNEY POWELL: Exactly. They could have all kinds of banking records and personal information on tens of thousands of people by virtue of those FISA applications.

SHARYL ATTKISSON: —including Trump who was known to be one or two hops away from surveilled targets.

On top of that, at least four key anti-Trump figures have admitted in testimony and interviews accessing sensitive, protected intelligence of US citizens—including Trump associates—under the Obama administration. All say they were guarding national security, had no political motives, and didn’t leak the information. As the 2016 campaign peaked, Obama official Samantha Power’s name was on hundreds of attempts to reveal the identities of Americans caught up in secretly-gathered intelligence. Obama adviser Susan Rice also took part. And Obama officials Sally Yates and James Clapper admit having reviewed intel gathered on US political figures.


Wonder if there's a FISA warrant against CPL Avanti...with all his press appearances I'm sure he's 2 hopes away from Obama, Hillary and all of the democrats running for 2020. Just something to think about...
Yep, no doubt, there will be a Dem in the White House. Make sure they vacuum and do the windows.'re right........Imagine the fumigation that will be needed after Trump clears out.....That smell of BigMacs and Burger King leftovers is hard to air out.


The candelabras make it classy.
...AND, once this democrat enters the oval office, the following is NOW perfectly "acceptable":

This democrat will campaign having uttered such statements as " China, if you're listening......."

This democrat may have open business dealings with Iran or the Saudis, or........

This democrat will have accumulated almost 200 days of golfing in a 4 year term (almost 20% of his tenure.)

This democrat may open up a hotel across from the Capitol and collect emoluments from cronies

This democrat may now openly admit that he (or she) had to pay off hookers since his (or her's) fat ass needed to pay for a little sex.

Above are only SOME of the new "realities" that we must all accept from a president because.......well, as the DOJ has stated in its policy, a sitting president may be a scumbag, unethical, immoral and corrupt son-of-a-bitch, BUT HE (or she) IS ABOVE THE LAW.
I mean, you're traitors and the entire nation knows it.

Actually, its not the entire nation that is that fucked up.....Just your Trump CULT................LOL

So gnat, you willing to put a little wager up on the 2020 election?

You traitors are going to be routed. All three elected branches, house, senate. presidency, will be denied to you. Want to bet on it, comrade?
I doubt like hell he has two nickles to rub together so if you bet him you'd better get a third party to hold the money.
...AND, once this democrat enters the oval office, the following is NOW perfectly "acceptable":

This democrat will campaign having uttered such statements as " China, if you're listening......."

This democrat may have open business dealings with Iran or the Saudis, or........

This democrat will have accumulated almost 200 days of golfing in a 4 year term (almost 20% of his tenure.)

This democrat may open up a hotel across from the Capitol and collect emoluments from cronies

This democrat may now openly admit that he (or she) had to pay off hookers since his (or her's) fat ass needed to pay for a little sex.

Above are only SOME of the new "realities" that we must all accept from a president because.......well, as the DOJ has stated in its policy, a sitting president may be a scumbag, unethical, immoral and corrupt son-of-a-bitch, BUT HE (or she) IS ABOVE THE LAW.

Great! Will you accept the reality that the GOP predecessor will launch a spying operation against the Dem candidate and then start a perpetual investigation with numerous bureaucrat-embeds to undermine the Dem? How about issuing subpeonas for all of his financial and tax records? How about shaking down his personal lawyer? How about sending SWAT teams to intimidate any convenient targets in his circle of acquaintances?
...AND, once this democrat enters the oval office, the following is NOW perfectly "acceptable":

This democrat will campaign having uttered such statements as " China, if you're listening......."

This democrat may have open business dealings with Iran or the Saudis, or........

This democrat will have accumulated almost 200 days of golfing in a 4 year term (almost 20% of his tenure.)

This democrat may open up a hotel across from the Capitol and collect emoluments from cronies

This democrat may now openly admit that he (or she) had to pay off hookers since his (or her's) fat ass needed to pay for a little sex.

Above are only SOME of the new "realities" that we must all accept from a president because.......well, as the DOJ has stated in its policy, a sitting president may be a scumbag, unethical, immoral and corrupt son-of-a-bitch, BUT HE (or she) IS ABOVE THE LAW.

That's probably not the smartest thing I have seen you say. When has "they started it" ever been a valid justification for misbehavior for anyone outside of kindergarten?
...AND, once this democrat enters the oval office, the following is NOW perfectly "acceptable":

This democrat will campaign having uttered such statements as " China, if you're listening......."

This democrat may have open business dealings with Iran or the Saudis, or........

This democrat will have accumulated almost 200 days of golfing in a 4 year term (almost 20% of his tenure.)

This democrat may open up a hotel across from the Capitol and collect emoluments from cronies

This democrat may now openly admit that he (or she) had to pay off hookers since his (or her's) fat ass needed to pay for a little sex.

Above are only SOME of the new "realities" that we must all accept from a president because.......well, as the DOJ has stated in its policy, a sitting president may be a scumbag, unethical, immoral and corrupt son-of-a-bitch, BUT HE (or she) IS ABOVE THE LAW.
The Progs should be bending over backwards apologizing for Obamacare and the increase in insurance premiums and fines that people paid. Progs don't do that. They just move on.
I'm curious as to what drugs the OP is smoking/swallowing/injecting/rectally absorbing to not understand how much of America hates the Democratic party-sewer (since the Dem. party hates Americans).
I mean, you're traitors and the entire nation knows it.

Actually, its not the entire nation that is that fucked up.....Just your Trump CULT................LOL

So gnat, you willing to put a little wager up on the 2020 election?

You traitors are going to be routed. All three elected branches, house, senate. presidency, will be denied to you. Want to bet on it, comrade?
I doubt like hell he has two nickles to rub together so if you bet him you'd better get a third party to hold the money.

Not money. The usual bet is that the winner picks the avatar picture for the loser of a month, or maybe the sig line. gnat lost a bet on the Trump election (he paid up, to his credit) - he knows how this works.

He also knows that the Stalinists are going to be slaughtered in 2020.
...AND, once this democrat enters the oval office, the following is NOW perfectly "acceptable":

This democrat will campaign having uttered such statements as " China, if you're listening......."

This democrat may have open business dealings with Iran or the Saudis, or........

This democrat will have accumulated almost 200 days of golfing in a 4 year term (almost 20% of his tenure.)

This democrat may open up a hotel across from the Capitol and collect emoluments from cronies

This democrat may now openly admit that he (or she) had to pay off hookers since his (or her's) fat ass needed to pay for a little sex.

Above are only SOME of the new "realities" that we must all accept from a president because.......well, as the DOJ has stated in its policy, a sitting president may be a scumbag, unethical, immoral and corrupt son-of-a-bitch, BUT HE (or she) IS ABOVE THE LAW.

Whyhasn't the democratic congress done anything if Trump is so guilty? Are they corrupt or just incompetent?
I'm curious as to what drugs the OP is smoking/swallowing/injecting/rectally absorbing to not understand how much of America hates the Democratic party-sewer (since the Dem. party hates Americans).

In 2016, in collusion with the DNC and the Obamugabe White House, the little Goebbels of the Stalinist press concocted a bunch of polls that said Donald Trump had no chance to win, it was in the bag for Hillary, no path to 270, etc.

Gnat, who has an IQ of purple, was so impressed with how effective that bit of chicanery was that he figures that if he just lies, he can change the complete blow out that every last one of us knows is coming for the Stalinists in 2020. I mean, the way the lies by the corrupt fascist press spelled victory for Hillary, how could anyone doubt this plan?
What is this? Left wing fantasies posted as political arguments now? I guess all the air came out of the crazies when Mueller exonerated Trump.
Whyhasn't the democratic congress done anything if Trump is so guilty? Are they corrupt or just incompetent?

They know that he's guilty.

They just haven't been able to find out WHAT he is guilty of yet. Even after 2 years of Torquemada Inquisition, no crime found yet - BUT he is still guilty.

Well to paraphrase Romans 3:23, we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of Hillary, but at any rate, what does it it say about the democratic leadership to main street democrats that their party apparently doesn't intend to do anything substantive other than bark?
Whyhasn't the democratic congress done anything if Trump is so guilty? Are they corrupt or just incompetent?

WOW, what an impatient Trump ass kisser........Hold on....Trump hasn't yet finished completely fucking up the GOP....LOL
Thanks, nat4900. I always enjoy your threads, they show your remarkable debate skills. Only four pages so far, but what amazing wisdom you have brought to this Forum!
scumbag, unethical, immoral and corrupt son-of-a-bitch

Mr. fuckhead

what an asshole

you morons

orange moron

ass kisser

orange fuckhead

fat orange ass

orange fuckhead

So, moron

Trump ass kissers

Trump CULT

Trump ass kisser
...AND, once this democrat enters the oval office, the following is NOW perfectly "acceptable":

This democrat will campaign having uttered such statements as " China, if you're listening......."

This democrat may have open business dealings with Iran or the Saudis, or........

This democrat will have accumulated almost 200 days of golfing in a 4 year term (almost 20% of his tenure.)

This democrat may open up a hotel across from the Capitol and collect emoluments from cronies

This democrat may now openly admit that he (or she) had to pay off hookers since his (or her's) fat ass needed to pay for a little sex.

Above are only SOME of the new "realities" that we must all accept from a president because.......well, as the DOJ has stated in its policy, a sitting president may be a scumbag, unethical, immoral and corrupt son-of-a-bitch, BUT HE (or she) IS ABOVE THE LAW.

That’s fine. They just need to remember that unlike their “resistance” movement, ours comes armed.
You do know, that the Left has many groups that also 'come armed'? BLM, the Black Bloc anarchists, Socialist Workers--crazies of all match the crazies on the Right. The usual Historical Shit-show.

...AND, once this democrat enters the oval office, the following is NOW perfectly "acceptable":

This democrat will campaign having uttered such statements as " China, if you're listening......."

This democrat may have open business dealings with Iran or the Saudis, or........

This democrat will have accumulated almost 200 days of golfing in a 4 year term (almost 20% of his tenure.)

This democrat may open up a hotel across from the Capitol and collect emoluments from cronies

This democrat may now openly admit that he (or she) had to pay off hookers since his (or her's) fat ass needed to pay for a little sex.

Above are only SOME of the new "realities" that we must all accept from a president because.......well, as the DOJ has stated in its policy, a sitting president may be a scumbag, unethical, immoral and corrupt son-of-a-bitch, BUT HE (or she) IS ABOVE THE LAW.

That’s fine. They just need to remember that unlike their “resistance” movement, ours comes armed.
You armchair revolutionaries are fuckin' hilarious!!

Threaten us again! It's so damn funny!!

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